

trait ParentElemLike[E <: ParentElemLike[E]] extends ParentElemApi[E]

API and implementation trait for elements as containers of elements, as element nodes in a node tree. This trait knows very little about elements. It does not know about names, attributes, etc. All it knows about elements is that elements can have element children (other node types are entirely out of scope in this trait).

The purely abstract API offered by this trait is ParentElemApi. See the documentation of that trait for examples of usage, and for a more formal treatment. Below follows an even more formal treatment, with proofs by induction of important properties obeyed by methods of this API. It shows the mathematical rigor of the yaidom query API. API users that are only interested in how to use the API can safely skip that formal treatment.

ParentElemLike more formally

In order to get started using the API, this more formal section can safely be skipped. On the other hand, this section may provide a deeper understanding of the API.

The only abstract method is findAllChildElems. Based on this method alone, this trait offers a rich API for querying elements. This is entirely consistent with the semantics defined in the ParentElemApi trait. Indeed, the implementation of the methods follows the semantics defined there.

In the ParentElemApi trait, some (simple) provable laws were mentioned. Some proofs follow below.

1. Proving property about filterElemsOrSelf

Below follows a proof by structural induction of one of the laws mentioned in the documentation of trait ParentElemApi.

First we make a few assumptions, for this proof, and (implicitly) for the other proofs:

Based on these assumptions, we prove by induction that:

elm.filterElemsOrSelf(p) == elm.findAllElemsOrSelf.filter(p)

Base case

If elm has no child elements, then the LHS can be rewritten as follows:

immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(p) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) // definition of filterElemsOrSelf
immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(p) ++ (Seq() flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) // there are no child elements
immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(p) ++ Seq() // flatMap on empty sequence returns empty sequence
immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(p) // property of concatenation: xs ++ Seq() == xs
(immutable.IndexedSeq(elm) ++ Seq()).filter(p) // property of concatenation: xs ++ Seq() == xs
(immutable.IndexedSeq(elm) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_ filterElemsOrSelf (e => true)))) filter p // flatMap on empty sequence (of child elements) returns empty sequence
(immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(e => true) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_ filterElemsOrSelf (e => true)))) filter p // filtering with predicate that is always true
elm.filterElemsOrSelf(e => true) filter p // definition of filterElemsOrSelf
elm.findAllElemsOrSelf filter p // definition of findAllElemsOrSelf

which is the RHS.

Inductive step

For the inductive step, we use the following (general) properties:

(xs.filter(p) ++ ys.filter(p)) == ((xs ++ ys) filter p) // referred to below as property (a)


(xs flatMap (x => f(x) filter p)) == ((xs flatMap f) filter p) // referred to below as property (b)

If elm does have child elements, the LHS can be rewritten as:

immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(p) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) // definition of filterElemsOrSelf
immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(p) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (ch => ch.findAllElemsOrSelf filter p)) // induction hypothesis
immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(p) ++ ((elm.findAllChildElems.flatMap(ch => ch.findAllElemsOrSelf)) filter p) // property (b)
(immutable.IndexedSeq(elm) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.findAllElemsOrSelf))) filter p // property (a)
(immutable.IndexedSeq(elm) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_ filterElemsOrSelf (e => true)))) filter p // definition of findAllElemsOrSelf
(immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(e => true) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_ filterElemsOrSelf (e => true)))) filter p // filtering with predicate that is always true
elm.filterElemsOrSelf(e => true) filter p // definition of filterElemsOrSelf
elm.findAllElemsOrSelf filter p // definition of findAllElemsOrSelf

which is the RHS.

This completes the proof. Other above-mentioned properties can be proven by induction in a similar way.

2. Proving property about filterElems

From the preceding proven property it easily follows (without using a proof by induction) that:

elm.filterElems(p) == elm.findAllElems.filter(p)

After all, the LHS can be rewritten as follows:

(elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) // definition of filterElems
(elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (e => e.findAllElemsOrSelf.filter(p))) // using the property proven above
(elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.findAllElemsOrSelf)) filter p // using property (b) above
(elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_ filterElemsOrSelf (e => true))) filter p // definition of findAllElemsOrSelf
elm.filterElems(e => true) filter p // definition of filterElems
elm.findAllElems filter p // definition of findAllElems

which is the RHS.

