

Related Doc: package TypeLevelReferenceValues


trait ObjectValue extends (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValue

Represents a class/interface value which may have a single class and/or multiple interfaces as its upper type bound.

Self Type
Linear Supertypes
(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValue, (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ArrayAbstraction, (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValue, IsReferenceValue[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainReferenceValue], (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#TypedValue[ReferenceType], KnownType, TypeInformation, (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#Value, AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ObjectValue
  2. ReferenceValue
  3. ArrayAbstraction
  4. ReferenceValue
  5. IsReferenceValue
  6. TypedValue
  7. KnownType
  8. TypeInformation
  9. Value
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
  1. by orderingToOrdered
  2. by any2stringadd
  3. by StringFormat
  4. by Ensuring
  5. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def baseValues: Traversable[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainReferenceValue]


    In general an IsReferenceValue abstracts over all potential values and this information is sufficient for subsequent analyses; but in some cases, analyzing the set of underlying values may increase the overall precision and this set is returned by this function.

    In general an IsReferenceValue abstracts over all potential values and this information is sufficient for subsequent analyses; but in some cases, analyzing the set of underlying values may increase the overall precision and this set is returned by this function. In other words: if baseValues is nonEmpty, then the properties return by this value are derived from the base values, but still maybe more specific. For example,

    Object o = _;
    if(...) o = f() else o = g();
    // when we reach this point, we generally don't know if the values returned by f and g
    // are non-null; hence, o is potentially null.
    if(o != null)
     // Now, we know that o is not null, but we still don't know if the values returned
     // by f OR g were null and we cannot establish that when we don't know to which value
     // o is actually referring to.

    the set of values this reference value abstracts over. The set is empty if this value is already a base base value.

    Definition Classes

    A reference value which belongs to the base values by some other reference value never has base values itself.

  2. abstract def doJoin(pc: PC, value: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue): Update[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue]


    Joins this value and the given value.

    Joins this value and the given value.

    Join is called whenever an instruction is evaluated more than once and, hence, the values found on the paths need to be joined. This method is, however, only called if the two values are two different objects ((this ne value) === true), but both values have the same computational type.

    This basically implements the join operator of complete lattices.


    For example, joining a DomainValue that represents the integer value 0 with a DomainValue that represents the integer value 1 may return a new DomainValue that precisely captures the range [0..1] or that captures all positive integer values or just some integer value.


    this value is always the value that was previously used to perform subsequent computations/analyses. Hence, if this value subsumes the given value, the result has to be either NoUpdate or a MetaInformationUpdate. In case that the given value subsumes this value, the result has to be a StructuralUpdate with the given value as the new value. Hence, this join operation is not commutative. If a new (more abstract) abstract value is created that represents both values the result always has to be a StructuralUpdate. If the result is a StructuralUpdate the framework will continue with the interpretation.

    The termination of the abstract interpretation directly depends on the fact that at some point all (abstract) values are fixed and don't change anymore. Hence, it is important that the type of the update is only a if the value has changed in a way relevant for future computations/analyses involving this value. In other words, when two values are joined it has to be ensured that no fall back to a previous value occurs. E.g., if you join the existing integer value 0 and the given value 1 and the result would be 1, then it must be ensured that a subsequent join with the value 0 will not result in the value 0 again.

    Conceptually, the join of an object with itself has to return the object itself. Note, that this is a conceptual requirement as such a call (this.doJoin(..,this)) will not be performed by the abstract interpretation framework; this case is handled by the join method. However, if the join object is also used by the implementation of the domain itself, it may be necessary to explicitly handle self-joins.


    In general, the domain should try to minimize the number of objects that it uses to represent values. That is, two values that are conceptually equal should – whenever possible – use only one object. This has a significant impact on functions such as join.


    The program counter of the instruction where the paths converge.


    The "new" domain value with which this domain value should be joined. The given value and this value are guaranteed to have the same computational type, but are not reference equal.

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def length(pc: PC): Computation[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue, (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ExceptionValue]

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def load(pc: PC, index: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue): (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ArrayLoadResult

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def store(pc: PC, value: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue, index: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue): (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ArrayStoreResult

    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def summarize(pc: PC): (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue


    Creates a summary of this value.

    Creates a summary of this value.

    In general, creating a summary of a value may be useful/required for values that are potentially returned by a called method and which will then be used by the calling method. For example, it may be useful to precisely track the flow of values within a method to be able to distinguish between all sources of a value (E.g., to be able to distinguish between a NullPointerException created by instruction A and another one created by instruction B (A != B).) However, from the caller perspective it may be absolutely irrelevant where/how the value was created in the called method and, hence, keeping all information would just waste memory and a summary may be sufficient.

    Definition Classes

    This method is predefined to facilitate the development of project-wide analyses.

  7. abstract def upperTypeBound: UIDSet[_ <: ReferenceType]


    The upper bound of the value's type.

