All Implemented Interfaces:
Versioned, Closeable, Flushable, AutoCloseable
Direct Known Subclasses:
UTF8JsonGenerator, WriterBasedJsonGenerator

public abstract class JsonGeneratorImpl extends GeneratorBase
Intermediate base class shared by JSON-backed generators like UTF8JsonGenerator and WriterBasedJsonGenerator.
  • Field Details

    • sOutputEscapes

      protected static final int[] sOutputEscapes
      This is the default set of escape codes, over 7-bit ASCII range (first 128 character codes), used for single-byte UTF-8 characters.

      protected static final JacksonFeatureSet<StreamWriteCapability> JSON_WRITE_CAPABILITIES
      Default capabilities for JSON generator implementations which do not different from "general textual" defaults
    • _ioContext

      protected final IOContext _ioContext
    • _outputEscapes

      protected int[] _outputEscapes
      Currently active set of output escape code definitions (whether and how to escape or not) for 7-bit ASCII range (first 128 character codes). Defined separately to make potentially customizable
    • _maximumNonEscapedChar

      protected int _maximumNonEscapedChar
      Value between 128 (0x80) and 65535 (0xFFFF) that indicates highest Unicode code point that will not need escaping; or 0 to indicate that all characters can be represented without escaping. Typically used to force escaping of some portion of character set; for example to always escape non-ASCII characters (if value was 127).

      NOTE: not all sub-classes make use of this setting.

    • _characterEscapes

      protected CharacterEscapes _characterEscapes
      Definition of custom character escapes to use for generators created by this factory, if any. If null, standard data format specific escapes are used.
    • _rootValueSeparator

      protected SerializableString _rootValueSeparator
      Separator to use, if any, between root-level values.
    • _cfgUnqNames

      protected boolean _cfgUnqNames
      Flag that is set if quoting is not to be added around JSON Object property names.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • version

      public Version version()
      Description copied from class: GeneratorBase
      Implemented with standard version number detection algorithm, typically using a simple generated class, with information extracted from Maven project file during build.
      Specified by:
      version in interface Versioned
      version in class GeneratorBase
      Version number of the generator (version of the jar that contains generator implementation class)
    • enable

      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for enabling specified generator feature: check JsonGenerator.Feature for list of available features.
      enable in class GeneratorBase
      f - Feature to enable
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • disable

      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for disabling specified feature (check JsonGenerator.Feature for list of features)
      disable in class GeneratorBase
      f - Feature to disable
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • _checkStdFeatureChanges

      protected void _checkStdFeatureChanges(int newFeatureFlags, int changedFeatures)
      Description copied from class: GeneratorBase
      Helper method called to verify changes to standard features.
      _checkStdFeatureChanges in class GeneratorBase
      newFeatureFlags - Bitflag of standard features after they were changed
      changedFeatures - Bitflag of standard features for which setting did change
    • setHighestNonEscapedChar

      public JsonGenerator setHighestNonEscapedChar(int charCode)
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that can be called to request that generator escapes all character codes above specified code point (if positive value); or, to not escape any characters except for ones that must be escaped for the data format (if -1). To force escaping of all non-ASCII characters, for example, this method would be called with value of 127.

      Note that generators are NOT required to support setting of value higher than 127, because there are other ways to affect quoting (or lack thereof) of character codes between 0 and 127. Not all generators support concept of escaping, either; if so, calling this method will have no effect.

      Default implementation does nothing; sub-classes need to redefine it according to rules of supported data format.

      setHighestNonEscapedChar in class JsonGenerator
      charCode - Either -1 to indicate that no additional escaping is to be done; or highest code point not to escape (meaning higher ones will be), if positive value.
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • getHighestEscapedChar

      public int getHighestEscapedChar()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Accessor method for testing what is the highest unescaped character configured for this generator. This may be either positive value (when escaping configuration has been set and is in effect), or 0 to indicate that no additional escaping is in effect. Some generators may not support additional escaping: for example, generators for binary formats that do not use escaping should simply return 0.
      getHighestEscapedChar in class JsonGenerator
      Currently active limitation for highest non-escaped character, if defined; or 0 to indicate no additional escaping is performed.
    • setCharacterEscapes

      public JsonGenerator setCharacterEscapes(CharacterEscapes esc)
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for defining custom escapes factory uses for JsonGenerators it creates.

      Default implementation does nothing and simply returns this instance.

      setCharacterEscapes in class JsonGenerator
      esc - CharacterEscapes to configure this generator to use, if any; null if none
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • getCharacterEscapes

      public CharacterEscapes getCharacterEscapes()
      Method for accessing custom escapes factory uses for JsonGenerators it creates.
      getCharacterEscapes in class JsonGenerator
      CharacterEscapes configured for this generator, if any; null if none
    • setRootValueSeparator

      public JsonGenerator setRootValueSeparator(SerializableString sep)
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that allows overriding String used for separating root-level JSON values (default is single space character)

      Default implementation throws UnsupportedOperationException.

      setRootValueSeparator in class JsonGenerator
      sep - Separator to use, if any; null means that no separator is automatically added
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • getWriteCapabilities

      public JacksonFeatureSet<StreamWriteCapability> getWriteCapabilities()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Accessor for getting metadata on capabilities of this generator, based on underlying data format being read (directly or indirectly).
      getWriteCapabilities in class JsonGenerator
      Set of write capabilities for content written using this generator
    • _verifyPrettyValueWrite

      protected void _verifyPrettyValueWrite(String typeMsg, int status) throws IOException
    • _reportCantWriteValueExpectName

      protected void _reportCantWriteValueExpectName(String typeMsg) throws IOException