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addConnectListener(Consumer<SocketManager>) - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.SocketManager
Sets a consumer to be called when a new Crowd Control instance connects.


build() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Builds a new Request object.
build() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Builds a new Response object.
build() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Builds a new timed effect.
Builder() - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Creates a new builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Creates a new empty builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Creates a new TimedEffect.Builder.
Builder(Request) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
for removal in 3.5.0; replaced with Request.buildResponse()
Builder(Response) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Creates a new builder using the data from a Response.
Builder(Response.Builder) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Creates a copy of the provided builder.
buildResponse() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Creates a Builder for a Response to this request.
buildResponse(int) - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.SocketManager
Creates a Response builder which will be dispatched to the connected server or clients upon calling Response.send().
ByteObject - Interface in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
An object that is represented by a byte in JSON serialization.


clone() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Creates a new Response.Builder object with the same parameters.
clone() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Creates a new Response.Builder object with the same parameters.
clone() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Creates a cloned copy of this builder.
complete() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Marks the effect as completed and executes the completion callback.
complete(boolean) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Marks the effect as completed and optionally executes the completion callback.
completionCallback() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Gets the callback that will be executed if and when the effect completes.
completionCallback(Consumer<TimedEffect>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Sets the callback that will be executed if and when the effect completes.
cost() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Gets the cost of the effect.
cost(Integer) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Sets the cost of the effect.
CrowdControlException - Exception in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions
A generic exception raised by a Crowd Control library or a package that using one.
CrowdControlException() - Constructor for exception dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.CrowdControlException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
CrowdControlException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.CrowdControlException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
CrowdControlException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.CrowdControlException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
CrowdControlException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.CrowdControlException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).


dev.qixils.crowdcontrol - package dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions - package dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions
Exceptions that may be thrown by library users.
dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket - package dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
Provides classes related to network communication, such as Request and Response.
DISCONNECT - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
Internal value used to indicate that the socket is being disconnected.
duration() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Gets the duration of this effect.
duration(long) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Sets the duration of this effect.
duration(TimeUnit, long) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Sets the duration of this effect.
duration(Duration) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Sets the duration of this effect.


effect() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Gets the effect being requested.
effect(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Sets the effect being requested.
EFFECT_RESULT - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
The packet is the result of executing an effect.
effectGroup() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Gets the effect group which this effect will be queued in.
effectGroup(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Sets the effect group which this effect will be queued in.
encryptPassword(String) - Static method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.ServiceManager
Encrypts a password using the SHA-512 algorithm.
encryptPassword(String, String) - Static method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.ServiceManager
Encrypts a password using the specified algorithm.
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Target
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
ExceptionUtil - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions
Utility class containing common methods relating to exceptions.


FAILURE - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
The effect failed to be applied.
FALSE - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TriState
The value is false.
FINISHED - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
The timed effect has finished.
from(byte) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
Gets a packet type from its corresponding JSON encoding.
from(byte) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
Gets a packet type from its corresponding JSON encoding.
from(byte) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
Gets a packet type from its corresponding JSON encoding.
fromBoolean(Boolean) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TriState
Returns the TriState equivalent of the given Boolean.
fromInputStream(InputStreamReader, Function<String, T>) - Static method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.JsonObject
Obtains a JSON object from an input stream.
fromJSON(String) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Creates a Request object from JSON.
fromJSON(String) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Creates a Response object from JSON.


getAvatar() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Target
Gets the URL of the recipient's avatar on Twitch.
getBoolean() - Method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TriState
Returns the Boolean equivalent of this TriState.
getCost() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Gets the cost of the effect specified in this Request.
getCurrentDuration() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Returns the current milliseconds remaining in the effect.
getEffect() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Gets the name of the effect to play.
getEffectGroup() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Gets the effect group which this effect will be queued in.
getEncodedByte() - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ByteObject
Gets the byte that this object is represented by in JSON serialization.
getEncodedByte() - Method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
getEncodedByte() - Method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
getEncodedByte() - Method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
getId() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Gets the ID of the incoming packet.
getId() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Target
The recipient's ID.
getId() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Gets the ID of the outgoing packet.
getIP() - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.ServiceManager
Returns the IP that the SocketManager will listen on.
getMessage() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Gets the message from the incoming packet.
getMessage() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Gets the message that will be delivered along with the result.
getName() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Target
The recipient's name on Twitch.
getOriginalDuration() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Gets the duration of this effect that was set on construction.
getPacketType() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Gets the type of packet represented by this response.
getPassword() - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.ServiceManager
Returns the password required for clients to connect to this server as a SHA-512 encrypted, Base64-encoded string.
getPort() - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.ServiceManager
Returns the port that the SocketManager will listen on.
getPrimitiveBoolean() - Method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TriState
Returns the primitive boolean equivalent of this TriState.
getRequest() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Gets the request that this timed effect corresponds to.
getResultType() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Gets the result of executing an effect.
getTargets() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Gets the streamers being targeted by this effect.
getTimeRemaining() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Gets the milliseconds left until the referenced effect ends.
getType() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Gets the Type of the request.
getViewer() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Gets the name of the viewer who triggered the effect.


