Package jflex.logging

Class Out

  • public final class Out
    extends Object
    In this class all output to the java console is filtered.

    Use the switches verbose, time and DUMP at compile time to determine the verbosity of JFlex output. There is no switch for suppressing error messages. verbose and time can be overridden by command line parameters.

    Redirects output to a TextArea in GUI mode.

    Counts error and warning messages.

    JFlex 1.8.1
    Gerwin Klein
    • Field Detail

      • NL

        public static final String NL
        Platform specific newline.
    • Method Detail

      • setGUIMode

        public static void setGUIMode​(TextArea text)
        Switches to GUI mode if text</code> is not <code>null
        text - the message TextArea of the JFlex GUI
      • setOutputStream

        public static void setOutputStream​(OutputStream stream)
        Sets a new output stream and switches to non-gui mode.
        stream - the new output stream
      • time

        public static void time​(ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message,
                                Timer time)
        Report time statistic data.
        message - the message to be printed
        time - elapsed time
      • time

        public static void time​(String message)
        Report time statistic data.
        message - the message to be printed
      • println

        public static void println​(String message)
        Report generation progress.
        message - the message to be printed
      • println

        public static void println​(ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message,
                                   String data)
        Report generation progress.
        message - the message to be printed
        data - data to be inserted into the message
      • println

        public static void println​(ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message,
                                   int data)
        Report generation progress.
        message - the message to be printed
        data - data to be inserted into the message
      • print

        public static void print​(String message)
        Report generation progress.
        message - the message to be printed
      • debug

        public static void debug​(String message)
        Dump debug information to System.out

        Use like this if (Out.DEBUG) Out.debug(message) to save performance during normal operation (when DEBUG is turned off).

        message - a String object.
      • dump

        public static void dump​(String message)
        All parts of JFlex, that want to provide dump information should use this method for their output.
        message - the message to be printed
      • err

        public static void err​(String message)
        All parts of JFlex, that want to report error messages should use this method for their output.
        message - the message to be printed
      • checkErrors

        public static void checkErrors()
        throws a GeneratorException if there are any errors recorded
      • statistics

        public static void statistics()
        print error and warning statistics
      • resetCounters

        public static void resetCounters()
        reset error and warning counters
      • warning

        public static void warning​(String message)
        print a warning without position information
        message - the warning message
      • warning

        public static void warning​(ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message)
        print a warning message without line information
        message - code of the warning message
        See Also:
      • warning

        public static void warning​(ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message,
                                   int line)
        print a warning with line information
        message - code of the warning message
        line - the line information
        See Also:
      • warning

        public static void warning​(File file,
                                   ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message,
                                   int line,
                                   int column)
        print warning message with location information
        file - the file the warning is issued for
        message - the code of the message to print
        line - the line number of the position
        column - the column of the position
      • error

        public static void error​(String message)
        print error message (string)
        message - the message to print
      • error

        public static void error​(ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message,
                                 String data)
        print error message with data
        data - data to insert into the message
        message - the code of the error message
        See Also:
      • error

        public static void error​(ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message,
                                 File file)
        IO error message for a file (displays file name in parentheses).
        message - the code of the error message
        file - the file it occurred for
      • error

        public static void error​(File file,
                                 ErrorMessages.ErrorMessage message,
                                 int line,
                                 int column)
        print error message with location information
        file - the file the error occurred for
        message - the code of the error message to print
        line - the line number of error position
        column - the column of error position
      • showPosition

        public static void showPosition​(File file,
                                        int line,
                                        int column)
        prints a line of a file with marked position.
        file - the file of which to show the line
        line - the line to show
        column - the column in which to show the marker
      • showPosition

        public static void showPosition​(File file,
                                        int line)
        print a line of a file
        file - the file to show
        line - the line number