Uses of Class

Packages that use SerializerProvider
Basic data binding (mapping) functionality that allows for reading JSON content into Java Objects (POJOs) and JSON Trees (JsonNode), as well as writing Java Objects and trees as JSON.
Contains implementation classes of deserialization part of data binding.
Contains extended support for "external" packages: things that may or may not be present in runtime environment, but that are commonly enough used so that explicit support can be added.
Classes needed for JSON schema support (currently just ability to generate schemas using serialization part of data mapping)
Contains concrete JsonNode implementations Jackson uses for the Tree model.
Contains implementation classes of serialization part of data binding.
Contains implementation classes of serialization part of data binding.
Package that contains concrete implementations of JavaType, as well as the factory (TypeFactory) for constructing instances from various input data types (like Class, Type) and programmatically (for structured types, arrays, Lists and Maps).
Utility classes for Mapper package.