

package illism

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. illism
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class Chord(notes: IndexedSeq[OffsetNote]) extends ConvertibleToMIDI with ConvertibleToNotes with Product with Serializable

    A chord made of a sequence of notes.

    A chord made of a sequence of notes. Notes must be in ascending order with respect to their pitches.

  2. trait ConvertibleToMIDI extends AnyRef

  3. trait ConvertibleToNotes extends AnyRef

  4. final class DirectedInterval extends AnyVal with Interval

  5. implicit final class IllismInt extends AnyVal

  6. implicit final class IllismIterable[A] extends AnyVal

  7. implicit final class IllismIterableLike[A, CC[~] <: Iterable[~]] extends AnyVal

  8. implicit final class IllismSeconds extends AnyVal

  9. implicit final class IllismSequence extends AnyVal

  10. implicit final class IllismTrack extends AnyVal

  11. sealed trait Interval extends Any

  12. final class IntervalClass extends AnyVal

  13. sealed trait Language extends AnyRef

  14. final case class Note(pitch: Pitch, duration: Double, velocity: Int) extends NoteLike with Product with Serializable

    A logical grouping of a note on and note off.

    A logical grouping of a note on and note off.


    the MIDI key number (pitch)


    the duration in seconds


    the attack velocity

  15. sealed trait NoteLike extends AnyRef

  16. final case class OffsetNote(offset: Double, pitch: Pitch, duration: Double, velocity: Int) extends NoteLike with ConvertibleToMIDI with ConvertibleToNotes with Product with Serializable

  17. final class Pitch extends AnyVal

  18. final class PitchClass extends AnyVal

  19. final class UndirectedInterval extends AnyVal with Interval

Value Members

  1. object ChordUtil

  2. object ConvertibleToMIDI

  3. object DirectedInterval

  4. object Interval

  5. object Language

  6. object NoteUtil

  7. object Pitch

  8. object PitchClass

  9. object UndirectedInterval

  10. def defer(thunk: ⇒ Unit): Unit

  11. def stopSequencer(): Unit

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
