



package metrics

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait MetricKey extends AnyRef


    A MetricKey is a unique key associated with each metric.

    A MetricKey is a unique key associated with each metric. The key is based on a combination of the metric type, the name and labels associated with the metric, and any other information to describe a a metric, such as the boundaries of a histogram. In this way, it is impossible to ever create metrics with conflicting keys.

  2. trait MetricListener extends AnyRef


    A MetricListener is capable of taking some action in response to a metric being recorded, such as sending that metric to a third party service.

  3. final case class MetricState(name: String, help: String, labels: Chunk[MetricLabel], details: MetricType) extends Product with Serializable


    MetricState represents a snapshot of the current state of a metric as of a poiint in time.

  4. sealed trait MetricType extends AnyRef


    MetricType represents information about the state of a metric that is particular to a certain type of metric, such as a histogram as opposed to a counter.

Value Members

  1. object MetricClient


    A MetricClient provides the functionality to consume metrics produced by ZIO applications.

    A MetricClient provides the functionality to consume metrics produced by ZIO applications. MetricClient supports two ways of consuming metrics, corresponding to the two ways that third party metrics services use metrics.

    First, metrics services can poll for the current state of all recorded metrics using the unsafeSnapshot method, which provides a snapshot, as of a point in time, of all metrics recorded by the ZIO application.

    Second, metrics services can install a listener that will be notified every time a metric is updated.

    MetricClient is a lower level interface and is intended to be used by implementers of integrations with third party metrics services but not by end users.

  2. object MetricKey

  3. object MetricState extends Serializable

  4. object MetricType

