

package ugen

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class AudioControl(values: IndexedSeq[Float], ctrlName: Option[String]) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

  2. final case class AudioControlProxy(values: IndexedSeq[Float], name: Option[String]) extends ControlProxyLike with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

  3. sealed trait BinaryOpUGen extends SingleOut

  4. final case class ChannelProxy(elem: GE, index: Int) extends GE.Lazy with Product with Serializable

  5. final case class Constant(value: Float) extends UGenIn with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    A scalar constant used as an input to a UGen.

  6. final case class Control(rate: Rate, values: IndexedSeq[Float], ctrlName: Option[String]) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

  7. final class ControlFactory extends ControlFactoryLike

  8. trait ControlFactoryLike extends AnyRef

  9. final case class ControlProxy(rate: Rate, values: IndexedSeq[Float], name: Option[String]) extends ControlProxyLike with Product with Serializable

  10. final class ControlProxyFactory extends AnyVal

  11. trait ControlProxyLike extends GE

  12. final case class ControlUGenOutProxy(source: ControlProxyLike, outputIndex: Int) extends UGenIn with Product with Serializable

    A ControlOutProxy is similar to a UGenOutProxy in that it denotes an output channel of a control UGen.

  13. final case class ControlValues(seq: IndexedSeq[Float]) extends Product with Serializable

  14. final case class MulAdd(in: GE, mul: GE, add: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  15. final case class Nyquist() extends GE with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    A helper UGen equivalent to * 0.5.

  16. final case class Sum3(in0: GE, in1: GE, in2: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  17. final case class Sum4(in0: GE, in1: GE, in2: GE, in3: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  18. final case class TrigControl(values: IndexedSeq[Float], ctrlName: Option[String]) extends MultiOut with ControlRated with Product with Serializable

  19. final case class TrigControlProxy(values: IndexedSeq[Float], name: Option[String]) extends ControlProxyLike with ControlRated with Product with Serializable

  20. sealed trait UGenInGroup extends UGenInLike

  21. final case class UGenOutProxy(source: MultiOut, outputIndex: Int) extends UGenIn with UGenProxy with Product with Serializable

    A UGenOutProxy refers to a particular output of a multi-channel UGen.

  22. sealed trait UGenProxy extends UGenIn

  23. final case class UnaryOpUGen(selector: Op, a: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AudioControl extends Serializable

  2. object AudioControlProxy extends Serializable

  3. object BinaryOpUGen

    Binary operations are generally constructed by calling one of the methods of GEOps.

  4. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  5. object Constant extends Serializable

  6. object Control extends Serializable

  7. object ControlProxy extends Serializable

  8. object ControlValues extends Serializable

  9. object Nyquist extends Serializable

    A helper UGen equivalent to * 0.5.

  10. object Sum3 extends Serializable

  11. object Sum4 extends Serializable

  12. object TrigControl extends Serializable

  13. object TrigControlProxy extends Serializable

  14. object UGenInGroup

  15. object UnaryOpUGen extends Serializable

    Unary operations are generally constructed by calling one of the methods of GEOps.

  16. package impl
