All Implemented Interfaces:
Versioned, Closeable, Flushable, AutoCloseable

public class WriterBasedJsonGenerator extends JsonGeneratorImpl
JsonGenerator that outputs JSON content using a Writer which handles character encoding.
  • Field Details


      protected static final int SHORT_WRITE
      See Also:

      protected static final char[] HEX_CHARS
    • _writer

      protected final Writer _writer
    • _quoteChar

      protected char _quoteChar
      Character used for quoting JSON Object property names and String values.
    • _outputBuffer

      protected char[] _outputBuffer
      Intermediate buffer in which contents are buffered before being written using _writer.
    • _outputHead

      protected int _outputHead
      Pointer to the first buffered character to output
    • _outputTail

      protected int _outputTail
      Pointer to the position right beyond the last character to output (end marker; may point to position right beyond the end of the buffer)
    • _outputEnd

      protected int _outputEnd
      End marker of the output buffer; one past the last valid position within the buffer.
    • _entityBuffer

      protected char[] _entityBuffer
      Short (14 char) temporary buffer allocated if needed, for constructing escape sequences
    • _currentEscape

      protected SerializableString _currentEscape
      When custom escapes are used, this member variable is used internally to hold a reference to currently used escape
    • _copyBuffer

      protected char[] _copyBuffer
      Intermediate buffer in which characters of a String are copied before being encoded.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getOutputTarget

      public Object getOutputTarget()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that can be used to get access to object that is used as target for generated output; this is usually either OutputStream or Writer, depending on what generator was constructed with. Note that returned value may be null in some cases; including case where implementation does not want to exposed raw source to caller. In cases where output has been decorated, object returned here is the decorated version; this allows some level of interaction between users of generator and decorator object.

      In general use of this accessor should be considered as "last effort", i.e. only used if no other mechanism is applicable.

      getOutputTarget in class JsonGenerator
      Output target this generator was configured with
    • getOutputBuffered

      public int getOutputBuffered()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for verifying amount of content that is buffered by generator but not yet flushed to the underlying target (stream, writer), in units (byte, char) that the generator implementation uses for buffering; or -1 if this information is not available. Unit used is often the same as the unit of underlying target (that is, `byte` for OutputStream, `char` for Writer), but may differ if buffering is done before encoding. Default JSON-backed implementations do use matching units.

      Note: non-JSON implementations will be retrofitted for 2.6 and beyond; please report if you see -1 (missing override)

      getOutputBuffered in class JsonGenerator
      Amount of content buffered in internal units, if amount known and accessible; -1 if not accessible.
    • canWriteFormattedNumbers

      public boolean canWriteFormattedNumbers()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Introspection method to call to check whether it is possible to write numbers using JsonGenerator.writeNumber(java.lang.String) using possible custom format, or not. Typically textual formats allow this (and JSON specifically does), whereas binary formats do not allow this (except by writing them as Strings). Usual reason for calling this method is to check whether custom formatting of numbers may be applied by higher-level code (databinding) or not.
      canWriteFormattedNumbers in class JsonGenerator
      True if this generator is capable of writing "formatted" numbers (and if so, need to be passed using JsonGenerator.writeNumber(String), that is, passed as String); false if not
    • writeFieldName

      public void writeFieldName(String name) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing a field name (JSON String surrounded by double quotes: syntactically identical to a JSON String value), possibly decorated by white space if pretty-printing is enabled.

      Field names can only be written in Object context (check out JSON specification for details), when field name is expected (field names alternate with values).

      Specified by:
      writeFieldName in class JsonGenerator
      name - Field name to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeFieldName

      public void writeFieldName(SerializableString name) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeFieldName(String), main difference being that it may perform better as some of processing (such as quoting of certain characters, or encoding into external encoding if supported by generator) can be done just once and reused for later calls.

      Default implementation simple uses unprocessed name container in serialized String; implementations are strongly encouraged to make use of more efficient methods argument object has.

      writeFieldName in class GeneratorBase
      name - Field name to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • _writeFieldName

      protected final void _writeFieldName(String name, boolean commaBefore) throws IOException
    • _writeFieldName

      protected final void _writeFieldName(SerializableString name, boolean commaBefore) throws IOException
    • writeStartArray

      public void writeStartArray() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing starting marker of a Array value (for JSON this is character '['; plus possible white space decoration if pretty-printing is enabled).

