All Classes and Interfaces

BlindSSLSocketFactoryTest Simple test to show an Active Directory (LDAP) and HTTPS connection without verifying the server's certificate.
an operation of the grouper client
logic to cache and retrieve the grouper config from the DB note: do not use any Grouper classes in this class.
Base class for a cascaded config.
config file type
utility methods for grouper.
The results of executing a command.
utility methods specific to grouper client
The purpose of this class is to provide encryption and decryption using standard Java libraries, for potentially large amounts of data.
This client will manage discovery, cache results, etc TODO add checksum
Apache code for SSL that doesnt fail with self-signed certs
jakarta code for SSL that doesnt fail with self-signed certs
from sh or bat file to encrypt a string
This is like a map, but the setters also take an expire time which will mean the items in the cache will be automatically deleted.
unit of time for expirable cache
This holds the actual value of the map, and the time it was inserted, and the time that it should last in the cache
logic for hitting multiple resources checking for errors and timeouts for always availability.
configuration of a failover connection type
failover strategy to employ with each pool type
Logic to run.
bean in callback for failover logic
class to run an add member web service call
class to assign actions to attribute def
class to assign an attributeDefName inheritance web service call
class to run an assign attributes web service call
class to run an assign attributes web service call
class to run a assign grouper privileges web service call
class to run a assign grouper privileges web service call
class to run an assign permissions web service call
class to run an attributeDef delete web service call
class to run an attributeDefName delete web service call
class to run an attributeDefName save web service call
class to run an attributeDef save web service call
This is our helper to convert data to and from Oracle.
This is our implementation of a helper to convert data to and from Oracle.
Object that gets a callableStatement back from the connection and the sql - closing it is handled within the framework.
Map with string key which ignores key case and has some convenience methods.
Object that gets a database connection object.
Use this class to get access to the global database connections, create a new connection, and execute sql against them.
returned from connection call
Map for caching some query results for x amount of time.
class to run an delete member web service call
utility methods for grouper that are safe to use in expression language.
Object that gets a call for each entity created from a resultset; save heap space.
class to run a external subject delete web service call
class to run a external subject save web service call
class to run find attributeDefNames
class to run find attributeDefs
class to run find external subject
class to run find groups
class to run find stems
class to run a get attribute assign actions web service call
class to run a get attribute assignments web service call
class to run a get audit entries web service call
class to run a get grouper privileges web service call
class to run a get groups web service call
class to run a get members web service call
class to run a get memberships web service call
class to run a get permission assignments web service call
class to run a get subjects web service call
class to run a group delete web service call
one record for each provisioner.
dao for jobs
tracks group dependencies on another group for provisioning roles in a group
note this has a foreign key on grouper_sync so you dont have to delete them when deleting a group sync
tracks user dependencies on another group for provisioning attributes of a user
note this has a foreign key on grouper_sync so you dont have to delete them when deleting a group sync
data about groups being synced
heartbeat and other logic for sync jobs
Status of all jobs for the sync.
dao for jobs
last log for this sync that affected this group/member/membership/job
if doing user level syncs, this is the metadata
if doing user level syncs, this is the metadata
membership dao
class to run a group save web service call
class to run a has member web service call
bean that wraps connections
gives connections and allows returns.
indent json, assumes the input is not yet indented.
Generate an ldap call and get results.
represents the configuration of an ldap search attribute
type of result in the ldap search attribute
class to run a member change subject
Whether fields should be persisted to the database or not.
Metadata about class objects that can be stored to the database.
Metadata about fields that can be stored to the database.
Object that gets a preparedStatement back from the connection and the sql - closing it is handled within the framework.
Structure to encapsulate data about a query being executed.
Object that gets a resulset via callback.
implement this interface to assign a new primary key for insert
class to run a stem delete service call
class to run a stem save web service call
sync a table
an instance of this class focuses on the configuration for table sync create an instance, set the key, and call configure
Sync to a table from a dataset, columns, etc
table sync log
data from a row
type of table sync
info about the table.
data from a table
metadata for connection name and table name
Object that gets a dbAccess object with a session in it.
Possible endings for a transaction.
enum of possible transaction types
exception thrown if non success with web service
main class for grouper client.
utility methods for grouper.
The results of executing a command.
hierarchical config class for
client threadlocal state
utility methods specific to grouper client
dont print null fields in reflection
this is the client that all requests go through.
grouper client ws exception
grouper message sent to/from grouper messaging systems
param to mark a message as processed or return to queue or whatever
this is what you can do when acknowledging a message
grouper message sent to/from grouper messaging systems
method chaining receive message config
type of queues
method chaining receive message config
result bean to receive messages
param for sending a message
result of send
method chaining system config
configs in # name of a messaging system.
engine sends, receives, marks messages complete
Represents the methods that a messaging system needs to support
response from http call
indent json, assumes the input is not yet indented.
Morph string configuration information.
A MultiKey allows multiple map keys to be merged together.
bean to hold connection
params passed to an operation
has result metadata
save mode for static saves.
scope of groups under a stem.
Result of one subject being added to a group.
results for the add member call.
