Package-level declarations


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An Interaction created when a user performs some form of action (e.g. using a slash command or pressing a button).

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class AttachmentOptionValue(val value: Snowflake, val focused: Boolean, val resolvedObject: Attachment?) : ResolvableOptionValue<Attachment>
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A DataInteraction indicating an auto-complete request from Discord.

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class BooleanOptionValue(val value: Boolean, val focused: Boolean) : OptionValue<Boolean>
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A ComponentInteraction created when a user presses a button.

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class ChannelOptionValue(val value: Snowflake, val focused: Boolean, val resolvedObject: ResolvedChannel?) : ResolvableOptionValue<ResolvedChannel>
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An Interaction created when Discord requests some form of data (e.g. for auto-complete).

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class GlobalAutoCompleteInteraction(val data: InteractionData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : AutoCompleteInteraction, GlobalInteraction

An AutoCompleteInteraction that took place in a global context (e.g. a DM).

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A ButtonInteraction that took place in a global context (e.g. a DM).

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A ComponentInteraction that took place in a global context (e.g. a DM).

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An Interaction that took place in a global context (e.g. a DM).

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A MessageCommandInteraction that took place in a global context (e.g. a DM).

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class GlobalModalSubmitInteraction(val data: InteractionData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : ModalSubmitInteraction, GlobalInteraction

A ModalSubmitInteraction that took place in a global context (e.g. a DM).

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A SelectMenuInteraction that took place in a global context (e.g. a DM).

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A GlobalUserCommandInteraction that took place in a global context (e.g. a DM).

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Represents an invocation of a sub-command under a group under the root command.

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class GuildAutoCompleteInteraction(val data: InteractionData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : AutoCompleteInteraction, GuildInteraction

An AutoCompleteInteraction that took place in the context of a Guild.

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A ButtonInteraction that took place in the context of a Guild.

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An Interaction that took place in the context of a Guild.

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class GuildModalSubmitInteraction(val data: InteractionData, val kord: Kord, val supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier) : ModalSubmitInteraction, GuildInteraction

A ModalSubmitInteraction that took place in the context of a Guild.

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A SelectMenuInteraction that took place in the context of a Guild.

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class IntegerOptionValue(val value: Long, val focused: Boolean) : OptionValue<Long>
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An instance of an interaction.

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The base interface of all commands that can be executed under a ChatInputCommandInteraction.

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class MemberOptionValue(val value: Snowflake, val focused: Boolean, val resolvedObject: Member?) : UserOptionValue
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class MentionableOptionValue(val value: Snowflake, val focused: Boolean, val resolvedObject: Entity?) : ResolvableOptionValue<Entity>
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class NumberOptionValue(val value: Double, val focused: Boolean) : OptionValue<Double>
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interface OptionValue<out T>
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interface ResolvableOptionValue<out T : Entity> : OptionValue<Snowflake>
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class ResolvedObjects(val data: ResolvedObjectsData, val kord: Kord, val strategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*> = kord.resources.defaultStrategy)
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class RoleOptionValue(val value: Snowflake, val focused: Boolean, val resolvedObject: Role?) : ResolvableOptionValue<Role>
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Represents an invocation of a root command.

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A ComponentInteraction created when a user interacts with a select menu.

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class StringOptionValue(val value: String, val focused: Boolean) : OptionValue<String>
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Represents an invocation of a sub-command under the root command.

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open class UserOptionValue(val value: Snowflake, val focused: Boolean, val resolvedObject: User?) : ResolvableOptionValue<User>


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fun ComponentInteraction(data: InteractionData, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier): ComponentInteraction

Creates a ComponentInteraction with the given data, kord and supplier.

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fun ModalSubmitInteraction(data: InteractionData, kord: Kord, supplier: EntitySupplier = kord.defaultSupplier): ModalSubmitInteraction
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fun OptionValue(value: CommandArgument<*>, resolvedObjects: ResolvedObjects?): OptionValue<*>