
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _ 
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AbstractLexScan - Class in jflex.core
AbstractLexScan() - Constructor for class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
AbstractLexScan.CharSetSize - Enum in jflex.core
action(int) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
Action - Class in jflex.core
Encapsulates an action in the specification.
Action(String, int) - Constructor for class jflex.core.Action
Creates a new Action object with specified content and line number.
Action(Action.Kind) - Constructor for class jflex.core.Action
Creates a new Action object of the specified kind.
ACTION - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
action_obj - Variable in class jflex.core.LexParse
Instance of action encapsulation class.
action_table() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Access to parse-action table.
Action.Kind - Enum in jflex.core
actions() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
add(int) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Adds a single character.
add(int, int, int, int, int, Component) - Method in class jflex.gui.GridPanel
Add a component to this panel.
add(int, int, int, int, Component) - Method in class jflex.gui.GridPanel
Add a component to this panel with Handles.FILL.
add(int, int, int, Component) - Method in class jflex.gui.GridPanel
Add a component to this panel with dx=dy=1
add(int, int, Component) - Method in class jflex.gui.GridPanel
Add a component to this panl with Handles.FILL and dx=dy=1
add(Integer, Action) - Method in class jflex.core.EOFActions
add(List<Integer>, Action) - Method in class jflex.core.EOFActions
add(Interval) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Adds a single interval to this IntCharSet.
add(IntCharSet) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Merges the given set into this one.
add(StateSet) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Add all elements of the specified StateSet to this one.
addEpsilonTransition(int, int) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
addPair(int, int) - Method in class jflex.dfa.StatePairList
addRegExp(int) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
Add a regexp to this NFA.
addStandaloneRule() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
Add a standalone rule that has minimum priority, fires a transition on all single input characters and has a "print yytext" action.
addState(int) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Add an element (a state) to the set.
addStates(int, List<Integer>) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
addTransition(int, int, int) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
addTransition(int, int, int) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
allChars() - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Creates the set of all characters.
allClasses() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns a deep-copy list of all char class partions.
ALREADY_RUNNING - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
and(IntCharSet) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Intersects two sets.
anyChar() - Static method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Returns a regexp that matches any character: [^]


BACKWARD_ACTION - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
BANG - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
BAR - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
block - Variable in class jflex.core.unicode.CMapBlock
array of BLOCK_SIZE; reference immutable; contents intended to be as well
BLOCK_BITS - Static variable in class jflex.core.unicode.CMapBlock
How many bits the second-level char map tables translate
BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in class jflex.core.unicode.CMapBlock
Size of the second-level char map arrays
bolUsed() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
BOTTOM - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
Constant BOTTOM=7
BOTTOM_CENTER - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
breaks() - Method in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
Execute line/chunk break if necessary.
bufferSize() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
Build - Class in jflex.base


CANNOT_OPEN - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
CANNOT_READ_SKEL - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitions - Static variable in class
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
caselessMatchPartitionSize - Static variable in class
Maximum caseless partition size.
CCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
CCLASSNOT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
CCLASSOP - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
CENTER - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
Constant CENTER=5
CENTER_CENTER - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
CENTER_LEFT - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
Constant CENTER_LEFT=4
CENTER_RIGHT - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
CHAR - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
CHAR_I - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
charClass - Variable in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClassInterval
The code of the class all characters of this interval belong to.
CHARCLASS - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
CHARCLASS_CODEPOINT - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
CHARCLASS_MACRO - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
CharClasses - Class in jflex.core.unicode
Character Classes.
CharClasses(int, ILexScan) - Constructor for class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Constructs a new CharClasses object.
CharClasses(int, UnicodeProperties) - Constructor for class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Constructs a new CharClasses object.
CharClassException - Exception Class in jflex.exceptions
This Exception is used in class CharClasses.
CharClassException(String) - Constructor for exception class jflex.exceptions.CharClassException
Creates a new CharClassException with the specified message
CharClassInterval - Class in jflex.core.unicode
Stores an interval of characters together with the character class
CharClassInterval(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jflex.core.unicode.CharClassInterval
Creates a new CharClassInterval from start</code> to <CODE>end that belongs to character class charClass.
charCount() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
CHARSET_2_SMALL - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
CHARSET_NOT_SUPPORTED - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
check(RegExps, File) - Static method in class jflex.core.SemCheck
Performs semantic analysis for all expressions.
checkActions() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
checkActions(LexScan, LexParse) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
Checks that all actions can actually be matched in this DFA.
checkErrors() - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
throws a GeneratorException if there are any errors recorded
checkLookAheads() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
checkPrimClass(RegExp) - Static method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Confirms that the parameter is a RegExp1 of type sym.PRIMCLASS.
chunks - Variable in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
number of existing string chunks
classCode() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
className() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
clear() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Remove all elements from this set.
clone() - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
Throws CloneNotSupportedException.
close() - Method in class jflex.gui.OptionsDialog
CLOSEBRACKET - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
CLOSECLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
CMapBlock - Class in jflex.core.unicode
Immutable second-level blocks for constructing the two-level character map table.
CMapBlock(int[]) - Constructor for class jflex.core.unicode.CMapBlock
Constructs new CMapBlock and pre-computes its hash
CODEPOINT_OUT_OF_RANGE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
column - Variable in exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
columnCount() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
COMMA - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
COMMENT - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
compare(IntCharSet, IntCharSet) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSetComparator
Compares two IntCharSets.
complement(StateSet) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Returns the complement of this set with respect to the specified set, that is, the set of elements that are contained in the specified set but are not contained in this set.
complementOf(IntCharSet) - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Returns the complement of the specified set x, that is, the set of all elements that are not contained in x.
conc(Object, Object) - Static method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
CONCAT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
concExc(Object, Object) - Static method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
constName() - Method in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
Convert array name into all uppercase internal scanner constant name.
contains(int) - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval
Returns true iff point is contained in this interval.
contains(int) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClassInterval
Determines wether the specified code point is in this interval.
contains(int) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Returns whether this set contains a given character.
contains(Interval) - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval
Return true iff this interval completely contains the other one.
contains(IntCharSet) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Check whether this set contains a another set.
contains(StateSet) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Determine if the given set is a subset of this set.
containsElements() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Returns whether the set contains elements.
containsElements() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Determine if the State set contains elements.
containsFinal(StateSet) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
Returns true, iff the specified set of states contains a final state.
content - Variable in class jflex.core.Action
The Java code this Action represents
copy() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Return a copy of this StateSet.
copy(StateSet) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Copy specified StateSet into this.
COPY - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
copyChoice(int) - Method in class jflex.core.Action
copyOf(Interval) - Static method in class jflex.chars.Interval
Creates a copy of the interval.
copyOf(CharClasses) - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Construct a (deep) copy of the the provided CharClasses object.
copyOf(IntCharSet) - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Creates a IntCharSet from an existing IntCharSet.
copyOf(DFA) - Static method in class jflex.dfa.DeprecatedDfa
CountEmitter - Class in jflex.generator
An emitter for an array encoded as count/value pairs in a string.
CountEmitter(String) - Constructor for class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
Create a count/value emitter for a specific field with values in the range of [0..0xFFFF].
CountEmitter(String, int) - Constructor for class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
Create a count/value emitter for a specific field with translated values in the range of [0..0xFFFF].
create(int, int) - Static method in class jflex.base.IntPair
createFileEmitter(File, LexParse, DFA) - Static method in class jflex.generator.Emitters
Creates an Emitter that generates the java code in a file.
createFromNfa(NFA) - Static method in class jflex.dfa.DfaFactory
Returns a DFA that accepts the same language as the NFA.
createPrintWriterEmitter(LexParse, DFA, PrintWriter) - Static method in class jflex.generator.Emitters
Create Emitter that writes to writer
CS2SMALL_CHAR - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
CS2SMALL_STRING - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
CTOR_ARG - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
CTOR_ARG - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
CTOR_DEBUG - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
ctorArg(int) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
ctorArgsCount() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
ctorType(int) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
cup2Compatible() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
cupCompatible() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
cupDebug() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
CUPSYM_AFTER_CUP - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
cupSymbol() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
currentLine() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan


