Class MappingsCompletionManager


public class MappingsCompletionManager extends Object
Manager for the mappings completion process. Mappings completion is the combination of bytecode analysis with hypo-model and hypo-hydrate with mappings analysis using change contributors.

Classes which implement ChangeContributor run on ClassData in a HypoContext along with the current MappingSet and submit changes to make to the current MappingSet via the ChangeRegistry. This class, the manager, handles the orchestration of each of these steps. This class does assume the HypoContext has already been hydrated before it's passed in to the create() method.

Due to the limitations ChangeRegistry has in terms of dis-allowing multiple changes from targeting the same class or member mapping, ChangeChain can be used to chain together sets of changes to be run serially rather than in parallel. It's generally recommended to only run compatible change contributors in parallel - compatible meaning they won't submit changes against the same target.

See Also:
ChangeRegistry, ChangeChain