All Implemented Interfaces:
BinaryDecoder, BinaryEncoder, Decoder, Encoder, StringDecoder, StringEncoder

public class QuotedPrintableCodec extends Object implements BinaryEncoder, BinaryDecoder, StringEncoder, StringDecoder
Codec for the Quoted-Printable section of RFC 1521.

The Quoted-Printable encoding is intended to represent data that largely consists of octets that correspond to printable characters in the ASCII character set. It encodes the data in such a way that the resulting octets are unlikely to be modified by mail transport. If the data being encoded are mostly ASCII text, the encoded form of the data remains largely recognizable by humans. A body which is entirely ASCII may also be encoded in Quoted-Printable to ensure the integrity of the data should the message pass through a character- translating, and/or line-wrapping gateway.


Depending on the selected strict parameter, this class will implement a different set of rules of the quoted-printable spec:

  • strict=false: only rules #1 and #2 are implemented
  • strict=true: all rules #1 through #5 are implemented

Originally, this class only supported the non-strict mode, but the codec in this partial form could already be used for certain applications that do not require quoted-printable line formatting (rules #3, #4, #5), for instance Q codec. The strict mode has been added in 1.10.

This class is immutable and thread-safe.

See Also:
  • Constructor Summary

    Default constructor, assumes default Charset of StandardCharsets.UTF_8
    QuotedPrintableCodec(boolean strict)
    Constructor which allows for the selection of the strict mode.
    Constructor which allows for the selection of a default Charset.
    Constructor which allows for the selection of a default Charset.
    QuotedPrintableCodec(Charset charset, boolean strict)
    Constructor which allows for the selection of a default Charset and strict mode.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    decode(byte[] bytes)
    Decodes an array of quoted-printable characters into an array of original bytes.
    Decodes a quoted-printable object into its original form.
    decode(String sourceStr)
    Decodes a quoted-printable string into its original form using the default string Charset.
    decode(String sourceStr, String sourceCharset)
    Decodes a quoted-printable string into its original form using the specified string Charset.
    decode(String sourceStr, Charset sourceCharset)
    Decodes a quoted-printable string into its original form using the specified string Charset.
    static final byte[]
    decodeQuotedPrintable(byte[] bytes)
    Decodes an array quoted-printable characters into an array of original bytes.
    encode(byte[] bytes)
    Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters.
    Encodes an object into its quoted-printable safe form.
    encode(String sourceStr)
    Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the default string Charset.
    encode(String sourceStr, String sourceCharset)
    Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the specified Charset.
    encode(String sourceStr, Charset sourceCharset)
    Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the specified Charset.
    static final byte[]
    encodeQuotedPrintable(BitSet printable, byte[] bytes)
    Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters.
    static final byte[]
    encodeQuotedPrintable(BitSet printable, byte[] bytes, boolean strict)
    Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters.
    Gets the default Charset name used for string decoding and encoding.
    Gets the default Charset name used for string decoding and encoding.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • QuotedPrintableCodec

      public QuotedPrintableCodec()
      Default constructor, assumes default Charset of StandardCharsets.UTF_8
    • QuotedPrintableCodec

      public QuotedPrintableCodec(boolean strict)
      Constructor which allows for the selection of the strict mode.
      strict - if true, soft line breaks will be used
    • QuotedPrintableCodec

      public QuotedPrintableCodec(Charset charset)
      Constructor which allows for the selection of a default Charset.
      charset - the default string Charset to use.
    • QuotedPrintableCodec

      public QuotedPrintableCodec(Charset charset, boolean strict)
      Constructor which allows for the selection of a default Charset and strict mode.
      charset - the default string Charset to use.
      strict - if true, soft line breaks will be used
    • QuotedPrintableCodec

      Constructor which allows for the selection of a default Charset.
      charsetName - the default string Charset to use.
      UnsupportedCharsetException - If no support for the named Charset is available in this instance of the Java virtual machine
      IllegalArgumentException - If the given charsetName is null
      IllegalCharsetNameException - If the given Charset name is illegal
      1.7 throws UnsupportedCharsetException if the named Charset is unavailable
  • Method Details

    • encodeQuotedPrintable

      public static final byte[] encodeQuotedPrintable(BitSet printable, byte[] bytes)
      Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters. Unsafe characters are escaped.

      This function implements a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.

      printable - bitset of characters deemed quoted-printable
      bytes - array of bytes to be encoded
      array of bytes containing quoted-printable data
    • encodeQuotedPrintable

      public static final byte[] encodeQuotedPrintable(BitSet printable, byte[] bytes, boolean strict)
      Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters. Unsafe characters are escaped.

