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Package Summary
Grouper client is a command line utility or java jar for Grouper, LDAP, and custom functions.
Public core annotations, most of which are used to configure how Data Mapping/Binding works.
Main public API classes of the core streaming JSON processor: most importantly JsonFactory used for constructing JSON parser (JsonParser) and generator (JsonGenerator) instances.
Package that contains abstractions needed to support optional non-blocking decoding (parsing) functionality.
Base classes used by concrete Parser and Generator implementations; contain functionality that is not specific to JSON or input abstraction (byte vs char).
Package for some of JsonProcessingException subtypes contained by streaming API.
Package that contains interfaces needed for dynamic, pluggable format (auto)detection; as well as basic utility classes for simple format detection functionality.
JSON-specific parser and generator implementation classes that Jackson defines and uses.
Non-blocking ("async") JSON parser implementation.
Internal implementation classes for efficient handling of of symbols in JSON (field names in Objects)
Contains classes needed for type introspection, mostly used by data binding functionality.
Utility classes used by Jackson Core functionality.
Basic data binding (mapping) functionality that allows for reading JSON content into Java Objects (POJOs) and JSON Trees (JsonNode), as well as writing Java Objects and trees as JSON.
Annotations that directly depend on classes in databinding bundle (not just Jackson core) and cannot be included in Jackson core annotations package (because it cannot have any external dependencies).
Package that contains most of configuration-related classes; exception being couple of most-commonly used configuration things (like Feature enumerations) that are at the main level (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind).
Contains implementation classes of deserialization part of data binding.
Contains those implementation classes of deserialization part of data binding that are not considered part of public or semi-public interfaces.
Contains public standard implementations of abstraction that Jackson uses.
Contains extended support for "external" packages: things that may or may not be present in runtime environment, but that are commonly enough used so that explicit support can be added.
Functionality needed for Bean introspection, required for detecting accessors and mutators for Beans, as well as locating and handling method annotations.
Contains helper class(es) needed to support some of JDK14+ features without requiring running or building using JDK 14.
Classes used for exposing logical structure of POJOs as Jackson sees it, and exposed via ObjectMapper.acceptJsonFormatVisitor(Class, JsonFormatVisitorWrapper) and, JsonFormatVisitorWrapper) methods.
Classes needed for JSON schema support (currently just ability to generate schemas using serialization part of data mapping)
Package that contains interfaces that define how to implement functionality for dynamically resolving type during deserialization.
Package that contains standard implementations for TypeResolverBuilder and TypeIdResolver.
Package that contains classes and interfaces to help implement custom extension Modules (which are registered using ObjectMapper.registerModule(
Contains concrete JsonNode implementations Jackson uses for the Tree model.
Contains implementation classes of serialization part of data binding.
Contains implementation classes of serialization part of data binding.
Package that contains concrete implementations of JavaType, as well as the factory (TypeFactory) for constructing instances from various input data types (like Class, Type) and programmatically (for structured types, arrays, Lists and Maps).
Utility classes for Mapper package.
Rijndael contains thrid party code for a symmetric encryption algorithm.
Interfaces and classes used by the various implementations in the sub-packages.
Base64, Base32, Binary, and Hexadecimal String encoding and decoding.
Command line utility.
Simplifies common MessageDigest tasks and includes a libc crypt(3) compatible crypt method that supports DES, MD5, SHA-256 and SHA-512 based algorithms as well as the Apache specific "$apr1$" variant.
Language and phonetic encoders.
Implementation details of the Beider-Morse codec.
Network related encoding and decoding.
Classes and interfaces supporting the client side of the HTTP protocol.
Provides implementation of various authentication schemes as well as utility classes that can be used to authenticate HTTP requests.
Provides cookie handling in conjunction with Cookie.
Classes implementing HttpMethod for the base HTTP methods.
Provides Multipart support classes for the MultipartPostMethod.
HttpClient preferences framework.
Provides protocol specific socket factory handling.
Provides some utility classes for use by HttpClient.
Provides a framework for evaluating JEXL expressions.
Provides utilities for introspection services.
Provides low-level introspective services.
Provides high-level introspective services.
Contains the Parser for JEXL script.
Contains the JSR-223 Scripting Engine for JEXL script.
Provides highly reusable static utility methods, chiefly concerned with adding value to the java.lang classes.
Provides classes to work with the values of the os.arch system property.
Assists in creating consistent equals(Object), toString(), hashCode(), and compareTo(Object) methods.
Provides classes to work with the Comparable and Comparator interfaces.
Provides support classes for multi-threaded programming.
Provides support classes for multi-threaded programming.
Provides some useful event-based utilities.
Provides functionality for Exceptions.
Provides functional interfaces to complement those in java.lang.function and utilities for working with Java 8 lambdas.
Extends java.math for business mathematical classes.
Provides typed mutable wrappers to primitive values and Object.
Accumulates common high-level uses of the java.lang.reflect APIs.
Provides utility classes to complement those in
Provides classes for handling and manipulating text, partly as an extension to java.text.
An API for creating text translation routines from a set of smaller building blocks.
Provides classes and methods to work with dates and durations.
Tuple classes, starting with a Pair class in version 3.0.
Simple wrapper API around multiple logging APIs.
Concrete implementations of commons-logging wrapper APIs.
Rijndael contains thrid party code for a symmetric encryption algorithm.