Class WsRestGetPermissionAssignmentsRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WsRestGetPermissionAssignmentsRequest extends Object implements WsRequestBean
Bean for rest request to get permissions
  • Constructor Details

    • WsRestGetPermissionAssignmentsRequest

      public WsRestGetPermissionAssignmentsRequest()
  • Method Details

    • getIncludeLimits

      public String getIncludeLimits()
      includeLimits T or F (default to F) for if limits should be returned with the results. Note that the attributeDefs, attributeDefNames, and attributeAssignments will be added to those lists
      the includeLimits
    • setIncludeLimits

      public void setIncludeLimits(String includeLimits1)
      includeLimits T or F (default to F) for if limits should be returned with the results. Note that the attributeDefs, attributeDefNames, and attributeAssignments will be added to those lists
      includeLimits1 - the includeLimits to set
    • getImmediateOnly

      public String getImmediateOnly()
      immediateOnly T of F (defaults to F) if we should filter out non immediate permissions
      the immediateOnly
    • setImmediateOnly

      public void setImmediateOnly(String immediateOnly1)
      immediateOnly T of F (defaults to F) if we should filter out non immediate permissions
      immediateOnly1 - the immediateOnly to set
    • getPermissionType

      public String getPermissionType()
      are we looking for role permissions or subject permissions? from enum PermissionType: role, or role_subject. defaults to role_subject permissions
      the permissionType
    • setPermissionType

      public void setPermissionType(String permissionType1)
      are we looking for role permissions or subject permissions? from enum PermissionType: role, or role_subject. defaults to role_subject permissions
      permissionType1 - the permissionType to set
    • getLimitEnvVars

      public WsPermissionEnvVar[] getLimitEnvVars()
      limitEnvVars limitEnvVars if processing limits, pass in a set of limits. The name is the name of the variable, and the value is the value. Note, you can typecast the values by putting a valid type in parens in front of the param name. e.g. name: (int)amount, value: 50
      the limitEnvVars
    • setLimitEnvVars

      public void setLimitEnvVars(WsPermissionEnvVar[] limitEnvVars1)
      limitEnvVars limitEnvVars if processing limits, pass in a set of limits. The name is the name of the variable, and the value is the value. Note, you can typecast the values by putting a valid type in parens in front of the param name. e.g. name: (int)amount, value: 50
      limitEnvVars1 - the limitEnvVars to set
    • getIncludeAttributeDefNames

      public String getIncludeAttributeDefNames()
      T or F for if attributeDefName objects should be returned
      the attributeDefName
    • setIncludeAttributeDefNames

      public void setIncludeAttributeDefNames(String includeAttributeDefNames1)
      T or F for if attributeDefName objects should be returned
      includeAttributeDefNames1 -
    • getIncludePermissionAssignDetail

      public String getIncludePermissionAssignDetail()
      T or F for if the permission details should be returned
      T or F
    • setIncludePermissionAssignDetail

      public void setIncludePermissionAssignDetail(String includePermissionAssignDetail1)
      T or F for if the permission details should be returned
      includePermissionAssignDetail1 -
    • getIncludeAttributeAssignments

      public String getIncludeAttributeAssignments()
      T or F for it attribute assignments should be returned
      include attribute assignments
    • setIncludeAttributeAssignments

      public void setIncludeAttributeAssignments(String includeAttributeAssignments1)
      T or F for it attribute assignments should be returned
      includeAttributeAssignments1 -
    • getClientVersion

      public String getClientVersion()
      is the version of the client. Must be in GrouperWsVersion, e.g. v1_3_000
    • setClientVersion

      public void setClientVersion(String clientVersion1)
      is the version of the client. Must be in GrouperWsVersion, e.g. v1_3_000
      clientVersion1 -
    • getWsAttributeDefLookups

      public WsAttributeDefLookup[] getWsAttributeDefLookups()
      find assignments in these attribute defs (optional)
    • setWsAttributeDefLookups

      public void setWsAttributeDefLookups(WsAttributeDefLookup[] wsAttributeDefLookups1)
      find assignments in these attribute defs (optional)
      wsAttributeDefLookups1 -
    • getWsAttributeDefNameLookups

      public WsAttributeDefNameLookup[] getWsAttributeDefNameLookups()
      find assignments in these attribute def names (optional)
      def name lookups
    • setWsAttributeDefNameLookups

      public void setWsAttributeDefNameLookups(WsAttributeDefNameLookup[] wsAttributeDefNameLookups1)
      find assignments in these attribute def names (optional)
      wsAttributeDefNameLookups1 -
    • getRoleLookups

      public WsGroupLookup[] getRoleLookups()
      are roles to look in
      owner group lookups
    • setRoleLookups

      public void setRoleLookups(WsGroupLookup[] wsOwnerGroupLookups1)
      are roles to look in
      wsOwnerGroupLookups1 -
    • getWsSubjectLookups

      public WsSubjectLookup[] getWsSubjectLookups()
      are subjects to look in
    • setWsSubjectLookups

      public void setWsSubjectLookups(WsSubjectLookup[] wsOwnerSubjectLookups1)
      are subjects to look in
      wsOwnerSubjectLookups1 -
    • getActions

      public String[] getActions()
      actions to query, or none to query all actions
    • setActions

      public void setActions(String[] actions1)
      actions to query, or none to query all actions
      actions1 -
    • getIncludeAssignmentsOnAssignments

