All Known Subinterfaces:
JsonBooleanFormatVisitor, JsonIntegerFormatVisitor, JsonNumberFormatVisitor, JsonStringFormatVisitor
All Known Implementing Classes:
JsonBooleanFormatVisitor.Base, JsonIntegerFormatVisitor.Base, JsonNumberFormatVisitor.Base, JsonStringFormatVisitor.Base, JsonValueFormatVisitor.Base

public interface JsonValueFormatVisitor
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Method called to indicate enumerated (String) values type being visited can take as values.
    Method called to indicate configured format for value type being visited.
  • Method Details

    • format

      void format(JsonValueFormat format)
      Method called to indicate configured format for value type being visited.
    • enumTypes

      void enumTypes(Set<String> enums)
      Method called to indicate enumerated (String) values type being visited can take as values.