3. Proving property about findTopmostElemsOrSelf

Given the above-mentioned assumptions, we prove by structural induction that:

(elm.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) == (elm.filterElemsOrSelf(p))

Base case

If elm has no child elements, and p(elm) holds, then LHS and RHS evaluate to immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).

If elm has no child elements, and p(elm) does not hold, then LHS and RHS evaluate to immutable.IndexedSeq().

Inductive step

For the inductive step, we introduce the following additional (general) property, if f and g have the same types:

((xs flatMap f) flatMap g) == (xs flatMap (x => f(x) flatMap g)) // referred to below as property (c)

This is also known as the "composition law for monads" (see

If elm does have child elements, and p(elm) holds, the LHS can be rewritten as:

(elm.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)))
immutable.IndexedSeq(elm) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)) // definition of findTopmostElemsOrSelf, knowing that p(elm) holds
elm.filterElemsOrSelf(p) // definition of flatMap, applied to singleton sequence

which is the RHS. In this case, we did not even need the induction hypothesis.

If elm does have child elements, and p(elm) does not hold, the LHS can be rewritten as:

(elm.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)))
(elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p))) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)) // definition of findTopmostElemsOrSelf, knowing that p(elm) does not hold
elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (ch => ch.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) // property (c)
elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)) // induction hypothesis
immutable.IndexedSeq() ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) // definition of concatenation
immutable.IndexedSeq(elm).filter(p) ++ (elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) // definition of filter, knowing that p(elm) does not hold
elm.filterElemsOrSelf(p) // definition of filterElems

which is the RHS.

4. Proving property about findTopmostElems

From the preceding proven property it easily follows (without using a proof by induction) that:

(elm.findTopmostElems(p) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) == (elm.filterElems(p))

After all, the LHS can be rewritten to:

(elm.findTopmostElems(p) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)))
(elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p))) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)) // definition of findTopmostElems
elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (ch => ch.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p) flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))) // property (c)
elm.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)) // using the property proven above
elm.filterElems(p) // definition of filterElems

which is the RHS.

5. Properties used in the proofs above

There are several (unproven) properties that were used in the proofs above:

(xs.filter(p) ++ ys.filter(p)) == ((xs ++ ys) filter p) // property (a); filter distributes over concatenation

(xs flatMap (x => f(x) filter p)) == ((xs flatMap f) filter p) // property (b)

// Composition law for monads
((xs flatMap f) flatMap g) == (xs flatMap (x => f(x) flatMap g)) // if f and g have the same types; property (c)

Property (a) is obvious, and stated without proof. Property (c) is known as the "composition law for monads". Property (b) is proven below.

To prove property (b), we use property (c), as well as the following property (d):

(xs filter p) == (xs flatMap (y => if (p(y)) List(y) else Nil)) // property (d)

Then property (b) can be proven as follows:

xs flatMap (x => f(x) filter p)
xs flatMap (x => f(x) flatMap (y => if (p(y)) List(y) else Nil))
(xs flatMap f) flatMap (y => if (p(y)) List(y) else Nil) // property (c)
(xs flatMap f) filter p

Implementation notes

Methods findAllElemsOrSelf, filterElemsOrSelf, findTopmostElemsOrSelf and findElemOrSelf use recursion in their implementations, but not tail-recursion. The lack of tail-recursion should not be a problem, due to limited XML tree depths in practice. It is comparable to an "idiomatic" Scala quicksort implementation in its lack of tail-recursion. Also in the case of quicksort, the lack of tail-recursion is acceptable due to limited recursion depths. If we want tail-recursive implementations of the above-mentioned methods (in particular the first 3 ones), we either lose the ordering of result elements in document order (depth-first), or we lose performance and/or clarity. That just is not worth it.


The captured element subtype

Self Type
Linear Supertypes
ParentElemApi[E], AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
  1. ParentElemLike
  2. ParentElemApi
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Public
  2. All

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def findAllChildElems: IndexedSeq[E]

    Core method that returns all child elements, in the correct order.

    Core method that returns all child elements, in the correct order. Other operations can be defined in terms of this one.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. final def \(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[E]

    Shorthand for filterChildElems(p).

