

package desktop

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Application[Document] extends AnyRef

  2. trait ApplicationProxy[Document, Repr <: Application[Document]] extends Application[Document]

  3. trait DialogSource[+A] extends AnyRef

  4. trait DocumentHandler[Document] extends AnyRef

  5. trait FileDialog extends DialogSource[Option[File]]

    A dialog for selecting a file or folder.

  6. sealed trait FocusType extends AnyRef

  7. trait LogPane extends AnyRef

     A pane widget which can be used to log text output, and which can be hooked up to capture the default console output.

  8. sealed trait OptionPane[A] extends DialogSource[A]

  9. class PathField extends Component

  10. trait Platform extends Model[Update]

  11. trait Preferences extends AnyRef

  12. trait RecentFiles extends AnyRef

  13. trait SwingApplication[Document] extends Application[Document]

  14. trait SwingApplicationProxy[Document, Repr <: SwingApplication[Document]] extends SwingApplication[Document] with ApplicationProxy[Document, Repr]

  15. trait UndoManager extends AnyRef

  16. trait Window extends AnyRef

    Interface that unites functionality from inhomogeneous classes such as JFrame, JDialog, JInternalFrame

  17. trait WindowHandler extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  2. object Desktop

  3. object DialogSource

  4. object DocumentHandler

  5. object FileDialog

  6. object FocusType

  7. object Implicits

  8. object KeyStrokes

  9. object LogPane

  10. object Menu

  11. object OptionPane

  12. object Preferences

  13. object PrefsGUI

  14. object RecentFiles

  15. object UndoManager

  16. object Util

  17. object Window

  18. package edit

  19. package impl
