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accessManager - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
The access manager to use for access checks.
AccessManager - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
A manager that provides access validators for different execution contexts.
accessValidator(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Creates an access validator for the context of the given event.
AccessValidator - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission
Validator that determines whether a caller has certain access rights in the context of an invocation.
accumulateGroups(List<? extends Command<?>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationUtils
Determines the total set of groups required for an execution chain.
adaptChannel(ParserFunction<C, T>, Class<C>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Creates an adapter for a channel parser to be used with string values.
adaptFloat(ParserFunction<Double, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Creates an adapter for an float parser to be used with string values.
adaptInteger(ParserFunction<Long, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Creates an adapter for an integer parser to be used with string values.
adaptMessage(ParserFunction<Message, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Creates an adapter for a message parser to be used with string values.
adaptRole(ParserFunction<Role, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Creates an adapter for a role parser to be used with string values.
adaptSnowflake(ParserFunction<Snowflake, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Creates an adapter for a snowflake parser to be used with string values.
adaptUser(ParserFunction<User, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Creates an adapter for an user parser to be used with string values.
add() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Sends a new reply.
add(CommandReplySpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Sends a new reply.
add(CommandReplySpec) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager
add(EmbedCreateSpec...) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Sends a new reply.
add(InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Sends a new reply.
add(InteractionFollowupCreateSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Sends a new reply.
add(MessageCreateSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Sends a new reply.
add(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Sends a new reply.
addAllAttachments(List<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addAllComponents(List<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addAllComponents(List<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
addAllEmbeds(List<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addAllEmbeds(List<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
addAllFiles(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.File>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addAllFiles(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.File>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
addAllFileSpoilers(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addAllFileSpoilers(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addComponent(LayoutComponent) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addComponent(LayoutComponent) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
addEmbed(EmbedCreateSpec) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addEmbed(EmbedCreateSpec) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
addFile(MessageCreateFields.File...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addFile(MessageCreateFields.File...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
addFileSpoiler(MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
addFileSpoiler(MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
addTags(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Creates a function that adds the common instrumentation tags for the given event to Monos.
addTags(Mono<T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InstrumentedContext
Adds the common instrumentation tags for this context to a Mono.
ADMINS - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
The group of server admins (matches users with the administrator permission).
aliases() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The aliases that may also invoke the command, when invoking through a message.
aliasInvocations() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The alias invocations that may also invoke the command.
AliasProvider - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Provides aliases that apply to message-based commands.
all(Group...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Composes multiple groups into a single group where a user is only a member if they are a member of all of the given groups.
all(Iterable<Group>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Composes multiple groups into a single group where a user is only a member if they are a member of all of the given groups.
all(Stream<Group>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Composes multiple groups into a single group where a user is only a member if they are a member of all of the given groups.
all(Flux<Group>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Composes multiple groups into a single group where a user is only a member if they are a member of all of the given groups.
allowedMentions() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
The new allowed mentions.
allowedMentions() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
The new allowed mentions.
allowedMentions() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
The allowed mentions.
allowedMentions() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
The allowed mentions.
allowedMentions(Possible<AllowedMentions>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
allowedMentions(Possible<Optional<AllowedMentions>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
allowedMentions(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
allowedMentions(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
allowedMentionsOrElse(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
allowedMentionsOrElse(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
allowedMentionsOrElse(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
allowedMentionsOrElse(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
allowedMentionsOrNull(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
allowMerge() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
allowMerge() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.StringParser
Whether to allow merge behavior when a parameter using this parser is the last parameter of the command.
alwaysAllow() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AccessManager
Creates a manager for which all validators always allow access.
alwaysDeny() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AccessManager
Creates a manager for which all validators always deny access.
any(Group...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Composes multiple groups into a single group where a user is only a member if they are a member of any of the given groups.
any(Iterable<Group>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Composes multiple groups into a single group where a user is only a member if they are a member of any of the given groups.
any(Stream<Group>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Composes multiple groups into a single group where a user is only a member if they are a member of any of the given groups.
any(Flux<Group>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Composes multiple groups into a single group where a user is only a member if they are a member of any of the given groups.
ANY - Enum constant in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.SnowflakeParser.Type
An arbitrary snowflake ID.
apply(C) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InvocationHandler
apply(C, CommandResult) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.ResultHandler
apply(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ParserFunction
apply(StringSplitter.Async.Iterator) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AliasProvider
Applies aliases to the given iterator over received raw tokens.
apply(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
apply(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter
apply(Flux<T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag
Applies this tag to the given flux using Flux.tag(String, String).
apply(Mono<T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag
Applies this tag to the given mono using Mono.tag(String, String).
args() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentExtra
Returns the value of the args record component.
ArgumentParser<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses received arguments into their actual value.
attachment() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives raw attachment values.
attachment(int, AttachmentParserStages.Parser<T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given parser to parse the contents received in an attachment, with no validation performed prior to receiving attachment data (other than the size limit).
attachment(AttachmentParserStages.Parser<T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given parser to parse the contents received in an attachment, with no validation performed prior to receiving attachment data, and with unbounded file size.
attachment(AttachmentParserStages.Validator, int, AttachmentParserStages.Parser<T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given validator and parser to parse the contents received in an attachment.
attachment(ParserFunction<Attachment, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
AttachmentDataParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses received attachment arguments into their actual value.
AttachmentDataParser.Resources - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Resources used by an instance.
AttachmentDataParser.Resources.HttpClientRetriever - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
A function that determines the HTTP client that should be used to fetch an attachment's data based on the execution context.
AttachmentParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses received attachment arguments into their actual value.
AttachmentParserStages - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Components of an attachment argument parser.
AttachmentParserStages.Parser<T> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses the response from fetching the attachment file into the corresponding value.
AttachmentParserStages.Validator - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Validates that the attachment is appropriate prior to fetching it.
attachments() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
The new attachments.
attachments() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
The new attachments.
attachments(Possible<Optional<List<Attachment>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
attachments(Iterable<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
attachments(List<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
attachmentsOrElse(List<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
attachmentsOrElse(List<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
attachmentsOrNull(Iterable<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder


BaseHandler - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Provides the global base result handler.
basic() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AccessManager
Creates a manager that issues validators that perform simple group memebership checks (that is, a user has equivalent access to a group if and only if they belong to that group).
belongs(Snowflake, Group) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Determines whether the given user belongs to the given group in the context of this invocation (guild and channel).
belongs(User, Group) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Determines whether the given user belongs to the given group in the context of this invocation (guild and channel).
belongs(Mono<Guild>, Mono<MessageChannel>, User) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Group
Determines whether the given user belongs to this group in the context of the given guild and channel.
bool() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain boolean values.
bool(ParserFunction<Boolean, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
bool(T, T) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives one of two values depending on the argument.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Parser for booleans from strings.
BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Parser for booleans.
BooleanParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses boolean-based input arguments.
BOOSTER - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
The group that matches a booster in the invoking server.
BOT_OWNER - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
The group that only matches the bot owner.
build() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
Builds a new CommandReplyEditSpec.
build() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
Builds a new CommandReplySpec.
builder() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Creates a new builder.
builder() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
Creates a new builder.
builder() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
Creates a builder for CommandReplyEditSpec.
builder() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Creates a builder for CommandReplySpec.
builder(Command<H>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Creates a new builder initialized with the properties of the given command.
builder(Parameter<T>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
Creates a new builder initialized with the properties of the given parameter.
Builder() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter.Builder
buildPipeline(GatewayDiscordClient, Registry) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Builds a new pipeline with the given client and registry.


