All Classes and Interfaces

Encodes a string into a Caverphone value.
Base class for circuit breakers.
An internal enumeration representing the different states of a circuit breaker.
Deserializer only used for abstract types used as placeholders during polymorphic type handling deserialization.
Abstract class that is used to execute an arbitrary method that is introspected.
Abstract class that is used to execute an arbitrary 'get' method.
Abstract class that is used to execute an arbitrary method.
A helper class to pass the method & parameters.
Abstract class that is used to execute an arbitrary 'set' method.
Defines interface for resolvers that can resolve abstract types into concrete ones; either by using static mappings, or possibly by materializing implementations dynamically.
API for handlers used to "mangle" names of "getter" and "setter" methods to find implicit property names.
Helper class that implements all abstract methods with dummy implementations.
Interface for provider (factory) for constructing AccessorNamingStrategy for given type of deserialization target
Enumeration used to indicate required access pattern for providers: this can sometimes be used to optimize out dynamic calls.
as of 3.6, use commons-text AggregateTranslator instead
Shared base class used for anything on which annotations (included within a AnnotationMap).
Silly little "Pair" class needed for 2-element tuples (without adding dependency to one of 3rd party packages that has one).
Helper class that contains logic for resolving annotations to construct AnnotatedClass instances.
Object that represents non-static (and usually non-transient/volatile) fields of a class.
Intermediate base class for annotated entities that are members of a class; fields, methods and constructors.
Simple helper class used to keep track of collection of AnnotatedMethods, accessible by lookup.
Object that represents method parameters, mostly so that associated annotations can be processed conveniently.
Intermediate base class that encapsulates features that constructors and methods share.
Helper class used to collect annotations to be stored as Annotations (like AnnotationMap).
Immutable implementation for case where no annotations are associated with an annotatable entity.
Abstract class that defines API used for introspecting annotation-based configuration for serialization and deserialization.
Value type used with managed and back references; contains type and logic name, used to link related references
Add-on extension used for XML-specific configuration, needed to decouple format module functionality from pluggable introspection functionality (especially JAXB-annotation related one).
Helper class that allows using 2 introspectors such that one introspector acts as the primary one to use; and second one as a fallback used if the primary does not provide conclusive or useful result for a method.
Simple helper class used to keep track of collection of Jackson Annotations associated with annotatable things (methods, constructors, classes).
Interface that defines interface for accessing contents of a collection of annotations.
Helper methods for working with Annotation instances.
Class similar to BeanPropertyWriter, but that will be used for serializing JsonAnyGetter annotated (Map) properties
An utility class for the os.arch System Property.
We need a custom deserializer both because ArrayBlockingQueue has no default constructor AND because it has size limit used for constructing underlying storage automatically.
Helper class that contains set of distinct builders for different arrays of primitive values.
Iterator implementation used to efficiently expose contents of an Array as read-only iterator.
An Iterator wrapper for an Object[].
A class that wraps an array within an AbstractList.
Node class that represents Arrays mapped from JSON content.
Intermediate base class for serializers used for various Java arrays.
Sorts and returns arrays in the fluent style.
Array types represent Java arrays, both primitive and object valued.
Operations on arrays, primitive arrays (like int[]) and primitive wrapper arrays (like Integer[]).
Base class for serializers that will output contents as JSON arrays; typically serializers used for Collection and array types.
Type deserializer used with JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_ARRAY inclusion mechanism.
Type serializer that will embed type information in an array, as the first element, and actual value as the second element.
A TypeDeserializer capable of deducing polymorphic types based on the fields available.
Type serializer used with JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY inclusion mechanism.
Type deserializer used with JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY inclusion mechanism.
Type serializer that preferably embeds type information as an "external" type property; embedded in enclosing JSON object.
Type deserializer used with JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY inclusion mechanism.
Type serializer that preferably embeds type information as an additional JSON Object property, if possible (when resulting serialization would use JSON Object).
Only for use in maintaining binary compatibility - should not actually be used - will be removed in 3.0
Identifiers, variables and registers.
Only for use in maintaining binary compatibility - should not actually be used - will be removed in 3.0
Enhanced script to allow parameters declaration.
Declares a local variable.
Type deserializer used with JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT inclusion mechanism.
Type wrapper that tries to use an extra JSON Object, with a single entry that has type name as key, to serialize type information.
A specialized implementation of the ConcurrentInitializer interface based on an AtomicReference variable.
A specialized ConcurrentInitializer implementation which is similar to AtomicInitializer, but ensures that the AtomicSafeInitializer.initialize() method is called only once.
VirtualBeanPropertyWriter implementation used for JsonAppend, to serialize properties backed-by dynamically assignable attribute values.
Signals a failure processing authentication challenge
This class provides utility methods for parsing HTTP www and proxy authentication challenges.
This class provides utility methods for processing HTTP www and proxy authentication challenges.
Signals a failure in authentication process
Authentication policy class.
This interface represents an abstract challenge-response oriented authentication scheme.
No longer used
The class represents an authentication scope consisting of a host name, a port number, a realm name and an authentication scheme name which Credentials apply to.
Signals fatal error in initialization of AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactory.
AuthSSLProtocolSocketFactory can be used to validate the identity of the HTTPS server against a list of trusted certificates and to authenticate to the HTTPS server using a private key.
AuthSSLX509TrustManager can be used to extend the default X509TrustManager with additional trust decisions.
This class provides detailed information about the state of the authentication process.
A class that allows complex initialization operations in a background task.
Provides Base16 encoding and decoding.
Provides Base16 encoding and decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size).
Provides Hex encoding and decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size).
Provides Base32 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 4648.
Provides Base32 encoding and decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size).
Provides Base32 encoding and decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size).
Provides Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045.
Provides Base64 encoding and decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size).
Provides Base64 encoding and decoding in a streaming fashion (unlimited size).
Class used to define specific details of which variant of Base64 encoding/decoding is to be used.
Defines how the Base64Variant deals with Padding while reading
Container for commonly used Base64 variants: Base64Variants.MIME Base64Variants.MIME_NO_LINEFEEDS Base64Variants.PEM Base64Variants.MODIFIED_FOR_URL See entries for full description of differences.
Abstract base class common to all standard JsonNode implementations.
Abstract superclass for Base-N encoders and decoders.
Abstract superclass for Base-N input streams.
Abstract superclass for Base-N output streams.
Immutable container class used to store simple configuration settings for both serialization and deserialization.
Default BeanDescription implementation used by Jackson.
Abstract factory base class that can provide deserializers for standard JDK classes, including collection classes and simple heuristics for "upcasting" common collection interface types (such as Collection).
Helper class to contain default mappings for abstract JDK Collection and Map types.
Helper class to contain largish number of parameters that need to be passed during Creator introspection.
Standard BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator implementation that users may want to use for constructing validators based on simple class hierarchy and/or name patterns to allow and/or deny certain subtypes.
Builder class for configuring and constructing immutable BasicPolymorphicTypeValidator instances.
General matcher interface (predicate) for validating unresolved subclass class name.
General matcher interface (predicate) for validating class values (base type or resolved subtype)
Basic authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617.
Factory class that can provide serializers for standard JDK classes, as well as custom classes that extend standard classes or implement one of "well-known" interfaces (such as Collection).
An implementation of the ThreadFactory interface that provides some configuration options for the threads it creates.
A builder class for creating instances of BasicThreadFactory.
Identical to the Base64 encoding defined by RFC 1521 and allows a character set to be specified.
Variant of BeanDeserializer used for handling deserialization of POJOs when serialized as JSON Arrays, instead of JSON Objects.
Specialized POJO serializer that differs from BeanSerializer in that instead of producing a JSON Object it will output a JSON Array, omitting field names, and serializing values in specified serialization order.
Basic container for information gathered by ClassIntrospector to help in constructing serializers and deserializers.
Deserializer class that can deserialize instances of arbitrary bean objects, usually from JSON Object structs,
Base class for BeanDeserializer.
Builder class used for aggregating deserialization information about a POJO, in order to build a JsonDeserializer for deserializing instances.
Concrete deserializer factory class that adds full Bean deserializer construction logic using class introspection.
Abstract class that defines API for objects that can be registered to participate in constructing JsonDeserializer instances (via DeserializerFactory).
Bean properties are logical entities that represent data that Java objects (POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), sometimes also called "beans") contain; and that are accessed using accessors (methods like getters and setters, fields, constructor parameters).
Alternative "Null" implementation that can be used in cases where a non-null BeanProperty is needed
Simple stand-alone implementation, useful as a placeholder or base class for more complex implementations.
Simple value classes that contain definitions of properties, used during introspection of properties to use for serialization and deserialization purposes.
Since 2.3: use PropertyFilter instead.
Helper class used for storing mapping from property name to SettableBeanProperty instances.
Base bean property handler class, which implements common parts of reflection-based functionality for accessing a property value and serializing it.
Serializer class that can serialize Java objects that map to JSON Object output.
Base class both for the standard bean serializer, and couple of variants that only differ in small details.
Builder class used for aggregating deserialization information about a POJO, in order to build a JsonSerializer for serializing intances.
Factory class that can provide serializers for any regular Java beans (as defined by "having at least one get method recognizable as bean accessor" -- where Object.getClass() does not count); as well as for "standard" JDK types.
Abstract class that defines API for objects that can be registered (for BeanSerializerFactory to participate in constructing BeanSerializer instances.
Helper class that contains functionality needed by both serialization and deserialization side.
Encodes strings into their Beider-Morse phonetic encoding.
Benchmark worker that can execute an HTTP method given number of times
Helper class used to implement more optimized parsing of BigDecimal for REALLY big values (over 500 characters)
Numeric node that contains simple 64-bit integer values.
Converts between byte arrays and strings of "0"s and "1"s.
Defines common decoding methods for byte array decoders.
Defines common encoding methods for byte array encoders.
Value node that contains Base64 encoded binary value, which will be output and stored as Json String value.
Supports operations on bit-mapped fields.
BlindSSLSocketFactoryTest Simple test to show an Active Directory (LDAP) and HTTPS connection without verifying the server's certificate.
Specialized executor to get a boolean property from an object.
This concrete value class is used to contain boolean (true / false) values.
Serializer used for primitive boolean, as well as java.util.Boolean wrapper type.
Operations on boolean primitives and Boolean objects.
This is a small utility class, whose main functionality is to allow simple reuse of raw byte/char buffers.
Helper entity used to control access to simple buffer recyling scheme used for some encoding, decoding tasks.
The Builder interface is designed to designate a class as a builder object in the Builder design pattern.
Class that handles deserialization using a separate Builder class, which is used for data binding and produces actual deserialized value at the end of data binding.
Helper class that is similar to ByteArrayOutputStream in usage, but more geared to Jackson use cases internally.
NonBlockingInputFeeder implementation used when feeding data as byte arrays.
A PartSource that reads from a byte array.
A RequestEntity that contains an array of bytes.
Unlike other integral number array serializers, we do not just print out byte values as numbers.
Simple InputStream implementation that exposes currently available content of a ByteBuffer.
Simple OutputStream implementation that appends content written in given ByteBuffer instance.
NonBlockingInputFeeder implementation used when feeding data as ByteBuffer contents.
Replacement for BytesToNameCanonicalizer which aims at more localized memory access due to flattening of name quad data.
This class is used to determine the encoding of byte stream that is to contain JSON content.
Standard serializer for Calendar.
Helps use Calendars.
A specialized BackgroundInitializer implementation that wraps a Callable object.
1.5 Replaced by Caverphone2, will be removed in 2.0.
Encodes a string into a Caverphone 1.0 value.
Encodes a string into a Caverphone 2.0 value.
Abstract base class that defines interface for customizing character escaping aspects for String values, for formats that use escaping.
Character encoding names required of every implementation of the Java platform.
Java 7 introduced StandardCharsets, which defines these constants as Charset objects.
as of 3.6, use commons-text CharSequenceTranslator instead
Operations on CharSequence that are null safe.
