

package ugen

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Type Members

  1. final case class A2K(in: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with Product with Serializable

    A converter UGen that takes an audio-rate input and produces a control-rate output by means of sampling.

  2. final case class APF(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), radius: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.8)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  3. final case class AllpassC(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    All pass delay line with cubic interpolation.

  4. final case class AllpassL(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    All pass delay line with linear interpolation.

  5. final case class AllpassN(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    All pass delay line with no interpolation.

  6. final case class AmpComp(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(261.626), root: GE = synth.this.GE.const(261.626), expon: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.3333)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that produces a psychoacoustic amplitude compensation factor for a given frequency.

  7. final case class AmpCompA(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1000.0), root: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), minAmp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.32), rootAmp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that produces a psychoacoustic amplitude compensation factor for a given frequency.

  8. final case class Amplitude(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, attack: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), release: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    An amplitude follower UGen.

  9. final case class BAllPass(in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    An all pass filter UGen.

  10. final case class BBandPass(in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0), bw: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    An band pass filter UGen.

  11. final case class BBandStop(in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0), bw: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    An band stop (reject) filter UGen.

  12. final case class BHiPass(in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A 2nd order (12db per oct roll-off) resonant high pass filter UGen.

  13. final case class BHiShelf(in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0), rs: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), gain: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A high shelf equalizer UGen.

  14. final case class BLowPass(in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A 2nd order (12db per oct roll-off) resonant low pass filter UGen.

  15. final case class BLowShelf(in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0), rs: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), gain: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A low shelf equalizer UGen.

  16. final case class BPF(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A second order band pass filter UGen.

  17. final case class BPZ2(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    a special fixed band-pass filter UGen.

  18. final case class BPeakEQ(in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), gain: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    An parametric equalizer UGen.

  19. final case class BRF(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A second order band reject (notch) filter UGen.

  20. final case class BRZ2(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    a special fixed band-reject filter UGen.

  21. final case class Balance2(rate: Rate, inL: GE, inR: GE, pos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    An equal power two channel balancing UGen.

  22. final case class Ball(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, g: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), damp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), friction: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  23. final case class BeatTrack(chain: GE, lock: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    An autocorrelation based beat tracker UGen.

  24. final case class BeatTrack2(bus: GE, numChannels: GE, winSize: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2), phaseSpacing: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.02), lock: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), weighting: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-2.1)) extends MultiOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A template matching beat tracker UGen.

  25. final case class BiPanB2(rate: Rate, inA: GE, inB: GE, azimuth: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A two dimensional Ambisonics B-format encoder UGen for a two-channel input signal.

  26. final case class Blip(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), numHarm: GE = synth.this.GE.const(200.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Band Limited ImPulse generator UGen.

  27. final case class BrownNoise(rate: Rate, mul: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A noise generator UGen whose spectrum falls off in power by 6 dB per octave.

  28. final case class BufAllpassC(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    All pass delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  29. final case class BufAllpassL(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    All pass delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  30. final case class BufAllpassN(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    All pass delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  31. final case class BufChannels(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Returns the current number of channels of the buffer at the provided index.

  32. final case class BufCombC(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Comb delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  33. final case class BufCombL(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Comb delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  34. final case class BufCombN(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Comb delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  35. final case class BufDelayC(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Simple delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  36. final case class BufDelayL(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Simple delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  37. final case class BufDelayN(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Simple delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  38. final case class BufDur(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Returns the current duration of the buffer at the provided index.

  39. final case class BufFrames(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Returns the number of allocated frames of the buffer at the provided index.

  40. final case class BufRateScale(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Returns a ratio by which the playback of the buffer at the provided index is to be scaled relative to the current sample rate of the server.

  41. final case class BufRd(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, buf: GE, index: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), interp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2)) extends MultiOut with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which reads the content of a buffer, using an index pointer.

  42. final case class BufSampleRate(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Returns the buffer's current sample rate.

  43. final case class BufSamples(rate: Rate, buf: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Returns the current number of allocated samples in the Buffer at the provided index.

  44. final case class BufWr(rate: Rate, in: GE, buf: GE, index: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that writes a signal to a buffer, using an index pointer.

  45. final case class COsc(rate: Rate, buf: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), beats: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  46. final case class CheckBadValues(rate: Rate, in: GE, id: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), post: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to test for infinity, not-a-number (NaN), and denormal numbers.

  47. final case class ClearBuf(buf: GE) extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A scalar (init-time) UGen that fills the contents of a buffer with zeroes.

  48. final case class Clip(rate: Rate, in: GE, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that constrains a signal to a given range, by limiting values outside the range to the range margins.

  49. final case class ClipNoise(rate: Rate, mul: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A noise generator UGen whose values are either -1 or +1 (before being multiplied by mul ).

  50. final case class CoinGate(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, prob: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that randomly filters an input trigger signal.

  51. final case class CombC(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Comb delay line with cubic interpolation.

  52. final case class CombL(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Comb delay line with linear interpolation.

  53. final case class CombN(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Comb delay line with no interpolation.

  54. final case class Compander(rate: Rate, in: GE, ctrl: GE, thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), ratioBelow: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), ratioAbove: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), attack: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), release: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A compressor, expander, limiter, gate and ducking UGen.

  55. final case class ControlDur() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that reports the server's current control period in seconds.

  56. final case class ControlRate() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that reports the server's current control rate.

  57. final case class Convolution(rate: Rate, in: GE, kernel: GE, frameSize: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that performs a convolution with an continuously changing kernel.

  58. final case class Convolution2(rate: Rate, in: GE, kernel: GE, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), frameSize: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A frequency-domain convolution UGen using a fixed kernel which can be updated by a trigger signal.

  59. final case class Convolution2L(rate: Rate, in: GE, kernel: GE, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), frameSize: GE, fadePeriods: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A frequency-domain convolution UGen using two linearly interpolated fixed kernels.

  60. final case class Convolution3(rate: Rate, in: GE, kernel: GE, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), frameSize: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen for triggered convolution in the time domain.

  61. final case class Crackle(rate: Rate, chaos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.5)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A noise generator UGen based on a chaotic function.

  62. final case class CuspL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.9), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  63. final case class CuspN(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.9), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  64. final case class DC(rate: Rate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that creates a constant signal at a given calculation rate.

  65. final case class Dbrown(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), step: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), length: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  66. final case class Dbufrd(buf: GE, index: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    A demand-rate UGen that reads out a buffer.

  67. final case class Dbufwr(in: GE, buf: GE, index: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

  68. final case class Decay(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, time: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    An integrator UGen with exponential decay of past values.

  69. final case class Decay2(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, attack: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), release: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A integrator UGen with controllable attack and release times.

  70. final case class DecodeB2(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, w: GE, x: GE, y: GE, orient: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A two dimensional Ambisonics B-format decoding UGen.

  71. final case class DegreeToKey(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, octave: GE = synth.this.GE.const(12)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that uses an input signal as an index into an octave repeating table of pitch classes.

  72. final case class DelTapRd(rate: Rate, buf: GE, phase: GE, delayTime: GE, interp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Tap a delay line from a DelTapWr UGen.

  73. final case class DelTapWr(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Write to a buffer for a DelTapRd UGen

  74. final case class Delay1(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that delays the input by 1 audio frame or control period.

  75. final case class Delay2(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that delays the input by 2 audio frames or control periods.

  76. final case class DelayC(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Simple delay line with cubic interpolation.

  77. final case class DelayL(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Simple delay line with linear interpolation.

  78. final case class DelayN(rate: Rate, in: GE, maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Simple delay line with no interpolation.

  79. final case class Demand(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, in: GE, reset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends MultiOut with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which polls results from demand-rate ugens when receiving a trigger.

  80. final case class DemandEnvGen(rate: Rate, levels: GE, durs: GE, shapes: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), curvatures: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), gate: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), reset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), levelScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), levelBias: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), timeScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    An envelope generator UGen using demand-rate inputs for the envelope segments.

  81. final case class DetectIndex(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which determines the index in a buffer at which the value matches a given input signal.

  82. final case class DetectSilence(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, amp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0E-4), dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which detects whether its input signal falls below a given amplitude for a given amount of time (becoming "silent").

  83. final case class Dgeom(start: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), grow: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.0), length: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  84. final case class Dibrown(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), step: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), length: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  85. final case class DiskIn(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, buf: GE, loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends MultiOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to stream in a signal from an audio file.

  86. final case class DiskOut(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which writes a signal to a sound file on disk.

  87. final case class Diwhite(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), length: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  88. final case class Donce(in: GE) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  89. final case class Done(src: GE with HasDoneFlag) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which monitors another UGen to see when it is finished.

  90. final case class Dpoll(in: GE, label: String = "poll", run: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), trigID: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A demand rate UGen printing the current output value of its input to the console when polled.

