

package hajobs

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. hajobs
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class ActorJob extends Job

    A Job that runs the given actor (creates a new actor instance).

    A Job that runs the given actor (creates a new actor instance).

    The actor must: $ - stop() itself (e.g. via ActorContext.stop once it's finished $ - handle ActorJob.Cancel and stop itself when it received this message

  2. case class Error(details: String) extends JobStartStatus with Product with Serializable

  3. abstract class Job extends AnyRef

    Base class for jobs, job execution is started via run().

    Base class for jobs, job execution is started via run(). For actor jobs you can just use the ActorJob.

  4. case class JobContext(jobType: JobType, jobId: UUID, triggerId: UUID) extends Product with Serializable

    Details regarding a job execution.

  5. abstract class JobExecution extends AnyRef

    The actual execution of a certain Job.

  6. class JobExecutor extends Actor with ActorLogging

    Executes jobs, manages currently running jobs.

  7. class JobManager extends AnyRef

    A JobManager is responsible for running jobs.

    A JobManager is responsible for running jobs. It creates the infrastructure, checks locking etc. for job running

  8. abstract class JobStartStatus extends AnyRef

    JobStartStatus classes are used to communicate the result of a job start request.

  9. case class JobStatus(triggerId: UUID, jobType: JobType, jobId: UUID, jobState: JobState, jobResult: JobResult, jobStatusTs: DateTime, content: Option[JsValue] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents Status of Import Jobs

  10. class JobStatusRepository extends AnyRef

    Repository to manage job status in the database.

    Repository to manage job status in the database. Write and Read Methods can be called with Consitency Level LOCAL_QUORUM to get consistent Job data from Cassandra. This is necessary to prevent the JobSupervisor from setting Finished Jobs to Dead Jobs

  11. class JobSupervisor extends Job

    Checks if for jobs in state RUNNING there's a lock as well.

    Checks if for jobs in state RUNNING there's a lock as well. If this is not the case, the job is considered to be crashed (because a job must regularly update the corresponding lock).

  12. case class JobType(name: String, lockType: LockType) extends Product with Serializable

    The job type, identified by its name, specifies a LockType.

    The job type, identified by its name, specifies a LockType.

    JobTypes do not override toString so that there can more useful log output when a jobType is just printed. When storing a reference to a JobType e.g. in C*, the name property must be used instead of toString (like it's done for Enumerations).

  13. case class JobTypes(all: Iterable[JobType]) extends Product with Serializable

  14. class JobUpdater extends AnyRef

    JobUpdater is responsible finding running/pending jobs that have lost its lock and set them to status failed/dead JobUpdater tries to get latest JobStatusData to update status, so one can see the latest content of the dead job.

  15. type Jobs = Map[JobType, Job]

  16. class KeepJobLockedActor extends Actor with ActorLogging

    An Actor which helps to keep long running sychronous job tasks alive by updating the job lock periodically.

  17. case class Lock(lockType: LockType, jobId: UUID) extends Product with Serializable

    A Lock exists for jobType and jobId.

  18. class LockRepository extends AnyRef

    This repository manages locks for jobs syncronization in distributed environments.

    This repository manages locks for jobs syncronization in distributed environments. To work every kind of job needs an unique identifier (jobType) and every job run an unique identifier (jobId) If a job acquires a lock, it will only get it, if there isn't already a jobId saved for that jobType. The jobId of the running job will be saved with a ttl to the lock table. A running job needs to renew its lock to show it's still active and not died.

    We use Consistency Level Quorum to ensure that a Job is Locked or is not Locked. The CL makes the Lock mechanism more deterministic.

  19. case class LockType(name: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A LockType describes a lock used by a JobType (e.g.

    A LockType describes a lock used by a JobType (e.g. JobType(stockFeed) can reference a LockType(stock)).

  20. case class LockTypes(all: Iterable[LockType]) extends Product with Serializable

  21. case class LockedStatus(runningId: Option[UUID] = None) extends JobStartStatus with Product with Serializable

  22. case class Started(jobId: UUID, details: Option[JsValue] = None) extends JobStartStatus with Product with Serializable

  23. trait WriteStatus extends AnyRef

    Supports shortcut to store the job status, can be mixed into Jobs.

Value Members

  1. object ActorJob

  2. object JobExecutor

  3. object JobManager

  4. object JobResult extends Enumeration

  5. object JobState extends Enumeration

  6. object JobStatus extends Serializable

  7. object JobType extends Serializable

  8. object JobTypes extends Serializable

  9. def Jobs(jobs: Seq[Job]): Jobs

  10. object KeepJobLockedActor

  11. object LockTypes extends Serializable

  12. final def retry[T](n: Int, description: String)(fn: ⇒ Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T]

    Tries function max n times.

  13. package utils

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