DASH - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
debug(String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Dump debug information to System.out
DEBUG - Static variable in class jflex.base.Build
If true, additional verbose debug information is produced.
debug_next_token() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Same as next_token but also prints the token to standard out for debugging.
debugOption() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
DELIMITER - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
DeprecatedDfa - Class in jflex.dfa
DFA - Class in jflex.dfa
Deterministic finite automata representation in JFlex.
DFA(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jflex.dfa.DFA
Constructor for a deterministic finite automata.
DFA_IS - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
DFA_TOOK - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
DfaFactory - Class in jflex.dfa
diff() - Method in class jflex.performance.Timer
Return the number of milliseconds the timer has been running.
DIFFERENCE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
DIGITCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
DIGITCLASSNOT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
directory - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
output directory
do_action(int, lr_parser, Stack, int) - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Invoke a user supplied parse action.
doLayout() - Method in class jflex.gui.GridPanel
Lays out the views.
DOLLAR - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
dot - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
If true, jflex will write graphviz .dot files for generated automata
DOT_BAR_NEWLINE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_ALL_CHARS - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
dotFormat() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
DOUBLE_CHARSET - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
dump - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
If true, you will be flooded with information (e.g.
dump() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
Print the list of regExps to Out.dump
dump() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Dumps charclasses to the dump output stream.
dump(String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
All parts of JFlex, that want to provide dump information should use this method for their output.
dumpTable() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA


EATWSPNL - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
EIGHT_BIT - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.AbstractLexScan.CharSetSize
emit() - Method in class jflex.generator.Emitter
Main Emitter method.
emit(int) - Method in class jflex.generator.HiLowEmitter
Emit one value using two characters.
emit(int, int) - Method in class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
Emit one count/value pair.
emitCountValueString(int[]) - Method in class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
Emits a plain int array as a count/value string.
emitInit() - Method in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
Emit declaration of decoded member and open first chunk.
emitNext() - Method in class jflex.skeleton.Skeleton
Emits the next part of the skeleton
emitter(int, int, String) - Static method in class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
Emitter - Class in jflex.generator
This class manages the actual code generation, putting the scanner together, filling in skeleton sections etc.
Emitters - Class in jflex.generator
Factory class for Emitter
emitUC(int) - Method in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
Emit single unicode character.
emitUnpack() - Method in class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
Emits count/value unpacking code for the generated array.
emitUnpack() - Method in class jflex.generator.HiLowEmitter
Emits hi/low pair unpacking code for the generated array.
emitUnpack() - Method in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
Emit the unpacking code.
emitUnpackChunk() - Method in class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
Emits count/value unpacking code for one chunk of the generated array.
emitUnpackChunk() - Method in class jflex.generator.HiCountEmitter
Emits count/value unpacking code for the generated array.
emitValue(int) - Method in class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
Emit one value.
emitValue(int) - Method in class jflex.generator.HiCountEmitter
Emits a single value to the current string chunk.
EMPTY_MATCH - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
EMPTY_MATCH_LOOK - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
emptySet(int) - Static method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Return a new StateSet of the specified length.
enable(ErrorMessages) - Static method in class jflex.option.Options
Configure the given warning message to be enabled.
enableAllWarnings() - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Enable all warnings.
enableWarning(String) - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Enable a warning type.
encoding - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
The encoding to use for input and output files.
end - Variable in class jflex.chars.Interval
End of the interval.
end - Variable in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClassInterval
The last character of the interval
end() - Method in class jflex.base.IntPair
entryState(int) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
EOF - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
EOF_IN_ACTION - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
EOF_IN_COMMENT - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
EOF_IN_MACROS - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
EOF_IN_REGEXP - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
EOF_IN_STATES - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
EOF_IN_STRING - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
EOF_sym() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
EOF Symbol index.
EOF_WO_ACTION - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
EOFActions - Class in jflex.core
A simple table to store EOF actions for each lexical state.
EOFActions() - Constructor for class jflex.core.EOFActions
eofclose() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
eofCode() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
EOFRULE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
eofThrow() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
eofVal() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
EOL_IN_CHARCLASS - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
epsilon(int) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
epsilonFill() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
equals(Object) - Method in class jflex.base.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval
Returns true if o is an interval with the same borders.
equals(Object) - Method in class jflex.core.Action
equals(Object) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CMapBlock
equals(Object) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
equals(Object) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
equals(Object) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
EQUALS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
err(String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
All parts of JFlex, that want to report error messages should use this method for their output.
error - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
error(File, ErrorMessages, int, int) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
print error message with location information
error(String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
print error message (string)
error(ErrorMessages) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
print error message (code)
error(ErrorMessages, File) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
IO error message for a file (displays file name in parentheses).
error(ErrorMessages, String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
print error message with data
error_sym() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
error Symbol index.
ErrorMessages - Enum in jflex.l10n
Central enum for all kinds of JFlex messages.
execute() - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
Executes the ant task.
exitCode() - Method in exception class jflex.exceptions.SilentExit
The exit code of this SilentExit exception.
expand() - Method in class jflex.core.Macros
Expands all stored macros, so that getDefinition always returns a definition that doesn't contain any macro usages.
expandPreClasses(Map<Integer, IntCharSet>, CharClasses, boolean) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Expand pre-defined character classes into primitive IntCharSet classes.
expandPreClasses(Map<Integer, IntCharSet>, CharClasses, boolean) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
Replace all predefined character classes with primitive IntCharSet classes.