      Depending on the selection of the strict parameter, this function either implements the full ruleset or only a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.

      printable - bitset of characters deemed quoted-printable
      bytes - array of bytes to be encoded
      strict - if true the full ruleset is used, otherwise only rule #1 and rule #2
      array of bytes containing quoted-printable data
    • decodeQuotedPrintable

      public static final byte[] decodeQuotedPrintable(byte[] bytes) throws DecoderException
      Decodes an array quoted-printable characters into an array of original bytes. Escaped characters are converted back to their original representation.

      This function fully implements the quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 through rule #5) as defined in RFC 1521.

      bytes - array of quoted-printable characters
      array of original bytes
      DecoderException - Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful
    • encode

      public byte[] encode(byte[] bytes)
      Encodes an array of bytes into an array of quoted-printable 7-bit characters. Unsafe characters are escaped.

      Depending on the selection of the strict parameter, this function either implements the full ruleset or only a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.

      Specified by:
      encode in interface BinaryEncoder
      bytes - array of bytes to be encoded
      array of bytes containing quoted-printable data
    • decode

      public byte[] decode(byte[] bytes) throws DecoderException
      Decodes an array of quoted-printable characters into an array of original bytes. Escaped characters are converted back to their original representation.

      This function fully implements the quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 through rule #5) as defined in RFC 1521.

      Specified by:
      decode in interface BinaryDecoder
      bytes - array of quoted-printable characters
      array of original bytes
      DecoderException - Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful
    • encode

      public String encode(String sourceStr) throws EncoderException
      Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the default string Charset. Unsafe characters are escaped.

      Depending on the selection of the strict parameter, this function either implements the full ruleset or only a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.

      Specified by:
      encode in interface StringEncoder
      sourceStr - string to convert to quoted-printable form
      quoted-printable string
      EncoderException - Thrown if quoted-printable encoding is unsuccessful
      See Also:
    • decode

      public String decode(String sourceStr, Charset sourceCharset) throws DecoderException
      Decodes a quoted-printable string into its original form using the specified string Charset. Escaped characters are converted back to their original representation.
      sourceStr - quoted-printable string to convert into its original form
      sourceCharset - the original string Charset
      original string
      DecoderException - Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful
    • decode

      public String decode(String sourceStr, String sourceCharset) throws DecoderException, UnsupportedEncodingException
      Decodes a quoted-printable string into its original form using the specified string Charset. Escaped characters are converted back to their original representation.
      sourceStr - quoted-printable string to convert into its original form
      sourceCharset - the original string Charset
      original string
      DecoderException - Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful
      UnsupportedEncodingException - Thrown if Charset is not supported
    • decode

      public String decode(String sourceStr) throws DecoderException
      Decodes a quoted-printable string into its original form using the default string Charset. Escaped characters are converted back to their original representation.
      Specified by:
      decode in interface StringDecoder
      sourceStr - quoted-printable string to convert into its original form
      original string
      DecoderException - Thrown if quoted-printable decoding is unsuccessful. Thrown if Charset is not supported.
      See Also:
    • encode

      public Object encode(Object obj) throws EncoderException
      Encodes an object into its quoted-printable safe form. Unsafe characters are escaped.
      Specified by:
      encode in interface Encoder
      obj - string to convert to a quoted-printable form
      quoted-printable object
      EncoderException - Thrown if quoted-printable encoding is not applicable to objects of this type or if encoding is unsuccessful
    • decode

      public Object decode(Object obj) throws DecoderException
      Decodes a quoted-printable object into its original form. Escaped characters are converted back to their original representation.
      Specified by:
      decode in interface Decoder
      obj - quoted-printable object to convert into its original form
      original object
      DecoderException - Thrown if the argument is not a String or byte[]. Thrown if a failure condition is encountered during the decode process.
    • getCharset

      public Charset getCharset()
      Gets the default Charset name used for string decoding and encoding.
      the default Charset name
    • getDefaultCharset

      public String getDefaultCharset()
      Gets the default Charset name used for string decoding and encoding.
      the default Charset name
    • encode

      public String encode(String sourceStr, Charset sourceCharset)
      Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the specified Charset. Unsafe characters are escaped.

      Depending on the selection of the strict parameter, this function either implements the full ruleset or only a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.

      sourceStr - string to convert to quoted-printable form
      sourceCharset - the Charset for sourceStr
      quoted-printable string
    • encode

      public String encode(String sourceStr, String sourceCharset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
      Encodes a string into its quoted-printable form using the specified Charset. Unsafe characters are escaped.

      Depending on the selection of the strict parameter, this function either implements the full ruleset or only a subset of quoted-printable encoding specification (rule #1 and rule #2) as defined in RFC 1521 and is suitable for encoding binary data and unformatted text.

      sourceStr - string to convert to quoted-printable form
      sourceCharset - the Charset for sourceStr
      quoted-printable string
      UnsupportedEncodingException - Thrown if the Charset is not supported