All Implemented Interfaces:
Versioned, Closeable, Flushable, AutoCloseable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class GeneratorBase extends JsonGenerator
This base class implements part of API that a JSON generator exposes to applications, adds shared internal methods that sub-classes can use and adds some abstract methods sub-classes must implement.
  • Field Details


      public static final int SURR1_FIRST
      See Also:
    • SURR1_LAST

      public static final int SURR1_LAST
      See Also:

      public static final int SURR2_FIRST
      See Also:
    • SURR2_LAST

      public static final int SURR2_LAST
      See Also:

      protected static final int DERIVED_FEATURES_MASK
      Set of feature masks related to features that need updates of other local configuration or state.

      protected static final String WRITE_BINARY
      See Also:

      protected static final String WRITE_BOOLEAN
      See Also:

      protected static final String WRITE_NULL
      See Also:

      protected static final String WRITE_NUMBER
      See Also:

      protected static final String WRITE_RAW
      See Also:

      protected static final String WRITE_STRING
      See Also:

      protected static final int MAX_BIG_DECIMAL_SCALE
      This value is the limit of scale allowed for serializing BigDecimal in "plain" (non-engineering) notation; intent is to prevent asymmetric attack whereupon simple eng-notation with big scale is used to generate huge "plain" serialization. See [core#315] for details.
      See Also:
    • _objectCodec

      protected ObjectCodec _objectCodec
    • _features

      protected int _features
      Bit flag composed of bits that indicate which JsonGenerator.Features are enabled.
    • _cfgNumbersAsStrings

      protected boolean _cfgNumbersAsStrings
      Flag set to indicate that implicit conversion from number to JSON String is needed (as per JsonWriteFeature.WRITE_NUMBERS_AS_STRINGS).
    • _writeContext

      protected JsonWriteContext _writeContext
      Object that keeps track of the current contextual state of the generator.
    • _closed

      protected boolean _closed
      Flag that indicates whether generator is closed or not. Gets set when it is closed by an explicit call (close()).
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • version

      public Version version()
      Implemented with standard version number detection algorithm, typically using a simple generated class, with information extracted from Maven project file during build.
      Specified by:
      version in interface Versioned
      Specified by:
      version in class JsonGenerator
      Version number of the generator (version of the jar that contains generator implementation class)
    • getCurrentValue

      public Object getCurrentValue()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Alias for JsonGenerator.currentValue(), to be deprecated in later Jackson 2.x versions (and removed from Jackson 3.0).
      getCurrentValue in class JsonGenerator
      Location of the last processed input unit (byte or character)
    • setCurrentValue

      public void setCurrentValue(Object v)
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Alias for JsonGenerator.assignCurrentValue(java.lang.Object), to be deprecated in later Jackson 2.x versions (and removed from Jackson 3.0).
      setCurrentValue in class JsonGenerator
      v - Current value to assign for the current context of this generator
    • isEnabled

      public final boolean isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature f)
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for checking whether given feature is enabled. Check JsonGenerator.Feature for list of available features.
      Specified by:
      isEnabled in class JsonGenerator
      f - Feature to check
      True if specified feature is enabled; false if not
    • getFeatureMask

      public int getFeatureMask()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Bulk access method for getting state of all standard (non-dataformat-specific) JsonGenerator.Features.
      Specified by:
      getFeatureMask in class JsonGenerator
      Bit mask that defines current states of all standard JsonGenerator.Features.
    • enable

      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for enabling specified generator feature: check JsonGenerator.Feature for list of available features.
      Specified by:
      enable in class JsonGenerator
      f - Feature to enable
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • disable

      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for disabling specified feature (check JsonGenerator.Feature for list of features)
      Specified by:
      disable in class JsonGenerator
      f - Feature to disable
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • setFeatureMask

