All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationIntrospector, AnnotationIntrospectorPair, FilteringGeneratorDelegate, FilteringParserDelegate, GeneratorBase, JacksonAnnotationIntrospector, JsonFactory, JsonGenerator, JsonGeneratorDelegate, JsonGeneratorImpl, JsonMapper, JsonParser, JsonParserDelegate, JsonParserSequence, MappingJsonFactory, Module, NonBlockingByteBufferJsonParser, NonBlockingJsonParser, NonBlockingJsonParserBase, NonBlockingUtf8JsonParserBase, NopAnnotationIntrospector, ObjectCodec, ObjectMapper, ObjectReader, ObjectWriter, PackageVersion, PackageVersion, ParserBase, ParserMinimalBase, ReaderBasedJsonParser, SequenceWriter, SimpleModule, TokenBuffer, TokenBuffer.Parser, TokenStreamFactory, TreeTraversingParser, UTF8DataInputJsonParser, UTF8JsonGenerator, UTF8StreamJsonParser, WriterBasedJsonGenerator

public interface Versioned
Interface that those Jackson components that are explicitly versioned will implement. Intention is to allow both plug-in components (custom extensions) and applications and frameworks that use Jackson to detect exact version of Jackson in use. This may be useful for example for ensuring that proper Jackson version is deployed (beyond mechanisms that deployment system may have), as well as for possible workarounds.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Method called to detect version of the component that implements this interface; returned version should never be null, but may return specific "not available" instance (see Version for details).
  • Method Details

    • version

      Version version()
      Method called to detect version of the component that implements this interface; returned version should never be null, but may return specific "not available" instance (see Version for details).
      Version of the component