file - Variable in exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
file() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
FILE_CYCLE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
FILE_WRITE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
FileUtils - Class in
FILL - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
Constant FILL=0
findPackageAndClass() - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
Peek into .flex file to get package and class name
FINITE_CHOICE - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
FIXED_BASE - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
FIXED_LOOK - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
FORWARD_ACTION - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
fst - Variable in class jflex.base.Pair
functionName() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan


GENERAL_LOOK - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
generate() - Method in class jflex.generator.LexGenerator
Generates a scanner for the specified input file.
generate(String[]) - Static method in class jflex.Main
generationFinished(boolean) - Method in class jflex.gui.MainFrame
GeneratorException - Exception Class in jflex.exceptions
Thrown when code generation has to be aborted.
GeneratorException() - Constructor for exception class jflex.exceptions.GeneratorException
GeneratorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jflex.exceptions.GeneratorException
GeneratorException(Throwable, boolean) - Constructor for exception class jflex.exceptions.GeneratorException
GeneratorThread - Class in jflex.gui
Low priority thread for code generation (low priority that gui has time for screen updates)
GeneratorThread(MainFrame, String, String) - Constructor for class jflex.gui.GeneratorThread
Create a new GeneratorThread, but do not run it yet.
get(ErrorMessages) - Static method in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
Returns a localized representation of the error messages.
get(ErrorMessages, Object...) - Static method in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
Returns an error message.
getAction(int) - Method in class jflex.core.EOFActions
getAction(int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
getAction(StateSet) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
Returns the action with highest priority in the specified set of states.
getAndRemoveElement() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Returns an element of the set and removes it.
getCaseless(UnicodeProperties) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Create a caseless version of this charset.
getCaselessMatches(int) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties
Returns a set of character intervals representing all characters that are case-insensitively equivalent to the given character, including the given character itself.
getCharClass(int) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Retuns a copy of a single char class partition by code.
getCharClasses() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
getCharClasses() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
getClassCode(int) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns the code of the character class the specified character belongs to.
getClassCodes(IntCharSet, boolean) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns an array that contains the character class codes of all characters in the specified set of input characters.
getClassName() - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
Getter for the field className.
getCurrentMaxState() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Provide the max value that can be stored without a resize
getDefault() - Method in class jflex.core.EOFActions
Returns the default action.
getDefinition(String) - Method in class jflex.core.Macros
Fetches the definition of the macro with the specified name,
getDir() - Static method in class jflex.option.Options
Get the output directory.
getEntryState() - Method in class jflex.core.Action
Return the corresponding entry state for the forward DFA (if this is a general lookahead expression)
getEOFActions() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
getHigherPriority(Action) - Method in class jflex.core.Action
Compares the priority value of this Action with the specified action.
getInclusiveStates() - Method in class jflex.scanner.LexicalStates
Returns the code of all inclusive states.
getIntCharSet(String) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
getIntCharSet(String) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties
Returns the character interval set associated with the given property value for the selected Unicode version.
getIntervals() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns an array of all CharClassIntervals in this char class collection.
getIntervals() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Returns the intervals.
getLine(int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
getLookAhead(int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
getLookEntry(int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
getLookLength() - Method in class jflex.core.Action
The length of the lookahead or base if this is a fixed length lookahead action.
getMaxCharCode() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns the greatest Unicode value of the current input character set.
getMaximumCodePoint() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
getMaximumCodePoint() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties
Returns the maximum code point for the selected Unicode version.
getNum() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
getNumber(String) - Method in class jflex.scanner.LexicalStates
Returns the number (code) of a declared state, null if no such state has been declared.
getNumClasses() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns the current number of character classes.
getPackage() - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
getPreferredSize() - Method in class jflex.gui.GridPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class jflex.gui.MainFrame
getPropertyValues() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties
Returns the set of all properties, property values, and their aliases supported by the specified Unicode version.
getRegExp(int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
getRelativePath(File, File) - Static method in class
Returns the path of file relative to rootDirectory.
getRootDirectory() - Static method in class jflex.option.Options
Returns the root directory that contains source code.
getStateNumber(String) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
getStates(int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
Getter for the field states.
getSymbolContainer() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
getTables() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns a two-level table structure for this char-class object.
getTokenSizeLimit() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
getUnicodeProperties() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
getUnicodeProperties() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns the unicode properties used by this CharClasses object.
getUnicodeProperties() - Method in interface jflex.core.unicode.ILexScan
GridPanel - Class in jflex.gui
Grid layout manager like GridLayout but with predefinable grid size.
GridPanel(int, int) - Constructor for class jflex.gui.GridPanel
Construct a new GridPanel with 0 hgap/vgap.
GridPanel(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jflex.gui.GridPanel
Constructor for Grid Panel.
GridPanelConstraint - Class in jflex.gui
Constraints for layout elements of GridLayout
GridPanelConstraint(int, int, int, int, int, Component) - Constructor for class jflex.gui.GridPanelConstraint
Constructor for GridPanelConstraint.


