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All Classes|All Packages|Deprecated API


body() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.DecodedMessage
Returns the value of the body record component.


cancel() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.Timing
Cancels the timing on the associated Vert.x instance.
className() - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.message.JsonMessage
Returns the simple class name of the subclass.
config() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Block the usage of config() in inheriting classes.
Config - Class in de.wuespace.telestion.api.config
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
replaced by TelestionVerticle
Config() - Constructor for class de.wuespace.telestion.api.config.Config


de.wuespace.telestion.api.config - package de.wuespace.telestion.api.config
de.wuespace.telestion.api.message - package de.wuespace.telestion.api.message
de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle - package de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle
de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait - package de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait
DecodedMessage<V extends JsonMessage,​T extends io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject> - Record Class in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait
DecodedMessage(V, Message<T>) - Constructor for record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.DecodedMessage
Creates an instance of a DecodedMessage record class.
defaultLocalMap() - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithSharedData
Return the default local map for this specific verticle.
defaultRemoteMap() - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithSharedData
Return the default remote map for this specific verticle.
defaultStorageKey() - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithSharedData
Return the default storage key for this specific verticle used for the WithSharedData.defaultLocalMap() and WithSharedData.defaultRemoteMap() verticle storage spaces.


equals(Object) - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.GenericConfiguration
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.DecodedMessage
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.Timing
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
ExtendedMessageHandler<V extends JsonMessage,​T> - Interface in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait


from(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.message.JsonMessage
Creates a message from the given json representation.
from(String, Class<T>) - Static method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.message.JsonMessage
Creates a message from the given json representation.


GenericConfiguration - Record Class in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle
GenericConfiguration() - Constructor for record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.GenericConfiguration
Creates an instance of a GenericConfiguration record class.
get(T, JsonObject, Class<T>) - Static method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.config.Config
Selects the right configuration file.
get(T, T, JsonObject, Class<T>) - Static method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.config.Config
Selects the right configuration file.
getConfig() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Get the verticle configuration in the Configuration type format.
getConfigType() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Get the Configuration Class type from the inheriting class.
getDefaultConfig() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Get the default verticle configuration in the Configuration type format.
getGenericConfig() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Get the verticle configuration in a generic format.
getGenericDefaultConfig() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Get the default verticle configuration in a generic format.


handle(T) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.MessageHandler
handle(V, Message<T>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.ExtendedMessageHandler
hashCode() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.GenericConfiguration
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.DecodedMessage
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.Timing
Returns a hash code value for this object.


id() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.Timing
Returns the value of the id record component.
interval(long, Handler<Long>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithTiming
Like setPeriodic, but returns a special handler which cancels the interval when called.
interval(Duration, Handler<Long>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithTiming
intervalStream(long) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithTiming
intervalStream(Duration) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithTiming


json() - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.message.JsonMessage
Returns the Json-representation of the message.
JSON_CODEC - Static variable in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.message.JsonMessage
JsonMessage - Interface in de.wuespace.telestion.api.message
The base class for all messages which are automatically encoded with the JsonMessageCodec.
All subclasses have to be valid json classes.


localMap(String) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithSharedData
Return a local map from the specified storage space.
logger - Static variable in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.message.JsonMessage
logger - Variable in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
The default logger instance.


message() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.DecodedMessage
Returns the value of the message record component.
MessageHandler<T extends JsonMessage> - Interface in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait


on(Class<T>, Message<?>, Handler<T>) - Static method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.message.JsonMessage
This method decodes a JsonMessage from the event bus.
Returns whether decoding was successful or not.
on(Class<T>, Object, Handler<T>) - Static method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.message.JsonMessage
This method decodes a JsonMessage from the event bus.
Returns whether decoding was successful or not.
onStart() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
onStart(Promise<Void>) - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
onStop() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
onStop(Promise<Void>) - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle


publish(String, JsonMessage) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
publish(String, JsonMessage, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
publish(String, Object) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
publish(String, Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus


register(String, ExtendedMessageHandler<V, T>, Class<V>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
register(String, MessageHandler<V>, Class<V>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
register(String, Handler<Message<T>>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
remoteMap(String) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithSharedData
Return a remote map from the specified storage space.
request(String, JsonMessage, DeliveryOptions, Class<V>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
request(String, JsonMessage, Class<V>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
request(String, Object) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
request(String, Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
request(String, Object, DeliveryOptions, Class<V>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
request(String, Object, Class<V>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus


send(String, JsonMessage) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
send(String, JsonMessage, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
send(String, Object) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
send(String, Object, DeliveryOptions) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithEventBus
setDefaultConfig(JsonObject) - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Set the default verticle configuration and update the verticle configuration.
setDefaultConfig(T) - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Set the default verticle configuration and update the verticle configuration.
start() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
start(Promise<Void>) - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
stop() - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
stop(Promise<Void>) - Method in class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle


TelestionConfiguration - Interface in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle
The base class for all Telestion Verticle configurations.
TelestionVerticle<T extends TelestionConfiguration> - Class in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle
An abstract verticle class that you can extend to write your own verticle classes.
TelestionVerticle() - Constructor for class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Same as TelestionVerticle(boolean) but enables loading of default configuration if possible.
TelestionVerticle(boolean) - Constructor for class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.TelestionVerticle
Creates a new Telestion verticle and tries to load the default configuration from the specified configuration class.
timeout(long, Handler<Long>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithTiming
Like setTimer, but returns a special handler which cancels the timeout when called.
timeout(Duration, Handler<Long>) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithTiming
timeoutStream(long) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithTiming
timeoutStream(Duration) - Method in interface de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.WithTiming
Timing - Record Class in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait
Stores information to a specific timing from Vert.x like the timing id or associated Vert.x instance.
Timing(Vertx, long) - Constructor for record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.Timing
Creates an instance of a Timing record class.
toString() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.GenericConfiguration
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.DecodedMessage
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.Timing
Returns a string representation of this record class.


vertx() - Method in record class de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait.Timing
Returns the value of the vertx record component.


WithEventBus - Interface in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait
Allows Verticle instances to get simplified access to the Vert.x event bus.
WithSharedData - Interface in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait
Allows Verticle instances to get simplified access to Vert.x shared data
WithTiming - Interface in de.wuespace.telestion.api.verticle.trait
Allows Verticle instances to get simplified access to the Vert.x timing functions like setPeriodic or setTimer.
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All Classes|All Packages|Deprecated API