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addConnectListener(Consumer<SocketManager>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Sets a consumer to be called when a new Crowd Control instance connects.
addConnectListener(Consumer<SocketManager>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ClientSocketManager
addConnectListener(Consumer<SocketManager>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ServerSocketManager
ALLOW - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CheckResult
Allows an effect to be executed, assuming all other checks return the same result.


build() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControlClientBuilder
build() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControlServerBuilder
buildResponse() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
buildResponse() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ClientSocketManager
buildResponse() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ServerSocketManager


CheckResult - Enum in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
The value returned by a check.
client() - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Returns a builder for a new CrowdControl instance operating in client mode.
ClientSocketManager - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
Manages the connection to the Crowd Control server.
ClientSocketManager(RequestManager) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ClientSocketManager
Creates a new client-side socket manager.
CrowdControl - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
API for receiving effect requests from a Crowd Control service (a streamer) via the SimpleTCPConnector or SimpleTCPClientConnector.
CrowdControlClientBuilder - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
Builds a new CrowdControl instance that acts as a client and connects to a single Crowd Control server instance.
CrowdControlClientBuilder() - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControlClientBuilder
Creates a new CrowdControl client builder.
CrowdControlServerBuilder - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
Builds a new CrowdControl instance that acts as a server for Crowd Control clients to connect to.
CrowdControlServerBuilder() - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControlServerBuilder
Creates a new CrowdControl server builder.


dev.qixils.crowdcontrol - package dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
Provides the primary components for receiving and handling Requests in your CrowdControl project.
dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket - package dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
Provides internal classes which facilitate the network communication for Request and Response.
DISALLOW - dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CheckResult
Prevents an effect from being executed.


effect() - Method in annotation type dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.Subscribe
use Subscribe.value() instead


getConnections() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
getConnections() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ServerSocketManager
getIP() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Returns the IP that the SocketManager will listen on.
getPassword() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Returns the password required for clients to connect to this server as a SHA-512 encrypted, hexadecimal string.
getPort() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Returns the port that the SocketManager will listen on.
getSource() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ClientSocketManager
getSources() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
getSources() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ClientSocketManager
getSources() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ServerSocketManager


handle(Request) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Handles an incoming Request by executing the relevant handler.
hasHandler(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Determines if the given effect has a registered handler.


ip(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControlClientBuilder
Sets the IP that the Crowd Control client will connect to.


password(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControlServerBuilder
Sets the password required for Crowd Control clients to connect.
port(int) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControlClientBuilder
Sets the port that will be used by the Crowd Control client.
port(int) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControlServerBuilder
Sets the port that will be used by the Crowd Control server.


registerCheck(Function<Request, CheckResult>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Registers a check which will be called for every incoming Request.
registerCheck(Supplier<CheckResult>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Registers a check which will be called for every incoming Request.
registerHandler(String, Consumer<Request>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Registers an effect handler which does not immediately return a Response.
registerHandler(String, Function<Request, Response>) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Registers a function to handle an effect.
registerHandlers(Object) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Registers method handlers within a class.


server() - Static method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Returns a builder for a new CrowdControl instance operating in server mode.
ServerSocketManager - Class in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket
Manages the connection to Crowd Control clients.
ServerSocketManager(RequestManager) - Constructor for class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ServerSocketManager
Creates a new server-side socket manager.
shutdown() - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
providing error messages via CrowdControl.shutdown(String) is recommended
shutdown(Request, String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Shuts down the internal connection to the Crowd Control server and sends a corresponding error message to the streamer(s).
shutdown(Request, String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ClientSocketManager
shutdown(Request, String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.socket.ServerSocketManager
shutdown(String) - Method in class dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CrowdControl
Shuts down the internal connection to the Crowd Control server and sends a corresponding error message to the streamer(s).
Subscribe - Annotation Type in dev.qixils.crowdcontrol
Indicates that the annotated method is an effect handler for the provided effect.


value() - Method in annotation type dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.Subscribe
The name of the effect to listen to.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CheckResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum dev.qixils.crowdcontrol.CheckResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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