Operations on CharSequence that are null safe.
A set of characters.
Charsets required of every implementation of the Java platform.
Operations on CharSet instances.
This class is a kind of specialized type-safe Map, from char array to String value.
Operations on char primitives and Character objects.
Transparently coalesces chunks of a HTTP stream that uses Transfer-Encoding chunked.
Implements HTTP chunking support.
An interface describing a Circuit Breaker component.
An exception class used for reporting runtime error conditions related to circuit breakers.
Signals a circular redirect
Helper class used to introspect features of POJO value classes used with Jackson.
Interface used for decoupling details of how mix-in annotation definitions are accessed (via this interface), and how they are stored (defined by classes that implement the interface)
Key class, used as an efficient and accurate key for locating per-class values, such as JsonSerializers.
Helps work with ClassLoader.
TypeIdResolver implementation that converts between fully-qualified Java class names and (JSON) Strings.
Operations regarding the classpath.
Also: default bean access will not do much good with Class.class.
Simple helper class used to keep track of 'call stack' for classes being referenced (as well as unbound variables)
Value class used for caching Constructor declarations; used because caching done by JDK appears to be somewhat inefficient for some use cases.
Operates on classes without using reflection.
Inclusivity literals for ClassUtils.hierarchy(Class, Interfaces).
an operation of the grouper client
Exception thrown when a clone cannot be created.
Defines encoding and decoding policies.
as of 3.6, use commons-text CharSequenceTranslator instead
Set of possible actions for requested coercion from an input shape CoercionInputShape that does not directly or naturally match target type (LogicalType).
Set of input types (which mostly match one of JsonToken types) used for configuring CoercionActions to take when reading input into target types (specific type or LogicalType).
Basic serializer that can take JSON "Array" structure and construct a Collection instance, with typed contents.
Helper class for dealing with Object Id references for values contained in collections being deserialized.
Type that represents things that act similar to Collection; but may or may not be instances of that interface.
Fallback serializer for cases where Collection is not known to be of type for which more specializer serializer exists (such as index-accessible List).
Type that represents Java Collection types (Lists, Sets).
Encodes a string into a Cologne Phonetic value.
Specialized lookup class that implements functionality similar to Map, but for special case of key always being String and using more compact (and memory-access friendly) hashing scheme.
Utility library to provide helper methods for translating Comparable.compareTo(T) result into a boolean.
Provides access to the available methods
Assists in implementing Comparable.compareTo(Object) methods.
as of 3.6, use commons-text CompositeFormat instead
Definition of an interface for a wrapper around a calculation that takes a single parameter and returns a result.
Intermediate BeanProperty class shared by concrete readable- and writable property implementations for sharing common functionality.
An exception class used for reporting error conditions related to accessing data of background tasks.
Definition of an interface for the thread-safe initialization of objects.
An exception class used for reporting runtime error conditions related to accessing data of background tasks.
An utility class providing functionality related to the java.util.concurrent package.
logic to cache and retrieve the grouper config from the DB note: do not use any Grouper classes in this class.
Interface that actual SerializationFeature enumerations used by MapperConfig implementations must implement.
Configuration object that is accessed by databinding functionality to find overrides to configuration of properties, based on declared type of the property.
Container for individual ConfigOverride values.
Base class for a cascaded config.
config file type
utility methods for grouper.
The results of executing a command.
utility methods specific to grouper client
A timeout while connecting waiting for an available connection from an HttpConnectionManager.
Establishes a tunneled HTTP connection via the CONNECT method.
A timeout while connecting to an HTTP server or waiting for an available connection from an HttpConnectionManager.
A very simple implementation of the ConcurrentInitializer interface which always returns the same object.
Configurable handler used to select aspects of selecting constructor to use as "Creator" for POJOs.
Definition of alternate handling modes of single-argument constructors that are annotated with JsonCreator but without "mode" definition (or explicit name for the argument): this is the case where two interpretations are possible -- "properties" (in which case the argument is named parameter of a JSON Object) and "delegating (in which case the argument maps to the whole JSON value).
Utility reflection methods focused on constructors, modeled after MethodUtils.
Intermediate base deserializer class that adds more shared accessor so that other classes can access information about contained (value) types
This intermediate base class is used for all container nodes, specifically, array and object nodes.
Intermediate base class for serializers used for serializing types that contain element(s) of other types, such as arrays, Collections (Lists, Sets etc) and Maps and iterable things (Iterators).
Cuts the wrapped InputStream off after a specified number of bytes.
Abstraction that encloses information about content being processed -- input source or output target, streaming or not -- for the purpose of including pertinent information in location (see JsonLocation) objections, most commonly to be printed out as part of Exception messages.
This class provides mappings from file name extensions to content types.
A simple extension to FilePart that automatically determines the content type of the file.
Helper class used for storing and accessing per-call attributes.
An exception that provides an easy and safe way to add contextual information.
A runtime exception that provides an easy and safe way to add contextual information.
Add-on interface that JsonDeserializers can implement to get a callback that can be used to create contextual (context-dependent) instances of deserializer to use for handling properties of supported type.
Add-on interface that KeyDeserializers can implement to get a callback that can be used to create contextual instances of key deserializer to use for handling Map keys of supported type.
Add-on interface that JsonSerializers can implement to get a callback that can be used to create contextual instances of serializer to use for handling properties of supported type.
This helper class is intedned to help work around the limitation of older Java versions (older than 1.4) that prevents from specifying a connection timeout when creating a socket.
Helper class for wrapping socket based tasks.
Static methods to convert a type into another, with endianness and bit ordering awareness.
Helper interface for things that convert Objects of one type to another.
This marker class is only to be used with annotations, to indicate that no converter is to be used.
HTTP "magic-cookie" represents a piece of state information that the HTTP agent and the target server can exchange to maintain a session.
Cookie class for RFC2965Spec cookie specification.
Ths interface represents a cookie attribute handler responsible for parsing, validating, and matching a specific cookie attribute, such as path, domain, port, etc.
CookieOrigin class incapsulates details of an origin server that are relevant when parsing, validating or matching HTTP cookies.
This cookie comparator ensures that multiple cookies satisfying a common criteria are ordered in the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes precede those with less specific.
Cookie management policy class.
Defines the cookie management specification.
Cookie management functions shared by all specification.
Defines cookie specification specific capabilities
Container deserializers that handle "core" XML types: ones included in standard JDK 1.5.
Combo-deserializer that supports deserialization of somewhat optional javax.xml types QName, Duration and XMLGregorianCalendar.
Provider for serializers of XML types that are part of full JDK 1.5, but that some alleged 1.5 platforms are missing (Android, GAE).
Container class for storing information on creators (based on annotations, visibility), to be able to build actual ValueInstantiator later on.
This concrete sub-class implements property that is passed via Creator (constructor or static factory method).
Authentication credentials.
Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are not available
Credentials provider interface can be used to provide HTTP method with a means to request authentication credentials if no credentials have been given or given credentials are incorrect.
GNU libc crypt(3) compatible hash method.
use edu.internet2.middleware.morphString.Crypto instead!
The purpose of this class is to provide encryption and decryption using standard Java libraries, for potentially large amounts of data.
A simple custom AuthScheme example.
Encodes a string into a Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex value.
Shared base class for DeserializationContext and SerializerProvider, context objects passed through data-binding process.
Intermediate base class for all databind level processing problems, as distinct from stream-level problems or I/O issues below.
Simple helper class that allows data format (content type) auto-detection, given an ordered set of JsonFactory instances to use for actual low-level detection.
Result object constructed by DataFormatDetector when requested to detect format of given input data.
Alternative to DataFormatDetector that needs to be used when using data-binding.
We need sub-class here as well, to be able to access efficiently.
Result class, similar to DataFormatMatcher
Helper class to support use of DataOutput for output, directly, without caller having to provide for implementation.
Interface that defines interaction with data type specific configuration features.
Immutable value class that contains settings for multiple DatatypeFeature enumerations.
Container class for core JDK date/time type deserializers.
Simple deserializer for handling Date values.
Compared to plain old Date, SQL version is easier to deal with: mostly because it is more limited.
Simple deserializer for handling Timestamp values.
Date and time formatting utilities and constants.
An exception to indicate an error parsing a date string.
DateParser is the "missing" interface for the parsing methods of DateFormat.
DatePrinter is the "missing" interface for the format methods of DateFormat.
For efficiency, we will serialize Dates as longs, instead of potentially more readable Strings.
A utility class for parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers.
A suite of utilities surrounding the use of the Calendar and Date object.
Helper class to carry in info such as a url/file name, line and column for debugging information reporting.
Numeric node that contains values that do not fit in simple integer (int, long) or floating point (double) values.
Provides the highest level of abstraction for Decoders.
Thrown when there is a failure condition during the decoding process.
Default AccessorNamingStrategy used by Jackson: to be used either as-is, or as base-class with overrides.
Definition of a handler API to use for checking whether given base name (remainder of accessor method name after removing prefix) is acceptable based on various rules.
Simple implementation of DefaultAccessorNamingStrategy.BaseNameValidator that checks the first character and nothing else.
Implementation used for supporting "non-prefix" naming convention of Java 14 java.lang.Record types, and in particular find default accessors for declared record fields.
Complete DeserializationContext implementation that adds extended API for ObjectMapper (and ObjectReader) to call, as well as implements certain parts that base class has left abstract.
Actual full concrete implementation
Default implementation of the context storing the label-value pairs for contexted exceptions.
The default HttpMethodRetryHandler used by HttpMethods.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters.
Default linefeed-based indenter, used by DefaultPrettyPrinter (unless overridden).
Default PrettyPrinter implementation that uses 2-space indentation with platform-default linefeeds.
This is a very simple indenter that only adds a single space for indentation.
Interface that defines objects that can produce indentation used to separate object entries and array values.
Dummy implementation that adds no indentation whatsoever
The default class for creating protocol sockets.
Standard implementation used by ObjectMapper: adds methods only exposed to ObjectMapper, as well as constructors.
Concrete implementation that defines factory method(s), defined as final.
Base class that simplifies implementations of JsonDeserializers that mostly delegate functionality to another deserializer implementation (possibly forming a chaing of deserializers delegating functionality in some cases)
Implements the HTTP DELETE method.
Object that contains baseline configuration for deserialization process.
Context for the process of deserialization a single root-level value.
Enumeration that defines simple on/off features that affect the way Java objects are deserialized from JSON
This is the class that can be registered (via DeserializationConfig object owner by ObjectMapper) to get called when a potentially recoverable problem is encountered during deserialization process.
Class that defines caching layer between callers (like ObjectMapper, DeserializationContext) and classes that construct deserializers (DeserializerFactory).
Abstract class that defines API used by DeserializationContext to construct actual JsonDeserializer instances (which are then cached by context and/or dedicated cache).
Configuration settings container class for DeserializerFactory.
Interface that defines API for simple extensions that can provide additional deserializers for various types.
Basic Deserializers implementation that implements all methods but provides no deserializers.
A Diff contains the differences between two Diffable class fields.
Diffable classes can be compared with other objects for differences.
Assists in implementing Diffable.diff(Object) methods.
A DiffResult contains a collection of the differences between two Diffable objects.
A minimal command line to run digest over files, directories or a string
Digest authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617.
Operations to simplify common MessageDigest tasks.
This client will manage discovery, cache results, etc TODO add checksum
Base for serializers that allows parsing DOM Documents from JSON Strings.
Encodes a string into a double metaphone value.
Numeric node that contains 64-bit ("double precision") floating point values simple 32-bit integer values.
This class exposes a method to render a double as a string.
Specialized executor to get a property from an object.
Specialized executor to set a property of an object.
Helper class used if JsonParser.Feature.STRICT_DUPLICATE_DETECTION is enabled.
Duration formatting utilities and constants.
Utilities for Duration.
EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory can be used to creats SSL Sockets that accept self-signed certificates.
