
public class JsonPointerBasedFilter extends TokenFilter
Simple TokenFilter implementation that takes a single JsonPointer and matches a single value accordingly. Instances are immutable and fully thread-safe, shareable, and efficient to use.
  • Field Details

    • _pathToMatch

      protected final JsonPointer _pathToMatch
  • Constructor Details

    • JsonPointerBasedFilter

      public JsonPointerBasedFilter(String ptrExpr)
    • JsonPointerBasedFilter

      public JsonPointerBasedFilter(JsonPointer match)
  • Method Details

    • includeElement

      public TokenFilter includeElement(int index)
      Description copied from class: TokenFilter
      Method called to check whether array element with specified index (zero-based), at current output location, should be included in output. Three kinds of return values may be used as follows:
      • null to indicate that the Array element should be skipped
      • TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL to indicate that the Array element should be included completely in output
      • Any other TokenFilter implementation (possibly this one) to mean that further inclusion calls on returned filter object need to be made as necessary, to determine inclusion.

      The default implementation simply returns this to continue calling methods on this filter object, without full inclusion or exclusion.

      includeElement in class TokenFilter
      index - Array element index (0-based) to check
      TokenFilter to use for further calls within element value, unless return value is null or TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL (which have simpler semantics)
    • includeProperty

      public TokenFilter includeProperty(String name)
      Description copied from class: TokenFilter
      Method called to check whether property value with specified name, at current output location, should be included in output. Three kinds of return values may be used as follows:
      • null to indicate that the property and its value should be skipped
      • TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL to indicate that the property and its value should be included completely in output
      • Any other TokenFilter implementation (possibly this one) to mean that further inclusion calls on returned filter object need to be made as necessary, to determine inclusion.

      The default implementation simply returns this to continue calling methods on this filter object, without full inclusion or exclusion.

      includeProperty in class TokenFilter
      name - Name of Object property to check
      TokenFilter to use for further calls within property value, unless return value is null or TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL (which have simpler semantics)
    • filterStartArray

      public TokenFilter filterStartArray()
      Description copied from class: TokenFilter
      Method called to check whether Array value at current output location should be included in output. Three kinds of return values may be used as follows:
      • null to indicate that the Array should be skipped
      • TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL to indicate that the Array should be included completely in output
      • Any other TokenFilter implementation (possibly this one) to mean that further inclusion calls on return filter object need to be made on contained element values, as necessary. TokenFilter.filterFinishArray() will also be called on returned filter object

      Default implementation returns this, which means that checks are made recursively for elements of the array to determine possible inclusion.

      filterStartArray in class TokenFilter
      TokenFilter to use for further calls within Array, unless return value is null or TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL (which have simpler semantics)
    • filterStartObject

      public TokenFilter filterStartObject()
      Description copied from class: TokenFilter
      Method called to check whether Object value at current output location should be included in output. Three kinds of return values may be used as follows:
      • null to indicate that the Object should be skipped
      • TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL to indicate that the Object should be included completely in output
      • Any other TokenFilter implementation (possibly this one) to mean that further inclusion calls on return filter object need to be made on contained properties, as necessary. TokenFilter.filterFinishObject() will also be called on returned filter object

      Default implementation returns this, which means that checks are made recursively for properties of the Object to determine possible inclusion.

      filterStartObject in class TokenFilter
      TokenFilter to use for further calls within Array, unless return value is null or TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL (which have simpler semantics)
    • _includeScalar

      protected boolean _includeScalar()
      Description copied from class: TokenFilter
      Overridable default implementation delegated to all scalar value inclusion check methods. The default implementation simply includes all leaf values.
      _includeScalar in class TokenFilter
      Whether all leaf scalar values should be included (true) or not (false)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class TokenFilter