



package transforms

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CleanupNamedTargets extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration

    Replaces all ReferenceTargets pointing at instances with InstanceTargets.

    Replaces all ReferenceTargets pointing at instances with InstanceTargets.


    This exists because of Named where a ComponentName is the only way to refer to an instance, but this is resolved incorrectly to a ReferenceTarget.

  2. case class DupedResult(newModules: Set[IsModule], originalModule: ModuleTarget) extends MultiTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable

    Holds the mapping from original module to the new, duplicated modules The original module target is unaffected by renaming

    Holds the mapping from original module to the new, duplicated modules The original module target is unaffected by renaming


    Instance target of what the original module now points to


    Original module

  3. class EliminateTargetPaths extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration

    For a set of non-local targets, modify the instance/module hierarchy of the circuit such that the paths in each non-local target can be removed

    For a set of non-local targets, modify the instance/module hierarchy of the circuit such that the paths in each non-local target can be removed

    In other words, if targeting a specific instance of a module, duplicate that module with a unique name and instantiate the new module instead.

    Consumes ResolvePaths

    E.g. for non-local target A/b:B/c:C/d, rename the following A/b:B/c:C/d -> C_/d A/b:B/c:C -> B_/c:C_ A/b:B -> A/b:B_ B/x -> (B/x, B_/x) // where x is any reference in B C/x -> (C/x, C_/x) // where x is any reference in C

  4. case class NoSuchTargetException(message: String) extends FirrtlInternalException with Product with Serializable
  5. case class ResolvePaths(targets: Seq[CompleteTarget]) extends Annotation with Product with Serializable

    Group of targets that should become local targets

Value Members

  1. object EliminateTargetPaths