  91. final case class Drand(seq: GE, repeats: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  92. final case class Dreset(in: GE, reset: GE) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  93. final case class Dseq(seq: GE, repeats: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  94. final case class Dser(seq: GE, repeats: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  95. final case class Dseries(start: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), step: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), length: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A demand-rate UGen which produces an arithmetic (linear) series.

  96. final case class Dshuf(seq: GE, repeats: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  97. final case class Dstutter(n: GE, in: GE) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  98. final case class Dswitch(seq: GE, index: GE) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  99. final case class Dswitch1(seq: GE, index: GE) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  100. final case class Dust(rate: Rate, density: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen generating random impulses with values ranging from 0 to +1 .

  101. final case class Dust2(rate: Rate, density: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen generating random impulses with values ranging from -1 to +1 .

  102. final case class Duty(rate: Rate, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), level: GE, reset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which polls results from demand-rate ugens in intervals specified by a duration input.

  103. final case class Dwhite(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), length: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  104. final case class Dxrand(seq: GE, repeats: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  105. final case class EnvGen(rate: Rate, envelope: GE, gate: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), levelScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), levelBias: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), timeScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    An envelope generator UGen.

  106. final case class ExpRand(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random decimal value, using an exponential distribution from lo to hi .

  107. final case class FBSineC(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, im: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), fb: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.1), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  108. final case class FBSineL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, im: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), fb: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.1), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  109. final case class FBSineN(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, im: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), fb: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.1), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  110. final case class FFT(buf: GE, in: GE, hop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), winType: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), active: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), winSize: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen performing short-time forward fourier transformations.

  111. final case class FFTTrigger(buf: GE, hop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), polar: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that takes a buffer and prepares it to be used in FFT chains, without doing an actual FFT on a signal.

  112. final case class FOS(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, a0: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), a1: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), b1: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A first order filter section UGen.

  113. final case class FSinOsc(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), iphase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sine oscillator UGen using a fast approximation.

  114. final case class Fold(rate: Rate, in: GE, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that constrains a signal to a given range, by "folding" values outside the range.

  115. final case class FoldIndex(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which reads a single sample value from a buffer at a given index.

  116. final case class Formant(rate: Rate, fundFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), formFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1760.0), bw: GE = synth.this.GE.const(880.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that generates a set of harmonics around a formant frequency at a given fundamental frequency.

  117. final case class Formlet(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), attack: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), decay: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A FOF-like resonant filter UGen.

  118. final case class Free(trig: GE, node: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that, when triggered, frees a given node.

  119. final case class FreeSelf(trig: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that, when triggered, frees enclosing synth.

  120. final case class FreeSelfWhenDone(src: GE with HasDoneFlag) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that, when its input UGen is finished, frees enclosing synth.

  121. final case class FreeVerb(in: GE, mix: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.33), room: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), damp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A monophonic reverb UGen.

  122. final case class FreeVerb2(inL: GE, inR: GE, mix: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.33), room: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), damp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A stereophonic reverb UGen.

  123. final case class FreqShift(rate: Rate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A frequency shifting UGen.

  124. final case class GVerb(in: GE, roomSize: GE = synth.this.GE.const(10.0), revTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(3.0), damping: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), inputBW: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), spread: GE = synth.this.GE.const(15.0), dryLevel: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), earlyRefLevel: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.7), tailLevel: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), maxRoomSize: GE = synth.this.GE.const(300.0)) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A stereophonic reverb UGen.

  125. final case class Gate(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, gate: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A gate or hold UGen.

  126. final case class GbmanL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.2), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  127. final case class GbmanN(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.2), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  128. final case class Gendy1(rate: Rate, ampDist: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), durDist: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), adParam: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), ddParam: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), minFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), maxFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(660.0), ampScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), durScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), initCPs: GE = synth.this.GE.const(12), kNum: GE = synth.this.GE.const(12)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  129. final case class Gendy2(rate: Rate, ampDist: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), durDist: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), adParam: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), ddParam: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), minFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), maxFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(660.0), ampScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), durScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), initCPs: GE = synth.this.GE.const(12), kNum: GE = synth.this.GE.const(12), a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.17), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.31)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  130. final case class Gendy3(rate: Rate, ampDist: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), durDist: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), adParam: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), ddParam: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), ampScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), durScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), initCPs: GE = synth.this.GE.const(12), kNum: GE = synth.this.GE.const(12)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  131. final case class GrainBuf(numChannels: Int = 1, trig: GE, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), buf: GE, speed: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), pos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), interp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2), pan: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), envBuf: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1), maxGrains: GE = synth.this.GE.const(512.0)) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A granular synthesis UGen taking sound stored in a buffer.

  132. final case class GrainFM(numChannels: Int = 1, trig: GE, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), carFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), modFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(200.0), index: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), pan: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), envBuf: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1), maxGrains: GE = synth.this.GE.const(512.0)) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  133. final case class GrainIn(numChannels: Int = 1, trig: GE, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), in: GE, pan: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), envBuf: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1), maxGrains: GE = synth.this.GE.const(512.0)) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  134. final case class GrainSin(numChannels: Int = 1, trig: GE, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), pan: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), envBuf: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1), maxGrains: GE = synth.this.GE.const(512.0)) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  135. final case class GrayNoise(rate: Rate, mul: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A noise generator UGen which results from flipping random bits in a word.

  136. final case class HPF(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A second order high pass filter UGen.

  137. final case class HPZ1(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A two point difference filter UGen.

  138. final case class HPZ2(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    three point difference filter UGen.

  139. final case class Hasher(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that returns a unique output value from zero to one for each input value according to a hash function.

  140. final case class HenonC(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.4), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.3), x0: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), x1: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  141. final case class HenonL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.4), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.3), x0: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), x1: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  142. final case class HenonN(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.4), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.3), x0: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), x1: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  143. final case class Hilbert(rate: Rate, in: GE) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A Hilbert transform UGen.

  144. final case class IEnvGen(rate: Rate, envelope: GE, index: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Envelope generator UGen with random access index pointer into the break-point function.

  145. final case class IFFT(rate: Rate, chain: GE, winType: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), winSize: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen performing an inverse FFT, transforming a buffer containing a spectral domain signal back into the time domain.

  146. final case class IRand(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(127.0)) extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random integer value, using a uniform distribution from lo to hi .

  147. final case class Impulse(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-band-limited generator UGen for single sample impulses.

  148. final case class In(rate: Rate, bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1) extends MultiOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that reads a signal from a bus.

  149. final case class InFeedback(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which reads a signal from an audio bus with a current or one cycle old timestamp.

  150. final case class InRange(rate: Rate, in: GE, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that tests if a signal is within a given range.

  151. final case class InRect(rate: Rate, x: GE, y: GE, left: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), top: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), right: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), bottom: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that tests if two signals lie both within a given ranges.

  152. final case class InTrig(bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1) extends MultiOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which generates a trigger anytime a control bus is set.

  153. final case class Index(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which reads a single sample value from a buffer at a given index.

  154. final case class IndexInBetween(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which determines the (lowest) index in a buffer at which the two neighboring values contain a given input signal.

  155. final case class IndexL(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which reads from a buffer at a given index, linearly interpolating between neighboring points.

  156. final case class Integrator(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, coeff: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A filter UGen to integrate an input signal with a leak.

  157. final case class K2A(in: GE) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A converter UGen that takes a control-rate input and produces an audio-rate output by means of linear interpolation.

  158. final case class KeyState(keyCode: GE, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), lag: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that detects a specific keyboard stroke.

  159. final case class KeyTrack(chain: GE, keyDecay: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.0), chromaLeak: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A (12TET major/minor) key tracker UGen.

  160. final case class Klang(specs: GE, freqScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), freqOffset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

  161. final case class KlangSpec(freq: GE, amp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), decay: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends GE with Product with Serializable

  162. final case class Klank(specs: GE, in: GE, freqScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), freqOffset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), decayScale: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

  163. final case class LFClipNoise(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that randomly generates the values -1 or +1 at a rate given by the nearest integer division of the sample rate by the frequency argument.

  164. final case class LFCub(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), iphase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sine-like oscillator UGen with a shape made of two cubic pieces.

  165. final case class LFDClipNoise(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that randomly generates the values -1 or +1 at a rate given by the nearest integer division of the sample rate by the frequency argument.

  166. final case class LFDNoise0(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A dynamic step noise UGen.

  167. final case class LFDNoise1(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A dynamic ramp noise UGen.

  168. final case class LFDNoise3(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A dynamic ramp noise UGen.

  169. final case class LFGauss(rate: Rate, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), width: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-band-limited gaussian function oscillator UGen.

  170. final case class LFNoise0(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A step noise UGen.

  171. final case class LFNoise1(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A ramp noise UGen.

  172. final case class LFNoise2(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(500.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A quadratically interpolating noise UGen.

  173. final case class LFPar(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), iphase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sine-like oscillator UGen with a shape made of two parabolas.

  174. final case class LFPulse(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), iphase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), width: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-band-limited pulse oscillator UGen.

