All Implemented Interfaces:
Versioned, Closeable, AutoCloseable
Direct Known Subclasses:
NonBlockingJsonParserBase, ReaderBasedJsonParser, UTF8DataInputJsonParser, UTF8StreamJsonParser

public abstract class ParserBase extends ParserMinimalBase
Intermediate base class used by all Jackson JsonParser implementations. Contains most common things that are independent of actual underlying input source.
  • Field Details


      protected static final JacksonFeatureSet<StreamReadCapability> JSON_READ_CAPABILITIES
    • _ioContext

      protected final IOContext _ioContext
      I/O context for this reader. It handles buffer allocation for the reader.
    • _closed

      protected boolean _closed
      Flag that indicates whether parser is closed or not. Gets set when parser is either closed by explicit call (close()) or when end-of-input is reached.
    • _inputPtr

      protected int _inputPtr
      Pointer to next available character in buffer
    • _inputEnd

      protected int _inputEnd
      Index of character after last available one in the buffer.
    • _currInputProcessed

      protected long _currInputProcessed
      Number of characters/bytes that were contained in previous blocks (blocks that were already processed prior to the current buffer).
    • _currInputRow

      protected int _currInputRow
      Current row location of current point in input buffer, starting from 1, if available.
    • _currInputRowStart

      protected int _currInputRowStart
      Current index of the first character of the current row in input buffer. Needed to calculate column position, if necessary; benefit of not having column itself is that this only has to be updated once per line.
    • _tokenInputTotal

      protected long _tokenInputTotal
      Total number of bytes/characters read before start of current token. For big (gigabyte-sized) sizes are possible, needs to be long, unlike pointers and sizes related to in-memory buffers.
    • _tokenInputRow

      protected int _tokenInputRow
      Input row on which current token starts, 1-based
    • _tokenInputCol

      protected int _tokenInputCol
      Column on input row that current token starts; 0-based (although in the end it'll be converted to 1-based)
    • _parsingContext

      protected JsonReadContext _parsingContext
      Information about parser context, context in which the next token is to be parsed (root, array, object).
    • _nextToken

      protected JsonToken _nextToken
      Secondary token related to the next token after current one; used if its type is known. This may be value token that follows FIELD_NAME, for example.
    • _textBuffer

      protected final TextBuffer _textBuffer
      Buffer that contains contents of String values, including field names if necessary (name split across boundary, contains escape sequence, or access needed to char array)
    • _nameCopyBuffer

      protected char[] _nameCopyBuffer
      Temporary buffer that is needed if field name is accessed using ParserMinimalBase.getTextCharacters() method (instead of String returning alternatives)
    • _nameCopied

      protected boolean _nameCopied
      Flag set to indicate whether the field name is available from the name copy buffer or not (in addition to its String representation being available via read context)
    • _byteArrayBuilder

      protected ByteArrayBuilder _byteArrayBuilder
      ByteArrayBuilder is needed if 'getBinaryValue' is called. If so, we better reuse it for remainder of content.
    • _binaryValue

      protected byte[] _binaryValue
      We will hold on to decoded binary data, for duration of current event, so that multiple calls to getBinaryValue( will not need to decode data more than once.
    • _numTypesValid

      protected int _numTypesValid
      Bitfield that indicates which numeric representations have been calculated for the current type
    • _numberInt

      protected int _numberInt
    • _numberLong

      protected long _numberLong
    • _numberDouble

      protected double _numberDouble
    • _numberBigInt

      protected BigInteger _numberBigInt
    • _numberBigDecimal

      protected BigDecimal _numberBigDecimal
    • _numberNegative

      protected boolean _numberNegative
      Flag that indicates whether numeric value has a negative value. That is, whether its textual representation starts with minus character.
    • _intLength

      protected int _intLength
      Length of integer part of the number, in characters
    • _fractLength

      protected int _fractLength
      Length of the fractional part (not including decimal point or exponent), in characters. Not used for pure integer values.
    • _expLength

      protected int _expLength
      Length of the exponent part of the number, if any, not including 'e' marker or sign, just digits. Not used for pure integer values.
  • Constructor Details