callable() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Whether this command can be invoked by a user.
castPresent(Optional<T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.OptionalUtils
Casts an optional as present.
cause() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandErrorException
Retrieves the cause of the error.
chain() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Returns the value of the chain record component.
channel(CommandContext, Class<C>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Creates a parser for channels with the given context.
channel(Class<C>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives raw channel values.
channel(Class<C>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Creates a parser for channels of the given type.
channel(Class<C>, ParserFunction<C, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
CHANNEL - Enum constant in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.SnowflakeParser.Type
A channel ID.
ChannelArgumentParser<C extends Channel,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses Discord channels.
channelId() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives channel IDs.
channelId(ParserFunction<Snowflake, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
ChannelParser<C extends @NonNull Channel> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser that extracts a channel from a string.
ChannelParser(Class<C>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelParser
Creates a new instance.
channels(Class<C>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
A parser that parses a list of channels.
ChannelUrlParser<C extends @NonNull Channel> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser for channel URLs.
ChannelUrlParser(Class<C>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelUrlParser
Creates a new instance.
checkType(Command<?>, Class<H>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationUtils
Determines if a command has handlers compatible with the given type.
child(String) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Determines the invocation formed by adding the given command name to this invocation.
choice(FunctorUrlParser<T>...) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser
Creates a parser that delegates to the given parsers.
choice(UrlParser<T>...) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
Creates a parser that delegates to the given parsers.
choice(Collection<? extends FunctorUrlParser<T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser
Creates a parser that delegates to the given parsers.
choice(Collection<? extends UrlParser<T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
Creates a parser that delegates to the given parsers.
choice(Function<URL, FunctorUrlParser<T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser
Creates a parser that delegates to other parsers, chosen by the given mapping function based on the URL to parse.
choice(Function<URL, UrlParser<T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
Creates a parser that delegates to other parsers, chosen by the given mapping function based on the URL to parse.
Choice(String, P) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser.Choice
Creates an instance of a Choice record class.
Choice(Function<URL, FunctorUrlParser<T>>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser.Choice
Creates a new instance.
Choice(Function<URL, UrlParser<T>>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser.Choice
Creates a new instance.
ChoiceBase(Function<URL, P>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser.ChoiceBase
Creates a new instance.
ChoiceBase(Function<URL, P>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser.ChoiceBase
Creates a new instance.
choiceHost(Map<String, ? extends FunctorUrlParser<T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser
Creates a parser that delegates to a parser depending on the host of the URL, using the given host-parser mappings.
choiceHost(Map<String, ? extends UrlParser<T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
Creates a parser that delegates to a parser depending on the host of the URL, using the given host-parser mappings.
choiceInteger(List<Map.Entry<ChoicesParser.Choice<Long>, T>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives a value from within a set of choices.
choiceInteger(Map.Entry<ChoicesParser.Choice<Long>, T>...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives a value from within a set of choices.
choices() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser
The allowed choices.
ChoicesParser<P extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses received input arguments, potentially restricting the acceptable values to a set of choices.
ChoicesParser.Choice<P extends @NonNull Object> - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
A possible choice to be selected.
clearPrefix(Snowflake) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Clears the override for a guild, if there is one.
command - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
The invoked command.
Command<H extends @NonNull Handlers> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command
A command that can be invoked by a user.
Command.Builder<H extends @NonNull Handlers> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command
The default builder.
Command.Scope - Enum Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command
The scopes that a command may be defined in.
CommandContext - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context
The execution context of an invoked command.
CommandError - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
The result from a command that fails to execute due to an internal error.
CommandErrorException - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
An error result due to an exception being thrown.
CommandException - Exception in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception
Base type for exceptions related to the command system.
CommandException() - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.CommandException
Constructs a new exception.
CommandException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.CommandException
Constructs a new exception.
CommandException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.CommandException
Constructs a new exception.
CommandException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.CommandException
Constructs a new exception.
CommandException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.CommandException
Constructs a new exception.
CommandExecutor - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Executor that receives events and invokes triggered commands as appropriate.
CommandExecutor(GatewayDiscordClient, Registry, PipelineBuilder<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.CommandExecutor
Creates a new instance.
CommandFailure - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
The result from a command that fails to execute due to user error.
CommandFailureArgument - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
Failure result due to an issue with the provided arguments.
CommandFailureArgumentExtra - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
Failure result due to one or more argument being provided where one wasn't expected.
CommandFailureArgumentExtra(List<String>) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentExtra
Creates an instance of a CommandFailureArgumentExtra record class.
CommandFailureArgumentInvalid - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
Failure result due to a provided argument being invalid.
CommandFailureArgumentInvalid(Parameter<?>, String) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentInvalid
Creates an instance of a CommandFailureArgumentInvalid record class.
CommandFailureArgumentMissing - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
Failure result due to a required argument not being provided.
CommandFailureArgumentMissing(Parameter<?>) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentMissing
Creates an instance of a CommandFailureArgumentMissing record class.
CommandFailureMessage - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
A failure result with a message to the user.
CommandGroup - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api
Encapsulates a group of commands.
CommandId(String) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.CommandId
Creates a new instance.
CommandReplyEditMono - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Specification for editing a command reply that can be directly subscribed to to execute.
CommandReplyEditSpec - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Specification for editing a previosly sent command reply.
CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Builds instances of type CommandReplyEditSpec.
CommandReplyMono - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Specification for creating a new command reply that can be directly subscribed to to execute.
CommandReplySpec - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Specification for creating a new command reply.
CommandReplySpec.Builder - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Builds instances of type CommandReplySpec.
CommandResult - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
The result of a command.
commands() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.CommandGroup
Retrieves the commands contained in this group.
CommandSuccess - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
The result from a command that ran successfully.
CommandSuccessMessage - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
A successful result with a message to the user.
commandType() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrives the command type to use.
CommandUtils - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Utility functions for Commands.
components() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
The new message components.
components() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
The new message components.
components() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
The message components.
components() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
The message components.
components(Possible<List<LayoutComponent>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
components(Possible<Optional<List<LayoutComponent>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
components(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
components(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
components(List<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
components(List<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
componentsOrElse(List<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
componentsOrElse(List<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
componentsOrElse(List<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
componentsOrElse(List<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
componentsOrNull(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
content() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
The new reply message content.
content() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
The new reply message content.
content() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
The reply message content.
content() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
The reply message content.
content(Possible<String>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
content(Possible<Optional<String>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
content(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
content(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
contentOrElse(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
contentOrElse(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
contentOrElse(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
contentOrElse(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
contentOrNull(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
CONTINUE - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
An invocation handler that simply signals that handling should continue.


DEFAULT - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.BaseHandler
The initial/default base handler.
DEFAULT_CALLABLE - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Default for Command.callable().
DEFAULT_CLIENT_GETTER - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser.Resources
The default HTTP client getter.
DEFAULT_DEFER - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
DEFAULT_GROUP - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
DEFAULT_INHERIT - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
DEFAULT_INVOKE_PARENT - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
DEFAULT_NSFW - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Default for Command.nsfw().
DEFAULT_PRIVATE - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
DEFAULT_REQUIRE_PARENT_GROUPS - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
DEFAULT_SCOPE - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
DEFAULT_SKIP - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
DEFAULT_SPLITTER - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
The default splitter (StringSplitter.Shell).
defaultPrefix() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Returns the value of the defaultPrefix record component.
defaultPrivate - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager
Whether replies are private by default.
defaultValue() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
The default value for the parameter.
deferred - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager
Whether the first reply is deferred.
deferReply() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Whether the initial reply to the command should be deferred, indicating to the user that a reply is pending.
delete() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.Reply
Deletes the reply message.
delimiter() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter
Obtains a string that can be used to delimit two elements according to this splitter.
delimiter() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Shell
description() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The description of the command.
description() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
The description of the parameter.
DESCRIPTION_REGEX - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Pattern for valid command descriptions in the Discord API.
DESCRIPTION_REGEX - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
Pattern for valid parameter descriptions in the Discord API.
dev.sympho.modular_commands - package dev.sympho.modular_commands
Framework for creating and managing chat commands for Discord bots that use Discord4J.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api
External interface through which client code can utilize the command system.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command
APIs related to defining a command.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context
Interfaces that represent the invocation context of a command.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
Handler interfaces used across the system.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter
API for defining the parameters that a command takes.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Interfaces defining how received arguments are parsed.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Interface that bridges reply management on different commant types.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
Interfaces defining the result of handling an invoked command.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception
Exceptions thrown by the system.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission
API for permission management.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry
Registry system for registering commands that can be executed.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Runtime system for executing commands defined through the API.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl
Internal implementation-specific classes.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context
Implementations for command contexts.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry
Default implementations for registries.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Collection of classes that provide assorted utilies for ease of use.
dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse - package dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Parsing utilities.
DISPLAY_NAME_REGEX - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Pattern for valid user/message command names in the Discord API.
displayName() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The display name of the command.
doLoad(ObservationRegistry) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
Performs the LazyContext.load() operation.


edit() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.Reply
Edits the reply message.
edit(CommandReplyEditSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.Reply
Edits the reply message.
edit(InteractionReplyEditSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.Reply
Edits the reply message.
edit(MessageEditSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.Reply
Edits the reply message.
embeds() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
The new reply embeds.
embeds() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
The new reply embeds.
embeds() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
The reply embeds.
embeds() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
The reply embeds.
embeds(Possible<List<EmbedCreateSpec>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
embeds(Possible<Optional<List<EmbedCreateSpec>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
embeds(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
embeds(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
embeds(List<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
embeds(List<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
embedsOrElse(List<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
embedsOrElse(List<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
embedsOrElse(List<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
embedsOrElse(List<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
embedsOrNull(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
empty() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
Returns an empty iterator.
EMPTY - Static variable in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
The empty invocation.
emptyIterator() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async
Creates an empty iterator for this splitter.
emptyIterator() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter
Creates an empty iterator for this splitter.
EntityArgumentParser<E extends @NonNull Entity,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses Discord entities.
EntityParser<E extends @NonNull Entity> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser that extracts an entity from a string.
EntityParser() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityParser
EntityUrlParser<E extends @NonNull Entity> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser for URLs of Discord entities.
EntityUrlParser() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityUrlParser
enums(Class<E>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives an enum value.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InteractionHandlers.Impl
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.MessageHandlers.Impl
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.SlashHandlers.Impl
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.TextHandlers.Impl
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser.Choice
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
This instance is equal to all instances of CommandReplyEditMono that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
This instance is equal to all instances of CommandReplyEditSpec that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
This instance is equal to all instances of CommandReplyMono that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
This instance is equal to all instances of CommandReplySpec that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentExtra
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentInvalid
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentMissing
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserMissingPermissions
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserNotAllowed
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.CommandId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.StaticPrefix
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.StringAdapter
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Failure
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Success
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
error() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentInvalid
Returns the value of the error record component.
error() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Failure
Returns the value of the error record component.
error() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Result
The error encountered in parsing, if any.
error() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Success
error(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command encountered an error.
errorMono(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command encountered an error.
errorR(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Alias for Results.error(String) that casts to a plain Result to avoid Generics issues.
errors() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.InvalidListException
Retrieves the items that had errors.
errors(List<TryParser.Result<R, T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser
Extracts the items in a result list that had errors.
eventFilter(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Determines if an event should be processed for commands.
eventType() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the event type to listen for.
EVERYONE - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
The group of all Discord users (matches everyone).
exception(Throwable) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command encountered an error due to an exception.
exceptionMono(Throwable) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command encountered an error due to an exception.
exceptionR(Throwable) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Alias for Results.exception(Throwable) that casts to a plain Result to avoid Generics issues.
extractId(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityParser
Parses the entity ID from the raw argument.
extractId(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MentionableParser