  175. final case class LFSaw(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), iphase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sawtooth oscillator UGen.

  176. final case class LFTri(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), iphase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A triangle oscillator UGen designed for low frequency control signals (being non-band-limited).

  177. final case class LPF(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A second order low pass filter UGen.

  178. final case class LPZ1(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    two point average filter UGen.

  179. final case class LPZ2(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    three point average filter UGen.

  180. final case class Lag(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, time: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    An exponential lag UGen.

  181. final case class Lag2(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, time: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A cascaded exponential lag UGen.

  182. final case class Lag2UD(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, timeUp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), timeDown: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A cascaded exponential lag UGen with separate inputs for up and down slope.

  183. final case class Lag3(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, time: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A cascaded exponential lag UGen.

  184. final case class Lag3UD(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, timeUp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), timeDown: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A cascaded exponential lag UGen with separate inputs for up and down slope.

  185. final case class LagIn(rate: Rate, bus: GE, numChannels: Int = 1, time: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends MultiOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that reads a signal from a control bus and applies a lag filter to it.

  186. final case class LagUD(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, timeUp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), timeDown: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    An exponential lag UGen with separate inputs for up and down slope.

  187. final case class LastValue(rate: Rate, in: GE, thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sample-and-hold UGen that outputs the last value before the input changed more than a threshold.

  188. final case class Latch(rate: Rate, in: GE, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sample-and-hold UGen.

  189. final case class LatoocarfianC(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(3.0), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), d: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on a function given in Clifford Pickover's book Chaos In Wonderland, pg 26.

  190. final case class LatoocarfianL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(3.0), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), d: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on a function given in Clifford Pickover's book Chaos In Wonderland, pg 26.

  191. final case class LatoocarfianN(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(3.0), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), d: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on a function given in Clifford Pickover's book Chaos In Wonderland, pg 26.

  192. final case class LeakDC(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, coeff: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A filter UGen to remove very low frequency content DC offset.

  193. final case class LeastChange(rate: MaybeRate, a: GE, b: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that switches between two input signal depending on which is changing less.

  194. final case class Limiter(rate: Rate, in: GE, level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Limits the input amplitude to the given level.

  195. final case class LinCongC(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.1), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.13), m: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  196. final case class LinCongL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.1), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.13), m: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  197. final case class LinCongN(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.1), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.13), m: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  198. final case class LinExp(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, srcLo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), srcHi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), dstLo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), dstHi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which maps a linear range to an exponential range.

  199. final case class LinPan2(rate: Rate, in: GE, pos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A stereo panorama UGen based on linear amplitude control.

  200. final case class LinRand(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), minMax: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random decimal value between lo and hi with a selectable skew towards either end.

  201. final case class LinXFade2(rate: Rate, inA: GE, inB: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), pan: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    An linear two channel cross fading UGen.

  202. final case class Line(rate: Rate, start: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), end: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    A line generator UGen that moves from a start value to the end value in a given duration.

  203. final case class Linen(rate: Rate, gate: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), attack: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), sustain: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), release: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    A linear ASR-type envelope generator UGen.

  204. final case class LocalBuf(numFrames: GE, numChannels: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that allocates a buffer local to the synth.

  205. final case class LocalIn(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int = 1) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that reads buses that are local to the enclosing synth.

  206. final case class LocalOut(rate: Rate, in: GE) extends ZeroOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that writes to buses that are local to the enclosing synth.

  207. final case class Logistic(rate: Rate, chaos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(3.0), freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1000.0), init: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A noise generator UGen based on the logistic map.

  208. final case class LorenzL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, s: GE = synth.this.GE.const(10.0), r: GE = synth.this.GE.const(28.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.667), h: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.05), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), zi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A strange attractor discovered by Edward N.

  209. final case class Loudness(chain: GE, smask: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.25), tmask: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen for the extraction of instantaneous loudness.

  210. final case class MFCC(chain: GE, numCoeffs: Int = 13) extends MultiOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen for extracting mel frequency cepstral coefficients.

  211. final case class MantissaMask(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, bits: GE = synth.this.GE.const(3)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that masks off bits in the mantissa of the floating point sample value.

  212. final case class Median(rate: Rate, in: GE, length: GE = synth.this.GE.const(3)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A filter UGen that calculates the median of a running window over its input signal.

  213. final case class MidEQ(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), gain: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A single band parametric equalizer UGen.

  214. final case class MoogFF(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(200.0), gain: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.0), reset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A Moog VCF style UGen.

  215. final case class MostChange(rate: Rate, a: GE, b: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that switches between two input signal depending on which is changing more.

  216. final case class MouseButton(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), lag: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that outputs two different values depending on whether the mouse button is pressed.

  217. final case class MouseX(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), warp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), lag: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that maps the horizontal screen location of the mouse to a given linear or exponential range.

  218. final case class MouseY(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), warp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), lag: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that maps the vertical screen location of the mouse to a given linear or exponential range.

  219. final case class NRand(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), n: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2)) extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random decimal value, averaging a given number of samples from a uniform distribution between lo and hi .

  220. final case class Normalizer(rate: Rate, in: GE, level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that normalizes the input amplitude to the given level.

  221. final case class NumAudioBuses() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    Number of audio buses.

  222. final case class NumBuffers() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    Maximum number of audio buffers.

  223. final case class NumControlBuses() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    Number of control buses.

  224. final case class NumInputBuses() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    Number of input buses.

  225. final case class NumOutputBuses() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    Number of output buses.

  226. final case class NumRunningSynths() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    Number of currently running synths.

  227. final case class OffsetOut(bus: GE, in: GE) extends ZeroOut with AudioRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that writes a signal onto a bus, delaying the signal such that the input will begin to appear on the bus precisely when the encompassing Synth was scheduled according to its OSC bundle.

  228. final case class OnePole(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, coeff: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A one pole (IIR) filter UGen.

  229. final case class OneZero(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, coeff: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A one zero (FIR) filter UGen.

  230. final case class Onsets(chain: GE, thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), fun: GE = synth.this.GE.const(3), decay: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), noiseFloor: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), minGap: GE = synth.this.GE.const(10), medianSpan: GE = synth.this.GE.const(11), whType: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), raw: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    An onset detecting UGen for musical audio signals.

  231. final case class Osc(rate: Rate, buf: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  232. final case class OscN(rate: Rate, buf: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  233. final case class Out(rate: Rate, bus: GE, in: GE) extends ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that writes a signal onto a bus.

  234. final case class PV_Add(chainA: GE, chainB: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that performs a complex addition of the two inputs.

  235. final case class PV_BinScramble(chain: GE, wipe: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), width: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that randomizes the order of the bins.

  236. final case class PV_BinShift(chain: GE, stretch: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), shift: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that stretches and shifts the spectrum.

  237. final case class PV_BinWipe(chainA: GE, chainB: GE, wipe: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that combine low and high bins from two inputs.

  238. final case class PV_BrickWall(chain: GE, wipe: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that clears bins above or below a cutoff point.

  239. final case class PV_ConformalMap(chain: GE, real: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), imag: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that applies the conformal mapping z => (z - a) / (1 - za*) to its input FFT bins z .

  240. final case class PV_Conj(chain: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that converts the bins into their complex conjugate counterparts.

  241. final case class PV_Copy(chainA: GE, chainB: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that copies the spectral frames from chainA to chainB.

  242. final case class PV_CopyPhase(chainA: GE, chainB: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that combines the magnitudes of first input and phases of the second input.

  243. final case class PV_Diffuser(chain: GE, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that adds a different constant random phase shift to each bin.

  244. final case class PV_Div(chainA: GE, chainB: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that performs a complex division of the two inputs.

  245. final case class PV_HainsworthFoote(rate: Rate, chain: GE, hainsworth: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), foote: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), waitTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.04)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    An FFT based onset detector UGen using a balance of two features.

  246. final case class PV_JensenAndersen(rate: Rate, chain: GE, centroid: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.25), hfe: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.25), hfc: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.25), flux: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.25), thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), waitTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.04)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    An FFT based onset detector UGen using a mix of extracted features.

  247. final case class PV_LocalMax(chain: GE, thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that passes only those bins whose magnitudes constitute local maxima.

  248. final case class PV_MagAbove(chain: GE, thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that passes only those bins whose magnitudes are above a given threshold.

  249. final case class PV_MagBelow(chain: GE, thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that passes only those bins whose magnitudes are below a given threshold.

  250. final case class PV_MagClip(chain: GE, thresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that limits (clips) the magnitude of the bins to a given threshold.

  251. final case class PV_MagDiv(chainA: GE, chainB: GE, zeroes: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0E-4)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that divides magnitudes of two inputs and keeps the phases of the first input.

  252. final case class PV_MagFreeze(chain: GE, freeze: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that freezes the magnitudes at current levels.

  253. final case class PV_MagMul(chainA: GE, chainB: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that multiplies the magnitudes of two inputs and keeps the phases of the first input.

