
Contains concrete JsonNode implementations Jackson uses for the Tree model. These classes are public since concrete type will be needed for most operations that modify node trees. For read-only access concrete types are usually not needed.
  • Class
    Node class that represents Arrays mapped from JSON content.
    Abstract base class common to all standard JsonNode implementations.
    Numeric node that contains simple 64-bit integer values.
    Value node that contains Base64 encoded binary value, which will be output and stored as Json String value.
    This concrete value class is used to contain boolean (true / false) values.
    This intermediate base class is used for all container nodes, specifically, array and object nodes.
    Numeric node that contains values that do not fit in simple integer (int, long) or floating point (double) values.
    Numeric node that contains 64-bit ("double precision") floating point values simple 32-bit integer values.
    JsonNode implementation for efficiently containing 32-bit `float` values.
    Numeric node that contains simple 32-bit integer values.
    Interface that defines common "creator" functionality implemented both by JsonNodeFactory and ContainerNode (that is, JSON Object and Array nodes).
    Base class that specifies methods for getting access to Node instances (newly constructed, or shared, depending on type), as well as basic implementation of the methods.
    Enumeration of JSON types.
    Numeric node that contains simple 64-bit integer values.
    This singleton node class is generated to denote "missing nodes" along paths that do not exist.
    This singleton value class is used to contain explicit JSON null value.
    Intermediate value node used for numeric nodes.
    Node that maps to JSON Object structures in JSON content.
    Value node that contains a wrapped POJO, to be serialized as a JSON constructed through data mapping (usually done by calling ObjectMapper).
    Numeric node that contains simple 16-bit integer values.
    Value node that contains a text value.
    Facade over JsonNode that implements JsonParser to allow accessing contents of JSON tree in alternate form (stream of tokens).
    This intermediate base class is used for all leaf nodes, that is, all non-container (array or object) nodes, except for the "missing node".