If sending in attribute assignments in batch, this is one of the entries
holds an attribute assign result.
returned from the attribute def name inheritance
holds an attribute assign result.
results for assigning attributes call.
results for assigning attributes call.
results for assigning attributes call.
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
holds a permission assign result.
results for assigning permissions call.
results for assigning permissions call.
result of attribute assign query represents an assignment in the DB
an item in the attribute assign action result list
Class to lookup an attribute assignment via web service
value of an attribute assign
holds an attribute assign result.
holds an attribute assign result.
Result of one attribute def name being retrieved.
item in the assign attribute def action result
holds result of assign action to attribute def request.
Result of one attribute def being deleted.
results for the attribute defs delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def via web service
Result of one attribute def name being retrieved.
Result of one attribute def name being deleted.
results for the attribute def names delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def name via web service
Result of one AttributeDefName being saved.
results for the attribute def names save call.
Class to save an attribute def name via web service
Result of one AttributeDef being saved.
results for the attribute defs save call.
Class to save an attribute def via web service
Result of one subject being deleted from a group.
results for the delete member call.
Result of one external subject being retrieved.
Result of one external subject attribute being retrieved.
Result of one externalSubject being deleted.
results for the external subjects delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def via web service developers make sure each setter calls this.clearAttributeDef();
Result of one external being saved.
results for the groups save call.
Class to save a external subject via web service
returned from the attribute def name find query
returned from the attribute def find query
returned from the external subject find query
returned from the group find query
returned from the stem find query, if none found, return none
returned from the attribute assign actions query
results for the get attributeAssignments call.
results for the get audit entries call.
Result of retrieving privileges for a user/group combo (and perhaps filtered by type), will return a list of permissions
results for the get groups call.
results for the get groups call.
results for the get memberships call, or the get memberships lite call result code: code of the result for this group overall SUCCESS: means everything ok GROUP_NOT_FOUND: cant find the group INVALID_QUERY: bad inputs EXCEPTION: something bad happened
results for the get members call.
results for the get members call.
results for the get permissionAssignments call.
results for the get memberships call, or the get memberships lite call result code: code of the result for this group overall SUCCESS: means everything ok GROUP_NOT_FOUND: cant find the group INVALID_QUERY: bad inputs EXCEPTION: something bad happened
Result of one group being retrieved since a user is a member of it.
Result of one group being deleted.
results for the groups delete call.
Result for finding a group
Query for one privilege.
Class to lookup a group via web service developers make sure each setter calls this.clearGroup();
Result of one group being saved.
results for the groups save call.
Class to save a group via web service
Result of seeing if one subject is a member of a group.
results for the has member call.
Class with data about a member who's subject needs to change
Result of one member changing its subject
results for the member change subject call.
member filter for retrieving members.
Result of one member being retrieved from a group.
Class to lookup a membership via web service.
Class to lookup a membership via web service.
Result of one message being sent or received.
returned from the acknowledge message web service
returned from the send/receive message web service
param for a web service operation
result of permission entry query represents an assignment in the DB
result of permission entry query represents an assignment in the DB
param for permission query if there are run time limits this is the runtime data
represents a limit on a permission.
this represents a query which can be and'ed or or'ed
Bean (used in Rest) as a request for web service
bean (used in Rest) which is a response from web service
response metadata (version, warnings, etc)
request bean in body of rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request
request bean in body of rest request Add/Remove/Replace actions from attribute def
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request.
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
Class with data about assigning privileges for a subject and group
Class with data about assigning privileges for a subject and group
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
bean that will be the data from rest request see GrouperServiceLogic#getGroups(, WsSubjectLookup[],, WsSubjectLookup, boolean, boolean, String[], WsParam[]) for method
bean that will be the data from rest request see GrouperServiceLogic#getGroups(, WsSubjectLookup[],, WsSubjectLookup, boolean, boolean, String[], WsParam[]) for method
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request see GrouperServiceLogic#getGroups(, WsSubjectLookup[],, WsSubjectLookup, boolean, boolean, String[], WsParam[]) for method
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
bean that will be the data from rest request
Bean for rest request to get attributes assign actions
Class with data about retrieving privileges for a subject and group
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
bean that will be the data from rest request GrouperServiceLogic#getMemberships(, WsGroupLookup[], WsSubjectLookup[],, WsSubjectLookup, edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.Field, boolean, String[], boolean, WsParam[], String[], String,,, String, String[]) for method
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
Bean for rest request to get permissions lite
Bean for rest request to get permissions
request bean for rest get subjects lite request
bean that will be the data from rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
request bean for rest member change subject lite
request bean in body of rest request
request bean in body of rest request
bean that will be the data from rest request for method
bean that will be the data from rest request
result metadata (if success, result code, etc) for one result (each ws call can have one or many result metadatas)
Result for finding a stem
Result of one stem being deleted.
results for the stems delete call.
Class to lookup a stem via web service
this represents a query which can be and'ed or or'ed
Result of one save being saved.
results for the stems save call.
Class to save a stem via web service
subject bean for web services
template to lookup a subject.
indent xml, assumes the input is not yet indented.