
package expr

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. expr
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Act extends Product
  2. trait BooleanObj[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, Boolean]
  3. trait CellView[Tx, +A] extends Observable[Tx, A] with Source[Tx, A]
  4. trait Control extends Product
  5. trait DoubleObj[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, Double]
  6. trait DoubleVector[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, IndexedSeq[Double]]
  7. trait Ex[+A] extends Product
  8. final class ExOps[A] extends AnyVal
  9. final class ExOptionOps[A] extends AnyVal
  10. final case class ExSeq[+A](elems: Ex[A]*) extends Ex[Seq[A]] with ProductWithAux with Product with Serializable
  11. final class ExSeqOps[A] extends AnyVal
  12. trait Expr[S <: Sys[S], +A] extends Obj[S] with Publisher[S, Change[A]]

    An expression is a computation that reduces to a single value of type A.

    An expression is a computation that reduces to a single value of type A. Expressions can be understood as dataflow variables. When a tree is composed, a change in the root of the tree propagates through to the leaves in the form of an emitted Change event that carries the old and new value (according to the particular node of the tree).

    Basic expression types are Expr.Const - it simply wraps a constant value and thus will never change or fire an event - and Expr.Var which can be thought of as a mutable variable carrying a peer expression. When the variable assignment changes, the expression currently held is evaluated and propagated as an event. Intermediate nodes or expressions might modify the value, such as a binary operator (e.g., an integer expression that sums two input integer expressions).

  13. trait Graph extends AnyRef
  14. trait IAction[S <: Base[S]] extends Disposable[expr.IAction.S.Tx]
  15. trait IExpr[S <: Base[S], +A] extends IPublisher[S, Change[A]] with Disposable[expr.IExpr.S.Tx]
  16. trait ITrigger[S <: Base[S]] extends IPublisher[S, Unit] with Disposable[expr.ITrigger.S.Tx]
  17. trait IntObj[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, Int]
  18. trait IntVector[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, IndexedSeq[Int]]
  19. trait LongObj[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, Long]
  20. trait Model[A] extends AnyRef
  21. trait Ops extends AnyRef
  22. trait SpanLikeObj[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, SpanLike]
  23. trait SpanObj[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, Span]
  24. trait StringObj[S <: Sys[S]] extends Expr[S, String]
  25. final class StringToExAttr extends AnyVal
  26. trait Trig extends Product
  27. final class TrigOps extends AnyVal
  28. type TypeExpr1[A, Repr[~ <: Sys[~]] <: Expr[~, A]] = expr.Type.Expr[A, Repr] with _1[Repr]

    An expression type with installable extensions.

Value Members

  1. def init(): Unit
  2. object Act
  3. object BooleanExtensions
  4. object BooleanObj extends ExprTypeImpl[Boolean, BooleanObj]
  5. object CellView
  6. object Control
  7. object DoubleExtensions
  8. object DoubleObj extends ExprTypeImpl[Double, DoubleObj]
  9. object DoubleVector extends ExprTypeImpl[IndexedSeq[Double], DoubleVector]
  10. object Ex
  11. object ExOps
  12. object ExSeq extends Serializable
  13. object Expr
  14. object Graph
  15. object IExpr
  16. object IntExtensions
  17. object IntObj extends ExprTypeImpl[Int, IntObj]
  18. object IntVector extends ExprTypeImpl[IndexedSeq[Int], IntVector]
  19. object LongExtensions
  20. object LongObj extends ExprTypeImpl[Long, LongObj]
  21. object Ops extends Ops
  22. object SpanExtensions
  23. object SpanLikeExtensions
  24. object SpanLikeObj extends ExprTypeImpl[SpanLike, SpanLikeObj]
  25. object SpanObj extends ExprTypeImpl[Span, SpanObj]
  26. object StringExtensions
  27. object StringObj extends ExprTypeImpl[String, StringObj]
  28. object Trig
  29. object TrigOps
  30. object Type

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