    Shorthand for filterChildElems(p). Use this shorthand only if the predicate is a short expression.

    Definition Classes
  7. final def \\(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[E]

    Shorthand for filterElemsOrSelf(p).

    Shorthand for filterElemsOrSelf(p). Use this shorthand only if the predicate is a short expression.

    Definition Classes
  8. final def \\!(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[E]

    Shorthand for findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p).

    Shorthand for findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p). Use this shorthand only if the predicate is a short expression.

    Definition Classes
  9. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  10. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  11. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  12. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  13. final def filterChildElems(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[E]

    Returns the child elements obeying the given predicate.

    Returns the child elements obeying the given predicate. This method could be defined as:

    def filterChildElems(p: E => Boolean): immutable.IndexedSeq[E] =
    Definition Classes
  14. final def filterElems(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[E]

    Returns the descendant elements obeying the given predicate.

    Returns the descendant elements obeying the given predicate. This method could be defined as:

    this.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p))
    Definition Classes
  15. final def filterElemsOrSelf(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[E]

    Returns the descendant-or-self elements obeying the given predicate.

    Returns the descendant-or-self elements obeying the given predicate. This method could be defined as:

    def filterElemsOrSelf(p: E => Boolean): immutable.IndexedSeq[E] =
      Vector(this).filter(p) ++ (this.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.filterElemsOrSelf(p)))

    It can be proven that the result is equivalent to findAllElemsOrSelf filter p.

    Definition Classes
  16. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  17. final def findAllElems: IndexedSeq[E]

    Returns all descendant elements (not including this element).

    Returns all descendant elements (not including this element). This method could be defined as filterElems { e => true }. Equivalent to findAllElemsOrSelf.drop(1).

    Definition Classes
  18. final def findAllElemsOrSelf: IndexedSeq[E]

    Returns this element followed by all descendant elements (that is, the descendant-or-self elements).

    Returns this element followed by all descendant elements (that is, the descendant-or-self elements). This method could be defined as filterElemsOrSelf { e => true }.

    Definition Classes
  19. final def findChildElem(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): Option[E]

    Returns the first found child element obeying the given predicate, if any, wrapped in an Option.

    Returns the first found child element obeying the given predicate, if any, wrapped in an Option. This method could be defined as filterChildElems(p).headOption.

    Definition Classes
  20. final def findElem(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): Option[E]

    Returns the first found (topmost) descendant element obeying the given predicate, if any, wrapped in an Option.

    Returns the first found (topmost) descendant element obeying the given predicate, if any, wrapped in an Option. This method could be defined as filterElems(p).headOption.

    Definition Classes
  21. final def findElemOrSelf(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): Option[E]

    Returns the first found (topmost) descendant-or-self element obeying the given predicate, if any, wrapped in an Option.

    Returns the first found (topmost) descendant-or-self element obeying the given predicate, if any, wrapped in an Option. This method could be defined as filterElemsOrSelf(p).headOption.

    Definition Classes
  22. final def findTopmostElems(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[E]

    Returns the descendant elements obeying the given predicate that have no ancestor obeying the predicate.

    Returns the descendant elements obeying the given predicate that have no ancestor obeying the predicate. This method could be defined as:

    this.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p))
    Definition Classes
  23. final def findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): IndexedSeq[E]

    Returns the descendant-or-self elements obeying the given predicate, such that no ancestor obeys the predicate.

    Returns the descendant-or-self elements obeying the given predicate, such that no ancestor obeys the predicate. This method could be defined as:

    def findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p: E => Boolean): immutable.IndexedSeq[E] =
      if (p(this)) Vector(this)
      else (this.findAllChildElems flatMap (_.findTopmostElemsOrSelf(p)))
    Definition Classes
  24. final def getChildElem(p: (E) ⇒ Boolean): E

    Returns the single child element obeying the given predicate, and throws an exception otherwise.

    Returns the single child element obeying the given predicate, and throws an exception otherwise. This method could be defined as findChildElem(p).get.

    Definition Classes
  25. final def getClass(): java.lang.Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  26. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  27. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  28. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  29. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  30. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  31. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  32. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  33. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  34. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  35. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes

Inherited from ParentElemApi[E]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any