Apache code for SSL that doesnt fail with self-signed certs
jakarta code for SSL that doesnt fail with self-signed certs
EasyX509TrustManager unlike default X509TrustManager accepts self-signed certificates.
Provides the highest level of abstraction for Encoders.
Thrown when there is a failure condition during the encoding process.
The home for utility methods that handle various encoding tasks.
use edu.internet2.middleware.morphString.Encrypt instead!
from sh or bat file to encrypt a string
as of 3.6, use commons-text EntityArrays instead
This abstract class serves as a foundation for all HTTP methods that can enclose an entity within requests
Deserializer class that can deserialize instances of specified Enum class from Strings and Integers.
An Iterator wrapper for an Enumeration.
New Datatype-specific configuration options related to handling of Enum types.
Deserializer for EnumMap values.
Helper class used to resolve String values (either JSON Object field names or regular String values) into Java Enum instances.
Standard serializer used for Enum types.
Standard deserializer for EnumSets.
Utility library to provide helper methods for Java enums.
Helper class used for storing String serializations of Enums, to match to/from external representations.
Assists in implementing Object.equals(Object) methods.
Use this annotation to exclude a field from being used by the various reflectionEquals methods defined on EqualsBuilder.
A deserializer that stores an Error caught during constructing of the deserializer, which needs to be deferred and only during actual attempt to deserialize a value of given type.
A simple implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern that counts specific events.
An EventListenerSupport object can be used to manage a list of event listeners of a particular type.
Provides some useful event-based utility methods.
Allows the storage and retrieval of contextual information based on label-value pairs for exceptions.
The home for utility methods that handle various exception-related tasks.
Provides utilities for manipulating and examining Throwable objects.
This abstract class serves as a foundation for all HTTP methods that support 'Expect: 100-continue' handshake.
This is like a map, but the setters also take an expire time which will mean the items in the cache will be automatically deleted.
unit of time for expirable cache
This holds the actual value of the map, and the time it was inserted, and the time that it should last in the cache
Represents a single JEXL expression.
Instances of ExpressionImpl are created by the JexlEngine, and this is the default implementation of the Expression and Script interface.
as of 3.6, use commons-text ExtendedMessageFormat instead
Helper class that is used to flatten JSON structure when using "external type id" (see JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY).
This class provides utility functions, and classes for working with the java.util.function package, or more generally, with Java 8 lambdas.
A functional interface like BiConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like BiFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like BiPredicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like BooleanSupplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Callable that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Consumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleBinaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoublePredicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleSupplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleToIntFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleToLongFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like DoubleUnaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Function that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntBinaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntPredicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntSupplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntToDoubleFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntToLongFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntUnaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongBinaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongPredicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongSupplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongToDoubleFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongToIntFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like LongUnaryOperator that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ObjDoubleConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ObjIntConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ObjLongConsumer that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Predicate that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Runnable that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like IntSupplier but for short that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like Supplier that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToDoubleBiFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToDoubleFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToIntBiFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToIntFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToLongBiFunction that declares a Throwable.
A functional interface like ToLongFunction that declares a Throwable.
Special bogus "serializer" that will throw MismatchedInputException if an attempt is made to deserialize a value.
logic for hitting multiple resources checking for errors and timeouts for always availability.
configuration of a failover connection type
failover strategy to employ with each pool type
Logic to run.
bean in callback for failover logic
FastDateFormat is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.
FastDateParser is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.
FastDatePrinter is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.
Provides static method for parsing a double from a CharSequence, char array or byte array.
Provides static method for parsing a float from a CharSequence, char array or byte array.
Faster methods to produce custom time zones.
This concrete sub-class implements property that is set directly assigning to a Field.
Utilities for working with Fields by reflection.
This class implements a part of a Multipart post object that consists of a file.
A PartSource that reads from a File.
A RequestEntity that represents a File.
For now, File objects get serialized by just outputting absolute (but not canonical) name as String value
Decorated BeanPropertyWriter that will filter out properties that are not to be included in currently active JsonView.
Specialized JsonGeneratorDelegate that allows use of TokenFilter for outputting a subset of content that caller tries to generate.
Specialized JsonParserDelegate that allows use of TokenFilter for outputting a subset of content that is visible to caller
Interface for objects that providers instances of PropertyFilter that match given ids.
JsonNode implementation for efficiently containing 32-bit `float` values.
This class exposes a method to render a float as a string.
as of 3.6, use commons-text FormatFactory instead
Marker interface that is to be implemented by data format - specific features.
Simple tag interface used to mark schema objects that are used by some JsonParser and JsonGenerator implementations to further specify structure of expected format.
as of 3.6, use commons-text FormattableUtils instead
Fraction is a Number implementation that stores fractions accurately.
Base class for simple deserializers that serialize values from String representation: this includes JSON Strings and other Scalar values that can be coerced into text, like Numbers and Booleans).
"Chameleon" deserializer that works on simple types that are deserialized from a simple String.
class to run an add member web service call
class to assign actions to attribute def
class to assign an attributeDefName inheritance web service call
class to run an assign attributes web service call
class to run an assign attributes web service call
class to run a assign grouper privileges web service call
class to run a assign grouper privileges web service call
class to run an assign permissions web service call
class to run an attributeDef delete web service call
class to run an attributeDefName delete web service call
class to run an attributeDefName save web service call
class to run an attributeDef save web service call
This is our helper to convert data to and from Oracle.
This is our implementation of a helper to convert data to and from Oracle.
Object that gets a callableStatement back from the connection and the sql - closing it is handled within the framework.
Map with string key which ignores key case and has some convenience methods.
Object that gets a database connection object.
Use this class to get access to the global database connections, create a new connection, and execute sql against them.
returned from connection call
Map for caching some query results for x amount of time.
class to run an delete member web service call
utility methods for grouper that are safe to use in expression language.
Object that gets a call for each entity created from a resultset; save heap space.
class to run a external subject delete web service call
class to run a external subject save web service call
class to run find attributeDefNames
class to run find attributeDefs
class to run find external subject
class to run find groups
class to run find stems
class to run a get attribute assign actions web service call
class to run a get attribute assignments web service call
class to run a get audit entries web service call
class to run a get grouper privileges web service call
class to run a get groups web service call
class to run a get members web service call
class to run a get memberships web service call
class to run a get permission assignments web service call
class to run a get subjects web service call
class to run a group delete web service call
one record for each provisioner.
dao for jobs
data about groups being synced
heartbeat and other logic for sync jobs
Status of all jobs for the sync.
dao for jobs
last log for this sync that affected this group/member/membership/job
if doing user level syncs, this is the metadata
if doing user level syncs, this is the metadata
membership dao
class to run a group save web service call
class to run a has member web service call
bean that wraps connections
gives connections and allows returns.
indent json, assumes the input is not yet indented.
Generate an ldap call and get results.
represents the configuration of an ldap search attribute
type of result in the ldap search attribute
class to run a member change subject
Whether fields should be persisted to the database or not.
Metadata about class objects that can be stored to the database.
Metadata about fields that can be stored to the database.
Object that gets a preparedStatement back from the connection and the sql - closing it is handled within the framework.
Structure to encapsulate data about a query being executed.
Object that gets a resulset via callback.
implement this interface to assign a new primary key for insert
class to run a stem delete service call
class to run a stem save web service call
sync a table
an instance of this class focuses on the configuration for table sync create an instance, set the key, and call configure
Sync to a table from a dataset, columns, etc
table sync log
data from a row
type of table sync
info about the table.
data from a table
metadata for connection name and table name
Object that gets a dbAccess object with a session in it.
Possible endings for a transaction.
enum of possible transaction types
exception thrown if non success with web service
This base class implements part of API that a JSON generator exposes to applications, adds shared internal methods that sub-classes can use and adds some abstract methods sub-classes must implement.
Implements the HTTP GET method.
main class for grouper client.
utility methods for grouper.
The results of executing a command.
hierarchical config class for
client threadlocal state
utility methods specific to grouper client
dont print null fields in reflection
this is the client that all requests go through.
grouper client ws exception
grouper message sent to/from grouper messaging systems
param to mark a message as processed or return to queue or whatever
this is what you can do when acknowledging a message
grouper message sent to/from grouper messaging systems
method chaining receive message config
type of queues
method chaining receive message config
result bean to receive messages
param for sending a message
result of send
method chaining system config
configs in # name of a messaging system.
engine sends, receives, marks messages complete
Represents the methods that a messaging system needs to support
Helper class used for handling details of creating handler instances (things like JsonSerializers, JsonDeserializers, various type handlers) of specific types.
Assists in implementing Object.hashCode() methods.
Use this annotation to exclude a field from being used by the various reflectionHashcode methods defined on HashCodeBuilder.
An HTTP header.
One element of an HTTP header's value.
A class for combining a set of headers.
Implements the HTTP HEAD method.
Converts hexadecimal Strings.
Standard HmacUtils algorithm names from the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation.
Simplifies common Mac tasks.
Holds all of the variables needed to describe an HTTP connection to a host.
A kind of HostConfiguration that can retain its Protocol when its host name or port changes.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to instances of HostConfiguration.
no longer used
no longer used
response from http call
An HTTP "user-agent", containing an HTTP state and one or more HTTP connections, to which HTTP methods can be applied.
Signals that an error has occurred.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to instances of HttpClient.
An abstraction of an HTTP InputStream and OutputStream pair, together with the relevant attributes.
An interface for classes that manage HttpConnections.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to HTTP connection managers.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to HTTP connections.
use EncodingUtil class
Signals that the response content was larger than anticipated.
Signals that an HTTP or HttpClient exception has occurred.
Holds all of the variables needed to describe an HTTP connection to a host.
A source of HttpHosts.
HttpMethod interface represents a request to be sent via a HTTP connection and a corresponding response.
An abstract base implementation of HttpMethod.
DISCLAIMER: HttpClient developers DO NOT actively support this component.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to HTTP methods.
A handler for determining if an HttpMethod should be retried after a recoverable exception during execution.
This interface represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters.
A factory for getting the default set of parameters to use when creating an instance of HttpParams.
A utility class for parsing http header values according to RFC-2616 Section 4 and 19.3.
no longer used
A container for HTTP attributes that may persist from request to request, such as cookies and authentication credentials.
Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes.
Provides a HttpURLConnection wrapper around HttpClient's HttpMethod.
HTTP version, as specified in RFC 2616.
A helper class for connection managers to track idle connections.
A utility class for periodically closing idle connections.
Provides IEEE-754r variants of NumberUtils methods.
A cookie spec that does nothing.
Specialized JsonMappingException sub-class used to indicate case where an explicitly ignored property is encountered, and mapper is configured to consider this an error.
Helper class to encapsulate logic from static shouldIgnore method of util class.
An immutable pair consisting of two Object elements.
An immutable triple consisting of three Object elements.
This is an optimized serializer for Lists that can be efficiently traversed by index (as opposed to others, such as LinkedList that cannot}.
Efficient implement for serializing Lists that contains Strings and are random-accessible.
Simple serializer for InetAddress.
Simple serializer for InetSocketAddress.
Utility methods focusing on inheritance.
Abstract class that defines API for objects that provide value to "inject" during deserialization.
Simple standard implementation which uses a simple Map to store values to inject, identified by simple String keys.
This sub-class is used to handle special case of value being a non-static inner class.
Interface used to expose beginning of a data file to data format detection code.
Basic implementation that reads data from given InputStream and buffers it as necessary.
Exception type for read-side problems that are not direct decoding ("parsing") problems (those would be reported as JsonParseExceptions), but rather result from failed attempts to convert specific Java value out of valid but incompatible input value.
Handler class that can be used to decorate input sources.
A RequestEntity that contains an InputStream.
Add-on interface used to indicate things that may be "blueprint" objects which can not be used as is, but are used for creating usable per-process (serialization, deserialization) instances, using Instantiatable.createInstance() method.
