Interface LexicalSemanticsLayer

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AntonymyLayerStored, HyperonymyLayerStored, HyponymyLayerStored, LexicalSemanticsLayerStored, SynonymyLayerStored

    public interface LexicalSemanticsLayer
    extends TextCorpusLayer
    The annotations in LexicalSemanticsLayer are represented by synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, hyperonymy. The layers specify the resource from which the annotations were extracted, and enumerate the orthform elements. Each orthform element has an orthform string (can be a word, a phrase, or a list of both) and references lemmas that are in synonymy/antonymy/hyponymy/hyperonymy relations with this orthform.
    Yana Panchenko