All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleHttpConnectionManager extends Object implements HttpConnectionManager
A connection manager that provides access to a single HttpConnection. This manager makes no attempt to provide exclusive access to the contained HttpConnection.
  • Field Details

    • httpConnection

      protected HttpConnection httpConnection
      The http connection
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleHttpConnectionManager

      public SimpleHttpConnectionManager(boolean alwaysClose)
      The connection manager created with this constructor will try to keep the connection open (alive) between consecutive requests if the alwaysClose parameter is set to false. Otherwise the connection manager will always close connections upon release.
      alwaysClose - if set true, the connection manager will always close connections upon release.
    • SimpleHttpConnectionManager

      public SimpleHttpConnectionManager()
      The connection manager created with this constructor will always try to keep the connection open (alive) between consecutive requests.
  • Method Details