    • ParserBase

      protected ParserBase(IOContext ctxt, int features)
  • Method Details

    • version

      public Version version()
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Accessor for getting version of the core package, given a parser instance. Left for sub-classes to implement.
      Specified by:
      version in interface Versioned
      Specified by:
      version in class JsonParser
      Version of this generator (derived from version declared for jackson-core jar that contains the class
    • getCurrentValue

      public Object getCurrentValue()
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Alias for JsonParser.currentValue(), to be deprecated in later Jackson 2.x versions (and removed from Jackson 3.0).
      getCurrentValue in class JsonParser
      Location of the last processed input unit (byte or character)
    • setCurrentValue

      public void setCurrentValue(Object v)
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Alias for JsonParser.assignCurrentValue(java.lang.Object), to be deprecated in later Jackson 2.x versions (and removed from Jackson 3.0).
      setCurrentValue in class JsonParser
      v - Current value to assign for the current input context of this parser
    • enable

      public JsonParser enable(JsonParser.Feature f)
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Method for enabling specified parser feature (check JsonParser.Feature for list of features)
      enable in class JsonParser
      f - Feature to enable
      This parser, to allow call chaining
    • disable

      public JsonParser disable(JsonParser.Feature f)
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Method for disabling specified feature (check JsonParser.Feature for list of features)
      disable in class JsonParser
      f - Feature to disable
      This parser, to allow call chaining
    • setFeatureMask

      @Deprecated public JsonParser setFeatureMask(int newMask)
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Bulk set method for (re)setting states of all standard JsonParser.Features
      setFeatureMask in class JsonParser
      newMask - Bit mask that defines set of features to enable
      This parser, to allow call chaining
    • overrideStdFeatures

      public JsonParser overrideStdFeatures(int values, int mask)
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Bulk set method for (re)setting states of features specified by mask. Functionally equivalent to int oldState = getFeatureMask(); int newState = (oldState & ~mask) | (values & mask); setFeatureMask(newState); but preferred as this lets caller more efficiently specify actual changes made.
      overrideStdFeatures in class JsonParser
      values - Bit mask of set/clear state for features to change
      mask - Bit mask of features to change
      This parser, to allow call chaining
    • _checkStdFeatureChanges

      protected void _checkStdFeatureChanges(int newFeatureFlags, int changedFeatures)
      Helper method called to verify changes to standard features.
      newFeatureFlags - Bitflag of standard features after they were changed
      changedFeatures - Bitflag of standard features for which setting did change
    • getCurrentName

      public String getCurrentName() throws IOException
      Method that can be called to get the name associated with the current event.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentName in class ParserMinimalBase
      Name of the current field in the parsing context
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • overrideCurrentName

      public void overrideCurrentName(String name)
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Method that can be used to change what is considered to be the current (field) name. May be needed to support non-JSON data formats or unusual binding conventions; not needed for typical processing.

      Note that use of this method should only be done as sort of last resort, as it is a work-around for regular operation.

      Specified by:
      overrideCurrentName in class ParserMinimalBase
      name - Name to use as the current name; may be null.
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Closes the parser so that no further iteration or data access can be made; will also close the underlying input source if parser either owns the input source, or feature JsonParser.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE is enabled. Whether parser owns the input source depends on factory method that was used to construct instance (so check JsonFactory for details, but the general idea is that if caller passes in closable resource (such as InputStream or Reader) parser does NOT own the source; but if it passes a reference (such as File or URL and creates stream or reader it does own them.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      Specified by:
      close in class ParserMinimalBase
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Method that can be called to determine whether this parser is closed or not. If it is closed, no new tokens can be retrieved by calling JsonParser.nextToken() (and the underlying stream may be closed). Closing may be due to an explicit call to JsonParser.close() or because parser has encountered end of input.
      Specified by:
      isClosed in class ParserMinimalBase
      True if this parser instance has been closed
    • getParsingContext

      public JsonReadContext getParsingContext()
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Method that can be used to access current parsing context reader is in. There are 3 different types: root, array and object contexts, with slightly different available information. Contexts are hierarchically nested, and can be used for example for figuring out part of the input document that correspond to specific array or object (for highlighting purposes, or error reporting). Contexts can also be used for simple xpath-like matching of input, if so desired.
      Specified by:
      getParsingContext in class ParserMinimalBase
      Stream input context (JsonStreamContext) associated with this parser
    • getTokenLocation

