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build() - Method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot


CompareMode - Enum in de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json
Defines how strict JSONs are to be compared.
ComparisonRuleBuilder - Interface in de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 1.3.0 - Use ComparisonRuleBuilder from core package instead.
ComparisonRuleBuilder.ChooseMatcher - Interface in de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 1.3.0 - Use ComparisonRuleBuilder.ChooseMatcher from core package instead.
configure(Consumer<ObjectMapper>) - Method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Configure the underlying ObjectMapper by passing in a Consumer.


de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json - package de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json
Json snapshot format support using jackson and jsonassert.


ignore() - Method in interface de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.ComparisonRuleBuilder.ChooseMatcher
Ignores values during comparison.


json - Static variable in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Takes Snapshots using jackson ObjectMapper and compare the results using JSONAssert.
json() - Static method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Creates an instance using a default ObjectMapper with sensible defaults.
json(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Creates an instance using the explicitly provided ObjectMapper.
JsonSnapshot - Class in de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json
Serializes snapshots as json using jackson.


LENIENT - de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.CompareMode
Lenient checking.


mustMatch(Predicate<? super Object>) - Method in interface de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.ComparisonRuleBuilder.ChooseMatcher
The value must match the given predicate.
mustMatch(Pattern) - Method in interface de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.ComparisonRuleBuilder.ChooseMatcher
String representation of the value must match the given regex.


NON_EXTENSIBLE - de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.CompareMode
Non-extensible checking.


pathAt(String) - Method in interface de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.ComparisonRuleBuilder
Specify the path for which to apply the custom comparison rule.


STRICT - de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.CompareMode
Strict checking.
STRICT_ORDER - de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.CompareMode
Strict order checking.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.CompareMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.CompareMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withComparator(JSONComparator) - Method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 1.2.0 - Use withComparisonRules(Consumer) instead.
withCompareMode(CompareMode) - Method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Sets the mode for comparing two json strings.
withComparisonRules(Consumer<ComparisonRuleBuilder>) - Method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Allows to specify extra comparison rules that are applied to certain paths within the json snapshots.
withDefaultObjectMapper() - Static method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 1.4.0 - Use json() instead.
withObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class de.skuzzle.test.snapshots.data.json.JsonSnapshot
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Since 1.4.0 - Use json(ObjectMapper) instead.
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