      Array values can be written in any context where values are allowed: meaning everywhere except for when a field name is expected.

      Specified by:
      writeStartArray in class JsonGenerator
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeStartArray

      public void writeStartArray(Object currentValue) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing start marker of an Array value, similar to JsonGenerator.writeStartArray(), but also specifying the "current value" to assign to the new Array context being created.
      writeStartArray in class JsonGenerator
      currentValue - "Current value" to assign for the Array context being created
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeStartArray

      public void writeStartArray(Object currentValue, int size) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing start marker of an Array value, similar to JsonGenerator.writeStartArray(), but also specifying the "current value" to assign to the new Array context being created as well as how many elements will be written for the array before calling JsonGenerator.writeEndArray().
      writeStartArray in class JsonGenerator
      currentValue - "Current value" to assign for the Array context being created
      size - Number of elements this Array will have: actual number of values written (before matching call to JsonGenerator.writeEndArray() MUST match; generator MAY verify this is the case (and SHOULD if format itself encodes length)
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeEndArray

      public void writeEndArray() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing closing marker of a JSON Array value (character ']'; plus possible white space decoration if pretty-printing is enabled).

      Marker can be written if the innermost structured type is Array.

      Specified by:
      writeEndArray in class JsonGenerator
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeStartObject

      public void writeStartObject() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing starting marker of an Object value (character '{'; plus possible white space decoration if pretty-printing is enabled).

      Object values can be written in any context where values are allowed: meaning everywhere except for when a field name is expected.

      Specified by:
      writeStartObject in class JsonGenerator
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeStartObject

      public void writeStartObject(Object forValue) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing starting marker of an Object value to represent the given Java Object value. Argument is offered as metadata, but more importantly it should be assigned as the "current value" for the Object content that gets constructed and initialized.

      Object values can be written in any context where values are allowed: meaning everywhere except for when a field name is expected.

      writeStartObject in class GeneratorBase
      forValue - "Current value" to assign for the Object context being created
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeEndObject

      public void writeEndObject() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing closing marker of an Object value (character '}'; plus possible white space decoration if pretty-printing is enabled).

      Marker can be written if the innermost structured type is Object, and the last written event was either a complete value, or START-OBJECT marker (see JSON specification for more details).

      Specified by:
      writeEndObject in class JsonGenerator
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • _writePPFieldName

      protected final void _writePPFieldName(String name, boolean commaBefore) throws IOException
    • _writePPFieldName

      protected final void _writePPFieldName(SerializableString name, boolean commaBefore) throws IOException
    • writeString

      public void writeString(String text) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting a String value. Depending on context this means either array element, (object) field value or a stand alone String; but in all cases, String will be surrounded in double quotes, and contents will be properly escaped as required by JSON specification.
      Specified by:
      writeString in class JsonGenerator
      text - Text value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeString

      public void writeString(Reader reader, int len) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting a String value. Depending on context this means either array element, (object) field value or a stand alone String; but in all cases, String will be surrounded in double quotes, and contents will be properly escaped as required by JSON specification. If len is < 0, then write all contents of the reader. Otherwise, write only len characters.

      Note: actual length of content available may exceed len but can not be less than it: if not enough content available, a JsonGenerationException will be thrown.

      writeString in class JsonGenerator
      reader - Reader to use for reading Text value to write
      len - Maximum Length of Text value to read (in chars, non-negative) if known; -1 to indicate "read and write it all"
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer; or if length (len) is specified but reader does not provide enough content
    • writeString

      public void writeString(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting a String value. Depending on context this means either array element, (object) field value or a stand alone String; but in all cases, String will be surrounded in double quotes, and contents will be properly escaped as required by JSON specification.
      Specified by:
      writeString in class JsonGenerator
      text - Buffer that contains String value to write
      offset - Offset in buffer of the first character of String value to write
      len - Length of the String value (in characters) to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeString

      public void writeString(SerializableString sstr) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeString(String), but that takes SerializableString which can make this potentially more efficient to call as generator may be able to reuse quoted and/or encoded representation.

      Default implementation just calls JsonGenerator.writeString(String); sub-classes should override it with more efficient implementation if possible.

      writeString in class GeneratorBase
      sstr - Pre-encoded String value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeRawUTF8String

      public void writeRawUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int length) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeString(String) but that takes as its input a UTF-8 encoded String that is to be output as-is, without additional escaping (type of which depends on data format; backslashes for JSON). However, quoting that data format requires (like double-quotes for JSON) will be added around the value if and as necessary.

