Interface GrouperMessagingSystem

public interface GrouperMessagingSystem
Represents the methods that a messaging system needs to support
  • Method Details

    • send

      GrouperMessageSendResult send(GrouperMessageSendParam grouperMessageSendParam)
      send a message to a queue name. Note, the recipient could be a queue or a topic (generally always one or the other) based on the implementation of the messaging system. Messages must be delievered in the order that collection iterator designates. If there is a problem delivering the messages, the implementation should log, wait (back off) and retry until it is successful.
      grouperMessageSendParam - has the queue or topic, and the message(s) and perhaps args
    • acknowledge

      GrouperMessageAcknowledgeResult acknowledge(GrouperMessageAcknowledgeParam grouperMessageAcknowledgeParam)
      tell the messaging system that these messages are processed generally the message system will use the message id. Note, the objects sent to this method must be the same that were received in the receiveMessages method. If there is a problem delivering the messages, the implementation should wait (back off) and retry until it is successful. Alternatively the message should be returned to queue, returned to end of queue, or sent to another queue
      grouperMessageAcknowledgeParam -
    • receive

      GrouperMessageReceiveResult receive(GrouperMessageReceiveParam grouperMessageReceiveParam)
      this will generally block until there are messages to process. These messages are ordered in the order that they were sent.
      grouperMessageReceiveParam - grouper messaging receive param
      a message or multiple messages. It will block until there are messages available for this recipient to process