fail() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command failed with no further context.
FAIL - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Result indicating the command failed with no further context.
failFast() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
Determines whether the parser should fail on the first element that encounters an error (true), or finish parsing all elements before reporting an InvalidListException with all encountered errors (false).
failMono() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command failed with no further context.
failR() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Alias for that casts to a plain Result to avoid Generics issues.
failure(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command failed with a message to the user.
Failure(R, InvalidArgumentException) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Failure
Creates an instance of a Failure record class.
failureMono(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command failed with a message to the user.
failureR(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Alias for Results.failure(String) that casts to a plain Result to avoid Generics issues.
files() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
The new attached files.
files() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
The new attached files.
files() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
The attached files.
files() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
The attached files.
files(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.File>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
files(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.File>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
fileSpoilers() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
The new spoiler-tagged attached files.
fileSpoilers() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
The new spoiler-tagged attached files.
fileSpoilers() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
The spoiler-tagged attached files.
fileSpoilers() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
The spoiler-tagged attached files.
fileSpoilers(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
fileSpoilers(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
findCommand(Invocation, Class<H>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry.Registry
Retrieves the best command known to this registry that has the given parent and name, and is compatible with the given type.
findCommand(Invocation, Class<H>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry.SimpleRegistry
FLOAT - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Parser for floats from strings.
FLOAT - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Parser for floats.
FloatParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses float-based input arguments.
floats() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
A parser that parses a list of floats.
flux(ParserFunction<String, Mono<T>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
A parser that generates a flux by using the default list parser to split the raw argument, then the given item parser to convert each item into a mono, which are then merged.
format(long) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
Formats a size to the nearest (supported) prefix.
from(CommandReplyEditSpec) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CommandReplyEditSpec instance.
from(CommandReplySpec) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CommandReplySpec instance.
from(String) - Static method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.CommandId
Creates a tag with the given id as value.
from(Iterator<E>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
Creates a smart iterator backed by the given iterator.
from(List<E>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
Creates a smart iterator that iterates over the contents of the given list.
fullMatch() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Determines whether a parsed arg list (as given by PipelineBuilder.parse(Event)) must always be fully matched to a command.
functor(Parsers.Functor<R, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Uses a parser that does not depend on the execution context.
FunctorUrlParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser for URL-based arguments that are independent from the invocation context.
FunctorUrlParser.Choice<T extends @NonNull Object> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Parser that supports multiple URL types by delegating to one of a list of parsers.
FunctorUrlParser.ChoiceBase<T extends @NonNull Object,P extends FunctorUrlParser<T>> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Base for a parser that supports multiple URL types by delegating to one of a list of parsers.
FunctorUrlParser.PostParser<I extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object,P1 extends @NonNull FunctorUrlParser<I>,P2 extends @NonNull Parsers.Functor<I,T>> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A composed parser that first applies this parser to one parser, and then applies the results to a second parser.


get() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Retrieves the initial reply.
get() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.BaseHandler
Retrieves the current base handler.
get(int) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Retrieves a reply.
get(int) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager
getArgument(Parameter<? extends T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves one of the arguments to the command.
getArgument(Parameter<? extends T>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getArgument(Parameter<? extends T>, Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves one of the arguments to the command.
getArgument(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves one of the arguments to the command.
getArgument(String, Class<T>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getAttachmentArgument(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getBooleanArgument(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getCaller() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the user that called the command.
getCaller() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getCaller(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationValidator
Retrieves the command's caller from the triggering event.
getCaller(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the user that invoked the command from the triggering event.
getCallerMember() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the user that called the command as a guild member as provided by the triggering event, if present.
getCallerMember() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getChannel() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the channel that the command was invoked in.
getChannel() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getChannel(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationValidator
Retrieves the channel where the command was invoked from the triggering event.
getChannel(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the channel where the command was invoked from the triggering event.
getChannelArgument(String, Class<C>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getChannelId() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the ID of the channel that the command was invoked in.
getChannelId() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getChannelId(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the ID of the channel where the command was invoked from the triggering event.
getCharset(HttpClientResponse) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.HttpUtils
Retrives the charset used to encode an HTTP response.
getCharset(HttpClientResponse, Function<String, E>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.HttpUtils
Retrives the charset used to encode an HTTP response.
getClient() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the client where the command was received.
getClient(CommandContext) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser.Resources.HttpClientRetriever
Determines the HTTP client to use with the given execution context.
getClientGetter() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser.Resources
Retrieves the function to be used to obtain an HTTP client for fetching attachment data unless overriden by the parser.
getCommand() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.IncompleteHandlingException
Retrieves the command that was invoked.
getCommand() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.InvalidChainException
Retrieves the command that was being executed.
getCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry.Registry
Retrieves the command with the given ID that is registered to this registry.
getCommand(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry.SimpleRegistry
getCommandId() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InstrumentedContext
Retrieves the ID of the invoked command.
getCommandId() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getCommandInvocation() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the canonical invocation of the triggered command, that is, the value of Command.invocation().
getCommandInvocation() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getCommands(Class<H>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry.Registry
Retrieves all commands known to this registry that are compatible with the given type.
getCommands(Class<H>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry.SimpleRegistry
getContext(String, Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves a context object set by CommandContext.setContext(String, Object, boolean).
getContext(String, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getEntity(CommandContext, Snowflake) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelParser
getEntity(CommandContext, Snowflake) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityParser
Retrieves the entity with the given ID.
getEntity(CommandContext, Snowflake) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MessageParser
getEntity(CommandContext, Snowflake) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RoleParser
getEntity(CommandContext, Snowflake) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UserParser
getEvent() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the event that triggered the command.
getEvent() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.InteractionCommandContext
getEvent() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.MessageCommandContext
getEvent() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.SlashCommandContext
getEvent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getExecutionChain() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.IncompleteHandlingException
Retrieves the command chain that was being executed.
getFloatArgument(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getGuild() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the guild that the command was invoked in, if there is one.
getGuild() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getGuild(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationValidator
Retrieves the guild where the command was invoked from the triggering event.
getGuild(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the guild where the command was invoked, if any, from the triggering event.
getGuildId() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the ID of the guild that the command was invoked in, if there is one.
getGuildId() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getGuildId(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the ID of the guild where the command was invoked, if any, from the triggering event.
getHttpClient(CommandContext) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser
Determines the HTTP client to use to fetch the attachment.
getIntegerArgument(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getInvocation() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the invocation that triggered the command.
getInvocation() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.IncompleteHandlingException
Retrieves the invocation that triggered the command.
getInvocation() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getInvocationHandler(H) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the invocation handler specified by the given hander set.
getInvokedCommand(List<? extends C>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationUtils
Extracts the command being invoked from an execution chain.
getMessage() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.MessageCommandContext
Retrieves the message that invoked the command.
getMessage() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.InvalidArgumentException
getMessageArgument(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
Retrieves the message argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
getMessageId() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.MessageCommandContext
Retrieves the ID of the message that invoked the command.
getParent() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.InvalidChainException
Retrieves the ancestor that is incompatible.
getParser(URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser.ChoiceBase
Retrives the parser to use for the given URL.
getPrefix(Snowflake) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
getPrefix(Snowflake) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PrefixProvider
Determines the prefix that should be used for the given guild.
getPrefix(Snowflake) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.StaticPrefix
getResult() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.ResultException
Retrieves the execution result.
getResultHandlers(H) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the result handlers specified by the given hander set.
getRoleArgument(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getSettingsSource(List<C>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationUtils
Determines the command in the execution chain that should provide the invocation settings.
getSnowflakeArgument(String, SnowflakeParser.Type) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getStringArgument(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getUrl(Attachment) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser
Obtains the URL to download the attachment from.
getUrl(String) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
Parses the given string into a URL.
getUrlParser() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelParser
getUrlParser() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityParser
Retrieves the parser to use for URLs, if supported.
getUrlParser() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MessageParser
getUserArgument(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
getValidator() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Retrieves the validator to use for validating command invocations.
giga(int) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
Makes a size in gigabytes.
giga(long) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
Makes a size in gigabytes.
GIGA - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
The value of the G prefix.
GLOBAL - Enum constant in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command.Scope
A command that can be invoked in either guild channels or private channels.
GLOBAL_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser
Resources used by all instances.
Group - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission
Specifies a group that users may belong to.
Groups - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission
Default group types and composition operations.
GUILD - Enum constant in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command.Scope
A command that can only be invoked in guild channels.
GuildPrefix - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Prefix provider that allows prefix overrides per guild while falling back to a default construction-time prefix if no override.
GuildPrefix(String) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Creates a new instance with no overrides.
GuildPrefix(Map<Snowflake, String>, String) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Creates a new instance with the given set of initial overrides.


