Package de.hamstersimulator.objectsfirst.adapter.observables

package de.hamstersimulator.objectsfirst.adapter.observables
  • Interface Summary
    Interface to observe changes on the internal grain Provides read-only access to the grain
    Interface to observe changes the internal hamster on a territory Provides read only access to the hamster It is not possible to find out how many grains a hamster has via this interface
    Interface which provides read-only access to the log entries It is not possible to create new log entries using this interface
    Interface which provides read-only access to a log entry
    Interface to observe changes on the internal territory Provides read-only access to all tiles of the territory, and therefore all contents on the territory
    Interface to observe changes on a tile of a territory Provides access to its contents, and whether or not it is blocked.
    Interface to observe changes on a internal tile content Provides read-only access to the tile on which this content currently is
    Interface to observe changes on the internal wall