  254. final case class PV_MagNoise(chain: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that multiplies the magnitudes by random noise.

  255. final case class PV_MagShift(chain: GE, stretch: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), shift: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that stretches and shifts the magnitudes of the spectrum.

  256. final case class PV_MagSmear(chain: GE, bins: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that averages each bin's magnitude with its neighbors.

  257. final case class PV_MagSquared(chain: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that squares the magnitudes and re-normalizes to previous peak.

  258. final case class PV_Max(chainA: GE, chainB: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that outputs the bins with the maximum magnitude of the two inputs.

  259. final case class PV_Min(chainA: GE, chainB: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that outputs the bins with the minimum magnitude of the two inputs.

  260. final case class PV_Mul(chainA: GE, chainB: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that performs a complex multiplication of the two inputs.

  261. final case class PV_PhaseShift(chain: GE, shift: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that shifts the phase of each bins by a given amount.

  262. final case class PV_PhaseShift270(chain: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that shift the phase of all bins by 270 (or -90) degrees.

  263. final case class PV_PhaseShift90(chain: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that shift the phase of all bins by 90 degrees.

  264. final case class PV_RandComb(chain: GE, wipe: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that randomly clears out bins of the signal.

  265. final case class PV_RandWipe(chainA: GE, chainB: GE, wipe: GE, trig: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that cross-fades between two input spectra by taking bins randomly from them according to a given probability.

  266. final case class PV_RectComb(chain: GE, numTeeth: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), width: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that makes a series of gaps in a spectrum.

  267. final case class PV_RectComb2(chainA: GE, chainB: GE, numTeeth: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), width: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that switches between two input spectra according to a rectangle wave.

  268. final case class PackFFT(chain: GE, fftSize: GE, values: GE, from: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), to: GE, clear: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that writes a complex input signal into an FFT buffer.

  269. final case class Pan2(rate: Rate, in: GE, pos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A stereo panorama UGen based on equal-power amplitude control.

  270. final case class Pan4(rate: Rate, in: GE, xpos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), ypos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A four channel equal-power panorama UGen.

  271. final case class PanAz(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, in: GE, pos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), width: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.0), orient: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    An azimuth-based panorama UGen.

  272. final case class PanB(rate: Rate, in: GE, azimuth: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), elevation: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    An Ambisonics B-format encoding UGen.

  273. final case class PanB2(rate: Rate, in: GE, azimuth: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A two dimensional Ambisonics B-format encoding UGen.

  274. final case class PartConv(rate: Rate, in: GE, fftSize: GE, buf: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen for partitioned convolution.

  275. final case class Pause(gate: GE, node: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which pauses and resumes another node.

  276. final case class PauseSelf(trig: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that, when triggered, pauses enclosing synth.

  277. final case class PauseSelfWhenDone(src: GE with HasDoneFlag) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that, when its input UGen is finished, pauses enclosing synth.

  278. final case class Peak(rate: Rate, in: GE, trig: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to measure a signal's peak amplitude.

  279. final case class PeakFollower(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, decay: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.999)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that continually reports the peak amplitude of the signal received at the input.

  280. final case class Phasor(rate: Rate, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), speed: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), resetVal: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A linear repeating ramp UGen between start and end values.

  281. final case class PinkNoise(rate: Rate, mul: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A noise generator UGen whose spectrum falls off in power by 3 dB per octave.

  282. final case class Pitch(rate: Rate, in: GE, initFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), minFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(60.0), maxFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(4000.0), execFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(100.0), binsPerOct: GE = synth.this.GE.const(16), median: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), ampThresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), peakThresh: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), downSample: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), clarity: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    An autocorrelation based pitch following UGen.

  283. final case class PitchShift(in: GE, winSize: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), pitchRatio: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), pitchDispersion: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), timeDispersion: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A time domain granular pitch shifter.

  284. final case class PlayBuf(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), offset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), doneAction: GE = ...) extends MultiOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to play back samples from a buffer in memory.

  285. final case class Pluck(in: GE, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), maxDelayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), delayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), decayTime: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), coeff: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A Karplus-Strong UGen.

  286. final case class Poll(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, in: GE, label: String = "poll", trigID: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen for printing the current output value of its input to the console.

  287. final case class Pulse(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), width: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A band-limited pulse wave generator UGen, capable of pulse width modulation.

  288. final case class PulseCount(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, reset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that counts the number of triggers observed.

  289. final case class PulseDivider(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, div: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2), start: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that decimates trigger by outputting one impulse each time a certain number of triggers at its input have been received.

  290. final case class QuadC(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1.0), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-0.75), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  291. final case class QuadL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1.0), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-0.75), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  292. final case class QuadN(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, a: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), b: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1.0), c: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-0.75), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  293. final case class RHPF(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A resonant high pass filter UGen.

  294. final case class RLPF(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A resonant low pass filter UGen.

  295. final case class RadiansPerSample() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that delivers the conversion factor from frequency in Hertz to radians (normalized frequency).

  296. final case class Ramp(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which produces a linear lag (time smear) regarding and input signal.

  297. final case class Rand(lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random decimal value, using a uniform distribution from lo to hi .

  298. final case class RandID(rate: Rate, id: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that determines which random number generator is used for the enclosing synth.

  299. final case class RandSeed(rate: Rate, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), seed: GE = synth.this.GE.const(56789.0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that resets the seed of the synth's random number generator upon receiving a trigger.

  300. final case class RecordBuf(rate: Rate, in: GE, buf: GE, offset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), recLevel: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), preLevel: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), run: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    Records input into a Buffer.

  301. final case class ReplaceOut(bus: GE, in: GE) extends ZeroOut with AudioRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that replace the contents of a bus with an input signal.

  302. final case class Resonz(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), rq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A two pole resonant filter UGen.

  303. final case class Ringz(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), decay: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A resonant or "ringing" filter UGen.

  304. final case class Rotate2(rate: Rate, x: GE, y: GE, pos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends MultiOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that can be used for rotating an ambisonic B-format sound field around an axis.

  305. final case class RunningMax(rate: Rate, in: GE, trig: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to measure a signal's maximum value between triggers.

  306. final case class RunningMin(rate: Rate, in: GE, trig: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to measure a signal's minimum value between triggers.

  307. final case class RunningSum(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, length: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen calculating the running sum of an input signal over a given number of samples.

  308. final case class SOS(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, a0: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), a1: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), a2: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), b1: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), b2: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A second order filter section (biquad) UGen.

  309. final case class SampleDur() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that reports the server's current (audio) sample period in seconds.

  310. final case class SampleRate() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that reports the server's current (audio) sample rate.

  311. final case class Saw(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A band-limited sawtooth wave generator UGen.

  312. final case class Schmidt(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A Schmidt trigger UGen.

  313. final case class ScopeOut(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE) extends ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  314. final case class ScopeOut2(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE, maxFrames: GE = synth.this.GE.const(4096.0), frames: GE) extends ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  315. final case class Select(rate: Rate, index: GE, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which selects among a sequence of inputs, according to an index signal.

  316. final case class SendReply(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, values: GE, msgName: String = "/reply", id: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which sends an sequence of values from the server to all notified clients upon receiving triggers.

  317. final case class SendTrig(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, value: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), id: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that sends a value from the server to all notified clients upon receiving triggers.

  318. final case class SetBuf(buf: GE, values: GE, offset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A scalar (init-time) UGen that overwrites contents of a buffer with given values.

  319. final case class SetResetFF(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, reset: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A flip-flop UGen with two inputs, one (set) triggering an output of 1.

  320. final case class Shaper(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A waveshaping UGen.

  321. final case class SinOsc(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sinusoidal (sine tone) oscillator UGen.

  322. final case class SinOscFB(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), feedback: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  323. final case class Slew(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, up: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), down: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A slew rate limiter UGen.

  324. final case class Slope(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen measuring the slope of signal.

  325. final case class SpecCentroid(chain: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to measure the spectral centroid.

  326. final case class SpecFlatness(chain: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to measure spectral flatness.

  327. final case class SpecPcile(chain: GE, percent: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), interp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to find the percentile of a signal's magnitude spectrum.

  328. final case class Spring(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, spring: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), damp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  329. final case class StandardL(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, k: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  330. final case class StandardN(rate: Rate, freq: GE = ugen.this.`package`.nyquist, k: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), xi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5), yi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  331. final case class Stepper(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, reset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), hi: GE = ..., step: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), resetVal: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A pulse counting UGen.

  332. final case class StereoConvolution2L(rate: Rate, in: GE, kernelL: GE, kernelR: GE, trig: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1), frameSize: GE, fadePeriods: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends MultiOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A frequency domain stereo convolution UGen, capable of performing linear cross-fades between kernel updates.

  333. final case class SubsampleOffset() extends SingleOut with ScalarRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that reports the fractional sample offset of the current Synth from its requested scheduled start.