Handles - Interface in jflex.gui
Constants used for GridLayout
hasElement(int) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Determine if a given state is an element of the set.
hashCode() - Method in class jflex.base.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval
hashCode() - Method in class jflex.core.Action
hashCode() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CMapBlock
hashCode() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
hashCode() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
hashCode() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
hasMoreElements() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSetEnumerator
Determine if there are further elements in the set to be returned.
hasNext() - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval.IntervalIterator
hasNext() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet.IntCharSetIterator
hasNext() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSetEnumerator
Iterator interface method for StateSetEnumerator.nextElement().
HAT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
HiCountEmitter - Class in jflex.generator
An emitter for an array encoded as count/value pairs in a string where values can be in [0, 0xFFFF_FFFF].
HiCountEmitter(String, int) - Constructor for class jflex.generator.HiCountEmitter
Create a count/value emitter for a specific field.
HiLowEmitter - Class in jflex.generator
HiLowEmitter(String) - Constructor for class jflex.generator.HiLowEmitter
Create new emitter for values in [0, 0xFFFFFFFF] using hi/low encoding.


IDENT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
ILexScan - Interface in jflex.core.unicode
IMPOSSIBLE_CHARCLASS_RANGE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
init_actions() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Action encapsulation object initializer.
initCharClasses(AbstractLexScan.CharSetSize) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
initCharClasses(AbstractLexScan.CharSetSize, String) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
initCode() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
initThrow() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
insert(int, List<Integer>, RegExp, Action, Boolean, RegExp) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
insert(String, boolean) - Method in class jflex.scanner.LexicalStates
Inserts a new state declaration.
insert(String, RegExp) - Method in class jflex.core.Macros
Stores a new macro and its definition.
insert(List<Integer>, Action) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
insertNFA(RegExp) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
Constructs an NFA for regExp such that the NFA has
INT_AND_TYPE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
IntCharSet - Class in jflex.core.unicode
Mutable Char Set implemented with intervals.
IntCharSet() - Constructor for class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
IntCharSet.IntCharSetIterator - Class in jflex.core.unicode
Iterator for enumerating the elements of this IntCharSet
IntCharSetComparator - Class in jflex.core.unicode
Comparator of IntCharSet .
IntCharSetComparator() - Constructor for class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSetComparator
intersect(StateSet) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Remove all states from this that are not contained in the provided StateSet.
INTERSECTION - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
Interval - Class in jflex.chars
A mutable interval of characters with basic operations.
Interval(int, int) - Constructor for class jflex.chars.Interval
Constructs a new interval from start to end, including both end points.
Interval.IntervalIterator - Class in jflex.chars
Iterator for enumerating the elements of this Interval
intervalIterator() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
intervals - Static variable in class
IntPair - Class in jflex.base
Simple pair of integers.
IntPair() - Constructor for class jflex.base.IntPair
INVALID_UNICODE_PROPERTY - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
invariants() - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval
Checks the invariants of this object.
invariants() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Checks the invariants of this object.
IO_ERROR - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
isAbstract() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
isBOL(int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
isCharClass() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Find out if this regexp is a char class or equivalent to one.
isColumnCount() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
Use AbstractLexScan.columnCount
isConfigurableWarning(ErrorMessages) - Static method in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
Check whether a warning is configurable.
isEmittable() - Method in class jflex.core.Action
Return true if code for this is action should be emitted, false if it is a BACK/FORWARD lookahead action.
isEOF(int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
isEOFAction(Object) - Method in class jflex.core.EOFActions
isEquiv(Action) - Method in class jflex.core.Action
Returns true iff the parameter is an Action with the same content as this one.
isExtending() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
isFinal() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
isFinal(int) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
isFiniteChoice(RegExp) - Static method in class jflex.core.SemCheck
Returns true iff the expression is a finite choice of fixed length expressions.
isGenLookAction() - Method in class jflex.core.Action
Return true iff this is action belongs to a general lookahead rule.
isImplementing() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
isInteger() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
isIntWrap() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
isMinimized() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
isPublic() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
isSuppressed(ErrorMessages) - Static method in class jflex.option.Options
Returns true if the given warning message is suppressed (should not be printed and counted).
isUnExpected() - Method in exception class jflex.exceptions.GeneratorException
isUsed(String) - Method in class jflex.core.Macros
Tests if a macro has been used.
iterator() - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval
iterator() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
iterator() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Construct an Integer iterator for this StateSet.


JAVA_CODE - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
jflex - package jflex
jflex.anttask - package jflex.anttask
jflex.base - package jflex.base
jflex.chars - package jflex.chars
jflex.core - package jflex.core
jflex.core.unicode - package jflex.core.unicode - package
jflex.dfa - package jflex.dfa
jflex.exceptions - package jflex.exceptions
jflex.generator - package jflex.generator
jflex.gui - package jflex.gui - package
jflex.l10n - package jflex.l10n
jflex.logging - package jflex.logging
jflex.option - package jflex.option
jflex.performance - package jflex.performance
jflex.scanner - package jflex.scanner
jflex.skeleton - package jflex.skeleton
jflex.state - package jflex.state
JFlexTask - Class in jflex.anttask
JFlex ant task.
JFlexTask() - Constructor for class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
Constructor for JFlexTask.
JLETTERCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
JLETTERDIGITCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
jlex - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
strict JLex compatibility