      public JsonLocation getTokenLocation()
      Method that return the starting location of the current token; that is, position of the first character from input that starts the current token.
      Specified by:
      getTokenLocation in class JsonParser
      Starting location of the token parser currently points to
    • getCurrentLocation

      public JsonLocation getCurrentLocation()
      Method that returns location of the last processed character; usually for error reporting purposes
      Specified by:
      getCurrentLocation in class JsonParser
      Location of the last processed input unit (byte or character)
    • hasTextCharacters

      public boolean hasTextCharacters()
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Method that can be used to determine whether calling of JsonParser.getTextCharacters() would be the most efficient way to access textual content for the event parser currently points to.

      Default implementation simply returns false since only actual implementation class has knowledge of its internal buffering state. Implementations are strongly encouraged to properly override this method, to allow efficient copying of content by other code.

      Specified by:
      hasTextCharacters in class ParserMinimalBase
      True if parser currently has character array that can be efficiently returned via JsonParser.getTextCharacters(); false means that it may or may not exist
    • getBinaryValue

      public byte[] getBinaryValue(Base64Variant variant) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Method that can be used to read (and consume -- results may not be accessible using other methods after the call) base64-encoded binary data included in the current textual JSON value. It works similar to getting String value via JsonParser.getText() and decoding result (except for decoding part), but should be significantly more performant.

      Note that non-decoded textual contents of the current token are not guaranteed to be accessible after this method is called. Current implementation, for example, clears up textual content during decoding. Decoded binary content, however, will be retained until parser is advanced to the next event.

      Specified by:
      getBinaryValue in class ParserMinimalBase
      variant - Expected variant of base64 encoded content (see Base64Variants for definitions of "standard" variants).
      Decoded binary data
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • getTokenCharacterOffset

      public long getTokenCharacterOffset()
    • getTokenLineNr

      public int getTokenLineNr()
    • getTokenColumnNr

      public int getTokenColumnNr()
    • _closeInput

      protected abstract void _closeInput() throws IOException
    • _releaseBuffers

      protected void _releaseBuffers() throws IOException
      Method called to release internal buffers owned by the base reader. This may be called along with _closeInput() (for example, when explicitly closing this reader instance), or separately (if need be).
      IOException - Not thrown by base implementation but could be thrown by sub-classes
    • _handleEOF

      protected void _handleEOF() throws JsonParseException
      Method called when an EOF is encountered between tokens. If so, it may be a legitimate EOF, but only iff there is no open non-root context.
      Specified by:
      _handleEOF in class ParserMinimalBase
      JsonParseException - If end-of-content is not acceptable (for example, missing end-object or end-array tokens)
    • _eofAsNextChar

      protected final int _eofAsNextChar() throws JsonParseException
      If no exception is thrown, -1 which is used as marked for "end-of-input"
      JsonParseException - If check on _handleEOF() fails; usually because the current context is not root context (missing end markers in content)
    • _getByteArrayBuilder

      public ByteArrayBuilder _getByteArrayBuilder()
    • reset

      protected final JsonToken reset(boolean negative, int intLen, int fractLen, int expLen)
    • resetInt

      protected final JsonToken resetInt(boolean negative, int intLen)
    • resetFloat

      protected final JsonToken resetFloat(boolean negative, int intLen, int fractLen, int expLen)
    • resetAsNaN

      protected final JsonToken resetAsNaN(String valueStr, double value)
    • isNaN

      public boolean isNaN()
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Access for checking whether current token is a numeric value token, but one that is of "not-a-number" (NaN) variety (including both "NaN" AND positive/negative infinity!): not supported by all formats, but often supported for JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT. NOTE: roughly equivalent to calling !Double.isFinite() on value you would get from calling JsonParser.getDoubleValue().
      isNaN in class JsonParser
      True if the current token is of type JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT but represents a "Not a Number"; false for other tokens and regular floating-point numbers
    • getNumberValue