  334. final case class Sweep(rate: Rate, trig: GE, speed: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which starts a linear raise from zero each time it is triggered.

  335. final case class SyncSaw(rate: Rate, syncFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), sawFreq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sawtooth oscillator UGen that is hard sync'ed to a fundamental pitch.

  336. final case class T2A(in: GE) extends SingleOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that converts a control-rate trigger input into an audio-rate trigger output.

  337. final case class T2K(in: GE) extends SingleOut with ControlRated with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that converts an audio-rate trigger input into a control-rate trigger output.

  338. final case class TBall(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, g: GE = synth.this.GE.const(10.0), damp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), friction: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  339. final case class TDelay(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A delay UGen for trigger signals.

  340. final case class TDuty(rate: Rate, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), reset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), doneAction: GE = ..., gapFirst: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which polls results from demand-rate ugens in intervals specified by a duration input, and outputs them as trigger values.

  341. final case class TExpRand(rate: Rate, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.01), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), trig: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that generates a new random decimal value each time it is triggered, using an exponential distribution from lo to hi .

  342. final case class TGrains(numChannels: Int, trig: GE, buf: GE, speed: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), centerPos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), pan: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), amp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), interp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(4)) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    Triggers generate grains from a buffer.

  343. final case class TIRand(rate: Rate, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(127.0), trig: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that outputs integer random numbers when triggered.

  344. final case class TRand(rate: Rate, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), trig: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that generates a new random decimal value each time it is triggered, using a uniform distribution from lo to hi .

  345. final case class TWindex(rate: Rate, trig: GE, prob: GE, normalize: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen providing a probability-weighted index into a sequence upon receiving a trigger.

  346. final case class Timer(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that returns time since last triggered.

  347. final case class ToggleFF(rate: MaybeRate, trig: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that toggles like a flip-flop between zero and one upon receiving a trigger.

  348. final case class Trig(rate: Rate, in: GE, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which holds and outputs an input value for a given duration when triggered.

  349. final case class Trig1(rate: Rate, in: GE, dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which outputs a value of 1 for a given duration when triggered.

  350. final case class TwoPole(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), radius: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.8)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A two pole filter UGen.

  351. final case class TwoZero(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), radius: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.8)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A two zero filter UGen.

  352. final case class Unpack1FFT(chain: GE, fftSize: GE, bin: GE, which: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with DemandRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  353. final case class VDiskIn(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), loop: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0), sendID: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends MultiOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen to stream in a signal from an audio file with variable playback speed.

  354. final case class VOsc(rate: Rate, bufPos: GE, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), phase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  355. final case class VOsc3(rate: Rate, bufPos: GE, freq1: GE = synth.this.GE.const(110.0), freq2: GE = synth.this.GE.const(220.0), freq3: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  356. final case class VarSaw(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), iphase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), width: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.5)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A sawtooth-triangle oscillator UGen with variable duty.

  357. final case class Vibrato(rate: Rate, freq: GE = synth.this.GE.const(440.0), beat: GE = synth.this.GE.const(6.0), depth: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.02), delay: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), onset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), beatVar: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.04), depthVar: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.1), iphase: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A low frequency oscillator UGen for modelling vibrato.

  358. final case class Warp1(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, pos: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), speed: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), winSize: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.2), envBuf: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-1), overlaps: GE = synth.this.GE.const(8.0), winRand: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), interp: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1)) extends MultiOut with AudioRated with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

  359. final case class WhiteNoise(rate: Rate, mul: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A noise generator UGens whose spectrum has equal power at all frequencies.

  360. final case class Wrap(rate: Rate, in: GE, lo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), hi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that constrains a signal to a given range, by "wrapping" values outside the range.

  361. final case class WrapIndex(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen which reads a single sample value from a buffer at a given index.

  362. final case class XFade2(rate: Rate, inA: GE, inB: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), pan: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), level: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    An equal power two channel cross fading UGen.

  363. final case class XLine(rate: Rate, start: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), end: GE = synth.this.GE.const(2.0), dur: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), doneAction: GE = ...) extends SingleOut with HasSideEffect with HasDoneFlag with Product with Serializable

    An exponential curve generator UGen that moves from a start value to the end value in a given duration.

  364. final case class XOut(rate: Rate, bus: GE, in: GE, xfade: GE) extends ZeroOut with HasSideEffect with IsIndividual with Product with Serializable

    A UGen that cross-fades the contents of a bus with an input signal.

  365. final case class ZeroCrossing(rate: MaybeRate, in: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    A pitch estimation UGen based on counting the zero-crossings of the input signal.

Value Members

  1. object A2K extends Serializable

    A converter UGen that takes an audio-rate input and produces a control-rate output by means of sampling.

  2. object APF extends Serializable

  3. object AllpassC extends Serializable

    All pass delay line with cubic interpolation.

  4. object AllpassL extends Serializable

    All pass delay line with linear interpolation.

  5. object AllpassN extends Serializable

    All pass delay line with no interpolation.

  6. object AmpComp extends Serializable

    A UGen that produces a psychoacoustic amplitude compensation factor for a given frequency.

  7. object AmpCompA extends Serializable

    A UGen that produces a psychoacoustic amplitude compensation factor for a given frequency.

  8. object Amplitude extends Serializable

    An amplitude follower UGen.

  9. object BAllPass extends Serializable

    An all pass filter UGen.

  10. object BBandPass extends Serializable

    An band pass filter UGen.

  11. object BBandStop extends Serializable

    An band stop (reject) filter UGen.

  12. object BHiPass extends Serializable

    A 2nd order (12db per oct roll-off) resonant high pass filter UGen.

  13. object BHiShelf extends Serializable

    A high shelf equalizer UGen.

  14. object BLowPass extends Serializable

    A 2nd order (12db per oct roll-off) resonant low pass filter UGen.

  15. object BLowShelf extends Serializable

    A low shelf equalizer UGen.

  16. object BPF extends Serializable

    A second order band pass filter UGen.

  17. object BPZ2 extends Serializable

    a special fixed band-pass filter UGen.

  18. object BPeakEQ extends Serializable

    An parametric equalizer UGen.

  19. object BRF extends Serializable

    A second order band reject (notch) filter UGen.

  20. object BRZ2 extends Serializable

    a special fixed band-reject filter UGen.

  21. object Balance2 extends Serializable

    An equal power two channel balancing UGen.

  22. object Ball extends Serializable

  23. object BeatTrack extends Serializable

    An autocorrelation based beat tracker UGen.

  24. object BeatTrack2 extends Serializable

    A template matching beat tracker UGen.

  25. object BiPanB2 extends Serializable

    A two dimensional Ambisonics B-format encoder UGen for a two-channel input signal.

  26. object Blip extends Serializable

    Band Limited ImPulse generator UGen.

  27. object BrownNoise extends Serializable

    A noise generator UGen whose spectrum falls off in power by 6 dB per octave.

  28. object BufAllpassC extends Serializable

    All pass delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  29. object BufAllpassL extends Serializable

    All pass delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  30. object BufAllpassN extends Serializable

    All pass delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  31. object BufChannels extends Serializable

    Returns the current number of channels of the buffer at the provided index.

  32. object BufCombC extends Serializable

    Comb delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  33. object BufCombL extends Serializable

    Comb delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  34. object BufCombN extends Serializable

    Comb delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  35. object BufDelayC extends Serializable

    Simple delay line with cubic interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  36. object BufDelayL extends Serializable

    Simple delay line with linear interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  37. object BufDelayN extends Serializable

    Simple delay line with no interpolation which uses a buffer for its internal memory.

  38. object BufDur extends Serializable

    Returns the current duration of the buffer at the provided index.

  39. object BufFrames extends Serializable

    Returns the number of allocated frames of the buffer at the provided index.

  40. object BufRateScale extends Serializable

    Returns a ratio by which the playback of the buffer at the provided index is to be scaled relative to the current sample rate of the server.

  41. object BufRd extends Serializable

    A UGen which reads the content of a buffer, using an index pointer.

  42. object BufSampleRate extends Serializable

    Returns the buffer's current sample rate.

  43. object BufSamples extends Serializable

    Returns the current number of allocated samples in the Buffer at the provided index.

  44. object BufWr extends Serializable

    A UGen that writes a signal to a buffer, using an index pointer.

  45. object COsc extends Serializable

  46. object CheckBadValues extends Serializable

    A UGen to test for infinity, not-a-number (NaN), and denormal numbers.

  47. object ClearBuf extends Serializable

    A scalar (init-time) UGen that fills the contents of a buffer with zeroes.

  48. object Clip extends Serializable

    A UGen that constrains a signal to a given range, by limiting values outside the range to the range margins.

  49. object ClipNoise extends Serializable

    A noise generator UGen whose values are either -1 or +1 (before being multiplied by mul ).

  50. object CoinGate extends Serializable

    A UGen that randomly filters an input trigger signal.

  51. object CombC extends Serializable

    Comb delay line with cubic interpolation.