Singleton class that adds a simple first-level cache in front of regular String.intern() functionality.
An interpreter of JEXL syntax.
Numeric node that contains simple 32-bit integer values.
Default introspection services.
This basic function of this class is to return a Method object for a particular class given the name of a method and the parameters to the method in the form of an Object[]
Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are invalid
Intermediate exception type used as the base class for all JsonMappingExceptions that are due to problems with target type definition; usually a problem with annotations used on a class or its properties.
Specialized sub-class of MismatchedInputException that is used when the underlying problem appears to be that of bad formatting of a value to deserialize.
Exception thrown if a `null` value is being encountered for a property designed as "fail on null" property (see JsonSetter).
Signals violation of HTTP specification caused by an invalid redirect location
Exception thrown when resolution of a type id fails.
To limit number of configuration and state objects to pass, all contextual objects that need to be passed by the factory to readers and writers are combined under this object.
Use StdDateFormat instead
Meta-annotation (annotations used on other annotations) used for marking all annotations that are part of Jackson package.
AnnotationIntrospector implementation that handles standard Jackson annotations.
Meta-annotation (annotations used on other annotations) used for indicating that instead of using target annotation (annotation annotated with this annotation), Jackson should use meta-annotations it has.
Marker interface used by value classes like JsonFormat.Value that are used to contain information from one of Jackson annotations, and can be directly instantiated from those annotations, as well as programmatically constructed and possibly merged.
Base class for all Jackson-produced checked exceptions.
Basic API implemented by Enums used for simple Jackson "features": on/off settings and capabilities exposed as something that can be internally represented as bit sets.
Container similar to EnumSet meant for storing sets of JacksonFeatures (usually Enums): main difference being that these sets are immutable.
Jackson-specific annotation used for indicating that value of annotated property will be "injected", i.e.
Helper class used to contain information from a single JacksonInject annotation, as well as to provide possible overrides from non-annotation sources.
Marker interface used to indicate implementation classes (serializers, deserializers etc) that are standard ones Jackson uses; not custom ones that application has added.
To support Java7-incomplete platforms, we will offer support for JDK 7 datatype(s) (that is, Path through this class, loaded dynamically; if loading fails, support will be missing.
To support Java7-incomplete platforms, we will offer support for JDK 7 annotations through this class, loaded dynamically; if loading fails, support will be missing.
Base class for type token classes used both to contain information and as keys for deserializers.
as of 3.6, use commons-text UnicodeEscaper instead
Helper class used to contain logic for deserializing "special" containers from java.util.Collections and java.util.Arrays.
An enum representing all the versions of the Java specification.
Implementation of the org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface that wraps the standard JDK logging mechanisms that are available in SourceForge's Lumberjack for JDKs prior to 1.4.
Implementation of the org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface that wraps the standard JDK logging mechanisms that were introduced in the Merlin release (JDK 1.4).
Helper class to support some of JDK 14 (and later) features without Jackson itself being run on (or even built with) Java 14.
Container class that contains serializers for JDK types that require special handling for some reason.
Container for a set of ValueInstantiators used for certain critical JDK value types, either as performance optimization for initialization time observed by profiling, or due to difficulty in otherwise finding constructors.
Perform arithmetic.
Manages variables which can be referenced in a JEXL expression.
Creates and evaluates Expression and Script objects.
A call frame, created from a scope, stores the arguments and local variables as "registers".
A script scope, stores the declaration of parameters and local variables.
Wraps any error that might occur during interpretation of a script or expression.
Thrown to cancel a script execution.
Thrown when a method or ctor is unknown, ambiguous or inaccessible.
Thrown when parsing fails.
Thrown when a property is unknown.
Thrown to return a value.
Thrown when tokenization fails.
Thrown when a variable is unknown.
Interface for objects carrying information usefull to debugging.
Interface used for regular method invocation.
Base class for parser nodes - holds an 'image' of the token for later use.
A marker interface for literals.
The base class for parsing, manages the parameter/local variable frame.
Interface for getting values that appear to be properties.
Interface used for setting values that appear to be properties.
Implements the Jexl ScriptEngine for JSF-223.
Implements the Jexl ScriptEngineFactory for JSF-223.
A derived arithmetic that allows different threads to operate with different strict/lenient/math modes using the same JexlEngine.
Annotation that can be used to define one or more alternative names for a property, accepted during deserialization as alternative to the official name.
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Marker annotation that can be used to define a non-static, no-argument method to be an "any getter"; accessor for getting a set of key/value pairs, to be serialized as part of containing POJO (similar to unwrapping) along with regular property values it has.
Marker annotation that can be used to define a logical "any setter" mutator -- either using non-static two-argument method (first argument name of property, second value to set) or a field (of type Map or POJO) - to be used as a "fallback" handler for all otherwise unrecognized properties found from JSON content.
Annotation that may be used to add "virtual" properties to be written after regular properties (although ordering may be changed using both standard @JsonPropertyOrder annotation, and properties of this annotation).
Definition of a single attribute-backed property.
Definition of a single general virtual property.
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Class annotation that can be used to define which kinds of Methods are to be detected by auto-detection, and with what minimum access level.
Helper class used to contain information from a single JsonIgnoreProperties annotation, as well as to provide possible overrides from non-annotation sources.
Enumeration for possible visibility thresholds (minimum visibility) that can be used to limit which methods (and fields) are auto-detected.
Annotation used to indicate that associated property is part of two-way linkage between fields; and that its role is "child" (or "back") link.
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Annotation used to define a human-readable description for annotated type (class).
Marker annotation that can be used to define constructors and factory methods as one to use for instantiating new instances of the associated class.
Annotation use for configuring deserialization aspects, by attaching to "setter" methods or fields, or to value classes.
Abstract class that defines API used by ObjectMapper (and other chained JsonDeserializers too) to deserialize Objects of arbitrary types from JSON, using provided JsonParser.
This marker class is only to be used with annotations, to indicate that no deserializer is configured.
Enumeration that defines legal encodings that can be used for JSON content, based on list of allowed encodings from JSON specification.
Marker annotation that can be used to define a default value used when trying to deserialize unknown Enum values.
Specialized JsonParseException that is thrown when end-of-input is reached unexpectedly, either within token being decoded, or during skipping of intervening white-space that is not between root-level tokens (that is, is within JSON Object or JSON Array construct).
The main factory class of Jackson package, used to configure and construct reader (aka parser, JsonParser) and writer (aka generator, JsonGenerator) instances.
Enumeration that defines all on/off features that can only be changed for JsonFactory.
TSFBuilder implementation for constructing vanilla JsonFactory instances for reading/writing JSON encoded content.
Annotation used to indicate which logical filter is to be used for filtering out properties of type (class) annotated; association made by this annotation declaring ids of filters, and (or objects it delegates to) providing matching filters by id.
General-purpose annotation used for configuring details of how values of properties are to be serialized.
Set of features that can be enabled/disabled for property annotated.
Helper class that encapsulates information equivalent to Boolean valued EnumMap.
Value enumeration used for indicating preferred Shape; translates loosely to JSON types, with some extra values to indicate less precise choices (i.e.
Helper class used to contain information from a single JsonFormat annotation.
Interface JsonSerializer implements to allow for visiting type hierarchy.
Interface for visitor callbacks, when type in question can be any of legal JSON types.
Empty "no-op" implementation of JsonFormatVisitorWrapper, suitable for sub-classing.
Exception type for exceptions during JSON writing, such as trying to output content in wrong context (non-matching end-array or end-object, for example).
Base class that defines public API for writing JSON content.
Enumeration that defines all togglable features for generators.
Intermediate base class shared by JSON-backed generators like UTF8JsonGenerator and WriterBasedJsonGenerator.
Marker annotation that can be used to define a non-static, no-argument value-returning (non-void) method to be used as a "getter" for a logical property.
Annotation used for indicating that values of annotated type or property should be serializing so that instances either contain additional object identifier (in addition actual object properties), or as a reference that consists of an object id that refers to a full serialization.
Optional annotation that can be used for customizing details of a reference to Objects for which "Object Identity" is enabled (see JsonIdentityInfo).
Marker annotation that indicates that the logical property that the accessor (field, getter/setter method or Creator parameter [of JsonCreator-annotated constructor or factory method]) is to be ignored by introspection-based serialization and deserialization functionality.
Annotation that can be used to either suppress serialization of properties (during serialization), or ignore processing of JSON properties read (during deserialization).
Helper class used to contain information from a single JsonIgnoreProperties annotation, as well as to provide possible overrides from non-annotation sources.
Marker annotation that indicates that all properties that have type annotated with this annotation are to be ignored during serialization and deserialization.
Annotation used to indicate when value of the annotated property (when used for a field, method or constructor parameter), or all properties of the annotated class, is to be serialized.
Enumeration used with JsonInclude to define which properties of Java Beans are to be included in serialization.
Helper class used to contain information from a single JsonInclude annotation.
Annotation that can be used to either only include serialization of properties (during serialization), or only include processing of JSON properties read (during deserialization).
Helper class used to contain information from a single JsonIncludeProperties annotation, as well as to provide possible overrides from non-annotation sources.
indent json, assumes the input is not yet indented.
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Marker annotation that indicates that the value of annotated accessor (either field or "getter" method [a method with non-void return type, no args]) is to be used as the single value to serialize for the instance.
Object that encapsulates Location information used for reporting parsing (or potentially generation) errors, as well as current location within input streams.
For JsonLocation, we should be able to just implement ValueInstantiator (not that explicit one would be very hard but...)
Annotation used to indicate that annotated property is part of two-way linkage between fields; and that its role is "parent" (or "forward") link.
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
JSON-format specific ObjectMapper implementation.
Base implementation for "Vanilla" ObjectMapper, used with JSON dataformat backend.
Checked exception used to signal fatal problems with mapping of content, distinct from low-level I/O problems (signaled using simple IOExceptions) or data encoding/decoding problems (signaled with StreamReadException, StreamWriteException).
Simple bean class used to contain references.
Annotation to specify whether annotated property value should use "merging" approach: merging meaning that the current value is first accessed (with a getter or field) and then modified with incoming data.
Annotation that can be used to indicate a PropertyNamingStrategy to use for annotated class.
Base class for all JSON nodes, which form the basis of JSON Tree Model that Jackson implements.
Configuration setting used with JsonNode.withObject(JsonPointer) method overrides, to indicate which overwrites are acceptable if the path pointer indicates has incompatible nodes (for example, instead of Object node a Null node is encountered).
Interface that defines common "creator" functionality implemented both by JsonNodeFactory and ContainerNode (that is, JSON Object and Array nodes).
Deserializer that can build instances of JsonNode from any JSON content, using appropriate JsonNode type.
Base class that specifies methods for getting access to Node instances (newly constructed, or shared, depending on type), as well as basic implementation of the methods.
New Datatype-specific configuration options related to handling of JsonNode types.
Enumeration of JSON types.
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Visitor called when properties of a type that maps to JSON Object are being visited: this usually means POJOs, but sometimes other types use it too (like EnumMap).
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Exception type for parsing problems, used when non-well-formed content (content that does not conform to JSON syntax as per specification) is encountered.
Base class that defines public API for reading JSON content.
Enumeration that defines all on/off features for parsers.
Enumeration of possible "native" (optimal) types that can be used for numbers.
Helper class that implements delegation pattern for JsonParser, to allow for simple overridability of basic parsing functionality.
Helper class that can be used to sequence multiple physical JsonParsers to create a single logical sequence of tokens, as a single JsonParser.
Convenience CharacterEscapes implementation that escapes Unicode characters `0x2028` and `0x2029` (in addition to characters escaped otherwise), which are apparently considered linefeeds as per newer Javascript specifications, and consequently problematic when using JSONP (see
Container class that can be used to wrap any Object instances (including nulls), and will serialize embedded in JSONP wrapping.
Implementation of JSON Pointer specification.