      Note that some backends may choose not to support this method: for example, if underlying destination is a Writer using this method would require UTF-8 decoding. If so, implementation may instead choose to throw a UnsupportedOperationException due to ineffectiveness of having to decode input.

      Specified by:
      writeRawUTF8String in class JsonGenerator
      text - Buffer that contains String value to write
      offset - Offset in buffer of the first byte of String value to write
      length - Length of the String value (in characters) to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeUTF8String

      public void writeUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int length) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeString(String) but that takes as its input a UTF-8 encoded String which has not been escaped using whatever escaping scheme data format requires (for JSON that is backslash-escaping for control characters and double-quotes; for other formats something else). This means that textual JSON backends need to check if value needs JSON escaping, but otherwise can just be copied as is to output. Also, quoting that data format requires (like double-quotes for JSON) will be added around the value if and as necessary.

      Note that some backends may choose not to support this method: for example, if underlying destination is a Writer using this method would require UTF-8 decoding. In this case generator implementation may instead choose to throw a UnsupportedOperationException due to ineffectiveness of having to decode input.

      Specified by:
      writeUTF8String in class JsonGenerator
      text - Buffer that contains String value to write
      offset - Offset in buffer of the first byte of String value to write
      length - Length of the String value (in characters) to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeRaw

      public void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that will force generator to copy input text verbatim with no modifications (including that no escaping is done and no separators are added even if context [array, object] would otherwise require such). If such separators are desired, use JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(String) instead.

      Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

      Specified by:
      writeRaw in class JsonGenerator
      text - Textual contents to include as-is in output.
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeRaw

      public void writeRaw(String text, int start, int len) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that will force generator to copy input text verbatim with no modifications (including that no escaping is done and no separators are added even if context [array, object] would otherwise require such). If such separators are desired, use JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(String) instead.

      Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

      Specified by:
      writeRaw in class JsonGenerator
      text - String that has contents to include as-is in output
      start - Offset within text of the first character to output
      len - Length of content (from text, starting at offset offset) to output
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeRaw

      public void writeRaw(SerializableString text) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that will force generator to copy input text verbatim with no modifications (including that no escaping is done and no separators are added even if context [array, object] would otherwise require such). If such separators are desired, use JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(String) instead.

      Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

      The default implementation delegates to JsonGenerator.writeRaw(String); other backends that support raw inclusion of text are encouraged to implement it in more efficient manner (especially if they use UTF-8 encoding).

      writeRaw in class JsonGenerator
      text - Pre-encoded textual contents to included in output
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeRaw

      public void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that will force generator to copy input text verbatim with no modifications (including that no escaping is done and no separators are added even if context [array, object] would otherwise require such). If such separators are desired, use JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(String) instead.

      Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

      Specified by:
      writeRaw in class JsonGenerator
      text - Buffer that has contents to include as-is in output
      offset - Offset within text of the first character to output
      len - Length of content (from text, starting at offset offset) to output
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeRaw

      public void writeRaw(char c) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that will force generator to copy input text verbatim with no modifications (including that no escaping is done and no separators are added even if context [array, object] would otherwise require such). If such separators are desired, use JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(String) instead.

      Note that not all generator implementations necessarily support such by-pass methods: those that do not will throw UnsupportedOperationException.

      Specified by:
      writeRaw in class JsonGenerator
      c - Character to included in output
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeBinary

      public void writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that will output given chunk of binary data as base64 encoded, as a complete String value (surrounded by double quotes). This method defaults

      Note: because JSON Strings can not contain unescaped linefeeds, if linefeeds are included (as per last argument), they must be escaped. This adds overhead for decoding without improving readability. Alternatively if linefeeds are not included, resulting String value may violate the requirement of base64 RFC which mandates line-length of 76 characters and use of linefeeds. However, all JsonParser implementations are required to accept such "long line base64"; as do typical production-level base64 decoders.