  52. object CombL extends Serializable

    Comb delay line with linear interpolation.

  53. object CombN extends Serializable

    Comb delay line with no interpolation.

  54. object Compander extends Serializable

    A compressor, expander, limiter, gate and ducking UGen.

  55. object ControlDur extends Serializable

    A UGen that reports the server's current control period in seconds.

  56. object ControlRate extends Serializable

    A UGen that reports the server's current control rate.

  57. object Convolution extends Serializable

    A UGen that performs a convolution with an continuously changing kernel.

  58. object Convolution2 extends Serializable

    A frequency-domain convolution UGen using a fixed kernel which can be updated by a trigger signal.

  59. object Convolution2L extends Serializable

    A frequency-domain convolution UGen using two linearly interpolated fixed kernels.

  60. object Convolution3 extends Serializable

    A UGen for triggered convolution in the time domain.

  61. object Crackle extends Serializable

    A noise generator UGen based on a chaotic function.

  62. object CuspL extends Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  63. object CuspN extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  64. object DC extends Serializable

    A UGen that creates a constant signal at a given calculation rate.

  65. object Dbrown extends Serializable

  66. object Dbufrd extends Serializable

    A demand-rate UGen that reads out a buffer.

  67. object Dbufwr extends Serializable

  68. object Decay extends Serializable

    An integrator UGen with exponential decay of past values.

  69. object Decay2 extends Serializable

    A integrator UGen with controllable attack and release times.

  70. object DecodeB2 extends Serializable

    A two dimensional Ambisonics B-format decoding UGen.

  71. object DegreeToKey extends Serializable

    A UGen that uses an input signal as an index into an octave repeating table of pitch classes.

  72. object DelTapRd extends Serializable

    Tap a delay line from a DelTapWr UGen.

  73. object DelTapWr extends Serializable

    Write to a buffer for a DelTapRd UGen

  74. object Delay1 extends Serializable

    A UGen that delays the input by 1 audio frame or control period.

  75. object Delay2 extends Serializable

    A UGen that delays the input by 2 audio frames or control periods.

  76. object DelayC extends Serializable

    Simple delay line with cubic interpolation.

  77. object DelayL extends Serializable

    Simple delay line with linear interpolation.

  78. object DelayN extends Serializable

    Simple delay line with no interpolation.

  79. object Demand extends Serializable

    A UGen which polls results from demand-rate ugens when receiving a trigger.

  80. object DemandEnvGen extends Serializable

    An envelope generator UGen using demand-rate inputs for the envelope segments.

  81. object DetectIndex extends Serializable

    A UGen which determines the index in a buffer at which the value matches a given input signal.

  82. object DetectSilence extends Serializable

    A UGen which detects whether its input signal falls below a given amplitude for a given amount of time (becoming "silent").

  83. object Dgeom extends Serializable

  84. object Dibrown extends Serializable

  85. object DiskIn extends Serializable

    A UGen to stream in a signal from an audio file.

  86. object DiskOut extends Serializable

    A UGen which writes a signal to a sound file on disk.

  87. object Diwhite extends Serializable

  88. object Donce extends Serializable

  89. object Done extends Serializable

    A UGen which monitors another UGen to see when it is finished.

  90. object Dpoll extends Serializable

    A demand rate UGen printing the current output value of its input to the console when polled.

  91. object Drand extends Serializable

  92. object Dreset extends Serializable

  93. object Dseq extends Serializable

  94. object Dser extends Serializable

  95. object Dseries extends Serializable

    A demand-rate UGen which produces an arithmetic (linear) series.

  96. object Dshuf extends Serializable

  97. object Dstutter extends Serializable

  98. object Dswitch extends Serializable

  99. object Dswitch1 extends Serializable

  100. object Dust extends Serializable

    A UGen generating random impulses with values ranging from 0 to +1 .

  101. object Dust2 extends Serializable

    A UGen generating random impulses with values ranging from -1 to +1 .

  102. object Duty extends Serializable

    A UGen which polls results from demand-rate ugens in intervals specified by a duration input.

  103. object Dwhite extends Serializable

  104. object Dxrand extends Serializable

  105. object EnvGen extends Serializable

    An envelope generator UGen.

  106. object ExpRand extends Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random decimal value, using an exponential distribution from lo to hi .

  107. object FBSineC extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  108. object FBSineL extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  109. object FBSineN extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  110. object FFT extends Serializable

    A UGen performing short-time forward fourier transformations.

  111. object FFTTrigger extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that takes a buffer and prepares it to be used in FFT chains, without doing an actual FFT on a signal.

  112. object FOS extends Serializable

    A first order filter section UGen.

  113. object FSinOsc extends Serializable

    A sine oscillator UGen using a fast approximation.

  114. object Fold extends Serializable

    A UGen that constrains a signal to a given range, by "folding" values outside the range.

  115. object FoldIndex extends Serializable

    A UGen which reads a single sample value from a buffer at a given index.

  116. object Formant extends Serializable

    A UGen that generates a set of harmonics around a formant frequency at a given fundamental frequency.

  117. object Formlet extends Serializable

    A FOF-like resonant filter UGen.

  118. object Free extends Serializable

    A UGen that, when triggered, frees a given node.

  119. object FreeSelf extends Serializable

    A UGen that, when triggered, frees enclosing synth.

  120. object FreeSelfWhenDone extends Serializable

    A UGen that, when its input UGen is finished, frees enclosing synth.

  121. object FreeVerb extends Serializable

    A monophonic reverb UGen.

  122. object FreeVerb2 extends Serializable

    A stereophonic reverb UGen.

  123. object FreqShift extends Serializable

    A frequency shifting UGen.

  124. object GVerb extends Serializable

    A stereophonic reverb UGen.

  125. object Gate extends Serializable

    A gate or hold UGen.

  126. object GbmanL extends Serializable

  127. object GbmanN extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  128. object Gendy1 extends Serializable

  129. object Gendy2 extends Serializable

  130. object Gendy3 extends Serializable

  131. object GrainBuf extends Serializable

    A granular synthesis UGen taking sound stored in a buffer.

  132. object GrainFM extends Serializable

  133. object GrainIn extends Serializable

  134. object GrainSin extends Serializable

  135. object GrayNoise extends Serializable

    A noise generator UGen which results from flipping random bits in a word.

  136. object HPF extends Serializable

    A second order high pass filter UGen.

  137. object HPZ1 extends Serializable

    A two point difference filter UGen.

  138. object HPZ2 extends Serializable

    three point difference filter UGen.

  139. object Hasher extends Serializable

    A UGen that returns a unique output value from zero to one for each input value according to a hash function.

  140. object HenonC extends Serializable

    A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  141. object HenonL extends Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  142. object HenonN extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  143. object Hilbert extends Serializable

    A Hilbert transform UGen.

  144. object IEnvGen extends Serializable

    Envelope generator UGen with random access index pointer into the break-point function.

  145. object IFFT extends Serializable

    A UGen performing an inverse FFT, transforming a buffer containing a spectral domain signal back into the time domain.

  146. object IRand extends Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random integer value, using a uniform distribution from lo to hi .

  147. object Impulse extends Serializable

    A non-band-limited generator UGen for single sample impulses.

  148. object In extends Serializable

    A UGen that reads a signal from a bus.

  149. object InFeedback extends Serializable

    A UGen which reads a signal from an audio bus with a current or one cycle old timestamp.

  150. object InRange extends Serializable

    A UGen that tests if a signal is within a given range.

  151. object InRect extends Serializable

    A UGen that tests if two signals lie both within a given ranges.

  152. object InTrig extends Serializable

    A UGen which generates a trigger anytime a control bus is set.

  153. object Index extends Serializable

    A UGen which reads a single sample value from a buffer at a given index.

  154. object IndexInBetween extends Serializable

    A UGen which determines the (lowest) index in a buffer at which the two neighboring values contain a given input signal.

  155. object IndexL extends Serializable

    A UGen which reads from a buffer at a given index, linearly interpolating between neighboring points.

  156. object Integrator extends Serializable

    A filter UGen to integrate an input signal with a leak.

  157. object K2A extends Serializable

    A converter UGen that takes a control-rate input and produces an audio-rate output by means of linear interpolation.

  158. object KeyState extends Serializable

    A UGen that detects a specific keyboard stroke.

  159. object KeyTrack extends Serializable

    A (12TET major/minor) key tracker UGen.

  160. object Klang extends Serializable

  161. object KlangSpec extends Serializable

  162. object Klank extends Serializable

  163. object LFClipNoise extends Serializable

    A UGen that randomly generates the values -1 or +1 at a rate given by the nearest integer division of the sample rate by the frequency argument.

  164. object LFCub extends Serializable

    A sine-like oscillator UGen with a shape made of two cubic pieces.

  165. object LFDClipNoise extends Serializable

    A UGen that randomly generates the values -1 or +1 at a rate given by the nearest integer division of the sample rate by the frequency argument.

