

package extract

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DetailedExtraction extends Extraction

    A more informative representation of an OpenParse extraction.

  2. abstract class Extraction extends AnyRef

    A representation of an OpenParse extraction.

  3. class GeneralExtractor extends PatternExtractor

    An extractor that is purely specified by a pattern.

  4. abstract class PatternExtractor extends AnyRef

    An superclass for extractors based on patterns.

  5. abstract class PatternExtractorType extends AnyRef

  6. class SimpleExtraction extends Extraction

    A simple representation of an OpenParse extraction.

  7. class SpecificExtractor extends GeneralExtractor

    An extractor that is specified only with a pattern but only works for specific relation lemmas.

  8. case class Template(template: String, be: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  9. class TemplateExtractor extends GeneralExtractor

    An extractor that is specified by a pattern and a template.

Value Members

  1. object DetailedExtraction

  2. object Extraction

    Includes logic for expanding relations and arguments.

  3. object GeneralExtractor extends PatternExtractorType with Product with Serializable

  4. object PatternExtractor

  5. object PatternExtractorType

  6. object SpecificExtractor extends PatternExtractorType with Product with Serializable

  7. object Template extends Serializable

  8. object TemplateExtractor extends PatternExtractorType with Product with Serializable