      public Number getNumberValue() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Generic number value accessor method that will work for all kinds of numeric values. It will return the optimal (simplest/smallest possible) wrapper object that can express the numeric value just parsed.
      Specified by:
      getNumberValue in class JsonParser
      Numeric value of the current token in its most optimal representation
      IOException - Problem with access: JsonParseException if the current token is not numeric, or if decoding of the value fails (invalid format for numbers); plain IOException if underlying content read fails (possible if values are extracted lazily)
    • getNumberValueExact

      public Number getNumberValueExact() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Method similar to JsonParser.getNumberValue() with the difference that for floating-point numbers value returned may be BigDecimal if the underlying format does not store floating-point numbers using native representation: for example, textual formats represent numbers as Strings (which are 10-based), and conversion to Double is potentially lossy operation.

      Default implementation simply returns JsonParser.getNumberValue()

      getNumberValueExact in class JsonParser
      Numeric value of the current token using most accurate representation
      IOException - Problem with access: JsonParseException if the current token is not numeric, or if decoding of the value fails (invalid format for numbers); plain IOException if underlying content read fails (possible if values are extracted lazily)
    • getNumberType

      public JsonParser.NumberType getNumberType() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      If current token is of type JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT or JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT, returns one of JsonParser.NumberType constants; otherwise returns null.
      Specified by:
      getNumberType in class JsonParser
      Type of current number, if parser points to numeric token; null otherwise
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • getIntValue

      public int getIntValue() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Numeric accessor that can be called when the current token is of type JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT and it can be expressed as a value of Java int primitive type. It can also be called for JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT; if so, it is equivalent to calling JsonParser.getDoubleValue() and then casting; except for possible overflow/underflow exception.

      Note: if the resulting integer value falls outside range of Java int, a InputCoercionException may be thrown to indicate numeric overflow/underflow.

      Specified by:
      getIntValue in class JsonParser
      Current number value as int (if numeric token within Java 32-bit signed int range); otherwise exception thrown
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • getLongValue

      public long getLongValue() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Numeric accessor that can be called when the current token is of type JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT and it can be expressed as a Java long primitive type. It can also be called for JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT; if so, it is equivalent to calling JsonParser.getDoubleValue() and then casting to int; except for possible overflow/underflow exception.

      Note: if the token is an integer, but its value falls outside of range of Java long, a InputCoercionException may be thrown to indicate numeric overflow/underflow.

      Specified by:
      getLongValue in class JsonParser
      Current number value as long (if numeric token within Java 32-bit signed long range); otherwise exception thrown
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • getBigIntegerValue

      public BigInteger getBigIntegerValue() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Numeric accessor that can be called when the current token is of type JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT and it can not be used as a Java long primitive type due to its magnitude. It can also be called for JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT; if so, it is equivalent to calling JsonParser.getDecimalValue() and then constructing a BigInteger from that value.
      Specified by:
      getBigIntegerValue in class JsonParser
      Current number value as BigInteger (if numeric token); otherwise exception thrown
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • getFloatValue

      public float getFloatValue() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Numeric accessor that can be called when the current token is of type JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT and it can be expressed as a Java float primitive type. It can also be called for JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT; if so, it is equivalent to calling JsonParser.getLongValue() and then casting; except for possible overflow/underflow exception.

      Note: if the value falls outside of range of Java float, a InputCoercionException will be thrown to indicate numeric overflow/underflow.

      Specified by:
      getFloatValue in class JsonParser
      Current number value as float (if numeric token within Java float range); otherwise exception thrown
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • getDoubleValue

      public double getDoubleValue() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Numeric accessor that can be called when the current token is of type JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT and it can be expressed as a Java double primitive type. It can also be called for JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT; if so, it is equivalent to calling JsonParser.getLongValue() and then casting; except for possible overflow/underflow exception.

      Note: if the value falls outside of range of Java double, a InputCoercionException will be thrown to indicate numeric overflow/underflow.

