

package execution

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. execution
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class CartesianProduct[T >: Null] extends AnyRef

  2. abstract class CommonJoinOperator[T <: JoinDesc] extends NaryOperator[T] with JoinFilter[T]

  3. class ExplainTaskHelper extends AnyRef

  4. class ExtractOperator extends UnaryOperator[ExtractDesc] with ReduceSinkTableDesc

  5. class FileSinkOperator extends TerminalOperator with Serializable

  6. class FilterOperator extends UnaryOperator[FilterDesc]

  7. class ForwardOperator extends UnaryOperator[ForwardDesc]

  8. class HadoopTableReader extends TableReader

    Helper class for scanning tables stored in Hadoop - e.

  9. class HeapTableReader extends TableReader

    Helper class for scanning tables stored in Spark's block manager

  10. type HiveDesc = OperatorDesc

  11. trait JoinFilter[T <: JoinDesc] extends AnyRef

  12. class JoinOperator extends CommonJoinOperator[JoinDesc] with ReduceSinkTableDesc

  13. class LateralViewForwardOperator extends UnaryOperator[LateralViewForwardDesc]

  14. class LateralViewJoinOperator extends NaryOperator[LateralViewJoinDesc]

    LateralViewJoin is used only for LATERAL VIEW explode, which adds a new row per array element in the array to be exploded.

  15. class LimitOperator extends UnaryOperator[LimitDesc]

  16. class MapJoinOperator extends CommonJoinOperator[MapJoinDesc]

    A join operator optimized for joining a large table with a number of small tables that fit in memory.

  17. class MemoryStoreSinkOperator extends TerminalOperator

    Cache the RDD and force evaluate it (so the cache is filled).

  18. abstract class NaryOperator[T <: HiveDesc] extends Operator[T]

    A base operator class that has many parents and one child.

  19. class OffHeapTableReader extends TableReader

    Helper class for scanning tables stored off-heap.

  20. abstract class Operator[+T <: HiveDesc] extends LogHelper with Serializable

  21. sealed trait ReduceKey extends Comparable[ReduceKey]

    A data structure used for shuffling data that supports comparison.

  22. class ReduceKeyMapSide extends ReduceKey with Externalizable

  23. class ReduceKeyPartitioner extends HashPartitioner

    A special Spark partitioner that allows hash partitioning of data based on the partitionCode field in ReduceKey.

  24. class ReduceKeyReduceSide extends ReduceKey with Serializable

  25. class ReduceSinkOperator extends UnaryOperator[ReduceSinkDesc]

    Converts a collection of rows into key, value pairs.

  26. trait ReduceSinkTableDesc extends LogHelper

  27. class ScriptOperator extends UnaryOperator[ScriptDesc]

    An operator that runs an external script.

  28. class SelectOperator extends UnaryOperator[SelectDesc]

    An operator that does projection, i.

  29. class SharkExplainTask extends Task[SharkExplainWork] with Serializable with LogHelper

    SharkExplainTask executes EXPLAIN for RDD operators.

  30. class SharkExplainWork extends ExplainWork

  31. class SparkWork extends Serializable

  32. class TableRddSinkOperator extends TerminalOperator

    Collect the output as a TableRDD.

  33. trait TableReader extends LogHelper

    A trait for subclasses that handle table scans.

  34. class TableScanOperator extends TopOperator[TableScanDesc]

    The TableScanOperator is used for scanning any type of Shark or Hive table.

  35. class TerminalOperator extends UnaryOperator[FileSinkDesc]

    File sink operator.

  36. abstract class TopOperator[T <: HiveDesc] extends UnaryOperator[T]

  37. class UDTFCollector extends Collector

  38. class UDTFOperator extends UnaryOperator[UDTFDesc]

  39. abstract class UnaryOperator[T <: HiveDesc] extends Operator[T]

    A base operator class that has at most one parent.

  40. class UnionOperator extends NaryOperator[UnionDesc]

    A union operator.

Value Members

  1. object CommonJoinOperator extends Serializable

  2. object FileSinkOperator extends Serializable

  3. object GroupByOperator

    Unlike Hive, group by in Shark is split into two different operators: GroupByPostShuffleOperator and GroupByPreShuffleOperator.

  4. object HadoopTableReader

  5. object JoinUtil

  6. object KryoSerializerToString

    Use Kryo to serialize udtfOp and selOp ObjectInspectors, then convert the Array[Byte] to a String, since XML serialization of Bytes (for @BeanProperty keyword) is inefficient.

  7. object Operator extends LogHelper with Serializable

  8. object OperatorFactory extends LogHelper

    Given a Hive plan, OperatorFactory creates the corresponding Shark plan.

  9. object RDDUtils

    A set of RDD-related functions that provide some handy features in addition to Spark's built-in abstractions.

  10. object ReduceKeyReduceSide extends Serializable

  11. object ScriptOperator extends Serializable

  12. object SparkLoadTask extends Serializable

  13. object SparkLoadWork extends Serializable

  14. object TableReader

  15. object TableScanOperator extends LogHelper with Serializable

  16. implicit def kryoWrapper2object[T](wrapper: KryoSerializationWrapper[T]): T

  17. implicit def opSerWrapper2op[T <: Operator[_ <: HiveDesc]](wrapper: OperatorSerializationWrapper[T]): T

  18. package optimization

  19. package serialization

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