Simple TokenFilter implementation that takes a single JsonPointer and matches a single value accordingly.
Annotation used to configure details of a Builder class: instances of which are used as Builders for deserialized POJO values, instead of POJOs being instantiated using constructors or factory methods.
Simple value container for containing values read from JsonPOJOBuilder annotation instance.
Intermediate base class for all problems encountered when processing (parsing, generating) JSON content that are not pure I/O problems.
Marker annotation that can be used to define a non-static method as a "setter" or "getter" for a logical property (depending on its signature), or non-static object field to be used (serialized, deserialized) as a logical property.
Various options for JsonProperty.access() property, specifying how property may be accessed during serialization ("read") and deserialization ("write") (note that the direction of read and write is from perspective of the property, not from external data format: this may be confusing in some contexts).
Annotation used to define a human-readable description for a logical property.
Annotation that can be used to define ordering (possibly partial) to use when serializing object properties.
Marker annotation that indicates that the annotated method or field should be serialized by including literal String value of the property as is, without quoting of characters.
Extension of JsonStreamContext, which implements core methods needed, and also exposes more complete API to parser implementation classes.
Token reader (parser) features specific to JSON backend.
Annotation similar to javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement, used to indicate name to use for root-level wrapping, if wrapping is enabled.
Since 2.2, we recommend use of external JSON Schema generator module
Interface that can be implemented by objects that know how to serialize themselves to JSON, using JsonGenerator (and SerializerProvider if necessary).
Base class with minimal implementation, as well as couple of extension methods that core Jackson databinding makes use of.
Annotation that can be used to define JSON Schema definition for the annotated class.
Annotation used for configuring serialization aspects, by attaching to "getter" methods or fields, or to value classes.
Enumeration used with JsonSerialize.typing() property to define whether type detection is based on dynamic runtime type (DYNAMIC) or declared type (STATIC).
Abstract class that defines API used by ObjectMapper (and other chained JsonSerializers too) to serialize Objects of arbitrary types into JSON, using provided JsonGenerator.
This marker class is only to be used with annotations, to indicate that no serializer is configured.
Annotation that can be used to define a non-static, single-argument method to be used as a "setter" for a logical property as an alternative to recommended JsonProperty annotation; or (as of 2.9 and later), specify additional aspects of the assigning property a value during serialization.
Helper class used to contain information from a single JsonSetter annotation, as well as to provide possible overrides from non-annotation sources.
Shared base class for streaming processing contexts used during reading and writing of Json content using Streaming API.
Helper class used for efficient encoding of JSON String values (including JSON field names) into Strings or UTF-8 byte arrays.
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Annotation used with JsonTypeInfo to indicate subtypes of serializable polymorphic types, and to associate logical names used within JSON content (which is more portable than using physical Java class names).
Definition of a subtype, along with optional name(s).
Enumeration for basic token types used for returning results of parsing JSON content.
Interface defined to contain ids accessible with
Marker annotation that can be used on a property accessor (field, getter or setter, constructor parameter) to indicate that the property is to contain type id to use when including polymorphic type information.
Annotation that can be used to plug a custom type identifier handler (TypeIdResolver) to be used by TypeSerializers and TypeDeserializers for converting between java types and type id included in JSON content.
Annotation used for configuring details of if and how type information is used with JSON serialization and deserialization, to preserve information about actual class of Object instances.
Definition of standard type inclusion mechanisms for type metadata.
Definition of different type identifiers that can be included in JSON during serialization, and used for deserialization.
Since 2.5, use any Annotation type (such as JsonTypeInfo), if such behavior is needed; this is rarely necessary.
Annotation used for binding logical name that the annotated class has.
Annotation that can be used to explicitly define custom resolver used for handling serialization and deserialization of type information, needed for handling of polymorphic types (or sometimes just for linking abstract types to concrete types)
Annotation used to indicate that a POJO-valued property should be serialized "unwrapped" -- that is, if it would be serialized as Object value, its properties are instead included as properties of its containing Object -- and deserialized reproducing "missing" structure.
Marker annotation that indicates that the value of annotated accessor (either field or "getter" method [a method with non-void return type, no args]) is to be used as the single value to serialize for the instance, instead of the usual method of collecting properties of value.
This enum represents the encoded format for a jsonSchema value type
Default "empty" implementation, useful as the base to start on; especially as it is guaranteed to implement all the method of the interface, even if new methods are getting added.
Annotation that can be used to indicate a ValueInstantiator to use for creating instances of specified type.
Serializer class that can serialize Object that have a JsonValue annotation to indicate that serialization should be done by calling the method annotated, and serializing result it returns.
Annotation used for indicating view(s) that the property that is defined by method or field annotated is part of.
General-purpose wrapper class that can be used to decorate serialized value with arbitrary literal prefix and suffix.
Extension of JsonStreamContext, which implements core methods needed, and also exposes more complete API to generator implementation classes.
Token writer features specific to JSON backend.
Abstract class that defines API used for deserializing JSON content field names into Java Map keys.
This marker class is only to be used with annotations, to indicate that no deserializer is configured.
Interface that defines API for simple extensions that can provide additional deserializers for deserializer Map keys of various types, from JSON property names.
Default PolymorphicTypeValidator used unless explicit one is constructed (and, in 2.11, MapperFeature.BLOCK_UNSAFE_POLYMORPHIC_BASE_TYPES not enabled).
Language guessing utility.
Language codes.
A set of languages.
Some languages, explicitly enumerated.
A set of utility methods to help produce consistent Object#equals(Object) and Object#hashCode methods.
This class provides a generic implementation of the lazy initialization pattern.
Node of a forward-only linked list.
Specialized executor to get a property from a List or array.
Specialized executor to set a property in a List or array.
Operations to assist when working with a Locale.
Combines the monitor and visitor pattern to work with locked objects.
Wraps a domain object and a lock for access by lambdas.
This class implements a wrapper for a locked (hidden) object, and provides the means to access it.
This class implements a wrapper for a locked (hidden) object, and provides the means to access it.
A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.
An exception that is thrown only if a suitable LogFactory or Log instance cannot be created by the corresponding factory methods.
Factory for creating Log instances, with discovery and configuration features similar to that employed by standard Java APIs such as JAXP.
Concrete subclass of LogFactory that implements the following algorithm to dynamically select a logging implementation class to instantiate a wrapper for.
Set of logical types (or type categories, classes of classes), used for defining applicability of configuration like coercion configuration.
Use LogFactory instead - The default factory implementation performs exactly the same algorithm as this class did
Numeric node that contains simple 64-bit integer values.
An interface describing the required API for the Jackson-databind Type cache.
as of 3.6, use commons-text LookupTranslator instead
Helper for simple bounded maps used for reusing lookup values.
Test application for JEXL.
Test application for JexlScriptEngine (JSR-223 implementation).
Signals that authentication challenge is in some way invalid or illegal in the given context
Signals that a cookie is in some way invalid or illegal in a given context
Wrapper property that is used to handle managed (forward) properties Basically just needs to delegate first to actual forward property, and then to back property.
Wraps a map in a context.
Basic deserializer that can take JSON "Object" structure and construct a Map instance, with typed contents.
Basic serializer that can take JSON "Object" structure and construct a Map instance, with typed contents.
Specialized executor to get a property from a Map.
Type that represents Map-like types; things that consist of key/value pairs but that do not necessarily implement Map, but that do not have enough introspection functionality to allow for some level of generic handling.
Jackson 3 will introduce fully immutable, builder-based system for constructing ObjectMappers.
Interface that defines functionality accessible through both serialization and deserialization configuration objects; accessors to mode-independent configuration settings and such.
Enumeration that defines simple on/off features to set for ObjectMapper, and accessible (but not changeable) via ObjectReader and ObjectWriter (as well as through various convenience methods through context objects).
Iterator exposed by ObjectMapper when binding sequence of objects.
Sub-class of JsonFactory that will create a proper ObjectCodec to allow seam-less conversions between JSON content and Java objects (POJOs).
Helper class needed to support flexible filtering of Map properties with generic JSON Filter functionality.
Standard serializer implementation for serializing {link java.util.Map} types.
Specialized executor to set a property in a Map.
Type that represents "true" Java Map types.
Match Rating Approach Phonetic Algorithm Developed by Western Airlines in 1977.
Enumeration used to indicate strength of match between data format and piece of data (typically beginning of a data file).
The libc crypt() "$1$" and Apache "$apr1$" MD5-based hash algorithm.
Helper class needed to be able to efficiently access class member functions (Methods and Constructors) in Maps.
Definition of an interface for a wrapper around a calculation that takes a single parameter and returns a result.
Simple InputStream implementation that is used to "unwind" some data previously read from an input stream; so that as long as some of that data remains, it's returned; but as long as it's read, we'll just use data from the underlying original stream.
SettableBeanProperty implementation that will try to access value of the property first, and if non-null value found, pass that for update (using JsonDeserializer.deserialize(,, Object)) instead of constructing a new value.
Standard MessageDigest algorithm names from the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation.
Encodes a string into a Metaphone value.
Specialized executor to invoke a method on an object.
A method key usable by the introspector cache.
Simple distinguishable exception, used when we run across ambiguous overloading.
This concrete sub-class implements property that is set using regular "setter" method.
Utility reflection methods focused on Methods, originally from Commons BeanUtils.
PrettyPrinter implementation that adds no indentation, just implements everything necessary for value output to work as expected, and provide simpler extension points to allow for creating simple custom implementations that add specific decoration or overrides.
General exception type used as the base class for all JsonMappingExceptions that are due to input not mapping to target definition; these are typically considered "client errors" since target type definition itself is not the root cause but mismatching input.
This singleton node class is generated to denote "missing nodes" along paths that do not exist.
Simple interface for extensions that can be registered with ObjectMapper to provide a well-defined set of extensions to default functionality; such as support for new data types.
Interface Jackson exposes to modules for purpose of registering extended functionality.
use edu.internet2.middleware.morphString.Morph instead!
Morph string configuration information.
A specialized BackgroundInitializer implementation that can deal with multiple background initialization tasks.
A data class for storing the results of the background initialization performed by MultiBackgroundInitializer.
A MultiKey allows multiple map keys to be merged together.
Works with ToStringBuilder to create a "deep" toString.
Use MultipartRequestEntity in conjunction with PostMethod instead.
Implements a request entity suitable for an HTTP multipart POST method.
Manages a set of HttpConnections for various HostConfigurations.
Implementation of the MurmurHash2 32-bit and 64-bit hash functions.
Implementation of the MurmurHash3 32-bit and 128-bit hash functions.
Use IncrementalHash32x86.
Generates 32-bit hash from input bytes.
Provides mutable access to a value.
A mutable boolean wrapper.
A mutable byte wrapper.
Mutable version of CoercionConfig (or rather, extended API) exposed during configuration phase of ObjectMapper construction (via Builder).
Extension of ConfigOverride that allows changing of contained configuration settings.
A mutable double wrapper.
A mutable float wrapper.
A mutable int wrapper.
A mutable long wrapper.
A mutable Object wrapper.
A mutable pair consisting of two Object elements.
A mutable short wrapper.
A mutable triple consisting of three Object elements.
Base class for tokenized names (key strings in objects) that have been tokenized from byte-based input sources (like InputStream.
Specialized implementation of PName: can be used for short Strings that consists of at most 4 bytes.
Specialized implementation of PName: can be used for short Strings that consists of 5 to 8 bytes.
Specialized implementation of PName: can be used for short Strings that consists of 9 to 12 bytes.
Simple tag interface mostly to allow sorting by name.
Simple container class for types with optional logical name, used as external identifier
Generic implementation of PName used for "long" names, where long means that its byte (UTF-8) representation is 13 bytes or more.
This interface declares how to resolve a namespace from its name; it is used by the interpreter during evalutation.
Helper class used to encapsulate details of name mangling, transforming of names using different strategies (prefixes, suffixes).
Supported types of names.
A simple class encapsulating a name/value pair.