      @Deprecated public JsonGenerator setFeatureMask(int newMask)
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Bulk set method for (re)setting states of all standard JsonGenerator.Features
      Specified by:
      setFeatureMask in class JsonGenerator
      newMask - Bitmask that defines which JsonGenerator.Features are enabled and which disabled
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • overrideStdFeatures

      public JsonGenerator overrideStdFeatures(int values, int mask)
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Bulk set method for (re)setting states of features specified by mask. Functionally equivalent to int oldState = getFeatureMask(); int newState = (oldState & ~mask) | (values & mask); setFeatureMask(newState); but preferred as this lets caller more efficiently specify actual changes made.
      overrideStdFeatures in class JsonGenerator
      values - Bit mask of set/clear state for features to change
      mask - Bit mask of features to change
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • _checkStdFeatureChanges

      protected void _checkStdFeatureChanges(int newFeatureFlags, int changedFeatures)
      Helper method called to verify changes to standard features.
      newFeatureFlags - Bitflag of standard features after they were changed
      changedFeatures - Bitflag of standard features for which setting did change
    • useDefaultPrettyPrinter

      public JsonGenerator useDefaultPrettyPrinter()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Convenience method for enabling pretty-printing using the default pretty printer (DefaultPrettyPrinter).
      Specified by:
      useDefaultPrettyPrinter in class JsonGenerator
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • setCodec

      public JsonGenerator setCodec(ObjectCodec oc)
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that can be called to set or reset the object to use for writing Java objects as JsonContent (using method JsonGenerator.writeObject(java.lang.Object)).
      Specified by:
      setCodec in class JsonGenerator
      oc - Codec to assign, if any; null if none
      This generator, to allow call chaining
    • getCodec

      public ObjectCodec getCodec()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for accessing the object used for writing Java object as JSON content (using method JsonGenerator.writeObject(java.lang.Object)).
      Specified by:
      getCodec in class JsonGenerator
      Codec assigned to this generator, if any; null if none
    • getOutputContext

      public JsonStreamContext getOutputContext()
      Note: type was co-variant until Jackson 2.7; reverted back to base type in 2.8 to allow for overriding by subtypes that use custom context type.
      Specified by:
      getOutputContext in class JsonGenerator
      Stream output context (JsonStreamContext) associated with this generator
    • writeStartObject

      public void writeStartObject(Object forValue) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing starting marker of an Object value to represent the given Java Object value. Argument is offered as metadata, but more importantly it should be assigned as the "current value" for the Object content that gets constructed and initialized.

      Object values can be written in any context where values are allowed: meaning everywhere except for when a field name is expected.

      writeStartObject in class JsonGenerator
      forValue - "Current value" to assign for the Object context being created
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeFieldName

      public void writeFieldName(SerializableString name) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeFieldName(String), main difference being that it may perform better as some of processing (such as quoting of certain characters, or encoding into external encoding if supported by generator) can be done just once and reused for later calls.

      Default implementation simple uses unprocessed name container in serialized String; implementations are strongly encouraged to make use of more efficient methods argument object has.

      Specified by:
      writeFieldName in class JsonGenerator
      name - Field name to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeString

      public void writeString(SerializableString text) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeString(String), but that takes SerializableString which can make this potentially more efficient to call as generator may be able to reuse quoted and/or encoded representation.

      Default implementation just calls JsonGenerator.writeString(String); sub-classes should override it with more efficient implementation if possible.

      Specified by:
      writeString in class JsonGenerator
      text - Pre-encoded String value to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeRawValue

      public void writeRawValue(String text) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that will force generator to copy input text verbatim without any modifications, but assuming it must constitute a single legal JSON value (number, string, boolean, null, Array or List). Assuming this, proper separators are added if and as needed (comma or colon), and generator state updated to reflect this.
      Specified by:
      writeRawValue in class JsonGenerator
      text - Textual contents to included in output
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeRawValue

      public void writeRawValue(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      writeRawValue in class JsonGenerator
    • writeRawValue

      public void writeRawValue(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      writeRawValue in class JsonGenerator
    • writeRawValue