LBRACE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
legacy_dot - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
If true, dot (.) metachar matches [^\n] instead of [^\r\n …

length(RegExp) - Static method in class jflex.core.SemCheck
Returns length if expression has fixed length, -1 otherwise.
LESSTHAN - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
LETTERCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
lexColumn() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
lexColumn() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
LexGenerator - Class in jflex.generator
This is the generator of JFlex, controlling the scanner generation process.
LexGenerator(File) - Constructor for class jflex.generator.LexGenerator
LexicalStates - Class in jflex.scanner
Simple symbol table, mapping lexical state names to integers.
LexicalStates() - Constructor for class jflex.scanner.LexicalStates
Constructs a new lexical state symbol table.
lexLength() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
lexLength() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
lexLine() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
lexLine() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
LexParse - Class in jflex.core
CUP v0.11b 20160615 (GIT 4ac7450) generated parser.
LexParse() - Constructor for class jflex.core.LexParse
LexParse(Scanner) - Constructor for class jflex.core.LexParse
LexParse(Scanner, SymbolFactory) - Constructor for class jflex.core.LexParse
Constructor which sets the default scanner.
LexParse(LexScan) - Constructor for class jflex.core.LexParse
lexPushback(int) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
lexPushback(int) - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
lexPushStream(File) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
lexPushStream(File) - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
LexScan - Class in jflex.core
LexScan(Reader) - Constructor for class jflex.core.LexScan
Creates a new scanner
LEXSTATE_UNDECL - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
lexText() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
lexText() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
lexThrow() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
line - Variable in exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
line - Static variable in class jflex.skeleton.Skeleton
The skeleton
lineCount() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
lookAhead() - Method in class jflex.core.Action
Return kind of lookahead.
LOOKAHEAD - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
LOOKAHEAD_NEEDS_ACTION - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
lookaheadUsed() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
lookString() - Method in class jflex.core.Action
String representation of the lookahead kind of this action.
LOWERCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym


MACRO_CYCLE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
MACRO_DEF_MISSING - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
MACRO_UNDECL - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
MACRO_UNUSED - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
MacroException - Exception Class in jflex.exceptions
This Exception is used in the macro expander to report cycles or undefined macro usages.
MacroException(String) - Constructor for exception class jflex.exceptions.MacroException
Creates a new MacroException with the specified message
Macros - Class in jflex.core
Symbol table and expander for macros.
Macros() - Constructor for class jflex.core.Macros
Creates a new macro expander.
MACROS - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
MACROUSE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
main(String[]) - Static method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Runs the scanner on input files.
main(String[]) - Static method in class jflex.Main
Starts the generation process with the files in argv or pops up a window to choose a file, when argv doesn't have any file entries.
Main - Class in jflex
This is the command-line interface.
MainFrame - Class in jflex.gui
JFlex main application frame (GUI mode only)
MainFrame() - Constructor for class jflex.gui.MainFrame
Constructor for MainFrame.
makeCCLs(CharClasses, boolean) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Make character class partitions based on the classes mentioned in this regexp.
makeCCLs(CharClasses, boolean) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
Make character class partitions for all classes mentioned in the spec.
makeClass(int, boolean) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Creates a new character class for the single character singleChar.
makeClass(String, boolean) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Creates a new character class for each character of the specified String.
makeClass(IntCharSet, boolean) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Updates the current partition, so that the specified set of characters gets a new character class.
makePrivate() - Static method in class jflex.skeleton.Skeleton
Make the skeleton private.
markAll(StatePairList[][], boolean[][]) - Method in class jflex.dfa.StatePairList
markUsed(String) - Method in class jflex.core.Macros
Marks a macro as used.
maxChar - Static variable in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
the largest character that can be used in char classes
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maximumCodePoint - Static variable in class
Highest Unicode code point.
maybeEmtpy(RegExp) - Static method in class jflex.core.SemCheck
Checks if the expression potentially matches the empty string.
maybeWarnUnicodeMatch(int) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
Warn if the matched length of a Unicode escape sequence is longer than expected.
message - Variable in exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
MIN_DFA_IS - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
MIN_TOOK - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
minimize() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
Implementation of Hopcroft's O(n log n) minimization algorithm, follows description by D.
minimizedDfaStatesCount() - Method in class jflex.generator.LexGenerator
MORETHAN - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym


name - Variable in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
name of the generated array (mixed case, no yy prefix)
names() - Method in class jflex.scanner.LexicalStates
Returns the names of all states.
NEVER_MATCH - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NEWLINE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
next_token() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched, the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
nextElement() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSetEnumerator
Return the next element from the set.
nextInt() - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval.IntervalIterator
nextInt() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet.IntCharSetIterator
nextInt() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSetEnumerator
Iterator interface method for StateSetEnumerator.hasMoreElements()
NFA - Class in jflex.core
Non-deterministic finite automata representation in JFlex.
NFA(int, int) - Constructor for class jflex.core.NFA
Constructor for NFA.
NFA(int, LexScan, RegExps, Macros, CharClasses) - Constructor for class jflex.core.NFA
Construct new NFA.
NFA_IS - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NFA_STATES - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NFA_TOOK - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NFASize(Macros) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
nl() - Method in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
emit newline
NL - Static variable in class jflex.logging.Out
Platform specific newline.
nlChars() - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
The set of new-line characters.
no_backup - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
don't write backup files if this is true
NO_BUFFER_SIZE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NO_DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NO_ENCODING - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NO_LAST_ACTION - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NO_LEX_SPEC - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
no_minimize - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
don't run minimization algorithm if this is true
NO_SKEL_FILE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NO_TARGET - Static variable in class jflex.dfa.DFA
The code for "no target state" in the transition table.
NOACTION - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
normalise() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Brings the partitions into a canonical order such that objects that implement the same partitions but in different order become equal.
normaliseCCLs(File) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
Normalise all character class expressions in regexp and lookahead rules.
normaliseCCLs(File, int) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Normalise the regular expression to eliminate compound character class expression (compute their content).
normaliseMacros(Macros) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Normalise the regular expression to eliminate macro use (expand them).
normaliseMacros(Macros) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExps
Expand all macro calls in regexp and lookahead rules.
normalize(String, File) - Static method in class jflex.generator.Emitter
Constructs a file in Options.getDir() or in the same directory as another file.
normalizeOutdir() - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
Sets the actual output directory if not already set.
noSuppressWarnings() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
NOT_A_WARNING_ID - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NOT_AT_BOL - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NOT_CHARCLASS - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
NOT_READABLE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
numActions() - Method in class jflex.core.EOFActions
Returns thenumber of Actions.
number() - Method in class jflex.scanner.LexicalStates
Returns the number of declared states.
numEntries - Variable in class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
number of entries in expanded array
numEntryStates() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
numInput() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
numInput() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
numIntervals() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Returns the number of intervals.
numLexStates() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
numLexStates() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
numStates() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
numStates() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA


of(Interval) - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Creates a charset that contains only one interval.
of(Interval...) - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Creates a charset that contains the given intervals.
ofCharacter(int) - Static method in class jflex.chars.Interval
Creates an interval of a single character.
ofCharacter(int) - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Creates a char set that contains only the given character.
ofCharacterRange(int, int) - Static method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Creates a charset that contains only one interval, given by its start and end values.
old_minimize() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DeprecatedDfa
Use DFA.minimize() instead.
OPENBRACKET - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
OPENCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
Options - Class in jflex.option
Collects all global JFlex options.
OptionsDialog - Class in jflex.gui
A dialog for setting JFlex options
OptionsDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class jflex.gui.OptionsDialog
Create a new options dialog
OptionUtils - Class in jflex.core
out - Variable in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
output buffer
Out - Class in jflex.logging
In this class all output to the java console is filtered.
OUT_OF_MEMORY - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages


PackEmitter - Class in jflex.generator
Encodes int arrays as strings.
PackEmitter(String) - Constructor for class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
Create new emitter for an array.
Pair<A,B> - Class in jflex.base
Generic immutable pair.
Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class jflex.base.Pair
PARSING_TOOK - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
performClassOp(int, IntCharSet, IntCharSet, RegExp) - Static method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Performs the given set operation on the two IntCharSet parameters.
PLUS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
POINT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
PRECLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
PRIMCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
print(String) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Returns a String-representation of this regular expression with the specified indentation.
print(String) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp1
print(String) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp2
print(String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Report generation progress.
println() - Method in class jflex.logging.StdOutWriter
Begin a new line.
println(String) - Method in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
println(String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Report generation progress.
println(ErrorMessages, int) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Report generation progress.
println(ErrorMessages, String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Report generation progress.
printSystemInfo() - Static method in class jflex.Main
Print system information (e.g.
priority - Variable in class jflex.core.Action
The priority (i.e.
production_table() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Access to production table.
progress - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
If true, progress dots will be printed
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValueAliases - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
propertyValues - Static variable in class
PROPS_ARG_REQUIRES_UNICODE_VERSION - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages


QUESTION - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
QUIL_CUPSYM - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
QUIL_EOFTHROW - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
QUIL_INITTHROW - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
QUIL_SCANERROR - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
QUIL_THROW - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
QUIL_YYLEXTHROW - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages


RBRACE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
reachableStates(int, int) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
Returns the set of states that can be reached from currentState with an input nextChar.
readDefault() - Static method in class jflex.skeleton.Skeleton
(Re)load the default skeleton.
READING - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
READING_SKEL - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
readSkel(BufferedReader) - Static method in class jflex.skeleton.Skeleton
Reads an external skeleton file from a BufferedReader.
readSkelFile(File) - Static method in class jflex.skeleton.Skeleton
Reads an external skeleton file for later use with this class.
reduce_table() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Access to reduce_goto table.
RegExp - Class in jflex.core
Stores a regular expression of rules section in a JFlex-specification.
RegExp(int) - Constructor for class jflex.core.RegExp
Create a new regular expression of the specified type.
REGEXP - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
REGEXP_CODEPOINT_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
REGEXP_EXPECTED - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
RegExp1 - Class in jflex.core
Stores a regular expression from the rules section of a JFlex specification.
RegExp1(int, Object) - Constructor for class jflex.core.RegExp1
Constructs a new regular expression with one child object.
RegExp2 - Class in jflex.core
Regular expression with two children (e.g.
RegExp2(int, RegExp, RegExp) - Constructor for class jflex.core.RegExp2
Constructor for RegExp2.
REGEXPEND - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
RegExpException - Exception Class in jflex.core
This exception is used for unexpected errors in in regexp recursion, such as unexpected expression type or structure.
RegExpException(RegExp) - Constructor for exception class jflex.core.RegExpException
Creates a new RegExpException for the specified regular expression.
RegExps - Class in jflex.core
Stores all rules of the specification for later access in the RegExp to NFA conversion.
RegExps() - Constructor for class jflex.core.RegExps
Constructor for RegExps.
REGEXPSTART - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
remove(int) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Remove a given state from the set.
REPEAT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
REPEAT_GREATER - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
REPEAT_ZERO - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
REPEATEXP - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
replace(String, String, String) - Static method in class jflex.skeleton.Skeleton
Replaces a with b in c.
report_error(String, Object) - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Override lr_parser.report_error to use JFlex reporting.
report_fatal_error(String, Object) - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Override lr_parser.report_fatal_error to use JFlex reporting.
reset(StateSet) - Method in class jflex.state.StateSetEnumerator
Reset this enumerator/iterator and associate it with a given StateSet.
resetCounters() - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
reset error and warning counters
resetRootDirectory() - Static method in class jflex.option.Options
Reset the root source directory to the Java working directory.
resolveTilde() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Recursively convert tilde (upto) expressions into negation and star.
rev() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
Creates a new regexp that matches the reverse text of this one.
run() - Method in class jflex.gui.GeneratorThread
Runs the generator thread.