Utilities for graal native image support; mostly to improve error message handling in case of missing information for native image.
Netscape cookie draft specific cookie management functions
Marker class used with annotations to indicate "no class".
Signals that the target server failed to respond with a valid HTTP response.
Non-blocking parser implementation for JSON content that takes its input via ByteBuffer instance(s) passed.
Interface used by non-blocking JsonParser implementations to feed input to parse.
Non-blocking parser implementation for JSON content that takes its input via byte[] passed.
Intermediate base class for non-blocking JSON parsers.
Non-blocking parser base implementation for JSON content.
bean to hold connection
Trivial implementation of Log that throws away all messages.
Dummy, "no-operation" implementation of AnnotationIntrospector.
Thrown to indicate that a block of code has not been implemented.
Credentials for use with the NTLM authentication scheme which requires additional information.
An implementation of the Microsoft proprietary NTLM authentication scheme.
Bogus deserializer that will simply skip all content there is to map and returns Java null reference.
This singleton value class is used to contain explicit JSON null value.
Enumeration used with JsonSetter (for properties `nulls` and `contentNulls`) to define how explicit `null` values from input (if input format has the concept; JSON, for example does) are handled.
Simple NullValueProvider that will return "empty value" specified by JsonDeserializer provider is constructed with.
Simple NullValueProvider that will simply return given constant value when a null is encountered; or, with a specially constructed instance (see NullsConstantProvider.skipper(), indicate the need for special behavior of skipping property altogether (not setting as anything OR throwing exception).
This is a simple dummy serializer that will just output literal JSON null value whenever serialization is requested.
Simple NullValueProvider that will always throw a InvalidNullException when a null is encountered.
Helper interface implemented by classes that are to be used as null providers during deserialization.
Container class for deserializers that handle core JDK primitive (and matching wrapper) types, as well as standard "big" numeric types.
This is bit trickier to implement efficiently, while avoiding overflow problems.
For type Number.class, we can just rely on type mappings that plain JsonParser.getNumberValue() returns.
As a fallback, we may need to use this serializer for other types of Numbers: both custom types and "big" numbers like BigInteger and BigDecimal.
Container class for serializers used for handling standard JDK-provided primitve number types and their wrapper counterparts (like Integer).
Shared base class for actual primitive/wrapper number serializers.
This is the special serializer for regular Doubles (and primitive doubles)
This is the special serializer for regular Integers (and primitive ints)
Similar to NumberSerializers.IntegerSerializer, but will not cast to Integer: instead, cast is to Number, and conversion is by calling Number.intValue().
Provides extra functionality for Java Number classes.
as of 3.6, use commons-text NumericEntityEscaper instead
as of 3.6, use commons-text NumericEntityUnescaper instead
Enumerates NumericEntityUnescaper options for unescaping.
Intermediate value node used for numeric nodes.
Encodes a string into a NYSIIS value.
Basic serializer that can serialize non-primitive arrays.
Generic serializer for Object arrays (Object[]).
Helper class to use for constructing Object arrays by appending entries to create arrays of various lengths (length that is not known a priori).
Abstract class that defines the interface that JsonParser and JsonGenerator use to serialize and deserialize regular Java objects (POJOs aka Beans).
Wraps an Object as a Jexl context.
Definition of API used for constructing Object Identifiers (as annotated using JsonIdentityInfo).
Simple key class that can be used as a key for ObjectId-to-POJO mappings, when multiple ObjectId types and scopes are used.
Simple sequence-number based generator, which uses basic Java ints (starting with value 1) as Object Identifiers.
Abstract marker class used to allow explicitly specifying that no generator is used; which also implies that no Object Id is to be included or used.
Abstract place-holder class which is used to denote case where Object Identifier to use comes from a POJO property (getter method or field).
Implementation that will accept arbitrary (but unique) String Ids on deserialization, and (by default) use random UUID generation similar to ObjectIdGenerators.UUIDGenerator for generation ids.
Implementation that just uses UUIDs as reliably unique identifiers: downside is that resulting String is 36 characters long.
Container object that encapsulates information usually derived from JsonIdentityInfo annotation or its custom alternatives
Object that knows how to deserialize Object Ids.
Definition of API used for resolving actual Java object from Object Identifiers (as annotated using JsonIdentityInfo).
Specialized SettableBeanProperty implementation used for virtual property that represents Object Id that is used for some POJO types (or properties).
Object that knows how to serialize Object Ids.
ObjectMapper provides functionality for reading and writing JSON, either to and from basic POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects), or to and from a general-purpose JSON Tree Model (JsonNode), as well as related functionality for performing conversions.
Customized TypeResolverBuilder that provides type resolver builders used with so-called "default typing" (see ObjectMapper.activateDefaultTyping(PolymorphicTypeValidator) for details).
Enumeration used with ObjectMapper.activateDefaultTyping(PolymorphicTypeValidator) to specify what kind of types (classes) default typing should be used for.
Node that maps to JSON Object structures in JSON content.
Builder object that can be used for per-serialization configuration of deserialization parameters, such as root type to use or object to update (instead of constructing new instance).
Compares Object's Object.toString() values.
Operations on Object.
Class used as a null placeholder where null has another meaning.
Builder object that can be used for per-serialization configuration of serialization parameters, such as JSON View and root type to use.
Helper class used for containing settings specifically related to (re)configuring JsonGenerator constructed for writing output.
As a minor optimization, we will make an effort to pre-fetch a serializer, or at least relevant TypeSerializer, if given enough information.
as of 3.6, use commons-text OctalUnescaper instead
params passed to an operation
Optional Boolean value ("nullean").
Helper class used for isolating details of handling optional+external types (javax.xml classes) from standard factories that offer them.
Implements the HTTP OPTIONS method.
Handler class that can be used to decorate output destinations.
Automatically generated from during packageVersion-generate execution of maven-replacer-plugin in pom.xml.
Automatically generated from during packageVersion-generate execution of maven-replacer-plugin in pom.xml.
A pair consisting of two elements.
This formatter produces a textual representation of attribute/value pairs.
A simple parser intended to parse sequences of name/value pairs.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Intermediate base class used by all Jackson JsonParser implementations.
Token literal values and constants.
Intermediate base class used by all Jackson JsonParser implementations, but does not add any additional fields that depend on particular method of obtaining input.
Token Manager.
Abstract class for one Part of a multipart post object.
Provides setters and getters for the basic Part properties.
An interface for providing access to data when posting MultiPart messages.
Implements the Percent-Encoding scheme, as described in HTTP 1.1 specification.
Converts words into potential phonetic representations.
Helper type used when introspecting bindings for already resolved types, needed for specialization.
DISCLAIMER: HttpClient developers DO NOT actively support this component.
A utility class that gives applets the ability to detect proxy host settings.
Value node that contains a wrapped POJO, to be serialized as a JSON constructed through data mapping (usually done by calling ObjectMapper).
Helper class used for aggregating information about all possible properties of a POJO.
Helper class used for aggregating information about a single potential POJO property.
Node used for creating simple linked lists to efficiently store small sets of things.
Interface for classes that handle validation of class-name - based subtypes used with Polymorphic Deserialization: both via "default typing" and explicit @JsonTypeInfo when using Java Class name as Type Identifier.
Shared base class with partial implementation (with all validation calls returning PolymorphicTypeValidator.Validity.INDETERMINATE) and convenience methods for indicating failure reasons.
Definition of return values to indicate determination regarding validity.
Implements the HTTP POST method.
Interface for objects that implement pretty printer functionality, such as indentation.
Base class for specialized primitive array builders.
Container for deserializers used for instantiating "primitive arrays", arrays that contain non-object java primitive types.
A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals, adjustable expected concurrency for updates, and a maximum capacity to bound the map by.
A builder that creates PrivateMaxEntriesMap instances.
The Processor represents a microprocessor and defines some properties like architecture and type of the microprocessor.
The Processor.Arch enum defines the architecture of a microprocessor.
The Processor.Type enum defines types of a microprocessor.
Enumeration used to define kinds of elements (called "property accessors") that annotations like JsonAutoDetect apply to.
Object that is used to collect arguments for non-default creator (non-default-constructor, or argument-taking factory method) before creator can be called.
Base class for JsonMappingExceptions that are specifically related to problems related to binding an individual property.
Helper class for BeanSerializerFactory that is used to construct BeanPropertyWriter instances.
Interface that defines API for filter objects use (as configured using JsonFilter) for filtering bean properties to serialize.
Specialized executor to get a property from an object.
Simple container class used for storing "additional" metadata about properties.
Helper class used for containing information about expected merge information for this property, if merging is expected.
Simple value class used for containing names of properties as defined by annotations (and possibly other configuration sources).
Container for standard PropertyNamingStrategy implementations and singleton instances.
Naming strategy similar to PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy, but instead of underscores as separators, uses hyphens.
"No-operation" strategy that is equivalent to not specifying any strategy: will simply return suggested standard bean naming as-is.
Simple strategy where external name simply only uses lower-case characters, and no separators.
Naming strategy similar to PropertyNamingStrategies.KebabCaseStrategy, but instead of hyphens as separators, uses dots.
Intermediate base class for simple implementations
A PropertyNamingStrategy that translates typical camel case Java property names to lower case JSON element names, separated by underscores.
A PropertyNamingStrategy that translates typical camelCase Java property names to PascalCase JSON element names (i.e., with a capital first letter).
A PropertyNamingStrategy that translates an input to the equivalent upper case snake case.
Class that defines how names of JSON properties ("external names") are derived from names of POJO methods and fields ("internal names"), in cases where no explicit annotations exist for naming.
Since 2.12 use PropertyNamingStrategies.KebabCaseStrategy instead (see databind#2715 for reason for deprecation)
Since 2.12 use PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerCaseStrategy instead (see databind#2715 for reason for deprecation)
Since 2.12 use PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerDotCaseStrategy instead (see databind#2715 for reason for deprecation)
Since 2.12 deprecated.
Since 2.12 use PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy instead (see databind#2715 for reason for deprecation)
Since 2.12 use PropertyNamingStrategies.UpperCamelCaseStrategy instead (see databind#2715 for reason for deprecation)
Helper container used for resolving serializers for dynamic (possibly but not necessarily polymorphic) properties: properties whose type is not forced to use dynamic (declared) type and that are not final.
Value class used for returning tuple that has both serializer that was retrieved and new map instance
Specialized executor to set a property in an object.
Base class for property values that need to be buffered during deserialization.
Simple container used for temporarily buffering a set of PropertyValues.
Base class for writers used to output property values (name-value pairs) as key/value pairs via streaming API.
A class to encapsulate the specifics of a protocol.
Signals that an HTTP protocol violation has occurred.
A factory for creating Sockets.
A client that provides sockets for communicating through HTTP proxies via the HTTP CONNECT method.
Contains the method used to execute the connect along with the created socket.
Signals a problem with auto-detecting the proxy information using the java plugin.
Holds all of the variables needed to describe an HTTP connection to a proxy.
A pure-java implementation of the CRC32 checksum that uses the same polynomial as the built-in native CRC32.
A pure-java implementation of the CRC32 checksum that uses the CRC32-C polynomial, the same polynomial used by iSCSI and implemented on many Intel chipsets supporting SSE4.2.
Implements the HTTP PUT method.
Similar to the Quoted-Printable content-transfer-encoding defined in RFC 1521 and designed to allow text containing mostly ASCII characters to be decipherable on an ASCII terminal without decoding.
Codec for the Quoted-Printable section of RFC 1521.
Generates random Strings.
Utility library that supplements the standard Random class.
An immutable range of objects from a minimum to maximum point inclusive.
This is a simple dummy serializer that will just output raw values by calling toString() on value to serialize.
Helper class used to encapsulate "raw values", pre-encoded textual content that can be output as opaque value with no quoting/escaping, using JsonGenerator.writeRawValue(String).