      public void writeRawValue(SerializableString text) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(String), but potentially more efficient as it may be able to use pre-encoded content (similar to JsonGenerator.writeRaw(SerializableString).
      writeRawValue in class JsonGenerator
      text - Pre-encoded textual contents to included in output
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeBinary

      public int writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, InputStream data, int dataLength) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method similar to JsonGenerator.writeBinary(Base64Variant,byte[],int,int), but where input is provided through a stream, allowing for incremental writes without holding the whole input in memory.
      Specified by:
      writeBinary in class JsonGenerator
      b64variant - Base64 variant to use
      data - InputStream to use for reading binary data to write. Will not be closed after successful write operation
      dataLength - (optional) number of bytes that will be available; or -1 to be indicate it is not known. If a positive length is given, data MUST provide at least that many bytes: if not, an exception will be thrown. Note that implementations need not support cases where length is not known in advance; this depends on underlying data format: JSON output does NOT require length, other formats may.
      Number of bytes read from data and written as binary payload
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeObject

      public void writeObject(Object value) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Specified by:
      writeObject in class JsonGenerator
      value - Java value (usually POJO) to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • writeTree

      public void writeTree(TreeNode rootNode) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method for writing given JSON tree (expressed as a tree where given JsonNode is the root) using this generator. This will generally just call JsonGenerator.writeObject(java.lang.Object) with given node, but is added for convenience and to make code more explicit in cases where it deals specifically with trees.
      Specified by:
      writeTree in class JsonGenerator
      rootNode - TreeNode to write
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • flush

      public abstract void flush() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method called to flush any buffered content to the underlying target (output stream, writer), and to flush the target itself as well.
      Specified by:
      flush in interface Flushable
      Specified by:
      flush in class JsonGenerator
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method called to close this generator, so that no more content can be written.

      Whether the underlying target (stream, writer) gets closed depends on whether this generator either manages the target (i.e. is the only one with access to the target -- case if caller passes a reference to the resource such as File, but not stream); or has feature JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET enabled. If either of above is true, the target is also closed. Otherwise (not managing, feature not enabled), target is not closed.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      Specified by:
      close in class JsonGenerator
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Description copied from class: JsonGenerator
      Method that can be called to determine whether this generator is closed or not. If it is closed, no more output can be done.
      Specified by:
      isClosed in class JsonGenerator
      True if this generator instance has been closed
    • _releaseBuffers

      protected abstract void _releaseBuffers()
      Method called to release any buffers generator may be holding, once generator is being closed.
    • _verifyValueWrite

      protected abstract void _verifyValueWrite(String typeMsg) throws IOException
      Method called before trying to write a value (scalar or structured), to verify that this is legal in current output state, as well as to output separators if and as necessary.
      typeMsg - Additional message used for generating exception message if value output is NOT legal in current generator output state.
      IOException - if there is either an underlying I/O problem or encoding issue at format layer
    • _constructDefaultPrettyPrinter

      protected PrettyPrinter _constructDefaultPrettyPrinter()
      Overridable factory method called to instantiate an appropriate PrettyPrinter for case of "just use the default one", when useDefaultPrettyPrinter() is called.
      Instance of "default" pretty printer to use
    • _asString

      protected String _asString(BigDecimal value) throws IOException
      Helper method used to serialize a BigDecimal as a String, for serialization, taking into account configuration settings
      value - BigDecimal value to convert to String
      String representation of value
      IOException - if there is a problem serializing value as String
    • _decodeSurrogate

      protected final int _decodeSurrogate(int surr1, int surr2) throws IOException
    • _checkRangeBoundsForByteArray

      protected void _checkRangeBoundsForByteArray(byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException
    • _checkRangeBoundsForCharArray

      protected void _checkRangeBoundsForCharArray(char[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException
    • _checkRangeBoundsForString

      protected void _checkRangeBoundsForString(String data, int offset, int len) throws IOException