handle(C) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InvocationHandler
Handles an invocation of the command.
handle(C, CommandResult) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.ResultHandler
Handles the result of a command.
handlers() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The handlers to use for processing an invocation of the command.
Handlers - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A set of handlers for executing an invocation of a command.
handleWrapped(C) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InvocationHandler
Handles an invocation of the command using InvocationHandler.handle(CommandContext), automatically converting any exception thrown in that method or issued in the resulting mono to an exception result (with the exception of a ResultException, which is unpacked into the contained result).
handlingOrder(List<C>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationUtils
Determines the sequence that command handlers should be invoked in for the given chain.
hasAccess(Group) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.AccessValidator
Determines whether the invoking user in the current execution context (guild and channel) has access equivalent to the given group.
hasAccess(Group) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
hasChannelPermissions(PermissionSet) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given permissions in the channel.
hasChannelPermissions(Supplier<PermissionSet>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given permissions in the channel.
hasChannelPermissions(Mono<PermissionSet>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given permissions in the channel.
hasGuildPermissions(PermissionSet) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given permissions in the guild.
hasGuildPermissions(Supplier<PermissionSet>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given permissions in the guild.
hasGuildPermissions(Mono<PermissionSet>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given permissions in the guild.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InteractionHandlers.Impl
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.MessageHandlers.Impl
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.SlashHandlers.Impl
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.TextHandlers.Impl
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser.Choice
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
Computes a hash code from attributes: content, embeds, files, fileSpoilers, allowedMentions, components, attachments, reply.
hashCode() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
Computes a hash code from attributes: content, embeds, files, fileSpoilers, allowedMentions, components, attachments.
hashCode() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Computes a hash code from attributes: privately, content, tts, embeds, files, fileSpoilers, allowedMentions, components, manager.
hashCode() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Computes a hash code from attributes: privately, content, tts, embeds, files, fileSpoilers, allowedMentions, components.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentExtra
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentInvalid
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentMissing
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserMissingPermissions
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserNotAllowed
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.CommandId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.StaticPrefix
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.StringAdapter
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Failure
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Success
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hasNext() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
hasRole(Snowflake) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given role.
hasRole(Supplier<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given role.
hasRole(Mono<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have the given role.
hasRolesAll(Snowflake...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have all of the given roles.
hasRolesAll(Collection<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have all of the given roles.
hasRolesAll(Supplier<? extends Collection<Snowflake>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have all of the given roles.
hasRolesAll(Flux<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have all of the given roles.
hasRolesAll(Mono<? extends Collection<Snowflake>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have all of the given roles.
hasRolesAny(Snowflake...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have any of the given roles.
hasRolesAny(Collection<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have any of the given roles.
hasRolesAny(Supplier<? extends Collection<Snowflake>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have any of the given roles.
hasRolesAny(Flux<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have any of the given roles.
hasRolesAny(Mono<? extends Collection<Snowflake>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group defined as all users that have any of the given roles.
HttpUtils - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Utilities for working with HTTP requests.


id() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The ID that uniquely identifies this command in the system.
id() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.Reply
The ID of the reply message.
id() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.CommandId
Returns the value of the id record component.
Impl(InvocationHandler<? super InteractionCommandContext>, List<? extends ResultHandler<? super InteractionCommandContext>>) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InteractionHandlers.Impl
Creates an instance of a Impl record class.
Impl(InvocationHandler<? super MessageCommandContext>, List<? extends ResultHandler<? super MessageCommandContext>>) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.MessageHandlers.Impl
Creates an instance of a Impl record class.
Impl(InvocationHandler<? super SlashCommandContext>, List<? extends ResultHandler<? super SlashCommandContext>>) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.SlashHandlers.Impl
Creates an instance of a Impl record class.
Impl(InvocationHandler<CommandContext>, List<? extends ResultHandler<CommandContext>>) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.TextHandlers.Impl
Creates an instance of a Impl record class.
IncompleteHandlingException - Exception in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception
Exception type that indicates that the invocation handling of a command was completed but did not issue any result (i.e.
IncompleteHandlingException(List<? extends Command<?>>, Invocation) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.IncompleteHandlingException
Creates a new instance.
index() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.Reply
The index of the reply in the sequence of replies sent by the command.
inheritSettings() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Whether the command settings should be inherited from the parent command (ignoring the values provided by this command).
initArgs() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
initialize(ObservationRegistry) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.LazyContext
Partially initializes internal state, making the context minimally ready for handling to start.
initialize(ObservationRegistry) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
InputParser<P extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses received input arguments.
InstrumentedContext - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
A command context that is instrumented for use with metrics and tracing tooling.
integer() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain integer values.
integer(List<ChoicesParser.Choice<Long>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain integer values from within a set of choices.
integer(ChoicesParser.Choice<Long>...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain integer values from within a set of choices.
integer(ParserFunction<Long, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
INTEGER - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Parser for integers from strings.
INTEGER - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Parser for integers.
integerAbove(long) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain integer values, which must be at least the given value.
integerAbove(long, ParserFunction<Long, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values, which must be at least the given value.
integerBelow(long) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain integer values, which must be at most the given value.
integerBelow(long, ParserFunction<Long, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values, which must be at most the given value.
integerBetween(long, long) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain integer values, which must be between the given values.
integerBetween(long, long, ParserFunction<Long, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values, which must be between the given values.
IntegerParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses integer-based input arguments.
integers() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
A parser that parses a list of integers.
interaction() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Creates a builder for an interaction command.
interaction(InvocationHandler<? super InteractionCommandContext>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support only for interaction-based commands, and no result handlers.
interaction(InvocationHandler<? super InteractionCommandContext>, ResultHandler<? super InteractionCommandContext>...) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support for interaction-based commands.
interaction(InvocationHandler<? super InteractionCommandContext>, List<? extends ResultHandler<? super InteractionCommandContext>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support for interaction-based commands.
InteractionCommandContext - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context
The execution context of an command invoked through an interaction (application command).
InteractionHandlers - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A set of handlers that support interaction-based invocations.
InteractionHandlers.Impl - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A record-based implementation.
InvalidArgumentException - Exception in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Exception thrown when an argument cannot be parsed due to being invalid.
InvalidArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.InvalidArgumentException
Constructs a new exception.
InvalidArgumentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.InvalidArgumentException
Constructs a new exception.
InvalidChainException - Exception in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception
Exception type that is triggered when a command chain being invoked is not valid due to an incompatiblity between commands in the chain.
InvalidChainException(Command<?>, Command<?>, String) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.InvalidChainException
Creates a new instance.
InvalidListException - Exception in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Exception that indicates that some items in an argument list were invalid.
InvalidListException(List<? extends TryParser.Failure<?, ?>>) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.InvalidListException
Creates a new instance.
invocation() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The invocation that executes this command.
invocation() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
The handler to use for executing the invocation.
invocation() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InteractionHandlers.Impl
Returns the value of the invocation record component.
invocation() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InteractionHandlers
invocation() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.MessageHandlers.Impl
Returns the value of the invocation record component.
invocation() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.MessageHandlers
invocation() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.SlashHandlers.Impl
Returns the value of the invocation record component.
invocation() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.SlashHandlers
invocation() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.TextHandlers.Impl
Returns the value of the invocation record component.
invocation() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.TextHandlers
Invocation - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command
An invocation of a command.
Invocation(List<String>) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Constructs an invocation determined by the given chain.
InvocationHandler<C extends @NonNull CommandContext> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A function that handles the execution of a command.
InvocationUtils - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Utility functions for handling invocations.
InvocationValidator<E extends Event> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Validator that checks that a command's invocation is appropriate as per the command's defined parameters.
InvocationValidator() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationValidator
invokeParent() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Whether the parent command should be invoked before this command is invoked.
inWhitelist(Snowflake...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group composed of a set of users.
inWhitelist(Collection<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group composed of a set of users.
inWhitelist(Supplier<? extends Collection<Snowflake>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group composed of a set of users.
inWhitelist(Flux<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group composed of a set of users.
inWhitelist(Mono<? extends Collection<Snowflake>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group composed of a set of users.
isAllowedMentionsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
isAllowedMentionsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
isAllowedMentionsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
isAllowedMentionsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
isAttachmentsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
isAttachmentsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
isComponentsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
isComponentsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
isComponentsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
isComponentsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
isContentPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
isContentPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
isContentPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
isContentPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
isEmbedsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
isEmbedsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
isEmbedsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
isEmbedsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
isHost(URL, String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
Checks if the given URL has the given host.
isHost(URL, Collection<String>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
Checks if the given URL has a certain host, which may be specified by any of the given aliases.
isHttp(URL) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
Checks if the given URL has a HTTP-based protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).
isHttps(URL) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
Checks if the given URL has HTTPS as the protocol.
isPrivate() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Determines if the invocation ocurred in a private channel.
isPrivatelyPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
isPrivatelyPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
isTtsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
isTtsPresent() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
isUser(Snowflake) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group composed of a single user.
isUser(Supplier<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group composed of a single user.
isUser(Mono<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Creates a group composed of a single user.
item() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Failure
item() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Result
The parsed item, if parsed successfully.
item() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Success
Returns the value of the item record component.
items(List<TryParser.Result<R, T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser
Extracts the items in a result list that were successfully parsed.
iterate(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async
iterate(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter
Creates a smart iterator that iterates over the components obtained by splitting the given raw string.
iterator() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation


key() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.CommandId
key() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag
Retrieves the tag key.
key() - Method in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.Type
kilo(int) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
Makes a size in kilobytes.
kilo(long) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
Makes a size in kilobytes.
KILO - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
The value of the K prefix.