Simple value container for containing information about single Object Id during deserialization
This is a concrete implementation of JsonParser, which is based on a Reader to handle low-level character conversion tasks.
Optimized lookup table for accessing two types of serializers; typed and non-typed.
A readonly context wrapper.
Works with ToStringBuilder to create a "deep" toString.
Signals violation of HTTP specification caused by an invalid redirect
Specialized SimpleType for types that are referential types, that is, values that can be dereferenced to another value (or null), of different type.
Base deserializer implementation for properties ReferenceType values.
Base implementation for values of ReferenceType.
Encodes a string into a Refined Soundex value.
Assists in implementing Diffable.diff(Object) methods.
This helper class uses refelction in order to execute Socket methods available in Java 1.4 and above
Assists in implementing Object.toString() methods using reflection.
Helpers to process Strings using regular expressions.
Container object used to contain optional information on content being parsed, passed to JsonParseException in case of exception being thrown; this may be useful for caller to display information on failure.
Interface used to indicate deserializers that want to do post-processing after construction but before being returned to caller (and possibly cached) and used.
Interface used to indicate serializers that want to do post-processing after construction and being added to SerializerProvider, but before being used.
Internal placeholder type used for self-references.
Type abstraction that represents Java type that has been resolved (i.e.
Consider this class package private.
has result metadata
RFC 2109 specific cookie management functions
Abstract authentication scheme class that lays foundation for all RFC 2617 compliant authetication schemes and provides capabilities common to all authentication schemes defined in RFC 2617.
RFC 2965 specific cookie management functions.
Helper class for caching resolved root names.
A phoneme rule.
A minimal wrapper around the functionality of Pattern that we use, to allow for alternate implementations.
Types of rule.
Wrapper used when interface does not allow throwing a checked JsonMappingException
A sandbox describes permissions on a class by explicitly allowing or forbidding access to methods and properties through "whitelists" and "blacklists".
A black set of names.
A base set of names.
Contains the white or black lists for properties and methods for a given class.
A white set of names.
An uberspect that controls usage of properties, methods and contructors through a sandbox.
save mode for static saves.
Marker interface for schema-aware serializers.
A JEXL Script.
A ProtocolSocketFactory that is secure.
Efficient alternative to StringWriter, based on using segmented internal buffer.
Value class used with some PrettyPrinter implements
Writer class similar to ObjectWriter, except that it can be used for writing sequences of values, not just a single value.
Generic handler for types that implement JsonSerializable.
Interface that defines how Jackson package can interact with efficient pre-serialized or lazily-serialized and reused String representations.
Object that contains baseline configuration for serialization process.
Exception thrown when the Serialization process fails.
Enumeration that defines simple on/off features that affect the way Java objects are serialized.
Assists with the serialization process and performs additional functionality based on serialization.
String token that can lazily serialize String contained and then reuse that serialization later on.
Simple cache object that allows for doing 2-level lookups: first level is by "local" read-only lookup Map (used without locking) and second backup level is by a shared modifiable HashMap.
Abstract class that defines API used by SerializerProvider to obtain actual JsonSerializer instances from multiple distinct factories.
Configuration settings container class for SerializerFactory implementations.
Class that defines API used by ObjectMapper and JsonSerializers to obtain serializers capable of serializing instances of specific types; as well as the default implementation of the functionality.
Interface that defines API for simple extensions that can provide additional serializers for various types.
Basic Serializers implementation that implements all methods but provides no serializers.
Class that represents a "wildcard" set method which can be used to generically set values of otherwise unmapped (aka "unknown") properties read from JSON content.
Base class for deserializable properties of a bean: contains both type and name definitions, and reflection-based set functionality.
Helper class that is designed to both make it easier to sub-class delegating subtypes and to reduce likelihood of breakage when new methods are added.
This concrete sub-class implements Collection or Map property that is indirectly by getting the property value and directly modifying it.
SHA2-based Unix crypt implementation.
Numeric node that contains simple 16-bit integer values.
Simple AbstractTypeResolver implementation, which is based on static mapping from abstract super types into sub types (concrete or abstract), but retaining generic parameterization.
Simple immutable BeanPropertyDefinition implementation that can be wrapped around a AnnotatedMember that is a simple accessor (getter) or mutator (setter, constructor parameter) (or both, for fields).
Simple PropertyFilter implementation that only uses property name to determine whether to serialize property as is, or to filter it out.
Filter implementation which defaults to filtering out unknown properties and only serializes ones explicitly listed.
Filter implementation which defaults to serializing all properties, except for ones explicitly listed to be filtered out.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Simple implementation Deserializers which allows registration of deserializers based on raw (type erased class).
Simple FilterProvider implementation that just stores direct id-to-filter mapping.
A connection manager that provides access to a single HttpConnection.
Simple implementation KeyDeserializers which allows registration of deserializers based on raw (type erased class).
Simple implementation of Log that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err.
Simple implementation of ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver that just uses a Map for containing mapping from target to mix-in classes.
Vanilla Module implementation that allows registration of serializers and deserializers, bean serializer and deserializer modifiers, registration of subtypes and mix-ins as well as some other commonly needed aspects (addition of custom AbstractTypeResolvers, ValueInstantiators).
A class originally generated by JJTree with the following JavaCCOptions: MULTI=true,NODE_USES_PARSER=true,VISITOR=true,TRACK_TOKENS=false,NODE_PREFIX=AST,NODE_EXTENDS=,NODE_FACTORY= Works around issue As soon as this issue if fixed and the maven plugin uses the correct version of Javacc, this class can go away.
Simple implementation of ObjectIdResolver
Simple implementation Serializers which allows registration of serializers based on raw (type erased class).
Simple types are defined as anything other than one of recognized container types (arrays, Collections, Maps).
Author: Mark Claassen
Encodes a string into a Soundex value.
Serializer implementation for Blob to write as binary (for JSON and other formats Base64-encoded String, for binary formats as true binary).
Compared to regular Date serialization, we do use String representation here.
A SecureProtocolSocketFactory that uses JSSE to create sockets.
Intermediate class used both for convenience of binding and to support PropertyNamingStrategy.
Works with ToStringBuilder to create a toString.
Intermediate base class for Lists, Collections and Arrays that contain static (non-dynamic) value types.
Benchmark statistics
Represents a Status-Line as returned from a HTTP server.
Dummy container class to group standard homogenous array serializer implementations (primitive arrays and String array).
Character arrays are different from other integral number arrays in that they are most likely to be textual data, and should be written as Strings, not arrays of entries.
Intermediate base class used for cases where we may add type information (excludes boolean/int/double arrays).
Standard implementation of Converter that supports explicit type access, instead of relying type detection of generic type parameters.
Jackson's internal DateFormat implementation used by standard Date serializers and deserializers to implement default behavior: does NOT fully implement all aspects expected by DateFormat and as a consequence SHOULD NOT to be used by code outside core Jackson databind functionality.
Deserializer implementation where given Java type is first deserialized by a standard Jackson deserializer into a delegate type; and then this delegate type is converted using a configured Converter into desired target type.
Serializer implementation where given Java type is first converted to an intermediate "delegate type" (using a configured Converter, and then this delegate value is serialized by Jackson.
Base class for common deserializers.
Class that providers access to serializers user for non-structured JDK types that are serializer as scalars; some using basic ToStringSerializer, others explicit serializers.
Default KeyDeserializer implementation used for most Map types Jackson supports.
Helper class used to contain simple/well-known key deserializers.
Since 2.8, use StdKeySerializers.Default instead.
This is a "chameleon" style multi-type key serializer for simple standard JDK types.
Key serializer used when key type is not known statically, and actual key serializer needs to be dynamically located.
Specialized instance to use for Enum keys, as per [databind#1322]
Simple and fast key serializer when keys are Strings.
Convenience deserializer that may be used to deserialize values given an intermediate tree representation (JsonNode).
Base class for deserializers that handle types that are serialized as JSON scalars (non-structured, i.e.
Base class used by all standard serializers, and can also be used for custom serializers (in fact, this is the recommended base class to use).
Standard SubtypeResolver implementation.
Default TypeResolverBuilder implementation.
Default ValueInstantiator implementation, which supports Creator methods that can be indicated by standard Jackson annotations.
scope of groups under a stem.
StopWatch provides a convenient API for timings.
as of 3.6, use commons-text TextStringBuilder instead
Set of on/off capabilities that a JsonParser for given format (or in case of buffering, original format) has.
Intermediate base class for all read-side streaming processing problems, including parsing and input value coercion problems.
Token reader (parser) features not-specific to any particular format backend.
Provides utility functions, and classes for working with the package, or more generally, with Java 8 lambdas.
Use Streams.
A Collector type for arrays.
A reduced, and simplified version of a Stream with failable method signatures.
Set of on/off capabilities that a JsonGenerator for given format (or in case of buffering, original format) has.
Intermediate base class for all read-side streaming processing problems, including parsing and input value coercion problems.
Token writer (generator) features not-specific to any particular format backend.
A SecureProtocolSocketFactory that uses JSSE to create SSL sockets.
Separate implementation for serializing String arrays (instead of using ObjectArrayDeserializer.
Standard serializer used for String[] values.
Specifically optimized version for Collections that contain String values; reason is that this is a very common type and we can make use of the fact that Strings are final.
Efficient implement for serializing Collections that contain Strings.
Defines common decoding methods for String decoders.
Defines common encoding methods for String encoders.
Compares Strings using a StringEncoder.
as of 3.6, use commons-text StringEscapeUtils instead
Common constant strings utilities.
Simple string parameter for a multipart post
A RequestEntity that contains a String.
This is the special serializer for regular Strings.
Converts String to and from bytes using the encodings required by the Java specification.
Operations on String that are null safe.
as of 3.6, use commons-text StringLookupFactory instead
as of 3.6, use commons-text StringMatcherFactory instead
as of 3.6, use commons-text StringSubstitutor instead
as of 3.6, use commons-text StringTokenizer instead
Helper object used for handling registration on resolving of super-types to sub-types.
Helper class used to encapsulate rules that determine subtypes that are invalid to use, even with default typing, mostly due to security concerns.
Helpers for java.lang.System.
TextBuffer is a class similar to StringBuffer, with following differences: TextBuffer uses segments character arrays, to avoid having to do additional array copies when array is not big enough.
Value node that contains a text value.
Helpers for java.lang.Thread and java.lang.ThreadGroup.
A predicate implementation which matches a thread or threadgroup name.
A predicate for selecting threadgroups.
A predicate implementation which matches a thread id.
A predicate for selecting threads.
A simple implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern that opens if the requested increment amount is greater than a given threshold.
Deserializer that builds on basic BeanDeserializer but override some aspects like instance construction.
A specialized semaphore implementation that provides a number of permits in a given time frame.
Executes a task with a specified timeout.
Signals that the task timed out.
Helps to deal with TimeZones.
A function that accepts two arguments and produces a boolean result.
Simple "bogus" serializer that will just serialize an empty Object for any given value.
Describes the input token stream.
Utility class used for efficient storage of JsonToken sequences, needed for temporary buffering.
Individual segment of TokenBuffer that can store up to 16 tokens (limited by 4 bits per token type marker requirement).
We also want to directly support deserialization of TokenBuffer.
Implementation of JsonStreamContext used by TokenBuffer to link back to the original context to try to keep location information consistent between source location and buffered content when it's re-read from the buffer.
We also want to directly support serialization of TokenBuffer; and since it is part of core package, it cannot implement JsonSerializable (which is only included in the mapper package)
Strategy class that can be implemented to specify actual inclusion/exclusion criteria for filtering, used by FilteringGeneratorDelegate.
Enumeration that controls how TokenFilter return values are interpreted.
Alternative variant of JsonStreamContext, used when filtering content being read or written (based on TokenFilter).
Token Manager Error.
Intermediate base class for actual format-specific factories for constructing parsers (reading) and generators (writing).
Assists in implementing Object.toString() methods.
Use this annotation to exclude a field from being used by the ReflectionToStringBuilder.