    The upper bound of the value's type. The upper bound is empty if this value is null (i.e., isNull == Yes). The upper bound is only guaranteed to contain exactly one type if the type is precise. (i.e., isPrecise == true). Otherwise, the upper type bound may contain one or more types that are not known to be in an inheritance relation, but which will correctly approximate the runtime type.

    Definition Classes

    If only a part of a project is analyzed, the class hierarchy may be fragmented and it may happen that two classes that are indeed in an inheritance relation – if we would analyze the complete project – are part of the upper type bound.

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def +(other: String): String

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to any2stringadd[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method any2stringadd in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  4. def ->[B](y: B): ((TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue, B)

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to ArrowAssoc[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  5. def <(that: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue): Boolean

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ordered[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Ordering[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
  6. def <=(that: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue): Boolean

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ordered[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Ordering[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
  7. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def >(that: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue): Boolean

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ordered[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Ordering[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
  9. def >=(that: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue): Boolean

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ordered[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Ordering[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
  10. def abstractsOver(other: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue): Boolean


    Returns true iff the abstract state represented by this value abstracts over the state of the given value.

    Returns true iff the abstract state represented by this value abstracts over the state of the given value. In other words if every possible runtime value represented by the given value is also represented by this value.

    The abstract state generally encompasses every information that would be considered during a join of this value and the other value and that could lead to an Update.

    This method is reflexive, I.e., every value abstracts over itself.

    TheIllegalValue only abstracts over itself.

    Definition Classes

    abstractsOver is only defined for comparable values where both values have the same computational type.


    The default implementation relies on this domain value's join method. Overriding this method is, hence, primarily meaningful for performance reasons.

    See also


  11. def adapt(target: TargetDomain, origin: ValueOrigin): (target)#DomainValue


    Adapts this value to the given domain (default: throws a domain exception that adaptation is not supported).

    Adapts this value to the given domain (default: throws a domain exception that adaptation is not supported). This method needs to be overridden by concrete Value classes to support the adaptation for a specific domain.

    Supporting the adapt method is primarily necessary when you want to analyze a method that is called by the currently analyzed method and you need to adapt this domain's values (the actual parameters of the method) to the domain used for analyzing the called method.

    Additionally, the adapt method is OPAL's main mechanism to enable dynamic domain-adaptation. I.e., to make it possible to change the abstract domain at runtime if the analysis time takes too long using a (more) precise domain.

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

    The abstract interpretation framework does not use/call this method. This method is solely predefined to facilitate the development of project-wide analyses.

  12. final def allValues: Traversable[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainReferenceValue]


    The set of base values this values abstracts over.

    The set of base values this values abstracts over. This set is never empty and contains this value if this value does not (further) abstract over other reference values.

    Definition Classes

    Primarily defined as a convenience interface.

  13. final def asDomainReferenceValue: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainReferenceValue



    The represented reference value if and only if this value represents a reference value.

    Definition Classes
  14. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  15. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  16. def compare(that: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue): Int

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ordered[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Ordering[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
  17. def compareTo(that: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue): Int

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ordered[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method orderingToOrdered in scala.math.Ordered. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type Ordering[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] is in scope.
    Definition Classes
    Ordered → Comparable
  18. final def computationalType: ComputationalType


    Returns ComputationalTypeReference.

    Returns ComputationalTypeReference.

    Definition Classes
  19. def ensuring(cond: ((TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue) ⇒ Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ensuring[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  20. def ensuring(cond: ((TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue) ⇒ Boolean): (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ensuring[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  21. def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: ⇒ Any): (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ensuring[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  22. def ensuring(cond: Boolean): (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ensuring[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  23. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  24. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  25. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  26. def formatted(fmtstr: String): String

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to StringFormat[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  27. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  28. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  29. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  30. def isMorePreciseThan(other: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue): Boolean


    Returns true iff the abstract state represented by this value is strictly more precise than the state of the given value.

    Returns true iff the abstract state represented by this value is strictly more precise than the state of the given value. In other words if every possible runtime value represented by this value is also represented by the given value, but both are not equal; in other words, this method is irreflexive.

    The considered abstract state generally encompasses every information that would be considered during a join of this value and the other value and that could lead to a StructuralUpdate.


    Another DomainValue with the same computational type as this value. (The IllegalValue has no computational type and, hence, a comparison with an IllegalValue is not well defined.)

    Definition Classes

    It is recommended to overwrite this method for performance reasons, as the default implementation relies on join.

    See also


  31. def isNull: Answer


    If Yes the value is known to always be null at runtime.

    If Yes the value is known to always be null at runtime. In this case the upper bound is (has to be) empty. If the answer is Unknown then the analysis was not able to statically determine whether the value is null or is not null. In this case the upper bound is expected to be non-empty. If the answer is No then the value is statically known not to be null. In this case, the upper bound may precisely identify the runtime type or still just identify an upper bound.