handle(Request) - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.RequestManager
Handles an incoming request by dispatching it to the appropriate effect handler.
hashCode() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
hashCode() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Target
hashCode() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
hasStarted() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Determines if this effect has started.


id() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Gets the ID of the request.
id() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Gets the ID of the Request that prompted this Response.
id(int) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Sets the ID of the request.
id(int) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Sets the ID of the Request that prompted this Response.
isActive(Request) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Determines if the given Request is active for any targeted streamer.
isActive(String, Request) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Determines if an effect with the provided name is currently active for any streamer targeted by the provided Request.
isActive(String, Request.Target...) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Determines if an effect with the provided name is currently active for any of the provided streamers.
isCause(Class<? extends Throwable>, Throwable) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Helper method for determining if a provided exception class is part of an exception's stacktrace.
isComplete() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Determines if this effect has completed.
isEffectType() - Method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
Determines if this packet represents a standard effect request.
isGlobal() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Determines if this Request is triggering an effect for all users.
isMessageRequired() - Method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
Determines if this packet type requires an accompanying message to be sent.
isOriginKnown() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Determines if the Request that originated this Response is known.
isPaused() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Determines if the effect is paused.
isTerminating() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Determines if this Response marks the end to a series of responses to a Request.
isTerminating() - Method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
Determines if this result type always marks the end to a series of Responses to a Request.


JsonObject - Interface in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
An object that can be serialized into JSON.


KEEP_ALIVE - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
This packet's sole purpose is to establish that the connection with the Crowd Control server has not been dropped.
KEEP_ALIVE - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
Internal value used to reply to a keep alive packet.


legacyStartCallback(Consumer<TimedEffect>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Sets the callback that will be executed when the effect starts.
LOGIN - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
Indicates that a streamer is attempting to log in to the Crowd Control server.
LOGIN - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
Internal value used to prompt a connecting client for a password.
LOGIN_SUCCESS - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
Internal value used to indicate a successful login.


message() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Gets the message describing or explaining the request.
message() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Gets the message describing or explaining the response.
message(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Sets the message describing or explaining the request.
message(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Sets the message describing or explaining the response.


NoApplicableTarget - Exception in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions
An exception indicating that a software utilizing the Crowd Control receiver library was unable to map the provided target(s) while attempting to execute an effect and that the library should retry the effect after a short time.
NoApplicableTarget() - Constructor for exception dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.NoApplicableTarget
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
NoApplicableTarget(String) - Constructor for exception dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.NoApplicableTarget
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NoApplicableTarget(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.NoApplicableTarget
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoApplicableTarget(Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.NoApplicableTarget
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
NOT_READY - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
Indicates that this Crowd Control server is not yet accepting requests.


packetType() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Gets the type of packet that this Response represents.
packetType(Response.PacketType) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Sets the type of packet that this Response represents.
pause() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Indicates that the effect has paused execution.
PAUSED - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
The timed effect has been paused and is now waiting.


queue() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Queues this effect for execution.


request() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Gets the request that caused this timed effect to be created.
request(Request) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Sets the request that this timed effect corresponds to.
Request - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
An incoming packet from the Crowd Control TCP server which represents an effect to be played.
Request(int, Request.Type, String) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Instantiates a non-effect type Request with the given parameters.
Request(int, Request.Type, String, String, String, Integer, Request.Target[]) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Instantiates a Request with the given parameters.
Request.Builder - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
Mutable builder for the immutable Request class.
Request.Target - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
A recipient of an effect.
Request.Type - Enum in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
The type of incoming packet.
RequestManager - Interface in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
A class that holds variables for a SocketManager and can process incoming data from the socket.
Response - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
An outgoing packet to the Crowd Control TCP server carrying the result of executing a requested effect.
Response(Request, Response.ResultType, String, long) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Constructs a response to a Request given the Request that caused it and information about the result of the execution.
Response.Builder - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
Mutable builder for the immutable Response class.
Response.PacketType - Enum in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
Determines the type of packet being sent.
Response.ResultType - Enum in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
The result of processing an incoming packet.
resume() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Indicates that the effect has resumed execution.
RESUMED - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
The timed effect has been resumed and is counting down again.
RETRY - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
The effect is momentarily unavailable but may be retried in a few seconds.


send() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Builds this Response and then sends it to the client or server that delivered the related Request.
send() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Sends this Response to the client or server that delivered the related Request.
ServiceManager - Interface in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
Manager for Crowd Control-related clients or servers.
shutdown() - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.SocketManager
providing error messages via SocketManager.shutdown(String) is recommended
shutdown(Request, String) - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.SocketManager
Shuts down the Crowd Control socket and sends an explanation message to the streamer.
shutdown(String) - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.SocketManager
Shuts down the Crowd Control socket and sends an explanation message to the streamer.
SocketManager - Interface in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
Manages the connection(s) to a Crowd Control server or clients.
START - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
Indicates that you should start an effect, if available.
startCallback() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Gets the callback that will be executed when the effect starts.
startCallback(Function<TimedEffect, Response.Builder>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect.Builder
Sets the callback that will be executed when the effect starts.
STOP - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
Indicates that you should stop an effect.
SUCCESS - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
The effect was applied successfully.


Target(String, String, String) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Target
Instantiates a Request.Target with the given streamer information.
targets() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Gets the targets of the effect.
targets(Request.Target...) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Sets the targets of the effect.
TEST - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
Indicates that you should simulate the starting of an effect (i.e.
TimedEffect - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
A wrapper for safely executing exclusive timed effects.
TimedEffect(Request, long, Consumer<TimedEffect>, Consumer<TimedEffect>) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
in favor of TimedEffect.Builder; to be removed in v3.5.0
TimedEffect(Request, Duration, Consumer<TimedEffect>, Consumer<TimedEffect>) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
in favor of TimedEffect.Builder; to be removed in v3.5.0
TimedEffect(Request, String, long, Consumer<TimedEffect>, Consumer<TimedEffect>) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
in favor of TimedEffect.Builder; to be removed in v3.5.0
TimedEffect(Request, String, Duration, Consumer<TimedEffect>, Consumer<TimedEffect>) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
in favor of TimedEffect.Builder; to be removed in v3.5.0
TimedEffect.Builder - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
Builds a new TimedEffect, a wrapper for safely executing exclusive timed effects.
timeRemaining() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Gets the time left on the referenced effect in milliseconds.
timeRemaining(long) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Sets the time left on the referenced effect in milliseconds.
timeRemaining(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Sets the time left on the referenced effect.
timeRemaining(Duration) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Sets the time left on the referenced effect.
timeRemaining(Temporal) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Sets the time at which the referenced effect will end.
toBuilder() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Creates a mutable Request.Builder with a copy of the data in this Request.
toBuilder() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Creates a mutable Response.Builder with a copy of the data in this Response.
toBuilder() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TimedEffect
Creates a mutable TimedEffect.Builder with a copy of the data in this TimedEffect.
toJSON() - Method in interface dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.JsonObject
Converts this object to its JSON representation.
toJSON() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request
Outputs this object as a JSON string.
toJSON() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response
Outputs this object as a JSON string for use in the server connection.
TriState - Enum in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
A boolean value that may be unknown.
TRUE - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TriState
The value is true.
type() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Gets the type of result being returned.
type() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Gets the type of result being returned.
type(Request.Type) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Sets the type of result being returned.
type(Response.ResultType) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.Builder
Sets the type of result being returned.


UNAVAILABLE - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
The requested effect is unusable and should not be requested again.
UNKNOWN - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TriState
The value is unknown.


validateNotNull(T) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Validates that the provided object is not null.
validateNotNull(T, String) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Validates that the provided object is not null.
validateNotNullElse(T, T) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Returns the first parameter if it is not null, else the second parameter.
validateNotNullElseGet(T, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.exceptions.ExceptionUtil
Returns the first parameter if it is not null, else the object provided by the second parameter.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TriState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.PacketType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Response.ResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.TriState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
viewer() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Gets the viewer requesting the effect.
viewer(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.Request.Builder
Sets the viewer requesting the effect.
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