  166. object LFDNoise0 extends Serializable

    A dynamic step noise UGen.

  167. object LFDNoise1 extends Serializable

    A dynamic ramp noise UGen.

  168. object LFDNoise3 extends Serializable

    A dynamic ramp noise UGen.

  169. object LFGauss extends Serializable

    A non-band-limited gaussian function oscillator UGen.

  170. object LFNoise0 extends Serializable

    A step noise UGen.

  171. object LFNoise1 extends Serializable

    A ramp noise UGen.

  172. object LFNoise2 extends Serializable

    A quadratically interpolating noise UGen.

  173. object LFPar extends Serializable

    A sine-like oscillator UGen with a shape made of two parabolas.

  174. object LFPulse extends Serializable

    A non-band-limited pulse oscillator UGen.

  175. object LFSaw extends Serializable

    A sawtooth oscillator UGen.

  176. object LFTri extends Serializable

    A triangle oscillator UGen designed for low frequency control signals (being non-band-limited).

  177. object LPF extends Serializable

    A second order low pass filter UGen.

  178. object LPZ1 extends Serializable

    two point average filter UGen.

  179. object LPZ2 extends Serializable

    three point average filter UGen.

  180. object Lag extends Serializable

    An exponential lag UGen.

  181. object Lag2 extends Serializable

    A cascaded exponential lag UGen.

  182. object Lag2UD extends Serializable

    A cascaded exponential lag UGen with separate inputs for up and down slope.

  183. object Lag3 extends Serializable

    A cascaded exponential lag UGen.

  184. object Lag3UD extends Serializable

    A cascaded exponential lag UGen with separate inputs for up and down slope.

  185. object LagIn extends Serializable

    A UGen that reads a signal from a control bus and applies a lag filter to it.

  186. object LagUD extends Serializable

    An exponential lag UGen with separate inputs for up and down slope.

  187. object LastValue extends Serializable

    A sample-and-hold UGen that outputs the last value before the input changed more than a threshold.

  188. object Latch extends Serializable

    A sample-and-hold UGen.

  189. object LatoocarfianC extends Serializable

    A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on a function given in Clifford Pickover's book Chaos In Wonderland, pg 26.

  190. object LatoocarfianL extends Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on a function given in Clifford Pickover's book Chaos In Wonderland, pg 26.

  191. object LatoocarfianN extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on a function given in Clifford Pickover's book Chaos In Wonderland, pg 26.

  192. object LeakDC extends Serializable

    A filter UGen to remove very low frequency content DC offset.

  193. object LeastChange extends Serializable

    A UGen that switches between two input signal depending on which is changing less.

  194. object Limiter extends Serializable

    Limits the input amplitude to the given level.

  195. object LinCongC extends Serializable

    A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  196. object LinCongL extends Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  197. object LinCongN extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  198. object LinExp extends Serializable

    A UGen which maps a linear range to an exponential range.

  199. object LinPan2 extends Serializable

    A stereo panorama UGen based on linear amplitude control.

  200. object LinRand extends Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random decimal value between lo and hi with a selectable skew towards either end.

  201. object LinXFade2 extends Serializable

    An linear two channel cross fading UGen.

  202. object Line extends Serializable

    A line generator UGen that moves from a start value to the end value in a given duration.

  203. object Linen extends Serializable

    A linear ASR-type envelope generator UGen.

  204. object LocalBuf extends Serializable

    A UGen that allocates a buffer local to the synth.

  205. object LocalIn extends Serializable

    A UGen that reads buses that are local to the enclosing synth.

  206. object LocalOut extends Serializable

    A UGen that writes to buses that are local to the enclosing synth.

  207. object Logistic extends Serializable

    A noise generator UGen based on the logistic map.

  208. object LorenzL extends Serializable

    A strange attractor discovered by Edward N.

  209. object Loudness extends Serializable

    A UGen for the extraction of instantaneous loudness.

  210. object MFCC extends Serializable

    A UGen for extracting mel frequency cepstral coefficients.

  211. object MantissaMask extends Serializable

    A UGen that masks off bits in the mantissa of the floating point sample value.

  212. object Median extends Serializable

    A filter UGen that calculates the median of a running window over its input signal.

  213. object MidEQ extends Serializable

    A single band parametric equalizer UGen.

  214. object MoogFF extends Serializable

    A Moog VCF style UGen.

  215. object MostChange extends Serializable

    A UGen that switches between two input signal depending on which is changing more.

  216. object MouseButton extends Serializable

    A UGen that outputs two different values depending on whether the mouse button is pressed.

  217. object MouseX extends Serializable

    A UGen that maps the horizontal screen location of the mouse to a given linear or exponential range.

  218. object MouseY extends Serializable

    A UGen that maps the vertical screen location of the mouse to a given linear or exponential range.

  219. object NRand extends Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random decimal value, averaging a given number of samples from a uniform distribution between lo and hi .

  220. object Normalizer extends Serializable

    A UGen that normalizes the input amplitude to the given level.

  221. object NumAudioBuses extends Serializable

    Number of audio buses.

  222. object NumBuffers extends Serializable

    Maximum number of audio buffers.

  223. object NumControlBuses extends Serializable

    Number of control buses.

  224. object NumInputBuses extends Serializable

    Number of input buses.

  225. object NumOutputBuses extends Serializable

    Number of output buses.

  226. object NumRunningSynths extends Serializable

    Number of currently running synths.

  227. object OffsetOut extends Serializable

    A UGen that writes a signal onto a bus, delaying the signal such that the input will begin to appear on the bus precisely when the encompassing Synth was scheduled according to its OSC bundle.

  228. object OnePole extends Serializable

    A one pole (IIR) filter UGen.

  229. object OneZero extends Serializable

    A one zero (FIR) filter UGen.

  230. object Onsets extends Serializable

    An onset detecting UGen for musical audio signals.

  231. object Osc extends Serializable

  232. object OscN extends Serializable

  233. object Out extends Serializable

    A UGen that writes a signal onto a bus.

  234. object PV_Add extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that performs a complex addition of the two inputs.

  235. object PV_BinScramble extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that randomizes the order of the bins.

  236. object PV_BinShift extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that stretches and shifts the spectrum.

  237. object PV_BinWipe extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that combine low and high bins from two inputs.

  238. object PV_BrickWall extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that clears bins above or below a cutoff point.

  239. object PV_ConformalMap extends Serializable

    A UGen that applies the conformal mapping z => (z - a) / (1 - za*) to its input FFT bins z .

  240. object PV_Conj extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that converts the bins into their complex conjugate counterparts.

  241. object PV_Copy extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that copies the spectral frames from chainA to chainB.

  242. object PV_CopyPhase extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that combines the magnitudes of first input and phases of the second input.

  243. object PV_Diffuser extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that adds a different constant random phase shift to each bin.

  244. object PV_Div extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that performs a complex division of the two inputs.

  245. object PV_HainsworthFoote extends Serializable

    An FFT based onset detector UGen using a balance of two features.

  246. object PV_JensenAndersen extends Serializable

    An FFT based onset detector UGen using a mix of extracted features.

  247. object PV_LocalMax extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that passes only those bins whose magnitudes constitute local maxima.

  248. object PV_MagAbove extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that passes only those bins whose magnitudes are above a given threshold.

  249. object PV_MagBelow extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that passes only those bins whose magnitudes are below a given threshold.

  250. object PV_MagClip extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that limits (clips) the magnitude of the bins to a given threshold.

  251. object PV_MagDiv extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that divides magnitudes of two inputs and keeps the phases of the first input.

  252. object PV_MagFreeze extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that freezes the magnitudes at current levels.

  253. object PV_MagMul extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that multiplies the magnitudes of two inputs and keeps the phases of the first input.

  254. object PV_MagNoise extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that multiplies the magnitudes by random noise.

  255. object PV_MagShift extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that stretches and shifts the magnitudes of the spectrum.

  256. object PV_MagSmear extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that averages each bin's magnitude with its neighbors.

  257. object PV_MagSquared extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that squares the magnitudes and re-normalizes to previous peak.

  258. object PV_Max extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that outputs the bins with the maximum magnitude of the two inputs.

  259. object PV_Min extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that outputs the bins with the minimum magnitude of the two inputs.

  260. object PV_Mul extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that performs a complex multiplication of the two inputs.

  261. object PV_PhaseShift extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that shifts the phase of each bins by a given amount.

  262. object PV_PhaseShift270 extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that shift the phase of all bins by 270 (or -90) degrees.

  263. object PV_PhaseShift90 extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that shift the phase of all bins by 90 degrees.

  264. object PV_RandComb extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that randomly clears out bins of the signal.

  265. object PV_RandWipe extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that cross-fades between two input spectra by taking bins randomly from them according to a given probability.

  266. object PV_RectComb extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that makes a series of gaps in a spectrum.

