Package-level declarations


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The behavior of an Application Command that can be used in DMs and Guilds.

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The behavior of a Discord Guild.

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Behavior of a ADD LINK.

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The behavior of a Discord Member.

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The behavior of a Discord Role associated to a guild.

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The behavior of a Discord User

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inline suspend fun MemberBehavior.ban(builder: BanCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Requests to ban this member.

inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.ban(userId: Snowflake, builder: BanCreateBuilder.() -> Unit)

Requests to ban the given userId in this guild.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createApplicationCommands(builder: GuildMultiApplicationCommandBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<GuildApplicationCommand>
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createCategory(name: String, builder: CategoryCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Category

Requests to create a new category.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createChatInputCommand(name: String, description: String, builder: ChatInputCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): GuildChatInputCommand
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createEmoji(name: String, image: Image, builder: EmojiCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): GuildEmoji
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suspend fun TemplateBehavior.createGuild(name: String, builder: GuildFromTemplateCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): Guild
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createKeywordAutoModerationRule(name: String, eventType: AutoModerationRuleEventType = MessageSend, builder: KeywordAutoModerationRuleCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): KeywordAutoModerationRule

Requests to create a new KeywordAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createKeywordPresetAutoModerationRule(name: String, eventType: AutoModerationRuleEventType = MessageSend, builder: KeywordPresetAutoModerationRuleCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): KeywordPresetAutoModerationRule

Requests to create a new KeywordPresetAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createMentionSpamAutoModerationRule(name: String, eventType: AutoModerationRuleEventType = MessageSend, mentionLimit: Int, builder: MentionSpamAutoModerationRuleCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): MentionSpamAutoModerationRule

Requests to create a new MentionSpamAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createMessageCommand(name: String, builder: MessageCommandCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): GuildMessageCommand
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createNewsChannel(name: String, builder: NewsChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): NewsChannel

Requests to create a new news channel.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createRole(builder: RoleCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Role

Requests to add a new role to this guild.

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suspend fun GuildBehavior.createScheduledEvent(name: String, privacyLevel: GuildScheduledEventPrivacyLevel, scheduledStartTime: Instant, entityType: ScheduledEntityType, builder: ScheduledEventCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): GuildScheduledEvent

Creates a new GuildScheduledEvent.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createSpamAutoModerationRule(name: String, eventType: AutoModerationRuleEventType = MessageSend, builder: SpamAutoModerationRuleCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): SpamAutoModerationRule

Requests to create a new SpamAutoModerationRule in this guild and returns it.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createTextChannel(name: String, builder: TextChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): TextChannel

Requests to create a new text channel.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createUserCommand(name: String, builder: UserCommandCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): GuildUserCommand
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.createVoiceChannel(name: String, builder: VoiceChannelCreateBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): VoiceChannel

Requests to create a new voice channel.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.edit(builder: GuildModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Guild

Requests to edit this guild.

inline suspend fun GuildEmojiBehavior.edit(builder: EmojiModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): GuildEmoji

Requests to edit this emoji.

inline suspend fun GuildScheduledEventBehavior.edit(builder: ScheduledEventModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): GuildScheduledEvent

Requests to modify this event according to the specified builder.

inline suspend fun MemberBehavior.edit(builder: MemberModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Member

Requests to edit this member.

inline suspend fun MessageBehavior.edit(builder: UserMessageModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Message

Requests to edit this message.

inline suspend fun RoleBehavior.edit(builder: RoleModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Role

Requests to edit this role.

inline suspend fun StageInstanceBehavior.edit(builder: StageInstanceModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): StageInstance
inline suspend fun StickerBehavior.edit(builder: StickerModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Sticker
suspend fun TemplateBehavior.edit(builder: GuildTemplateModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Template

inline suspend fun WebhookBehavior.edit(builder: WebhookModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Webhook

Requests to edit the webhook, this user must be the creator.

inline suspend fun WebhookBehavior.edit(token: String, builder: WebhookModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Webhook

Requests to edit the webhook.

inline suspend fun MessageBehavior.edit(webhookId: Snowflake, token: String, threadId: Snowflake? = null, builder: WebhookMessageModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Message

Requests to edit this message if it was previously sent from a Webhook with the given webhookId using the token for authentication.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.editWidget(builder: GuildWidgetModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): GuildWidget
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inline suspend fun WebhookBehavior.execute(token: String, threadId: Snowflake? = null, builder: WebhookMessageCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): Message

Requests to execute this webhook.

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inline suspend fun WebhookBehavior.executeIgnored(token: String, threadId: Snowflake? = null, builder: WebhookMessageCreateBuilder.() -> Unit)

Requests to execute this webhook.

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inline suspend fun <T : GuildApplicationCommand> GuildBehavior.getApplicationCommandOf(commandId: Snowflake): T
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inline suspend fun <T : GuildApplicationCommand> GuildBehavior.getApplicationCommandOfOrNull(commandId: Snowflake): T?
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inline fun GuildBehavior.getAuditLogEntries(builder: AuditLogGetRequestBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Flow<AuditLogEntry>

The Audit log entries from this guild, configured by the builder.

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inline suspend fun <T : GuildChannel> GuildBehavior.getChannelOf(channelId: Snowflake): T

Requests to get the GuildChannel represented by the channelId as type T.

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inline suspend fun <T : GuildChannel> GuildBehavior.getChannelOfOrNull(channelId: Snowflake): T?

Requests to get the GuildChannel represented by the channelId as type T, returns null if the GuildChannel isn't present.

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fun GlobalApplicationCommandBehavior(applicationId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake, service: InteractionService): GlobalApplicationCommandBehavior
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fun GuildApplicationCommandBehavior(guildId: Snowflake, applicationId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake, service: InteractionService): GuildApplicationCommandBehavior
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fun GuildBehavior(id: Snowflake, kord: Kord, strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = kord.resources.defaultStrategy): GuildBehavior
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fun MemberBehavior(guildId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake, kord: Kord, strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = kord.resources.defaultStrategy): MemberBehavior
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fun MessageBehavior(channelId: Snowflake, messageId: Snowflake, kord: Kord, strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = kord.resources.defaultStrategy): MessageBehavior
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inline suspend fun MessageBehavior.reply(builder: UserMessageCreateBuilder.() -> Unit): Message

Request to reply to this message, setting messageReference to this message's id.

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inline fun GuildBehavior.requestMembers(builder: RequestGuildMembersBuilder.() -> Unit = { requestAllMembers() }): Flow<MembersChunkEvent>

Executes a RequestGuildMembers command configured by the builder for guild on this gateway, returning a flow of MembersChunkEvent responses.

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fun RoleBehavior(guildId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake, kord: Kord, strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = kord.resources.defaultStrategy): RoleBehavior
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fun StickerBehavior(guildId: Snowflake, id: Snowflake, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier): StickerBehavior
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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.swapChannelPositions(builder: GuildChannelPositionModifyBuilder.() -> Unit)

Requests to swap positions of channels in this guild.

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inline suspend fun GuildBehavior.swapRolePositions(builder: RolePositionsModifyBuilder.() -> Unit): Flow<Role>

Requests to swap positions of roles in this guild.

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fun TemplateBehavior(guildId: Snowflake, code: String, kord: Kord): TemplateBehavior
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fun ThreadMemberBehavior(id: Snowflake, threadId: Snowflake, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier): ThreadMemberBehavior
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fun UserBehavior(id: Snowflake, kord: Kord, strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = kord.resources.defaultStrategy): UserBehavior