LazyContext - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
A command context whose values (particularly arguments) are lazy-loaded (that is, are not loaded until requested by LazyContext.initialize(ObservationRegistry) and LazyContext.load()).
list() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a list parser with string items.
list(int, int) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a list parser with string items.
list(ParserFunction<String, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a list parser that uses the given function to parse items.
list(ParserFunction<String, T>, int, int) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a list parser that uses the given function to parse items.
ListIterator(List<E>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.ListIterator
Creates a new instance.
ListParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
A parser that extracts lists of objects by splitting a string argument and parsing each item.
load() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.LazyContext
Loads remaining internal state, making the context fully ready for use.
load() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
longTerm() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Obtains a manager that is a continuation of this one and has the same configuration, but is guaranteed to continue working long-term by using alternate sending methods if necessary (for example, it might use regular messages instead of interaction replies).
longTerm() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager


makeContext(E, Command<? extends H>, Invocation, I) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Creates a command context from a parsed invocation.
makeReplyManager() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
manager() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
The backing reply manager.
MAX_CHOICES - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser
The maximum number of choices allowed.
MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.StringParser
The maximum length possible (in the Discord API for application commands).
maximum() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.NumberParser
The maximum value allowed (inclusive).
maxItems() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
The maximum amount of items allowed (inclusive).
maxLength() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.StringParser
The maximum length allowed (inclusive).
maxSize() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser
Retrieves the maximum size (in bytes) that the attachment may have.
mega(int) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
Makes a size in megabytes.
mega(long) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
Makes a size in megabytes.
MEGA - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
The value of the M prefix.
MentionableParser<E extends Entity> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser that extracts a mentionable entity from a string.
MentionableParser() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MentionableParser
merge(Collection<CommandGroup>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.CommandGroup
Merges multiple command groups into one.
message() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Creates a builder for a message-only command.
message() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives raw message values.
message() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.Reply
Retrieves the reply message.
message() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandError
Retrieves the error message.
message() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandErrorException
Retrieves the error message.
message() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentExtra
message() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentInvalid
message() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentMissing
message() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureMessage
Retrieves the message to the user.
message() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandSuccessMessage
Retrieves the message to the user.
message() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserMissingPermissions
message(CommandContext) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Creates a parser for messages with the given context.
message(InvocationHandler<? super MessageCommandContext>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support only for message-based commands, and no result handlers.
message(InvocationHandler<? super MessageCommandContext>, ResultHandler<? super MessageCommandContext>...) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support only for message-based commands.
message(InvocationHandler<? super MessageCommandContext>, List<? extends ResultHandler<? super MessageCommandContext>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support only for message-based commands.
message(ParserFunction<Message, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.Type
A message-based command.
MESSAGE - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Parser for messages from strings.
MessageArgumentParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses Discord messages.
MessageCommandContext - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context
The execution context of an command invoked through a message.
MessageCommandExecutor - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Executor that receives and handles commands through text messages.
MessageCommandExecutor(GatewayDiscordClient, Registry, AccessManager, MeterRegistry, ObservationRegistry, PrefixProvider, AliasProvider) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.MessageCommandExecutor
Creates a new instance.
MessageContextImpl - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context
Context object for invocations performed through text messages.
MessageContextImpl(MessageCreateEvent, Invocation, Command<?>, StringSplitter.Async.Iterator, AccessValidator) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
Initializes a new context.
MessageHandlers - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A set of handlers that support message-based invocations.
MessageHandlers.Impl - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A record-based implementation.
MessageParser - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser that extracts a message from a string.
MessageParser() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MessageParser
Creates a new instance.
MessageReplyManager - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context
Reply manager for message-based commands.
MessageReplyManager(Message, Mono<MessageChannel>, Mono<PrivateChannel>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager
Creates a new manager.
messages() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
A parser that parses a list of messages.
MessageUrlParser - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser for message URLs.
MessageUrlParser() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MessageUrlParser
Creates a new instance.
meters - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
The meter registry to use.
METRIC_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
The prefix for metrics in this class.
METRIC_NAME_PREFIX_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
The prefix for argument parsing metrics.
Metrics - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Configuration for metrics instrumentation.
Metrics.Tag - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Tags used in metrics.
Metrics.Tag.CommandId - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
The tag that indicates the command ID.
Metrics.Tag.Type - Enum Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
The tag that indicates the command type.
minimum() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.NumberParser
The minimum value allowed (inclusive).
minItems() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
The minimum amount of items allowed (inclusive).
minLength() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.StringParser
The minimum length allowed (inclusive).
missingDiscordPermissions() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserMissingPermissions
Returns the value of the missingDiscordPermissions record component.


name() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The name of the command.
name() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
The name of the parameter.
name() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser.Choice
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.NamedGroup
Retrieves the name of the group.
name(String...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics
Creates the name for a metric or tag from a sequence of components.
NAME_REGEX - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Pattern for valid slash command names in the Discord API.
NAME_REGEX - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
Pattern for valid parameter names in the Discord API.
named(Group, String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Adds a name to an existing group.
NamedGroup - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission
A group that also has a name.
next() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.ListIterator
next() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.Wrapper
NO_MORE_ELEMENTS_ERROR - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
Exception message for when there are no more elements.
NO_RESPONSE_ERROR - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.ReplyManager
Error message used when trying to access the initial reply before sending one.
NOBODY - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
The empty group (matches nobody).
none() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AliasProvider
Creates an alias provider with no aliases.
nsfw() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Whether this command can only be invoked in a NSFW channel.
nullValue(R) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that returns an empty result for the given value, otherwise resulting in the raw value.
nullValue(R, ParserFunction<R, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that returns an empty result for the given value, otherwise deferring to the given parser.
nullValues(Collection<? extends R>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that returns an empty result for the given values, otherwise resulting in the raw value.
nullValues(Collection<? extends R>, ParserFunction<R, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that returns an empty result for the given values, otherwise deferring to the given parser.
number() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain floating-point values.
number(List<ChoicesParser.Choice<Double>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain floating-point values from within a set of choices.
number(ChoicesParser.Choice<Double>...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain floating-point values from within a set of choices.
number(ParserFunction<Double, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
numberAbove(double) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain floating-point values, which must be at least the given value.
numberAbove(double, ParserFunction<Double, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values, which must be at least the given value.
numberBelow(double) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain floating-point values, which must be at most the given value.
numberBelow(double, ParserFunction<Double, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values, which must be at most the given value.
numberBetween(double, double) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain floating-point values, which must be between the given values.
numberBetween(double, double, ParserFunction<Double, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values, which must be between the given values.
numberChoice(List<Map.Entry<ChoicesParser.Choice<Double>, T>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives a value from within a set of choices.
numberChoice(Map.Entry<ChoicesParser.Choice<Double>, T>...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives a value from within a set of choices.
NumberParser<P extends @NonNull Number & Comparable<P>,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses number-based input arguments.


observations - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
The observation registry to use.
of(Command<?>...) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.CommandGroup
Creates a command group from the given commands.
of(ParserFunction<R, T>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser
Creates a try-parser wrapper the given parser.
of(Reply) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
Construct a new immutable CommandReplyEditMono instance.
of(ReplyManager) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Construct a new immutable CommandReplyMono instance.
of(String...) - Static method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Constructs an invocation from the given sequence of command names.
of(String, P) - Static method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser.Choice
Creates a new choice.
of(String, P, V) - Static method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser.Choice
Creates a new choice mapping.
of(Collection<? extends Command<?>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.CommandGroup
Creates a command group from the given commands.
of(Collection<? extends Map.Entry<Invocation, Invocation>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AliasProvider
Creates an alias provider with the given aliases.
of(List<String>) - Static method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Constructs an invocation from the given sequence of command names.
of(Map.Entry<Invocation, Invocation>...) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AliasProvider
Creates an alias provider with the given aliases.
of(Map<Invocation, Invocation>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AliasProvider
Creates an alias provider with the given aliases.
ok() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command executed successfully with no further context.
OK - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Result indicating the command executed successfully with no further context.
okMono() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command executed successfully with no further context.
okR() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Alias for Results.ok() that casts to a plain Result to avoid Generics issues.
OptionalUtils - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Tools for dealing with OptionalChecker, similar to NullnessUtils.
overridable(Group) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AccessManager
Creates a manager that issues validators that generally perform group membership checks, but also allows a given group to override any permission in the system (that is, users that are members of the given group have equivalent permissions to any other group).


