
implicit class ProjectionExpressionSyntax[From](self: ProjectionExpression[From, Unknown])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def <[To : ToAttributeValue](that: To): ConditionExpression[From]
def <(that: ProjectionExpression[From, Any]): ConditionExpression[From]
def <=[To : ToAttributeValue](that: To): ConditionExpression[From]
def <=(that: ProjectionExpression[From, Any]): ConditionExpression[From]
def <>[To : ToAttributeValue](that: To): ConditionExpression[From]
def <>(that: ProjectionExpression[From, Any]): ConditionExpression[From]
def ===[To : ToAttributeValue](that: To): ConditionExpression[From]
def ===(that: ProjectionExpression[From, Any]): ConditionExpression[From]
def >[To : ToAttributeValue](that: To): ConditionExpression[From]
def >(that: ProjectionExpression[From, Any]): ConditionExpression[From]
def >=[To : ToAttributeValue](that: To): ConditionExpression[From]
def >=(that: ProjectionExpression[From, Any]): ConditionExpression[From]
def add[To](a: To)(implicit to: ToAttributeValue[To]): AddAction[From]

adds a number attribute if it does not exists, else adds the numeric value to the existing attribute

adds a number attribute if it does not exists, else adds the numeric value to the existing attribute


def addSet[To : ToAttributeValue](set: To)(implicit evidence$11: ToAttributeValue[To], ev: To <:< Set[_]): AddAction[From]

adds a set attribute if it does not exists, else if it exists it adds the elements of the set

adds a set attribute if it does not exists, else if it exists it adds the elements of the set


def append[A](a: A)(implicit to: ToAttributeValue[A]): SetAction[From, A]
def appendList[To : ToAttributeValue](xs: Iterable[To]): SetAction[From, To]

Add list xs to the end of this list attribute

Add list xs to the end of this list attribute


def between[To](minValue: To, maxValue: To)(implicit to: ToAttributeValue[To]): ConditionExpression[From]
def contains[To](av: To)(implicit to: ToAttributeValue[To]): ConditionExpression[From]

Applies to a String or Set

Applies to a String or Set


def deleteFromSet[To](set: To)(implicit ev: To <:< Set[_], to: ToAttributeValue[To]): DeleteAction[From]

Remove all elements of parameter "set" from this set

Remove all elements of parameter "set" from this set


def in[To](value: To, values: To*)(implicit to: ToAttributeValue[To]): ConditionExpression[From]
def inSet[To](values: Set[To])(implicit to: ToAttributeValue[To]): ConditionExpression[From]
def partitionKey: PartitionKey[From, Unknown]
def prepend[To : ToAttributeValue](a: To): SetAction[From, To]

Prepend a to this list attribute

Prepend a to this list attribute


def prependList[To : ToAttributeValue](xs: Iterable[To]): SetAction[From, To]

Add list xs to the beginning of this list attribute

Add list xs to the beginning of this list attribute


def set[To : ToAttributeValue](a: To): SetAction[From, To]

Modify or Add an item Attribute

Modify or Add an item Attribute


def set[From1 <: From, To](that: ProjectionExpression[From1, To]): SetAction[From1, To]

Modify or Add an item Attribute

Modify or Add an item Attribute


def setIfNotExists[To : ToAttributeValue](a: To): SetAction[From, To]

Add item attribute if it does not exists

Add item attribute if it does not exists


def setIfNotExists[To : ToAttributeValue](that: ProjectionExpression[From, Unknown], a: To): SetAction[From, To]

Add item attribute if it does not exists

Add item attribute if it does not exists


def sortKey: SortKey[From, Unknown]