Uses of Class

Packages that use Version
Main public API classes of the core streaming JSON processor: most importantly JsonFactory used for constructing JSON parser (JsonParser) and generator (JsonGenerator) instances.
Base classes used by concrete Parser and Generator implementations; contain functionality that is not specific to JSON or input abstraction (byte vs char).
JSON-specific parser and generator implementation classes that Jackson defines and uses.
Utility classes used by Jackson Core functionality.
Basic data binding (mapping) functionality that allows for reading JSON content into Java Objects (POJOs) and JSON Trees (JsonNode), as well as writing Java Objects and trees as JSON.
Package that contains most of configuration-related classes; exception being couple of most-commonly used configuration things (like Feature enumerations) that are at the main level (
Functionality needed for Bean introspection, required for detecting accessors and mutators for Beans, as well as locating and handling method annotations.
Package that contains classes and interfaces to help implement custom extension Modules (which are registered using ObjectMapper.registerModule(
Contains concrete JsonNode implementations Jackson uses for the Tree model.
Utility classes for Mapper package.