      Specified by:
      writeBinary in class JsonGenerator
      b64variant - Base64 variant to use: defines details such as whether padding is used (and if so, using which character); what is the maximum line length before adding linefeed, and also the underlying alphabet to use.
      data - Buffer that contains binary data to write
      offset - Offset in data of the first byte of data to write
      len - Length of data to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeBinary

      public int writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, InputStream data, int dataLength) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeBinary(Base64Variant,byte[],int,int), but where input is provided through a stream, allowing for incremental writes without holding the whole input in memory.
      writeBinary in class GeneratorBase
      b64variant - Base64 variant to use
      data - InputStream to use for reading binary data to write. Will not be closed after successful write operation
      dataLength - (optional) number of bytes that will be available; or -1 to be indicate it is not known. If a positive length is given, data MUST provide at least that many bytes: if not, an exception will be thrown. Note that implementations need not support cases where length is not known in advance; this depends on underlying data format: JSON output does NOT require length, other formats may.
      Number of bytes read from data and written as binary payload
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(short s) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting given value as JSON number. Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      s - Number value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(int i) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting given value as JSON number. Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      Specified by:
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      i - Number value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(long l) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting given value as JSON number. Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      Specified by:
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      l - Number value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(BigInteger value) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting given value as JSON number. Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      Specified by:
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      value - Number value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(double d) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting indicate JSON numeric value. Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      Specified by:
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      d - Number value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(float f) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting indicate JSON numeric value. Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      Specified by:
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      f - Number value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(BigDecimal value) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting indicate JSON numeric value. Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      Specified by:
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      value - Number value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(String encodedValue) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Write method that can be used for custom numeric types that can not be (easily?) converted to "standard" Java number types. Because numbers are not surrounded by double quotes, regular JsonGenerator.writeString(java.lang.String) method can not be used; nor JsonGenerator.writeRaw(java.lang.String) because that does not properly handle value separators needed in Array or Object contexts.

      Note: because of lack of type safety, some generator implementations may not be able to implement this method. For example, if a binary JSON format is used, it may require type information for encoding; similarly for generator-wrappers around Java objects or JSON nodes. If implementation does not implement this method, it needs to throw UnsupportedOperationException.

      Specified by:
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      encodedValue - Textual (possibly format) number representation to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNumber

      public void writeNumber(char[] encodedValueBuffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Overloaded version of JsonGenerator.writeNumber(String) with same semantics but possibly more efficient operation.
      writeNumber in class JsonGenerator
      encodedValueBuffer - Buffer that contains the textual number representation to write
      offset - Offset of the first character of value to write
      length - Length of the value (in characters) to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeBoolean

      public void writeBoolean(boolean state) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting literal JSON boolean value (one of Strings 'true' and 'false'). Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      Specified by:
      writeBoolean in class JsonGenerator
      state - Boolean value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeNull

      public void writeNull() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for outputting literal JSON null value. Can be called in any context where a value is expected (Array value, Object field value, root-level value). Additional white space may be added around the value if pretty-printing is enabled.
      Specified by:
      writeNull in class JsonGenerator
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • _verifyValueWrite

      protected final void _verifyValueWrite(String typeMsg) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: GeneratorBase
      Method called before trying to write a value (scalar or structured), to verify that this is legal in current output state, as well as to output separators if and as necessary.
      Specified by:
      _verifyValueWrite in class GeneratorBase
      typeMsg - Additional message used for generating exception message if value output is NOT legal in current generator output state.
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • flush

      public void flush() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method called to flush any buffered content to the underlying target (output stream, writer), and to flush the target itself as well.
      Specified by:
      flush in interface Flushable
      Specified by:
      flush in class GeneratorBase
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method called to close this generator, so that no more content can be written.

      Whether the underlying target (stream, writer) gets closed depends on whether this generator either manages the target (i.e. is the only one with access to the target -- case if caller passes a reference to the resource such as File, but not stream); or has feature JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET enabled. If either of above is true, the target is also closed. Otherwise (not managing, feature not enabled), target is not closed.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      close in class GeneratorBase
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem
    • _releaseBuffers

      protected void _releaseBuffers()
      Description copied from class: GeneratorBase
      Method called to release any buffers generator may be holding, once generator is being closed.
      Specified by:
      _releaseBuffers in class GeneratorBase
    • _writeBinary

      protected final void _writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, byte[] input, int inputPtr, int inputEnd) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException
    • _writeBinary

      protected final int _writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, InputStream data, byte[] readBuffer, int bytesLeft) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException
    • _writeBinary

      protected final int _writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, InputStream data, byte[] readBuffer) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException
    • _flushBuffer

      protected void _flushBuffer() throws IOException