parameter() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentInvalid
Returns the value of the parameter record component.
parameter() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentMissing
Returns the value of the parameter record component.
Parameter<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter
Specification for a parameter received for a command.
Parameter.Builder<T extends @NonNull Object> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter
The default builder.
parameters() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The command parameters, in the order that they should be provided by the user.
ParameterUtils - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Utility functions for Parameter interfaces.
parent() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The parent of the command.
parent() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Determines the parent invocation of this chain.
parse(CommandContext, String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.TextFileParser
Parses the content of the attachment file.
parse(CommandContext, String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityParser
parse(CommandContext, String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RoleParser
parse(CommandContext, String) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.StringAdapter
parse(CommandContext, String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
parse(CommandContext, URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityUrlParser
parse(CommandContext, URL) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser
parse(CommandContext, URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser.ChoiceBase
parse(CommandContext, URL) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
Parses the given URL.
parse(CommandContext, URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser.PostParser
parse(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ArgumentParser
parse(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ParserFunction
Parses the given raw argument from the user into the corresponding value.
parse(CommandContext, R) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ParserFunction.PostParser
parse(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers.Functor
parse(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers.Simple
parse(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers.Synchronous
parse(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser
parse(CommandContext, HttpClientResponse, ByteBufMono) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentParserStages.Parser
Parses the response from fetching the attachment file into the corresponding value.
parse(CommandContext, HttpClientResponse, ByteBufMono) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.TextFileParser
parse(E) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Parses the raw args from the event.
parse(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Parses the given string into a raw value.
parse(URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser.ChoiceBase
parse(URL) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser
Parses the given URL.
parse(URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser.PostParser
parse(R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers.Functor
Parses the given raw argument from the user into the corresponding value.
parseArgument(CommandContext, Attachment) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser
parseArgument(CommandContext, String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
parseArgument(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ArgumentParser
Parses the given raw argument from the user into the corresponding value.
parseId(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityParser
Parses a snowflake ID from an argument string.
parseInvocation(Registry, SmartIterator<String>, Class<H>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationUtils
Extracts an invocation from a sequence of args by performing lookups on the given registry, while building the corresponding execution chain.
parseItem(CommandContext, String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
Parses an individual item in the list.
parseMention(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelParser
parseMention(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MentionableParser
Parses the entity ID from a text mention.
parseMention(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RoleParser
parseMention(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UserParser
parseMention(String, String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MentionableParser
Parses the entity ID from a text mention.
parseNow(CommandContext, R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers.Synchronous
Parses the given raw argument from the user into the corresponding value.
parseNow(R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers.Simple
Parses the given raw argument from the user into the corresponding value.
parsePath(GatewayDiscordClient, String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelUrlParser
parsePath(GatewayDiscordClient, String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityUrlParser
Parses the URL path.
parsePath(GatewayDiscordClient, String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MessageUrlParser
parser - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ParserFunction.PostParser
The first parser to apply.
parser() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
The parser to use to process received arguments.
parser() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser
The parser to delegate to.
ParserFunction<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
A function that parses a value within the context of an execution.
ParserFunction.PostParser<R extends @NonNull Object,I extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object,P1 extends @NonNull ParserFunction<R,I>,P2 extends @NonNull ParserFunction<I,T>> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
A composed parser that first applies this parser to one parser, and then applies the results to a second parser.
Parsers - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Convenience functions for defining argument parsers.
Parsers.Functor<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
A parser that does not depend on the invocation context.
Parsers.Simple<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
A parser that executes synchronously and does not depend on the invocation context.
Parsers.Synchronous<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
A parser that executes synchronously.
ParseUtils - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Convenience functions for common parsers.
peek() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
Retrives the element that will be returned by the next call to, without advancing the iterator.
peek() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.Wrapper
PipelineBuilder<E extends Event,CTX extends InstrumentedContext & LazyContext,H extends Handlers,I extends SmartIterator<String>> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Type responsible for building a command processing pipeline.
PipelineBuilder(AccessManager, MeterRegistry, ObservationRegistry) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Creates a new instance.
postParser - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ParserFunction.PostParser
The second parser to apply.
PostParser(P1, P2) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ParserFunction.PostParser
Creates a new instance.
PostParser(P1, P2) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser.PostParser
Creates a new instance.
PostParser(P1, P2) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser.PostParser
Creates a new instance.
prefix() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.StaticPrefix
Returns the value of the prefix record component.
PREFIX - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics
The prefix for all metric and tag names.
prefixes() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Returns the value of the prefixes record component.
PrefixProvider - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Object that provides the prefix to consider for commands during event handling.
preprocess(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
Applies pre-processing steps to the received argument before splitting, such as cleaning the string.
privately() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Whether to send the reply privately.
privately() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Whether to send the reply privately.
privately(Possible<Boolean>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
privately(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
privatelyOrElse(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
privatelyOrElse(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
PROTOCOL_HTTP - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
The HTTP protocol.
PROTOCOL_HTTP_COMPATIBLE - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
HTTP-based protocols.
PROTOCOL_HTTPS - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
The HTTPS protocol.


raw() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Failure
Returns the value of the raw record component.
raw() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Result
The raw value used in parsing.
raw() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Success
Returns the value of the raw record component.
raw(CommandContext, R) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Returns the raw value received.
rawParser() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.StringAdapter
Returns the value of the rawParser record component.
RawParser<R extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Parser function that converts a string into one of the supported raw types.
registerCommand(Command<?>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry.Registry
Registers a command into this registry.
registerCommand(Command<?>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry.SimpleRegistry
registerCommands(Command<?>...) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry.Registry
Registers the given commands into this registry.
registerCommands(CommandGroup) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry.Registry
Registers the given commands into this registry.
registerCommands(Collection<? extends Command<?>>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry.Registry
Registers the given commands into this registry.
Registries - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Provides instances of default registry implementations.
Registry - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry
A registry that stores commands that may be invoked by users.
remainder() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async.Iterator
Retrieves the remainder of the string that has not been parsed yet.
remaining() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.ListIterator
Returns a list view over the portion of the list that has not been iterated over yet.
remote(Group, Snowflake) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Decorates a group so that membership is always checked in relation to the given guild, rather than the guild where the command was executed in.
remote(Group, Supplier<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Decorates a group so that membership is always checked in relation to the given guild, rather than the guild where the command was executed in.
remote(Group, Mono<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Decorates a group so that membership is always checked in relation to the given guild, rather than the guild where the command was executed in.
remote(NamedGroup, Snowflake) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Decorates a group so that membership is always checked in relation to the given guild, rather than the guild where the command was executed in.
remote(NamedGroup, Supplier<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Decorates a group so that membership is always checked in relation to the given guild, rather than the guild where the command was executed in.
remote(NamedGroup, Mono<Snowflake>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
Decorates a group so that membership is always checked in relation to the given guild, rather than the guild where the command was executed in.
removeCommand(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.registry.Registry
Removes a command from this registry that was registered with the given ID.
removeCommand(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry.SimpleRegistry
replies - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager
The sent replies.
replies() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves the reply manager for this instance.
replies() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
repliesDefaultPrivate() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Whether the replies sent by this command should be private by default (i.e.
reply() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
The backing reply.
reply(CommandReplySpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Sends a reply, as if by calling CommandContext.replies().add().
reply(EmbedCreateSpec...) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Sends a reply, as if by calling CommandContext.replies().add().
reply(InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Sends a reply, as if by calling CommandContext.replies().add().
reply(InteractionFollowupCreateSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Sends a reply, as if by calling CommandContext.replies().add().
reply(MessageCreateSpec) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Sends a reply, as if by calling CommandContext.replies().add().
reply(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Sends a reply, as if by calling CommandContext.replies().add().
Reply - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
A reply made by a command.
ReplyManager - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Manages the replies sent by a command.
ReplySpec - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply
Utilities for creating reply specification instances.
requireArgument(Parameter<? extends T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves one of the arguments to the command expecting that it is non-null, i.e.
requireArgument(Parameter<? extends T>, Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves one of the arguments to the command expecting that it is non-null, i.e.
requireArgument(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves one of the arguments to the command expecting that it is non-null, i.e.
requireContext(String, Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Retrieves a non-null context object set by CommandContext.setContext(String, Object, boolean).
required() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
Whether the parameter must be provided to invoke the command.
required() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserNotAllowed
Returns the value of the required record component.
requiredGroup() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The group that a user must have access for in order to invoke this command.
requireParentGroups() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Whether a user invoking this command must also have access to the groups necessary to invoke its parent command(s).
result() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
The handlers to use to handle the result (in the order given).
result() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InteractionHandlers.Impl
Returns the value of the result record component.
result() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InteractionHandlers
result() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.MessageHandlers.Impl
Returns the value of the result record component.
result() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.MessageHandlers
result() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.SlashHandlers.Impl
Returns the value of the result record component.
result() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.SlashHandlers
result() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.TextHandlers.Impl
Returns the value of the result record component.
result() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.TextHandlers
ResultException - Exception in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception
Exception that indicates that command execution finished.
ResultException(CommandResult) - Constructor for exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.ResultException
Creates a new instance.
ResultHandler<C extends @NonNull CommandContext> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A function that handles the result of a command.
Results - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
Utilities for generating results from handlers.
role() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives raw role values.
role(CommandContext) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Creates a parser for roles with the given context.
role(ParserFunction<Role, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
ROLE - Enum constant in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.SnowflakeParser.Type
A role ID.
ROLE - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Parser for roles from strings.
RoleArgumentParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses Discord roles.
roleId() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives role IDs.
roleId(ParserFunction<Snowflake, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
RoleParser - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser that extracts a role from a string.
RoleParser() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RoleParser
Creates a new instance.
roles() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
A parser that parses a list of roles.


