

package schema

This package represents XML Schema document content as immutable yaidom "elements". These schema objects offer the ElemLike query API. They wrap an eu.cdevreeze.yaidom.indexed.Elem.

This API only represents schemas. It is not capable of validating instance documents against schemas.

Only version 1.0 of XML Schema is supported.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. schema
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show all
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class Annotation extends SchemaComponent

    Annotation schema component.

  2. final class Appinfo extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:appinfo" XML element.

  3. abstract class AttributeDeclaration extends AttributeDeclarationOrReference

    Attribute declaration.

  4. abstract class AttributeDeclarationOrReference extends SchemaComponent

    Attribute declaration or attribute reference.

  5. final class AttributeGroupDefinition extends SchemaComponent

    Attribute group definition.

  6. final class AttributeReference extends AttributeDeclarationOrReference with AttributeUse

    Attribute reference.

  7. trait AttributeUse extends SchemaComponent

    Attribute use.

  8. final class ComplexContent extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:complexContent" XML element.

  9. final class ComplexTypeDefinition extends TypeDefinition

    Complex type definition.

  10. final class Documentation extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:documentation" XML element.

  11. abstract class ElementDeclaration extends ElementDeclarationOrReference

    Element declaration.

  12. abstract class ElementDeclarationOrReference extends SchemaComponent

    Element declaration or element reference.

  13. final class ElementReference extends ElementDeclarationOrReference with Particle

    Element reference.

  14. final class Extension extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:extension" XML element.

  15. final class GlobalAttributeDeclaration extends AttributeDeclaration

    Global attribute declaration.

  16. final class GlobalElementDeclaration extends ElementDeclaration

    Global element declaration.

  17. final class IdentityConstraintDefinition extends SchemaComponent

    Identity constraint definition.

  18. final class Import extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:import" XML element.

  19. final class Include extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:include" XML element.

  20. final class LocalAttributeDeclaration extends AttributeDeclaration with AttributeUse

    Local attribute declaration.

  21. final class LocalElementDeclaration extends ElementDeclaration with Particle

    Local element declaration.

  22. class ModelGroup extends SchemaComponent

    Model group.

  23. class ModelGroupDefinition extends SchemaComponent

    Model group definition.

  24. final class NotationDeclaration extends SchemaComponent

    Notation declaration.

  25. trait Particle extends SchemaComponent

    Particle, having a min and max occurs (possibly default).

  26. final class Redefine extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:redefine" XML element.

  27. final class Restriction extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:restriction" XML element.

  28. final class Schema extends SchemaObject

    XML Schema (from one document).

  29. abstract class SchemaComponent extends SchemaObject

    Schema component, as specified in the XML Schema specification, part 1, section 2.

  30. final class SchemaDocument extends Immutable

    Immutable XML Schema Document.

  31. final class SchemaDocumentSet extends Immutable

    Immutable collection of XML Schema Documents that belong together.

  32. sealed abstract class SchemaObject extends ElemLike[SchemaObject] with HasText with Immutable

    Immutable XML Schema or a part thereof.

  33. final class SimpleContent extends SchemaObject

    The "xs:simpleContent" XML element.

  34. final class SimpleTypeDefinition extends TypeDefinition

    Simple type definition.

  35. abstract class TypeDefinition extends SchemaComponent

    Schema type definition, which is either a simple type or a complex type.

  36. class Wildcard extends SchemaComponent


Value Members

  1. object AttributeDeclarationOrReference

  2. object ElementDeclarationOrReference

  3. object ModelGroup

  4. object ModelGroupDefinition

  5. val NS: String

  6. object Particle

  7. object Schema

  8. object SchemaComponent

  9. object SchemaObject

  10. object Wildcard

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