      Specified by:
      getDoubleValue in class JsonParser
      Current number value as double (if numeric token within Java double range); otherwise exception thrown
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • getDecimalValue

      public BigDecimal getDecimalValue() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonParser
      Numeric accessor that can be called when the current token is of type JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_FLOAT or JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT. No under/overflow exceptions are ever thrown.
      Specified by:
      getDecimalValue in class JsonParser
      Current number value as BigDecimal (if numeric token); otherwise exception thrown
      IOException - for low-level read issues, or JsonParseException for decoding problems
    • _parseNumericValue

      protected void _parseNumericValue(int expType) throws IOException
      Method that will parse actual numeric value out of a syntactically valid number value. Type it will parse into depends on whether it is a floating point number, as well as its magnitude: smallest legal type (of ones available) is used for efficiency.
      expType - Numeric type that we will immediately need, if any; mostly necessary to optimize handling of floating point numbers
      IOException - If there are problems reading content
      JsonParseException - If there are problems decoding number value
    • _parseIntValue

      protected int _parseIntValue() throws IOException
    • _reportTooLongIntegral

      protected void _reportTooLongIntegral(int expType, String rawNum) throws IOException
    • convertNumberToInt

      protected void convertNumberToInt() throws IOException
    • convertNumberToLong

      protected void convertNumberToLong() throws IOException
    • convertNumberToBigInteger

      protected void convertNumberToBigInteger() throws IOException
    • convertNumberToDouble

      protected void convertNumberToDouble() throws IOException
    • convertNumberToBigDecimal

      protected void convertNumberToBigDecimal() throws IOException
    • _reportMismatchedEndMarker

      protected void _reportMismatchedEndMarker(int actCh, char expCh) throws JsonParseException
    • _handleUnrecognizedCharacterEscape

      protected char _handleUnrecognizedCharacterEscape(char ch) throws JsonProcessingException
    • _throwUnquotedSpace

      protected void _throwUnquotedSpace(int i, String ctxtDesc) throws JsonParseException
      Method called to report a problem with unquoted control character. Note: it is possible to suppress some instances of exception by enabling JsonReadFeature.ALLOW_UNESCAPED_CONTROL_CHARS.
      i - Invalid control character
      ctxtDesc - Addition description of context to use in exception message
      JsonParseException - explaining the problem
    • _validJsonTokenList

      protected String _validJsonTokenList() throws IOException
      Description to use as "valid tokens" in an exception message about invalid (unrecognized) JSON token: called when parser finds something that looks like unquoted textual token
      IOException - Not thrown by base implementation but allowed by sub-classes
    • _validJsonValueList

      protected String _validJsonValueList() throws IOException
      Description to use as "valid JSON values" in an exception message about invalid (unrecognized) JSON value: called when parser finds something that does not look like a value or separator.
      IOException - Not thrown by base implementation but allowed by sub-classes
    • _decodeEscaped

      protected char _decodeEscaped() throws IOException
      Method that sub-classes must implement to support escaped sequences in base64-encoded sections. Sub-classes that do not need base64 support can leave this as is
      Character decoded, if any
      IOException - If escape decoding fails
    • _decodeBase64Escape

      protected final int _decodeBase64Escape(Base64Variant b64variant, int ch, int index) throws IOException
    • _decodeBase64Escape

      protected final int _decodeBase64Escape(Base64Variant b64variant, char ch, int index) throws IOException
    • reportInvalidBase64Char

      protected IllegalArgumentException reportInvalidBase64Char(Base64Variant b64variant, int ch, int bindex) throws IllegalArgumentException
    • reportInvalidBase64Char

      protected IllegalArgumentException reportInvalidBase64Char(Base64Variant b64variant, int ch, int bindex, String msg) throws IllegalArgumentException
    • _handleBase64MissingPadding

      protected void _handleBase64MissingPadding(Base64Variant b64variant) throws IOException
    • _getSourceReference

      @Deprecated protected Object _getSourceReference()
      Since 2.13, use _contentReference() instead.
      Source reference
    • _contentReference

      protected ContentReference _contentReference()
      Helper method used to encapsulate logic of including (or not) of "content reference" when constructing JsonLocation instances.
      Source reference object, if any; null if none
    • growArrayBy

      protected static int[] growArrayBy(int[] arr, int more)
    • loadMoreGuaranteed

      @Deprecated protected void loadMoreGuaranteed() throws IOException
    • loadMore

      @Deprecated protected boolean loadMore() throws IOException
    • _finishString

      protected void _finishString() throws IOException