
package common

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Change extends AnyRef

    The common interface for all changes.

  2. trait CompilerAccess extends AnyRef

  3. trait ConsoleTracing extends Tracing

  4. trait InsertionPositions extends Selections with TreeTransformations

  5. trait InteractiveScalaCompiler extends CompilerAccess

    Many parts of the library can work with the non-interactive global, but some -- most notably the refactoring implementations -- need an interactive compiler, which is expressed by this trait.

  6. case class NewFileChange(fullName: String, text: String) extends Change with Product with Serializable

    The changes creates a new source file, indicated by the fullName parameter.

  7. trait Occurrences extends Selections with CompilerAccess with Indexes

    Provides functionalities to get positions of term names.

  8. trait PimpedTrees extends AnyRef

    A collection of implicit conversions for ASTs and other helper functions that work on trees.

  9. class RefactoringError extends Exception

  10. trait Selections extends TreeTraverser with PimpedTrees

  11. trait SilentTracing extends Tracing

  12. case class TextChange(sourceFile: SourceFile, from: Int, to: Int, text: String) extends Change with Product with Serializable

  13. trait Tracing extends AnyRef

  14. trait TreeExtractors extends AnyRef

  15. class TreeNotFound extends Exception

  16. trait TreeTraverser extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Change