  267. object PV_RectComb2 extends Serializable

    A phase vocoder UGen that switches between two input spectra according to a rectangle wave.

  268. object PackFFT extends Serializable

    A UGen that writes a complex input signal into an FFT buffer.

  269. object Pan2 extends Serializable

    A stereo panorama UGen based on equal-power amplitude control.

  270. object Pan4 extends Serializable

    A four channel equal-power panorama UGen.

  271. object PanAz extends Serializable

    An azimuth-based panorama UGen.

  272. object PanB extends Serializable

    An Ambisonics B-format encoding UGen.

  273. object PanB2 extends Serializable

    A two dimensional Ambisonics B-format encoding UGen.

  274. object PartConv extends Serializable

    A UGen for partitioned convolution.

  275. object Pause extends Serializable

    A UGen which pauses and resumes another node.

  276. object PauseSelf extends Serializable

    A UGen that, when triggered, pauses enclosing synth.

  277. object PauseSelfWhenDone extends Serializable

    A UGen that, when its input UGen is finished, pauses enclosing synth.

  278. object Peak extends Serializable

    A UGen to measure a signal's peak amplitude.

  279. object PeakFollower extends Serializable

    A UGen that continually reports the peak amplitude of the signal received at the input.

  280. object Phasor extends Serializable

    A linear repeating ramp UGen between start and end values.

  281. object PinkNoise extends Serializable

    A noise generator UGen whose spectrum falls off in power by 3 dB per octave.

  282. object Pitch extends Serializable

    An autocorrelation based pitch following UGen.

  283. object PitchShift extends Serializable

    A time domain granular pitch shifter.

  284. object PlayBuf extends Serializable

    A UGen to play back samples from a buffer in memory.

  285. object Pluck extends Serializable

    A Karplus-Strong UGen.

  286. object Poll extends Serializable

    A UGen for printing the current output value of its input to the console.

  287. object Pulse extends Serializable

    A band-limited pulse wave generator UGen, capable of pulse width modulation.

  288. object PulseCount extends Serializable

    A UGen that counts the number of triggers observed.

  289. object PulseDivider extends Serializable

    A UGen that decimates trigger by outputting one impulse each time a certain number of triggers at its input have been received.

  290. object QuadC extends Serializable

    A cubic-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  291. object QuadL extends Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  292. object QuadN extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equation:

  293. object RHPF extends Serializable

    A resonant high pass filter UGen.

  294. object RLPF extends Serializable

    A resonant low pass filter UGen.

  295. object RadiansPerSample extends Serializable

    A UGen that delivers the conversion factor from frequency in Hertz to radians (normalized frequency).

  296. object Ramp extends Serializable

    A UGen which produces a linear lag (time smear) regarding and input signal.

  297. object Rand extends Serializable

    A scalar UGen that generates a single random decimal value, using a uniform distribution from lo to hi .

  298. object RandID extends Serializable

    A UGen that determines which random number generator is used for the enclosing synth.

  299. object RandSeed extends Serializable

    A UGen that resets the seed of the synth's random number generator upon receiving a trigger.

  300. object RecordBuf extends Serializable

    Records input into a Buffer.

  301. object ReplaceOut extends Serializable

    A UGen that replace the contents of a bus with an input signal.

  302. object Resonz extends Serializable

    A two pole resonant filter UGen.

  303. object Ringz extends Serializable

    A resonant or "ringing" filter UGen.

  304. object Rotate2 extends Serializable

    A UGen that can be used for rotating an ambisonic B-format sound field around an axis.

  305. object RunningMax extends Serializable

    A UGen to measure a signal's maximum value between triggers.

  306. object RunningMin extends Serializable

    A UGen to measure a signal's minimum value between triggers.

  307. object RunningSum extends Serializable

    A UGen calculating the running sum of an input signal over a given number of samples.

  308. object SOS extends Serializable

    A second order filter section (biquad) UGen.

  309. object SampleDur extends Serializable

    A UGen that reports the server's current (audio) sample period in seconds.

  310. object SampleRate extends Serializable

    A UGen that reports the server's current (audio) sample rate.

  311. object Saw extends Serializable

    A band-limited sawtooth wave generator UGen.

  312. object Schmidt extends Serializable

    A Schmidt trigger UGen.

  313. object ScopeOut extends Serializable

  314. object ScopeOut2 extends Serializable

  315. object Select extends Serializable

    A UGen which selects among a sequence of inputs, according to an index signal.

  316. object SendReply extends Serializable

    A UGen which sends an sequence of values from the server to all notified clients upon receiving triggers.

  317. object SendTrig extends Serializable

    A UGen that sends a value from the server to all notified clients upon receiving triggers.

  318. object SetBuf extends Serializable

    A scalar (init-time) UGen that overwrites contents of a buffer with given values.

  319. object SetResetFF extends Serializable

    A flip-flop UGen with two inputs, one (set) triggering an output of 1.

  320. object Shaper extends Serializable

    A waveshaping UGen.

  321. object SinOsc extends Serializable

    A sinusoidal (sine tone) oscillator UGen.

  322. object SinOscFB extends Serializable

  323. object Slew extends Serializable

    A slew rate limiter UGen.

  324. object Slope extends Serializable

    A UGen measuring the slope of signal.

  325. object SpecCentroid extends Serializable

    A UGen to measure the spectral centroid.

  326. object SpecFlatness extends Serializable

    A UGen to measure spectral flatness.

  327. object SpecPcile extends Serializable

    A UGen to find the percentile of a signal's magnitude spectrum.

  328. object Spring extends Serializable

  329. object StandardL extends Serializable

    A linear-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  330. object StandardN extends Serializable

    A non-interpolating sound generator based on the difference equations:

  331. object Stepper extends Serializable

    A pulse counting UGen.

  332. object StereoConvolution2L extends Serializable

    A frequency domain stereo convolution UGen, capable of performing linear cross-fades between kernel updates.

  333. object SubsampleOffset extends Serializable

    A UGen that reports the fractional sample offset of the current Synth from its requested scheduled start.

  334. object Sweep extends Serializable

    A UGen which starts a linear raise from zero each time it is triggered.

  335. object SyncSaw extends Serializable

    A sawtooth oscillator UGen that is hard sync'ed to a fundamental pitch.

  336. object T2A extends Serializable

    A UGen that converts a control-rate trigger input into an audio-rate trigger output.

  337. object T2K extends Serializable

    A UGen that converts an audio-rate trigger input into a control-rate trigger output.

  338. object TBall extends Serializable

  339. object TDelay extends Serializable

    A delay UGen for trigger signals.

  340. object TDuty extends Serializable

    A UGen which polls results from demand-rate ugens in intervals specified by a duration input, and outputs them as trigger values.

  341. object TExpRand extends Serializable

    A UGen that generates a new random decimal value each time it is triggered, using an exponential distribution from lo to hi .

  342. object TGrains extends Serializable

    Triggers generate grains from a buffer.

  343. object TIRand extends Serializable

    A UGen that outputs integer random numbers when triggered.

  344. object TRand extends Serializable

    A UGen that generates a new random decimal value each time it is triggered, using a uniform distribution from lo to hi .

  345. object TWindex extends Serializable

    A UGen providing a probability-weighted index into a sequence upon receiving a trigger.

  346. object Timer extends Serializable

    A UGen that returns time since last triggered.

  347. object ToggleFF extends Serializable

    A UGen that toggles like a flip-flop between zero and one upon receiving a trigger.

  348. object Trig extends Serializable

    A UGen which holds and outputs an input value for a given duration when triggered.

  349. object Trig1 extends Serializable

    A UGen which outputs a value of 1 for a given duration when triggered.

  350. object TwoPole extends Serializable

    A two pole filter UGen.

  351. object TwoZero extends Serializable

    A two zero filter UGen.

  352. object Unpack1FFT extends Serializable

  353. object VDiskIn extends Serializable

    A UGen to stream in a signal from an audio file with variable playback speed.

  354. object VOsc extends Serializable

  355. object VOsc3 extends Serializable

  356. object VarSaw extends Serializable

    A sawtooth-triangle oscillator UGen with variable duty.

  357. object Vibrato extends Serializable

    A low frequency oscillator UGen for modelling vibrato.

  358. object Warp1 extends Serializable

  359. object WhiteNoise extends Serializable

    A noise generator UGens whose spectrum has equal power at all frequencies.

  360. object Wrap extends Serializable

    A UGen that constrains a signal to a given range, by "wrapping" values outside the range.

  361. object WrapIndex extends Serializable

    A UGen which reads a single sample value from a buffer at a given index.

  362. object XFade2 extends Serializable

    An equal power two channel cross fading UGen.

  363. object XLine extends Serializable

    An exponential curve generator UGen that moves from a start value to the end value in a given duration.

  364. object XOut extends Serializable

    A UGen that cross-fades the contents of a bus with an input signal.

  365. object ZeroCrossing extends Serializable

    A pitch estimation UGen based on counting the zero-crossings of the input signal.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