scope() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
The scope that the command is defined in.
send(int, CommandReplySpec) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager
sendLock - Variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageReplyManager
The lock for send ordering.
SERVER_OWNER - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.Groups
The group that only matches the server owner.
set(ResultHandler<CommandContext>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.BaseHandler
Sets the base handler.
setClientGetter(AttachmentDataParser.Resources.HttpClientRetriever) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser.Resources
Sets the given function to be used to obtain an HTTP client for fetching attachment data unless overriden by the parser.
setClientGetter(Supplier<? extends HttpClient>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser.Resources
Sets the given supplier to be used to obtain an HTTP client for fetching attachment data unless overriden by the parser.
setClientGetter(HttpClient) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser.Resources
Sets the given HTTP client to be used for fetching attachment data unless overriden by the parser.
setContext(String, Object) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Unconditionally places a context object for subsequent handlers.
setContext(String, Object, boolean) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context.CommandContext
Places a context object for subsequent handlers, optionally replacing any existing values under the same key.
setContext(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
setPrefix(Snowflake, String) - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Sets a prefix override for a guild.
Shell() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Shell
Creates a new instance.
simple(Parsers.Simple<R, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Uses a parser that executes synchronously and does not depend on the execution context.
simpleRegistry() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.Registries
Creates a simple, directly-mapped registry implementation that does not support overrides.
SimpleRegistry - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry
A simple, directly-mapped registry implementation that does not support overrides.
SimpleRegistry() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.registry.SimpleRegistry
Creates an empty registry.
SizeUtils - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Utilities for working with file sizes.
skipGroupCheckOnInteraction() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Whether group access checking should be skipped when this command is invoked through an interaction.
slash() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Creates a builder for a slash-only command.
slash(InvocationHandler<? super SlashCommandContext>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support only for slash-based commands, and no result handlers.
slash(InvocationHandler<? super SlashCommandContext>, ResultHandler<? super SlashCommandContext>...) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support only for slash-based commands.
slash(InvocationHandler<? super SlashCommandContext>, List<? extends ResultHandler<? super SlashCommandContext>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support only for slash-based commands.
SLASH - Enum constant in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.Type
A slash command-based command.
SlashCommandContext - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.context
The execution context of an command invoked through a slash command.
SlashHandlers - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A set of handlers that support slash-based invocations.
SlashHandlers.Impl - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A record-based implementation.
SmartIterator<E extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
An iterator with extra capabilities.
SmartIterator.Detachable<E extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
A smart iterator that, when creating other iterators/streams/fluxes/etc from its current state, makes them detached, so that they are independent of the future state of the original iterator and vice-versa.
SmartIterator.ListIterator<E extends @NonNull Object> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
A smart iterator that iterates over a list.
SmartIterator.Wrapper<E extends @NonNull Object> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
A smart iterator that wraps an existing iterator.
snowflake() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives snowflake IDs.
snowflake(ParserFunction<Snowflake, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
SNOWFLAKE - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Parser for snowflakes from strings.
SNOWFLAKE - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Parser for snowflakes.
SnowflakeParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses snowflake-based input arguments.
SnowflakeParser.Type - Enum Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
The ID type.
snowflakes() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
A parser that parses a list of snowflake IDs.
SpecStyle - Annotation Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Immutables style that matches the one used by Discord4J specs.
split(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async
split(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter
Splits the given string into components.
split(List<TryParser.Result<R, T>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser
Splits the given result list into a list of successfully parsed items and a list of failed items.
splitAsync(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async
Splits the given string into components.
spliterate(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async
Creates a spliterator that iterates over the components obtained by splitting the given raw string.
spliterator() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
splitStream(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async
Creates a stream that contains over the components obtained by splitting the given raw string.
splitter() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ListParser
Gives the splitter to use for splitting received strings.
splitter() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async.Iterator
splitter() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Iterator
Retrieves the splitter that created this iterator.
start() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.CommandExecutor
Start receiving events and executing commands.
StaticPrefix - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute
Prefix provider that only uses a static prefix determined at construction time.
StaticPrefix(String) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.StaticPrefix
Creates an instance of a StaticPrefix record class.
stop() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.CommandExecutor
Stops receiving events and executing commands.
stream() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Obtains a stream over the invocation elements.
string() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain string values.
string(Integer, Integer) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain string values.
string(List<ChoicesParser.Choice<String>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain string values from within a set of choices.
string(ChoicesParser.Choice<String>...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain string values from within a set of choices.
string(ParserFunction<String, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
string(ParserFunction<String, T>, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
STRING - Static variable in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Parser for strings.
StringAdapter<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Adapter that converts an existing parser into a string parser, by first pre-parsing the string into another raw type.
StringAdapter(ParserFunction<String, R>, ParserFunction<R, T>) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.StringAdapter
Creates an instance of a StringAdapter record class.
stringChoice(List<Map.Entry<ChoicesParser.Choice<String>, T>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives a value from within a set of choices.
stringChoice(Map.Entry<ChoicesParser.Choice<String>, T>...) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives a value from within a set of choices.
StringParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses string-based input arguments.
StringSplitter - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
A function that splits a string into multiple components.
StringSplitter.Async - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
A splitter that is capable of processing the split in an asynchronous manner.
StringSplitter.Async.Iterator - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
Iterator that splits elements lazily on demand during traversal.
StringSplitter.Iterator - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
An iterator over the elements split by a splitter.
StringSplitter.Shell - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils
A splitter that uses a shell-like splitting algorithm, where components are separated by spaces, with the option of one or more components being delimited by quotes (single or double) to allow for the inclusion of spaces.
subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super Reply>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
subscribe(CoreSubscriber<? super Message>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
success(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command executed successfully with a message to the user.
Success(R, T) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Success
Creates an instance of a Success record class.
successMono(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Generates a result indicating the command executed successfully with a message to the user.
successR(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results
Alias for Results.success(String) that casts to a plain Result to avoid Generics issues.
supports(URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityUrlParser
supports(URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser.ChoiceBase
supports(URL) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser.PostParser
supports(URL) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
Checks if the given URL is supported by this parser.
sync(Parsers.Synchronous<R, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Uses a parser that executes synchronously.


tagType() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InstrumentedContext
Determines the value for the type tag.
tagType() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.PipelineBuilder
Determines the type tag for this pipeline.
tagType() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
takeNext(String, Consumer<String>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async
Takes the next element from the current state.
takeNext(String, Consumer<String>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Shell
tera(long) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
Makes a size in terabytes.
TERA - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SizeUtils
The value of the T prefix.
text() - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Creates a builder for a text (message and slash) command.
text() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain string values.
text(Integer, Integer) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives plain string values.
text(InvocationHandler<CommandContext>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support only for text-based commands, and no result handlers.
text(InvocationHandler<CommandContext>, ResultHandler<CommandContext>...) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support for text-based commands.
text(InvocationHandler<CommandContext>, List<? extends ResultHandler<CommandContext>>) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.Handlers
Creates a handler set with the given handlers, with support for text-based commands.
text(ParserFunction<String, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
text(ParserFunction<String, T>, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
textFile() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives the plain contents of a text file, with unbounded file size.
textFile(int) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives the plain contents of a text file.
textFile(int, ParserFunction<String, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given parser to parse the contents received in a text file.
textFile(ParserFunction<String, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given parser to parse the contents received in a text file, with unbounded file size.
TextFileParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses an argument from an attached text file.
TextHandlers - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A set of handlers that support text-based (message and slash) invocations.
TextHandlers.Impl - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler
A record-based implementation.
then(ParserFunction<T, V>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ParserFunction
Returns a composed parser that first applies this parser to its input, and then applies the after parser to the result.
then(ParserFunction<T, V>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParser
Returns a composed parser that first applies this parser to its input, and then applies the after parser to the result.
then(Parsers.Functor<T, V>) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.FunctorUrlParser
Returns a composed parser that first applies this parser to its input, and then applies the after parser to the result.
toFlux() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.Detachable
Returns a flux that issues the remaining elements to be traversed by this iterator.
toFlux() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.ListIterator
toFlux() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
Returns a flux that issues the remaining elements to be traversed by this iterator.
toHostMapper(Map<String, ? extends P>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
Creates a delegate parser mapper where the parser choice depends on the host of the URL, using the given host-parser mappings.
toInteraction() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
Converts this spec into an interaction reply edit spec.
toInteractionFollowup(boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Converts this spec into an interaction followup spec.
toInteractionReply(boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Converts this spec into an interaction reply spec.
toIterator() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.Detachable
Returns an iterator that iterates over the remaining elements to be traversed by this iterator.
toIterator() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.ListIterator
toIterator() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Async.Iterator
toIterator() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.StringSplitter.Iterator
toMapper(Collection<? extends P>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UrlParserUtils
Creates a delegate parser mapper where the parser choice is defined as the first parser in the iteration order of the given collection for which UrlParser.supports(URL) returns true for the URL being parsed.
toMessage() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
Converts this spec into a message edit spec.
toMessage() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Converts this spec into a message spec.
toSpliterator() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.Detachable
Returns a spliterator that iterates over the remaining elements to be traversed by this iterator.
toSpliterator() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.ListIterator
toSpliterator() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
Returns a spliterator that iterates over the remaining elements to be traversed by this iterator.
toStream() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.Detachable
Returns a stream that contains over the remaining elements to be traversed by this iterator.
toStream() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.ListIterator
toStream() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator
Returns a stream that contains the remaining elements to be traversed by this iterator.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.InteractionHandlers.Impl
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.MessageHandlers.Impl
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.SlashHandlers.Impl
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.handler.TextHandlers.Impl
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser.Choice
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.InvalidListException
toString() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
Prints the immutable value CommandReplyEditMono with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
Prints the immutable value CommandReplyEditSpec with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Prints the immutable value CommandReplyMono with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Prints the immutable value CommandReplySpec with attribute values.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentExtra
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentInvalid
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentMissing
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserMissingPermissions
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserNotAllowed
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in exception dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.InvalidChainException
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.GuildPrefix
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.CommandId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.StaticPrefix
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.StringAdapter
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Failure
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.TryParser.Success
Returns a string representation of this record class.
TryParser<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser wrapper that tolerates errors by returning a result that reports either the parsed item or an encountered error.
TryParser.Failure<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A result in which the item was invalid.
TryParser.Result<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
The result of parsing.
TryParser.Success<R extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object> - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A result in which the item was parsed successfully.
tts() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Whether the reply should use TTS.
tts() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Whether the reply should use TTS.
tts(Possible<Boolean>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
tts(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec.Builder
ttsOrElse(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
ttsOrElse(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
type() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChannelArgumentParser
The required channel type.
type() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.SnowflakeParser
The ID type accepted.
typeName() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelUrlParser
typeName() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityUrlParser
Gets the display name for this type.
typeName() - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MessageUrlParser


UrlParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser for URL-based arguments.
UrlParser.Choice<T extends @NonNull Object> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Parser that supports multiple URL types by delegating to one of a list of parsers.
UrlParser.ChoiceBase<T extends @NonNull Object,P extends UrlParser<T>> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Base for a parser that supports multiple URL types by delegating to one of a list of parsers.
UrlParser.PostParser<I extends @NonNull Object,T extends @NonNull Object,P1 extends @NonNull UrlParser<I>,P2 extends @NonNull ParserFunction<I,T>> - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A composed parser that first applies this parser to one parser, and then applies the results to a second parser.
UrlParserUtils - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
Convenience tools for implementing URL parsers.
user() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives raw user values.
user(CommandContext) - Static method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.RawParser
Creates a parser for users with the given context.
user(ParserFunction<User, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
USER - Enum constant in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.SnowflakeParser.Type
A user ID.
USER - Static variable in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
Parser for users from strings.
UserArgumentParser<T extends @NonNull Object> - Interface in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse
Parses Discord users.
userId() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that receives user IDs.
userId(ParserFunction<Snowflake, T>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.Parsers
Creates a parser that uses the given function to parse received values.
UserMissingPermissions - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
A failure result due to the user having insufficient permissions.
UserMissingPermissions(PermissionSet) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserMissingPermissions
Creates an instance of a UserMissingPermissions record class.
UserNotAllowed - Record Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result
A failure result due to the user not being part of a specific group.
UserNotAllowed(Group) - Constructor for record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.UserNotAllowed
Creates an instance of a UserNotAllowed record class.
UserParser - Class in dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse
A parser that extracts an user from a string.
UserParser() - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.UserParser
Creates a new instance.
users() - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils
A parser that parses a list of users.


validate() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command
Validates that the command properties of this instance are valid.
validate() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter
Validates that the properties of this instance are valid.
validate(Parameter<?>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.ParameterUtils
Validates a parameter.
validate(Group) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.permission.AccessValidator
Determines whether the invoking user in the current execution context (guild and channel) has access equivalent to the given group, otherwise generating an appropriate result.
validate(Group) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context.MessageContextImpl
validate(Attachment) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser
validate(Attachment) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentParserStages.Validator
Validates that the attachment is appropriate prior to fetching it.
validate(Attachment) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.TextFileParser
validate(Channel, Class<C>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelUrlParser
Validates that a channel is of the given type.
validateAccess(AccessValidator, List<? extends Command<?>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationValidator
Validates that the user that invoked a command has sufficient access to do so.
validateAlias(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates an alias.
validateAliases(Set<String>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the aliases of a command.
validateCommand(Command<?>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates a command.
validateDescription(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the description of a command.
validateDescription(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.ParameterUtils
Validates the description of a parameter.
validateDisplayName(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the display name of a command.
validateGroup(Group) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the required group of a command.
validateHandlers(Handlers) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the handlers of a command.
validateId(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the ID of a command.
validateInvocationHandler(InvocationHandler<?>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the invocation handler of a command.
validateName(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the name of a command.
validateName(String) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.ParameterUtils
Validates the name of a parameter.
validateParameters(List<Parameter<?>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the parameters of a command.
validateParent(Invocation) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the parent of a command.
validateRaw(Attachment) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentDataParser
validateRaw(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.StringParser
validateRaw(P) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser
validateRaw(P) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.NumberParser
validateRaw(R) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ArgumentParser
Validates the raw value before parsing.
validateResultHandlers(List<? extends ResultHandler<?>>) - Static method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.CommandUtils
Validates the result handlers of a command.
validateSettings(E, List<? extends Command<?>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InvocationValidator
Validates that a command invocation is appropriate as per the command's settings.
validator(Mono<Guild>, Mono<MessageChannel>, User) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.AccessManager
Creates an access validator under the context of the given guild, channel, and caller.
validPath(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ChannelUrlParser
validPath(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.EntityUrlParser
Checks if the given path (endpoint) is valid for the entity type of this parser.
validPath(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.MessageUrlParser
value() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser.Choice
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.CommandId
value() - Method in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.Type
value() - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag
Retrieves the tag value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command.Scope
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.SnowflakeParser.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueParser() - Method in record class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.StringAdapter
Returns the value of the valueParser record component.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command.Scope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.SnowflakeParser.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics.Tag.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verifyChoice(P) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChoicesParser
Verifies that the given value is one of the allowed choices.
verifyInRange(P) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.NumberParser
Verifies that the given value is within the allowed range for this parser.
verifyLength(String) - Method in interface dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.StringParser
Verifies that the given string is within the allowed length range for this parser.


withAllowedMentions(Possible<AllowedMentions>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withAllowedMentions(Possible<AllowedMentions>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withAllowedMentions(Possible<Optional<AllowedMentions>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withAllowedMentions(Possible<Optional<AllowedMentions>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withAllowedMentions(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withAllowedMentions(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withAllowedMentions(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withAllowedMentions(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withAllowedMentionsOrNull(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withAllowedMentionsOrNull(AllowedMentions) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withAttachments(Attachment...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withAttachments(Attachment...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withAttachments(Possible<Optional<List<Attachment>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withAttachments(Possible<Optional<List<Attachment>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withAttachments(Iterable<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withAttachments(Iterable<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withAttachmentsOrNull(Iterable<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withAttachmentsOrNull(Iterable<Attachment>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withComponents(LayoutComponent...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withComponents(LayoutComponent...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withComponents(LayoutComponent...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withComponents(LayoutComponent...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withComponents(Possible<List<LayoutComponent>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withComponents(Possible<List<LayoutComponent>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withComponents(Possible<Optional<List<LayoutComponent>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withComponents(Possible<Optional<List<LayoutComponent>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withComponents(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withComponents(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withComponents(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withComponents(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withComponentsOrNull(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withComponentsOrNull(Iterable<LayoutComponent>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withContent(Possible<String>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withContent(Possible<String>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withContent(Possible<Optional<String>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withContent(Possible<Optional<String>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withContent(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withContent(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withContent(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withContent(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withContentOrNull(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withContentOrNull(String) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withEmbeds(EmbedCreateSpec...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withEmbeds(EmbedCreateSpec...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withEmbeds(EmbedCreateSpec...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withEmbeds(EmbedCreateSpec...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withEmbeds(Possible<List<EmbedCreateSpec>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withEmbeds(Possible<List<EmbedCreateSpec>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withEmbeds(Possible<Optional<List<EmbedCreateSpec>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withEmbeds(Possible<Optional<List<EmbedCreateSpec>>>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withEmbeds(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withEmbeds(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withEmbeds(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withEmbeds(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withEmbedsOrNull(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
withEmbedsOrNull(Iterable<EmbedCreateSpec>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withFiles(MessageCreateFields.File...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of files.
withFiles(MessageCreateFields.File...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withFiles(MessageCreateFields.File...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of files.
withFiles(MessageCreateFields.File...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withFiles(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.File>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of files.
withFiles(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.File>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withFiles(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.File>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of files.
withFiles(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.File>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withFileSpoilers(MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of fileSpoilers.
withFileSpoilers(MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withFileSpoilers(MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of fileSpoilers.
withFileSpoilers(MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler...) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withFileSpoilers(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of fileSpoilers.
withFileSpoilers(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditSpec
withFileSpoilers(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of fileSpoilers.
withFileSpoilers(Iterable<? extends MessageCreateFields.FileSpoiler>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withManager(ReplyManager) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the manager attribute.
withPrivately(Possible<Boolean>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withPrivately(Possible<Boolean>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withPrivately(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withPrivately(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withReply(Reply) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyEditMono
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the reply attribute.
withTts(Possible<Boolean>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withTts(Possible<Boolean>) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
withTts(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplyMono
withTts(Boolean) - Method in class dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.reply.CommandReplySpec
Wrapper(Iterator<E>) - Constructor for class dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.SmartIterator.Wrapper
Creates a new instance.
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