Simple general purpose serializer, useful for any type for which Object.toString() returns the desired JSON value.
Intermediate base class that serves as base for standard ToStringSerializer as well as for custom subtypes that want to add processing for converting from value to output into its String representation (whereas standard version simply calls value object's toString() method).
Controls String formatting for ToStringBuilder.
Use this annotation on the fields to get the summary instead of the detailed information when using ReflectionToStringBuilder.
Implements the HTTP TRACE method.
Interface that defines objects that can read and write TreeNode instances using Streaming API.
Marker interface used to denote JSON Tree nodes, as far as the core package knows them (which is very little): mostly needed to allow ObjectCodec to have some level of interoperability.
Facade over JsonNode that implements JsonParser to allow accessing contents of JSON tree in alternate form (stream of tokens).
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
A triple consisting of three elements.
TSFBuilder<F extends JsonFactory,B extends TSFBuilder<F,B>>
Since 2.10, Builder class is offered for creating token stream factories with difference configurations: with 3.x they will be fully immutable.
Helper class used for resolving type parameters for given class
Generalization of "has a type."
Interface for deserializing type information from JSON content, to type-safely deserialize data into correct polymorphic instance (when type inclusion has been enabled for type handled).
Base class for all standard Jackson TypeDeserializers.
Class used for creating concrete JavaType instances, given various inputs.
Interface that defines standard API for converting types to type identifiers and vice versa.
Partial base implementation of TypeIdResolver: all custom implementations are strongly recommended to extend this class, instead of directly implementing TypeIdResolver.
Key that offers two "modes"; one with raw class, as used for cases were raw class type is available (for example, when using runtime type); and one with full generics-including.
Type literal comparable to javax.enterprise.util.TypeLiteral, made generally available outside the JEE context.
Class that defines API that can be used to modify details of JavaType instances constructed using TypeFactory.
Simple recursive-descent parser for parsing canonical JavaType representations and constructing type instances.
This generic abstract class is used for obtaining full generics type information by sub-classing; it must be converted to ResolvedType implementation (implemented by JavaType from "databind" bundle) to be used.
Interface that defines API used by members (like AnnotatedMethod) to dynamically resolve types they have.
Dummy implementation for case where there are no bindings available (for example, for static methods and fields)
Interface that defines builders that are configured based on annotations (like JsonTypeInfo or JAXB annotations), and produce type serializers and deserializers used for handling type information embedded in JSON to allow for safe polymorphic type handling.
Interface for serializing type information regarding instances of specified base type (super class), so that exact subtype can be properly deserialized later on.
Utility methods focusing on type inspection, particularly with regard to generics.
WildcardType builder.
Simple deserializer that will call configured type deserializer, passing in configured data deserializer, and exposing it all as a simple deserializer.
Simple serializer that will call configured type serializer, passing in configured data serializer, and exposing it all as a simple serializer.
'Federated' introspection/reflection interface to allow the introspection behavior in JEXL to be customized.
Implementation of Uberspect to provide the default introspective functionality of JEXL.
Do not use externally - will be made private in a later version
Do not use externally - will be made private in a later version
A generic indexed property container, exposes get(key) and set(key, value) and solves method call dynamically based on arguments.
as of 3.6, use commons-text UnicodeEscaper instead
as of 3.6, use commons-text UnicodeUnescaper instead
as of 3.6, use commons-text UnicodeUnpairedSurrogateRemover instead
An evaluator similar to the Unified EL evaluator used in JSP/JSF based on JEXL.
The sole type of (runtime) exception the UnifiedJEXL can throw.
Unix crypt(3) algorithm implementation.
Specialized JsonMappingException sub-class specifically used to indicate problems due to encountering a JSON property that could not be mapped to an Object property (via getter, constructor argument or field).
Exception thrown during deserialization when there are object id that can't be resolved.
Helper class for UnresolvedForwardReference, to contain information about unresolved ids.
Special bogus "serializer" that will throw MismatchedInputException if an attempt is made to deserialize a value.
Deserializer implementation that is used if it is necessary to bind content of "unknown" type; something declared as basic Object (either explicitly, or due to type erasure).
Object that is responsible for handling acrobatics related to deserializing "unwrapped" values; sets of properties that are embedded (inlined) as properties of parent JSON object.
Variant of BeanPropertyWriter which will handle unwrapping of JSON Object (including of properties of Object within surrounding JSON object, and not as sub-object).
The interface for the URI(Uniform Resource Identifiers) version of RFC 2396.
The charset-changed normal operation to represent to be required to alert to user the fact the default charset is changed.
A mapping to determine the (somewhat arbitrarily) preferred charset for a given locale.
The URI parsing and escape encoding exception.
The URI escape and character encoding and decoding utility.
Implements the 'www-form-urlencoded' encoding scheme, also misleadingly known as URL encoding.
Username and password Credentials.
Since JDK does not come with UTF-32/UCS-4, let's implement a simple decoder to use.
This is a concrete implementation of JsonParser, which is based on a DataInput as the input source.
This is a concrete implementation of JsonParser, which is based on a InputStream as the input source.
Specialized JsonSerializer to output UUIDs.
This class assists in validating arguments.
Class that encapsulates details of value injection that occurs before deserialization of a POJO.
Exception type used for generic failures during processing by ValueInstantiator: commonly used to wrap exceptions thrown by constructor or factory method.
Class that defines simple API implemented by objects that create value instances.
Partial ValueInstantiator implementation that is strongly recommended to be used instead of directly extending ValueInstantiator itself.
Delegating ValueInstantiator implementation meant as a base type that by default delegates methods to specified fallback instantiator.
Interface for providers of ValueInstantiator instances.
Basic "NOP" implementation that can be used as the base class for custom implementations.
This intermediate base class is used for all leaf nodes, that is, all non-container (array or object) nodes, except for the "missing node".
Object that encapsulates versioning information of a component.
Interface that those Jackson components that are explicitly versioned will implement.
Functionality for supporting exposing of component Versions.
Helper class used for checking whether a property is visible in the active view
Placeholder used by virtual properties as placeholder for underlying AnnotatedMember.
BeanPropertyWriter implementation used with JsonAppend to add "virtual" properties in addition to regular ones.
Interface for object used for determine which property elements (methods, fields, constructors) can be auto-detected, with respect to their visibility modifiers.
Default standard implementation is purely based on visibility modifier of given class members, and its configured minimum levels.
Implementation of Hashtable that uses WeakReference's to hold its keys thus allowing them to be reclaimed by the garbage collector.
as of 3.6, use commons-text WordUtils instead
Simple value container used to keep track of Object Ids during serialization.
This is a simple value class used between core streaming and higher level databinding to pass information about type ids to write.
Enumeration of values that matches enum `As` from annotation `JsonTypeInfo`: separate definition to avoid dependency between streaming core and annotations packages; also allows more flexibility in case new values needed at this level of internal API.
JsonGenerator that outputs JSON content using a Writer which handles character encoding.
Result of one subject being added to a group.
results for the add member call.
If sending in attribute assignments in batch, this is one of the entries
holds an attribute assign result.
returned from the attribute def name inheritance
holds an attribute assign result.
results for assigning attributes call.
results for assigning attributes call.
results for assigning attributes call.
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
holds a permission assign result.
results for assigning permissions call.
results for assigning permissions call.
result of attribute assign query represents an assignment in the DB
an item in the attribute assign action result list
Class to lookup an attribute assignment via web service
value of an attribute assign
holds an attribute assign result.
holds an attribute assign result.
Result of one attribute def name being retrieved.
item in the assign attribute def action result
holds result of assign action to attribute def request.
Result of one attribute def being deleted.
results for the attribute defs delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def via web service
Result of one attribute def name being retrieved.
Result of one attribute def name being deleted.
results for the attribute def names delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def name via web service
Result of one AttributeDefName being saved.
results for the attribute def names save call.
Class to save an attribute def name via web service
Result of one AttributeDef being saved.
results for the attribute defs save call.
Class to save an attribute def via web service
Result of one subject being deleted from a group.
results for the delete member call.
Result of one external subject being retrieved.
Result of one external subject attribute being retrieved.
Result of one externalSubject being deleted.
results for the external subjects delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def via web service developers make sure each setter calls this.clearAttributeDef();
Result of one external being saved.
results for the groups save call.
Class to save a external subject via web service
returned from the attribute def name find query
returned from the attribute def find query
returned from the external subject find query
returned from the group find query
returned from the stem find query, if none found, return none
returned from the attribute assign actions query
results for the get attributeAssignments call.
results for the get audit entries call.
Result of retrieving privileges for a user/group combo (and perhaps filtered by type), will return a list of permissions
results for the get groups call.
results for the get groups call.
results for the get memberships call, or the get memberships lite call result code: code of the result for this group overall SUCCESS: means everything ok GROUP_NOT_FOUND: cant find the group INVALID_QUERY: bad inputs EXCEPTION: something bad happened
results for the get members call.
results for the get members call.
results for the get permissionAssignments call.
results for the get memberships call, or the get memberships lite call result code: code of the result for this group overall SUCCESS: means everything ok GROUP_NOT_FOUND: cant find the group INVALID_QUERY: bad inputs EXCEPTION: something bad happened
Result of one group being retrieved since a user is a member of it.
Result of one group being deleted.
results for the groups delete call.
Result for finding a group
Query for one privilege.
Class to lookup a group via web service developers make sure each setter calls this.clearGroup();
Result of one group being saved.
results for the groups save call.
Class to save a group via web service
Result of seeing if one subject is a member of a group.
results for the has member call.
Class with data about a member who's subject needs to change
Result of one member changing its subject
results for the member change subject call.
member filter for retrieving members.
Result of one member being retrieved from a group.
Class to lookup a membership via web service.
Class to lookup a membership via web service.
Result of one message being sent or received.
returned from the acknowledge message web service
returned from the send/receive message web service
param for a web service operation
result of permission entry query represents an assignment in the DB
result of permission entry query represents an assignment in the DB
param for permission query if there are run time limits this is the runtime data
represents a limit on a permission.
this represents a query which can be and'ed or or'ed
Bean (used in Rest) as a request for web service
bean (used in Rest) which is a response from web service
response metadata (version, warnings, etc)
request bean in body of rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request
request bean in body of rest request Add/Remove/Replace actions from attribute def
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request.
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
Class with data about assigning privileges for a subject and group
Class with data about assigning privileges for a subject and group
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
bean that will be the data from rest request see GrouperServiceLogic#getGroups(, WsSubjectLookup[],, WsSubjectLookup, boolean, boolean, String[], WsParam[]) for method
bean that will be the data from rest request see GrouperServiceLogic#getGroups(, WsSubjectLookup[],, WsSubjectLookup, boolean, boolean, String[], WsParam[]) for method
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request see GrouperServiceLogic#getGroups(, WsSubjectLookup[],, WsSubjectLookup, boolean, boolean, String[], WsParam[]) for method
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
bean that will be the data from rest request
Bean for rest request to get attributes assign actions
Class with data about retrieving privileges for a subject and group
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
bean that will be the data from rest request GrouperServiceLogic#getMemberships(, WsGroupLookup[], WsSubjectLookup[],, WsSubjectLookup, edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Field, boolean, String[], boolean, WsParam[], String[], String,,, String, String[]) for method
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
Bean for rest request to get permissions lite
Bean for rest request to get permissions
request bean for rest get subjects lite request
bean that will be the data from rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
request bean for rest member change subject lite
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
bean that will be the data from rest request
result metadata (if success, result code, etc) for one result (each ws call can have one or many result metadatas)
Result for finding a stem
Result of one stem being deleted.
results for the stems delete call.
Class to lookup a stem via web service
this represents a query which can be and'ed or or'ed
Result of one save being saved.
results for the stems save call.
Class to save a stem via web service
subject bean for web services
template to lookup a subject.
indent xml, assumes the input is not yet indented.
Implementation of the xxhash32 hash algorithm.