

package mellite

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. mellite
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Action[S <: Sys[S]] extends Writable with Disposable[mellite.Action.S.Tx] with Publisher[S, Unit]

  2. type Cf = Confluent

  3. sealed trait Code extends Writable

  4. trait Cursors[S <: ConfluentReactiveLike[S], D <: DurableLike[D]] extends Publisher[D, Update[S, D]] with Writable

  5. trait DocumentHandler extends Model[Update]

    Note: the model dispatches not on the EDT.

    Note: the model dispatches not on the EDT. Listeners requiring to execute code on the EDT should use a wrapper like defer (LucreSwing).

  6. final case class Gain(decibels: Float, normalized: Boolean) extends Writable with Product with Serializable

  7. trait Recursion[S <: Sys[S]] extends Writable with Disposable[mellite.Recursion.S.Tx] with Publisher[S, Update[S]]

  8. sealed trait Transform extends AnyRef

  9. sealed trait Workspace[S <: Sys[S]] extends WorkspaceHandle[S] with Disposable[mellite.Workspace.S.Tx]

Value Members

  1. object Action

  2. object Code

  3. object Cursors

  4. object DocumentHandler

  5. object FScape

  6. object Gain extends Serializable

  7. object InterpreterContext

  8. object ObjectActions

  9. object ProcActions

  10. object Recursion

  11. object StringOptions extends ExprTypeImplA[Option[String]]

  12. object Transform

  13. object TransformUtil

  14. object Workspace

  15. implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext

  16. package impl

  17. def initTypes(): Unit

  18. package sensor

  19. var showLog: Boolean

  20. var showTimelineLog: Boolean

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