scanErrorException - Variable in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
scanErrorException() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
scanner - Variable in class jflex.core.LexParse
ScannerException - Exception Class in jflex.scanner
This Exception could be thrown while scanning the specification (e.g.
ScannerException(File, ErrorMessages) - Constructor for exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
Creates a new ScannerException for a file with a message only.
ScannerException(File, ErrorMessages, int) - Constructor for exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
Creates a new ScannerException for a file with a message and line number.
ScannerException(File, ErrorMessages, int, int) - Constructor for exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
Creates a new ScannerException with a message, line number and column.
ScannerException(ErrorMessages) - Constructor for exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
Creates a new ScannerException with a message only.
ScannerException(ErrorMessages, int) - Constructor for exception class jflex.scanner.ScannerException
Creates a new ScannerException with a message and line number.
SemCheck - Class in jflex.core
Performs simple semantic analysis on regular expressions.
set_unused_warning(boolean) - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Warn on unused macros or not.
setAction(int, Action) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
Sets the action.
setDefaultOptions() - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Sets all options back to default values.
setDestdir(File) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setDir(File) - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Set output directory
setDir(String) - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Set output directory
setDot(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setDump(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setEncoding(String) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
Set the input encoding.
setEncoding(String) - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Sets encoding for input files, and check availability of encoding on this JVM.
setEntryState(int) - Method in class jflex.core.Action
Set the corresponding entry state for the forward DFA of this action (if this is a general lookahead expression)
setEntryState(int, int) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
Sets the state of the entry.
setFile(File) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setFile(File) - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
setFinal(int, boolean) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
setGenerateDot(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setGUIMode(TextArea) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Switches to GUI mode if text</code> is not <code>null
setGUIMode(TextArea) - Method in class jflex.logging.StdOutWriter
Set the TextArea to write text to.
setInsets(Insets) - Method in class jflex.gui.GridPanel
Sets the insets.
setJLex(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setLegacyDot(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setLookAction(Action.Kind, int) - Method in class jflex.core.Action
Sets the lookahead kind and data for this action
setMaxCharCode(int) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Sets the largest Unicode value of the current input character set.
setNobak(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setNomin(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setNumLexStates(int) - Method in class jflex.core.EOFActions
Sets the number of lexical states.
setOutdir(File) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Sets a new output stream and switches to non-gui mode.
setPack(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setRootDirectory(File) - Static method in class jflex.option.Options
Set the root source directory.
setSkel(File) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setSkeleton(File) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setSkeleton(File) - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
setSkipMinimization(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setTime(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setTimeStatistics(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setUnusedWarning(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
setup() - Method in class jflex.gui.OptionsDialog
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class jflex.anttask.JFlexTask
SEVEN_BIT - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.AbstractLexScan.CharSetSize
showOptions() - Method in class jflex.gui.MainFrame
showPosition(File, int) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
print a line of a file
showPosition(File, int, int) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
prints a line of a file with marked position.
SilentExit - Exception Class in jflex.exceptions
Signals a silent exit (no statistics printout).
SilentExit() - Constructor for exception class jflex.exceptions.SilentExit
SilentExit with default exit code 1.
SilentExit(int) - Constructor for exception class jflex.exceptions.SilentExit
SilentExit with specified program exit code.
size() - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval
Computes the size of this interval.
size() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Computes the size of this set.
size(Macros) - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
The approximate number of NFA states this expression will need (only works correctly after macro expansion and without negation)
SKEL_IO_ERROR - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
SKEL_IO_ERROR_DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
Skeleton - Class in jflex.skeleton
This class stores the skeleton of generated scanners.
Skeleton(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class jflex.skeleton.Skeleton
Creates a new skeleton (iterator) instance.
slashify(String) - Static method in class
Replaces the \ by a / in the path, because backslash is used as an escape sequence in Java (e.g.
snd - Variable in class jflex.base.Pair
sourceFileString(File) - Static method in class jflex.generator.Emitter
standalone() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
STAR - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
start - Variable in class jflex.chars.Interval
Start of the interval.
start - Variable in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClassInterval
The first character of the interval
start() - Method in class jflex.base.IntPair
start() - Method in class jflex.performance.Timer
Start the timer.
start_production() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Indicates start production.
start_state() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Indicates start state.
STATELIST - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
stateNames() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
StatePairList - Class in jflex.dfa
A list of pairs of states.
StatePairList() - Constructor for class jflex.dfa.StatePairList
Constructor for StatePairList.
states() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
states() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
Construct an enumerator for this set.
STATES - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
StateSet - Class in jflex.state
A set of NFA states (= ints).
StateSet() - Constructor for class jflex.state.StateSet
Construct an empty StateSet with default memory backing.
StateSet(int) - Constructor for class jflex.state.StateSet
Construct an empty StateSet with specified memory backing.
StateSet(int, int) - Constructor for class jflex.state.StateSet
Construct an StateSet with specified initial element and memory backing.
StateSet(StateSet) - Constructor for class jflex.state.StateSet
Copy the specified StateSet to create a new one.
StateSetEnumerator - Class in jflex.state
Enumerates the states of a StateSet.
StateSetEnumerator() - Constructor for class jflex.state.StateSetEnumerator
Creates a new StateSetEnumerator that is not yet associated with a StateSet.
StateSetEnumerator(StateSet) - Constructor for class jflex.state.StateSetEnumerator
Construct a StateSetEnumerator for a given StateSet.
statistics() - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
print error and warning statistics
StdOutWriter - Class in jflex.logging
Convenience class for JFlex stdout, redirects output to a TextArea if in GUI mode.
StdOutWriter() - Constructor for class jflex.logging.StdOutWriter
A StdOutWriter, attached to System.out, no gui mode
StdOutWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class jflex.logging.StdOutWriter
A StdOutWrite, attached to the specified output stream, no gui mode
stop() - Method in class jflex.performance.Timer
Stop the timer.
STRING - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
STRING_CODEPOINT_SEQUENCE - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
STRING_CONTENT - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
STRING_I - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
sub(IntCharSet) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
Returns the relative complement of this set relative to the provided set.
suppress(ErrorMessages) - Static method in class jflex.option.Options
Configure the given warning message to be suppressed.
suppressAllWarnings() - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Suppress all warnings.
suppressWarning(String) - Static method in class jflex.core.OptionUtils
Suppress a warning type.
sym - Interface in jflex.core
CUP generated interface containing symbol constants.
SYMMETRICDIFFERENCE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
syntax_error(Symbol) - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
Override syntax_error to not report expected tokens, just error message.
SYNTAX_ERROR - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages


table(int, int) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
tempStateSet() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
terminalNames - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
THIS_IS_JFLEX - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
TILDE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
time - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
If true, jflex will print time statistics about the generation process
time(String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Report time statistic data.
time(ErrorMessages, Timer) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Report time statistic data.
Timer - Class in jflex.performance
Very simple timer for code generation time statistics.
Timer() - Constructor for class jflex.performance.Timer
Construct a new timer that starts immediately.
TOKEN_SIZE_LIMIT - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
tokenType() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
TOP - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
Constant TOP=1
TOP_CENTER - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
Constant TOP_CENTER=2
TOP_LEFT - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
TOP_RIGHT - Static variable in interface jflex.gui.Handles
Constant TOP_RIGHT=3
toString() - Method in class jflex.base.Pair
toString() - Method in class jflex.chars.Interval
Returns a String representation of this interval.
toString() - Method in class jflex.core.Action
toString() - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
toString() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
toString() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp1
toString() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp2
toString() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
toString() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClassInterval
toString() - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.IntCharSet
toString() - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
toString() - Method in class jflex.generator.PackEmitter
Return current output buffer.
toString() - Method in class jflex.performance.Timer
Return a string representation of the timer.
toString() - Method in class jflex.state.StateSet
toString(int) - Method in class jflex.core.unicode.CharClasses
Returns a string representation of one char class
toString(int[]) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
Returns a representation of this DFA.
TOTAL_TIME - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
translate - Variable in class jflex.generator.CountEmitter
translate all values by this amount
typeName() - Method in class jflex.core.RegExp
String representation of the type of this regular expression.


UNEXPECTED_CHAR - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNEXPECTED_EOF - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNEXPECTED_NL - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNICODE - Enum constant in enum jflex.core.AbstractLexScan.CharSetSize
Unicode_1_1 - Class in
Unicode_10_0 - Class in
Unicode_11_0 - Class in
Unicode_12_0 - Class in
Unicode_12_1 - Class in
Unicode_2_0 - Class in
Unicode_2_1 - Class in
Unicode_3_0 - Class in
Unicode_3_1 - Class in
Unicode_3_2 - Class in
Unicode_4_0 - Class in
Unicode_4_1 - Class in
Unicode_5_0 - Class in
Unicode_5_1 - Class in
Unicode_5_2 - Class in
Unicode_6_0 - Class in
Unicode_6_1 - Class in
Unicode_6_2 - Class in
Unicode_6_3 - Class in
Unicode_7_0 - Class in
Unicode_8_0 - Class in
Unicode_9_0 - Class in
UNICODE_TOO_LONG - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNICODE_VERSIONS - Static variable in class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties
Human-readable list of all supported Unicode versions.
UnicodeProperties - Class in jflex.core.unicode
Unicode properties that can be bound to a specific Unicode version.
UnicodeProperties() - Constructor for class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties
Unpacks the Unicode data corresponding to the default Unicode version.
UnicodeProperties(String) - Constructor for class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties
Unpacks the Unicode data corresponding to the given version.
UnicodeProperties.UnsupportedUnicodeVersionException - Exception Class in jflex.core.unicode
UNION - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
UNIPROPCCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
UNIPROPCCLASSNOT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
UNKNOWN_COMMANDLINE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNKNOWN_OPTION - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNKNOWN_SYNTAX - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNKNOWN_WARNING - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNSUPPORTED_UNICODE_VERSION - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UNSUPPORTED_UNICODE_VERSION_SUPPORTED_ARE - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
UnsupportedUnicodeVersionException() - Constructor for exception class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties.UnsupportedUnicodeVersionException
UnsupportedUnicodeVersionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class jflex.core.unicode.UnicodeProperties.UnsupportedUnicodeVersionException
UNTERMINATED_STR - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
unused() - Method in class jflex.core.Macros
Returns all unused macros.
UPPERCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
user_init() - Method in class jflex.core.LexParse
User initialization code.
userCode() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan
USERCODE - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jflex.core.AbstractLexScan.CharSetSize
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum jflex.core.AbstractLexScan.CharSetSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jflex.core.Action.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verbose - Static variable in class jflex.option.Options
If false, only error/warning output will be generated
VERSION - Static variable in class jflex.base.Build
Current JFlex version
visibility() - Method in class jflex.core.AbstractLexScan


warning(File, ErrorMessages, int, int) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
print warning message with location information
warning(String) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
warning(ErrorMessages) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
print a warning message without line information
warning(ErrorMessages, int) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Print a warning with line information.
warning(ErrorMessages, int, Object...) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Print a warning with line information and arguments.
warning(ErrorMessages, Object...) - Static method in class jflex.logging.Out
Print a warning message with arguments without line information
WHITESPACECLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
WHITESPACECLASSNOT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
WORDCLASS - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
WORDCLASSNOT - Static variable in interface jflex.core.sym
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class jflex.logging.StdOutWriter
write(int) - Method in class jflex.logging.StdOutWriter
Write a single character.
write(String, int, int) - Method in class jflex.logging.StdOutWriter
WRITE_TOOK - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages
writeDot(File) - Method in class jflex.core.NFA
writeDot(File) - Method in class jflex.dfa.DFA
Writes a dot-file representing this DFA.
WRONG_SKELETON - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages


yyatEOF() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Returns whether the scanner has reached the end of the reader it reads from.
yybegin(int) - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Enters a new lexical state
yycharat(int) - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Returns the character at position pos from the matched text.
yyclose() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Closes the input reader.
YYEOF - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
This character denotes the end of file
YYINITIAL - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexScan
lexical states
yylength() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
How many characters were matched.
yymoreStreams() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Returns true iff there are still streams left to read from on the stream stack.
yypopStream() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Closes the current input stream and continues to read from the one on top of the stream stack.
yypushback(int) - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Pushes the specified amount of characters back into the input stream.
yypushStream(Reader) - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Stores the current input stream on a stack, and reads from a new stream.
yyreset(Reader) - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Resets the scanner to read from a new input stream.
yystate() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Returns the current lexical state.
yytext() - Method in class jflex.core.LexScan
Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.


ZERO_STATES - Enum constant in enum jflex.l10n.ErrorMessages


_action_table - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexParse
Parse-action table.
_production_table - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexParse
Production table.
_reduce_table - Static variable in class jflex.core.LexParse
reduce_goto table.
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _ 
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