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Periodik is a read-only property delegate that can provide a value updated periodically.

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class PeriodikBuilder<Type>(schedule: Schedule, currentInstant: Periodik<Type>.() -> Instant = { }, adjustment: Periodik<Type>.(Instant) -> Instant = { it }, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Periodik.defaultDispatcher, wait: suspend Periodik<Type>.(Duration) -> Unit = { delay(it) }, debug: Periodik<Type>.(String) -> Unit = { println(it) }, log: Periodik<Type>.(String) -> Unit = { println(it) }, error: Periodik<Type>.(String) -> Nothing = { System.err.println(it); throw IllegalStateException(it) }, deferInitialization: Boolean = false)

A builder for Periodik instances with default behaviors and allowing for customizations

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interface Schedule

A schedule that determines when the next occurrence will be, taking the last occurrence into account