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ALIEN - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
ATTACHMENT - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param


BIKE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
BUGLE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound


CALLBACK - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
CASHREGISTET - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
checkArgument(boolean, Object) - Static method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils.Validate
Ensures the truth of an expression involving one or more parameters to the calling method.
CLASSICAL - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
CLIMB - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
COSMIC - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
COUNT - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param


de.svenkubiak.jpushover - package de.svenkubiak.jpushover
de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis - package de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis
de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums - package de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums
de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http - package de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http
de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils - package de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils
DEVICE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param


ECHO - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
EMERGENCY - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Priority
enableHtml() - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Enables HTML in the pushover message Either HTML or monospace can be enabled (optional)
enableMonospace() - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Enables HTML in the pushover message Either HTML or monospace can be enabled (optional)
EXPIRE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param


FALLING - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound


GAMELAN - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
getGlanceUrl() - Static method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils.Urls
getHttpStatus() - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverResponse
getMessageUrl() - Static method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils.Urls
getResponse() - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverResponse
getValidationUrl() - Static method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils.Urls
Glance - Class in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis
Glance() - Constructor for class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance


HIGH - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Priority
HTML - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
httpStatus(int) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverResponse


INCOMING - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
INTERMISSION - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
isSuccessful() - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverResponse
isSuccessful(boolean) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverResponse


JPushover - Class in de.svenkubiak.jpushover
Zero-dependency convenient class for working with the Pushover API See https://pushover.net/api for API details
JPushover() - Constructor for class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.JPushover


LOW - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Priority
LOWEST - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Priority


MAGIC - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
MECHANICAL - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
Message - Class in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis
Message() - Constructor for class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
MESSAGE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
MONOSPACE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param


newGlance() - Static method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.JPushover
Creates a new Glance instance for the Glances API
newMessage() - Static method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.JPushover
Creates a new Message instance for the Messages API
NONE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
NORMAL - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Priority


Param - Enum in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums
PERCENT - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
PERSISTENT - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
PIANOBAR - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
Priority - Enum in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums
PRIORITY - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
push() - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
Sends a glance to pushover
push() - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Sends a message to pushover
push(String, NavigableMap<String, String>, String, int) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverRequest
PUSHOVER - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
PushoverRequest - Class in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http
PushoverRequest() - Constructor for class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverRequest
PushoverResponse - Class in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http
PushoverResponse() - Constructor for class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverResponse


response(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.http.PushoverResponse
RETRY - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param


SIREN - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
Sound - Enum in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums
SOUND - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
SPACEALARM - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
SUBTEXT - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param


TEXT - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
TIMESTAMP - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
TITLE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
TOKEN - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
toString() - Method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
toString() - Method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Priority
toString() - Method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
TUGBOAT - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound


UPDOWN - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
URL - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
Urls - Class in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils
Urls() - Constructor for class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils.Urls
URLTITLE - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
USER - de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param


validate() - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Sends a validation request to pushover ensuring that the token and user is correct, that there is at least one active device on the account.
Validate - Class in de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils
Validate() - Constructor for class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.utils.Validate
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Priority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Param
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Priority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.svenkubiak.jpushover.enums.Sound
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withCallback(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Callback parameter may be supplied with a publicly-accessible URL that the pushover servers will send a request to when the user has acknowledged your notification.
withCount(int) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
Shown on smaller screens; useful for simple counts
withDevice(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
withDevice(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Your user's device name to send the message directly to that device, rather than all of the user's devices (optional)
withExpire(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Specifies how many seconds your notification will continue to be retried for (every retry seconds).
withMessage(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Your message (required)
withPercent(int) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
Shown on some screens as a progress bar/circle
withPriority(Priority) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Priority of the message based on the @see documentation (optional)
withProxy(String, int) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Uses the given proxy for HTTP requests
withRetry(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Specifies how often (in seconds) the Pushover servers will send the same notification to the user.
withSound(Sound) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
The name of one of the sounds supported by device clients to override the user's default sound choice (optional)
withSubtext(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
A second line of data
withText(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
The main line of data, used on most screens
withTimestamp(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
A Unix timestamp of your message's date and time to display to the user, rather than the time your message is received by our API
withTitle(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
A description of the data being shown, such as "Widgets Sold"
withTitle(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Your message's title, otherwise your app's name is used (optional)
withToken(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
withToken(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
Your application's API token (required)
withUrl(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
A supplementary URL to show with your message (optional)
withUrlTitle(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
A title for your supplementary URL, otherwise just the URL is shown
withUser(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Glance
withUser(String) - Method in class de.svenkubiak.jpushover.apis.Message
The user/group key (not e-mail address) of your user (or you), viewable when logged into the @see pushover dashboard (required)
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