Package-level declarations


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class ClientResources(val token: String, val applicationId: Snowflake, val shards: Shards, val maxConcurrency: Int, val httpClient: HttpClient, val defaultStrategy: EntitySupplyStrategy<*>)
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class Kord(val resources: ClientResources, val cache: DataCache, val gateway: MasterGateway, val rest: RestClient, val selfId: Snowflake, eventFlow: MutableSharedFlow<Event>, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher, interceptor: GatewayEventInterceptor) : CoroutineScope

The central adapter between other Kord modules and source of core events.

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interface KordObject

An instance than contains a reference to Kord.

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class Unsafe(kord: Kord)

A class that exposes the creation of {Entity}Behavior classes.


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inline fun <T : Event> Intents.IntentsBuilder.enableEvent()

Adds the necessary Intents to receive the specified type of event in all variations and with all data available.

fun Intents.IntentsBuilder.enableEvent(event: KClass<out Event>)

Adds the necessary Intents to receive the specified type of event in all variations and with all data available.

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fun Intents.IntentsBuilder.enableEvents(vararg events: KClass<out Event>)
fun Intents.IntentsBuilder.enableEvents(events: Iterable<KClass<out Event>>)

Adds the necessary Intents to receive the specified types of events in all variations and with all data available.

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inline suspend fun Kord(token: String, builder: KordBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Kord

Builds a Kord instance configured by the builder.

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inline fun <T : Event> Kord.on(scope: CoroutineScope = this, noinline consumer: suspend T.() -> Unit): Job

Convenience method that will invoke the consumer on every event T created by


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val kordLogger: KLogger