
trait IdentMap[T <: Exec[T], A] extends Disposable[T]

An identifier map is basically a transactional map whose keys are system identifiers. However, there are two important aspects: First, the map is always ephemeral (but might be still durable!), even for a confluently persistent system. Second, for systems whose identifiers constitute temporal traces (confluently persistent system), lookup (via get, contains etc.) finds any value stored for the current version or any older version. That is to say, in a confluently persistent system, it looks up the most recent entry for the key. It is therefore a useful tool to map system entities to ephemeral live views.

Type Params

the values stored at the keys. Unit can be used if only set functionality is needed.


the underlying system's transaction type

trait Disposable[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class PlainIdentMap[A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def contains(id: Ident[T])(implicit tx: T): Boolean
def get(id: Ident[T])(implicit tx: T): Option[A]
def getOrElse(id: Ident[T], default: => A)(implicit tx: T): A
def put(id: Ident[T], value: A)(implicit tx: T): Unit
def remove(id: Ident[T])(implicit tx: T): Unit

Inherited methods

def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit
Inherited from