Interface GcBoundDataConversion

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GcBoundDataConversion
This is our helper to convert data to and from Oracle. It is externalized because it will likely be 
 common that editing will need to be done on a per project basis.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addBindVariableToStatement(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Object bindVar, int index)
    Add the value to the prepared statement, doing any casting, etc needed.
    <T> T
    getFieldValue(Class<T> clazz, Object value)
    Cast and manipulate the value returned from the database to get it into the appropriate value for assignment.
    setFieldValue(Object instance, Field field, Object value)
    Set the value of a field, do any casting, etc needed.
  • Method Details

    • addBindVariableToStatement

      void addBindVariableToStatement(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Object bindVar, int index)
      Add the value to the prepared statement, doing any casting, etc needed.
      preparedStatement - is the statement to add the value to.
      bindVar - is the bindvar to add.
      index - is the indes of the statement to add it to.
    • setFieldValue

      void setFieldValue(Object instance, Field field, Object value)
      Set the value of a field, do any casting, etc needed.
      instance - is the instance to set the value to.
      field - is the field taking the value.
      value - is the value to set.
    • getFieldValue

      <T> T getFieldValue(Class<T> clazz, Object value)
      Cast and manipulate the value returned from the database to get it into the appropriate value for assignment.
      Type Parameters:
      T - is the type to return.
      clazz - is the type to return.
      value - is the value to cast or manipulate.
      the manipulated value.