    This default implementation always returns Unknown; this is a sound over-approximation.



    Definition Classes

    This method is expected to be overridden by subtypes.

  32. def isPrecise: Boolean


    Returns true if the type information is precise.

    Returns true if the type information is precise. I.e., the type returned by upperTypeBound precisely models the runtime type of the value. If, isPrecise returns true, the type of this value can generally be assumed to represent a class type (not an interface type) or an array type. However, this domain also supports the case that isPrecise returns true even though the associated type identifies an interface type or an abstract class type. The later case may be interesting in the context of classes that are generated at run time.

    This default implementation always returns false.



    Definition Classes

    This method is expected to be overridden by subtypes.


    isPrecise is always true if this value is known to be null.

  33. final def isPrimitiveValue: Boolean


    True in case of a value with primitive type; undefined if the type is unknown.

    True in case of a value with primitive type; undefined if the type is unknown.

    Definition Classes
  34. final def isReferenceValue: Boolean


    True if the value has a reference type; undefined if the type is unknown.

    True if the value has a reference type; undefined if the type is unknown.

    Definition Classes
  35. final def isUnknownValue: Boolean


    Returns true if no type information is available.

    Returns true if no type information is available.

    Definition Classes
  36. def isValueSubtypeOf(referenceType: ReferenceType): Answer


    Tests if the type of this value is potentially a subtype of the specified reference type under the assumption that this value is not null.

    Tests if the type of this value is potentially a subtype of the specified reference type under the assumption that this value is not null. This test takes the precision of the type information into account. That is, if the currently available type information is not precise and the given type has a subtype that is always a subtype of the current upper type bound, then Unknown is returned. Given that it may be computationally intensive to determine whether two types have a common subtype it may be better to just return Unknown in case that this type and the given type are not in a direct inheritance relationship.

    Basically, this method implements the same semantics as the ClassHierarchy's isSubtypeOf method, but it additionally checks if the type of this value could be a subtype of the given supertype. I.e., if this value's type identifies a supertype of the given supertype and that type is not known to be precise, the answer is Unknown.

    For example, assume that the type of this reference value is java.util.Collection and we know/have to assume that this is only an upper bound. In this case an answer is No if and only if it is impossible that the runtime type is a subtype of the given supertype. This condition holds, for example, for which is not a subclass of java.util.Collection and which does not have any further subclasses (in the JDK). I.e., the classes and java.util.Collection are not in an inheritance relationship. However, if the specified supertype would be java.util.List the answer would be unknown.


    This default implementation always returns Unknown.

    Definition Classes

    This method is expected to be overridden by subtypes.


    The function isValueSubtypeOf is not defined if isNull returns Yes; if isNull is Unknown then the result is given under the assumption that the value is not null at runtime. In other words, if this value represents null this method is not supported.

  37. def join(pc: PC, that: (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue): Update[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainValue]


    Checks that the given value and this value are compatible with regard to its computational type and – if so – calls doJoin.

    Checks that the given value and this value are compatible with regard to its computational type and – if so – calls doJoin.

    See doJoin(PC,DomainValue) for details.


    The program counter of the instruction where the paths converge.


    The "new" domain value with which this domain value should be joined. The caller has to ensure that the given value and this value are guaranteed to be two different objects.


    MetaInformationUpdateIllegalValue or the result of calling doJoin.

    Definition Classes

    It is in general not recommended/needed to override this method.

  38. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  39. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  40. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  41. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  42. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  43. def valueType: Option[ReferenceType]


    The type kind of the values, if the value has a specific type kind; None if and only if the underlying value is null.

    The type kind of the values, if the value has a specific type kind; None if and only if the underlying value is null.


    The type/The upper type bound of the value. If the type is a base type, then the type is necessarily precise. In case of a reference type the type may be an upper type bound or may be precise. In the latter case, using the concrete domain it may be possible to get further information. If the underlying value is null, None is returned.

    Definition Classes
  44. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  45. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  46. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  47. def [B](y: B): ((TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue, B)

    Implicit information
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to ArrowAssoc[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes

Inherited from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValue

Inherited from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ArrayAbstraction

Inherited from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ReferenceValue

Inherited from IsReferenceValue[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#DomainReferenceValue]

Inherited from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#TypedValue[ReferenceType]

Inherited from KnownType

Inherited from TypeInformation

Inherited from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#Value

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Inherited by implicit conversion orderingToOrdered from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ordered[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue]

Inherited by implicit conversion any2stringadd from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to any2stringadd[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue]

Inherited by implicit conversion StringFormat from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to StringFormat[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue]

Inherited by implicit conversion Ensuring from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to Ensuring[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue]

Inherited by implicit conversion ArrowAssoc from (TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue to ArrowAssoc[(TypeLevelReferenceValues.this)#ObjectValue]