      public String getIncludeAssignmentsOnAssignments()
      if this is not querying assignments on assignments directly, but the assignments and assignments on those assignments should be returned, enter true. default to false.
      if include assignments on assignments
    • setIncludeAssignmentsOnAssignments

      public void setIncludeAssignmentsOnAssignments(String includeAssignmentsOnAssignments1)
      if this is not querying assignments on assignments directly, but the assignments and assignments on those assignments should be returned, enter true. default to false.
      includeAssignmentsOnAssignments1 -
    • getActAsSubjectLookup

      public WsSubjectLookup getActAsSubjectLookup()
      if acting as someone else
      act as subject
    • setActAsSubjectLookup

      public void setActAsSubjectLookup(WsSubjectLookup actAsSubjectLookup1)
      if acting as someone else
      actAsSubjectLookup1 -
    • getIncludeSubjectDetail

      public String getIncludeSubjectDetail()
      T|F, for if the extended subject information should be returned (anything more than just the id)
    • setIncludeSubjectDetail

      public void setIncludeSubjectDetail(String includeSubjectDetail1)
      T|F, for if the extended subject information should be returned (anything more than just the id)
      includeSubjectDetail1 -
    • getSubjectAttributeNames

      public String[] getSubjectAttributeNames()
      are the additional subject attributes (data) to return. If blank, whatever is configured in the will be sent
      subject attribute names
    • setSubjectAttributeNames

      public void setSubjectAttributeNames(String[] subjectAttributeNames1)
      are the additional subject attributes (data) to return. If blank, whatever is configured in the will be sent
      subjectAttributeNames1 -
    • getIncludeGroupDetail

      public String getIncludeGroupDetail()
      T or F as to if the group detail should be returned
    • setIncludeGroupDetail

      public void setIncludeGroupDetail(String includeGroupDetail1)
      T or F as to if the group detail should be returned
      includeGroupDetail1 -
    • getParams

      public WsParam[] getParams()
      optional: reserved for future use
    • setParams

      public void setParams(WsParam[] params1)
      optional: reserved for future use
      params1 -
    • getEnabled

      public String getEnabled()
      A for all, T or null for enabled only, F for disabled
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(String enabled1)
      A for all, T or null for enabled only, F for disabled
      enabled1 -
    • getPointInTimeFrom

      public String getPointInTimeFrom()
      To query permissions at a certain point in time or time range in the past, set this value and/or the value of pointInTimeTo. This parameter specifies the start of the range of the point in time query. If this is specified but pointInTimeTo is not specified, then the point in time query range will be from the time specified to now. Format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
      the pointInTimeFrom
    • setPointInTimeFrom

      public void setPointInTimeFrom(String pointInTimeFrom1)
      To query permissions at a certain point in time or time range in the past, set this value and/or the value of pointInTimeTo. This parameter specifies the start of the range of the point in time query. If this is specified but pointInTimeTo is not specified, then the point in time query range will be from the time specified to now. Format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
      pointInTimeFrom1 - the pointInTimeFrom to set
    • getPointInTimeTo

      public String getPointInTimeTo()
      To query permissions at a certain point in time or time range in the past, set this value and/or the value of pointInTimeFrom. This parameter specifies the end of the range of the point in time query. If this is the same as pointInTimeFrom, then the query will be done at a single point in time rather than a range. If this is specified but pointInTimeFrom is not specified, then the point in time query range will be from the minimum point in time to the time specified. Format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
      the pointInTimeTo
    • setPointInTimeTo

      public void setPointInTimeTo(String pointInTimeTo1)
      To query permissions at a certain point in time or time range in the past, set this value and/or the value of pointInTimeFrom. This parameter specifies the end of the range of the point in time query. If this is the same as pointInTimeFrom, then the query will be done at a single point in time rather than a range. If this is specified but pointInTimeFrom is not specified, then the point in time query range will be from the minimum point in time to the time specified. Format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
      pointInTimeTo1 - the pointInTimeTo to set
    • getPermissionProcessor

      public String getPermissionProcessor()
      if processing permissions, you can filter out either redundant permissions (find best in set), or do that and filter out redundant roles (if flattening roles) (find best in set). This is the PermissionProcessor enum. e.g. FILTER_REDUNDANT_PERMISSIONS, FILTER_REDUNDANT_PERMISSIONS_AND_PROCESS_LIMITS, FILTER_REDUNDANT_PERMISSIONS_AND_ROLES, FILTER_REDUNDANT_PERMISSIONS_AND_ROLES_AND_PROCESS_LIMITS, PROCESS_LIMITS. If null, then just get all permissions and process on the client.
    • setPermissionProcessor

      public void setPermissionProcessor(String permissionProcessor1)
      if processing permissions, you can filter out either redundant permissions (find best in set), or do that and filter out redundant roles (if flattening roles) (find best in set). This is the PermissionProcessor enum. e.g. FILTER_REDUNDANT_PERMISSIONS, FILTER_REDUNDANT_PERMISSIONS_AND_PROCESS_LIMITS, FILTER_REDUNDANT_PERMISSIONS_AND_ROLES, FILTER_REDUNDANT_PERMISSIONS_AND_ROLES_AND_PROCESS_LIMITS, PROCESS_LIMITS. If null, then just get all permissions and process on the client.
      permissionProcessor1 -